Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Missing Plane

Laura said:
They've had enough time now to cook up a story, prepare some debris and stuff to "find". That's what that back and forth nonsense was about... them cooking up a story.

Those phones ringing mess up the whole thing.
Yes. Right now tptb must be finished to define a plausible lie for all, something that can be very stupid. If it's not possible know nothing else about the plane, tptb could make that similar part of the aircraft fuselage appear somewhere in the ocean that fit with the narrative that they want. And that story must be very good, because the whole planet is wanting to know what the hell happened.

loreta said:
Perceval said:
I think we should be looking at Diego Garcia and what the US military has installed there, and why.

This is incredible, what is this isle. The Americans control the planet entirely from Diego Garcia. I am flabbergasted after reading about it from here:


At the end of this long description of this isle, we can see how USA has an enormous infrastructure to control the world. If an atomic war start somewhere it will be from Diego Garcia. This place smells very, very bad.
Indeed! Maybe they have some kind of new technology for this reality and are beginning to experiment with it?
Perceval said:
I think we should be looking at Diego Garcia and what the US military has installed there, and why.

The US Navy is, and has been, in every major corner of the worlds oceans since the end of WWII, either officially, or unofficially. Apart from being just a military influence in the region, US naval vessels are equipped with various signal intelligence platforms. Basically, if anything emits an EM signal, or reflects radar, they can track it, locate it, record it and analyze it. They are equipped to detect, or at least they attempt to detect, stealth technology as well. Also keep in mind that their signal intelligence capabilities are ALL assets of the NSA, because the NSA is, after all, a military agency tasked with analyzing signal intelligence including cryptology. The digital snooping and data mining capabilities of the NSA are only a very small portion of that agencies responsibilities and capabilities. As it has since its inception, the NSA provides analysis of all signal intelligence collected around the world, as it was designed to. In that regard, it is like the FBI's forensic laboratory. Also keep in mind that these platforms are not just being utilized to look for terrorist, or other bad guys. They are also being utilized to detect signs of technological development and application within other countries, whether hostile, friendly, or neutral, it does not matter. Now, I'm not saying that these signal intelligence assets are operating at full capacity 24/7, but, they are in place and cast a wide net and can be fully activated when necessary.

So, if a plane goes off the civilian radar there are obviously those that think the plane went down due to malfunction, hijacking, etc., and investigate those possibilities. But, what I want to point out is, that there are also those that are paid to suspect stealth technology application, or other technology, because it is their job to investigate those possibilities. This is nothing new. It has been this way since the Cold War. It has just been played down in recent years.

You can also bet that any naval ship, military base, or other facility located around the world is either a signal intelligence asset, or is at least equipped to be a signal intelligence asset of the DoD, and therefore, integrated into the NSA's collection and analysis systems. This has been going on since the Cold War and is not a secret conceptually, but the details, on the other hand, are.

Whatever happened to this flight, I will bet that more data has been collected and analyzed than has been officially acknowledged. Keep in mind that they have been able to identify aircraft, boats, submarines, whatever, based on the EM emissions of their engines before they had satellite monitoring systems. It is nothing new. Now, I don't have anything in front of me to cite, but I'm sure if someone searches for this information they will find it, because, like I said, it is not a secret.
Well what d'ya know?

ADDED: The Malaysian prime minister is going to give an update shortly on the "hijacking" of the plane. (live press conference)
There are so many darn angles of possibility and threads to pull, and they are worth while. However, just returning to what Keit quoted about from older sessions, and what, Kaigen briefly referred to a few pages ago, here are a few more from sessions that may further add to a possible hyperdimentional cause/effect (with planes and people) if nothing physical ever turns up:

A: Okay, here we go: Oncoming wave is a transformation from third density to fourth density so, events happening due to the approach of the wave are causing changes across densities and realities! In third density, you will notice changes that will have third density explanations, but they are a manifestation of the approach; you see them as third density because that is your current point of reference! Remember that all reflects in and cross all density levels but also there is a merging upon arrival of the wave, it is realm border crossing!!!!!!


Session 18 March 1995

Q: (L) What causes some planes, people and ships to disappear in the Bermuda Triangle. Where do they go and what happens to them?

A: Already covered this.

Q: (S) Yeah, the Atlantean pyramid.

A: Yes. EM waves caused by same.

Q: (L) Where do they go when they disappear?

A: Of course some are just crashes and sinkings, but when accompanied by unusual phenomena, it is because of irregular anomalies.

Q: (L) Where do they go? (T) They don't go anywhere, they go to the bottom. (S) Fifth density.

A: To parallel reality.

Q: (L) Is this parallel reality like being on a parallel earth?

A: No.

Q: (L) What do you mean by a parallel reality?

A: Varies according to circumstances.

Q: (L) What happened to the infamous Flight 19? (T) They went to Philadelphia.

A: They are still trying to get their bearings.

Q: (L) Ooooh! (J) Oh! My God! Oh, how horrible! They are still out there trying to get back. (T) They are in a parallel reality... (L) Where time doesn't exist... (T) They are in a reality that holds them in frozen space/time over the ocean, am I getting this right?

A: In their thought reference, like being "lost souls."

Q: (L) Oooh, bummer! Does this mean that they are "stuck" in time? (J) You got it!

A: Bingo!

Q: (L) Is there any possibility that they could fly out of this place that they are stuck in and back into our reality?

A: Absolutely, remember, the wave is approaching, and as it gets "nearer", more and more unusual events take place, witness crop circles, for example.

Q: (L) Is there anything anyone can do to release persons stuck in these parallel realities and bring them back into the reality of origin?

A: Yes, but the technology is a closely guarded secret.

Q: (L) Do you know the secret?

A: Yes, but you do too!

Q: (L) I do too? (T) Does Thor know it? {Laughter.}

A: Mirth!

Q: (L) I know the secret too?...

A: Philadelphia Experiment.

Q: (L) Since you mentioned the Philadelphia Experiment, could you tell us in specific detail, how this was done? What kind of machines were used and how can we build one? {General uproar and laughter}

A: Do you intend to sit here for a day or two?

Q: (J) In other words, it would take a day or two to give us the information? (T) Yeah, we got the time. Get some paper and a pencil. (L) We will save that for another time. (T) Let's start with a diagram and send it to Thor.

A: In short, build an EM generator.


A: Now, some more information about Flight 19. Do you remember a few years ago that a team of researchers claimed to have found the planes, then retracted?

Q: (L) Yes, I remember. {All agree.}

A: Did you find this to be curious?

Q: (S) Yes, because the planes that they found were never reported missing. (T) Yes. (L) Is that why it was so curious? (J) Why did they retract? (S) Where did the planes come from that they found?

A: Yes, if only you knew the details, and how three of the team have required massive psychiatric aid.

Q: (L) Well, tell us the details!

A: Patience, we are, but must do so slowly so you have some hope of grasping it.

Q: (T) Three of the recovery team needed psychiatric treatment?

A: What they found were five planes matching the description, and "arranged" in a perfect geometric pattern on the bottom of the ocean, but the serial numbers did not match.

Q: (L) Is the geometric pattern itself significant?

A: Now, first mystery: There were no other instances of five Avengers disappearing at once. Second: Two of the planes had strange glowing panels with unknown "hieroglyphics" where there should have been numbers. Third: When they tried to raise one of the planes, it vanished, then reappeared, then vanished again then reappeared while attached to the guide-wire, then finally slipped off and fell to the bottom. Fourth: In one of the planes, on the bottom, live human apparitions in WWII uniforms were temporarily seen by three exploratory divers and videotaped by a guide camera. Lastly: Three of the planes have since disappeared. All of this is, naturally, being kept secret!

Q: (S) I wonder where the planes came from. (L) That is the obvious question!

A: Parallel reality, you see, when something crosses into another reality, it accesses something called, for lack of a better term, the "thought plane", and as long as that reality is misunderstood, the window remains open, thus all perceptions of possibility may manifest concretely, though only temporarily, as thought plane material is constantly fluid.

Q: (L) Does this mean that this was a "Flight 19" of a parallel reality that went through a window into our reality?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Was this part of or connected to the loss of our "Flight 19?" Did we exchange realities here?

A: It is the thought patterns that effect the reality, when that window is opened, all thought can become physical reality, though only temporarily.

Q: (L) Does this mean that the divers' and searchers' thoughts about this became reality?

A: And all others.

Q: (T) All others involved in the search?

A: All others on the planet.

Q: (T) Even those that did not believe that the searchers were going to find them?

A: Yes. Researchers found what they expected to find, but when others heard the news, other things started to happen according to which thought patterns dominated.

Q: (L) So, in other words, if somebody believed that it was Flight 19, it appeared, and if somebody did not believe it was Flight 19, it disappeared?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) Oh jeez! (T) Well, I didn't believe it to begin with... (L) So, I guess we won! (F) We sent some poor guys into the psychiatric ward. (T) The planes appeared because people... (L) No, I think the searchers went looking for this and because there was a window there... (T) the planes showed up exactly as they expected to see them, in a formation... But the planes would not have come down as described there, and they appeared in a formation on the bottom. That should have told the searchers something right there. When I heard that they had found those planes in a formation, that close together, that bothered me. (F) Even if something sinks to the bottom, it won't arrive there in the position it started at the top. (T) And what they did find after they started checking the records, was that there are about 200 of those planes crashed along the coast. And, there was another guy who said that he found one of those planes, only it wasn't one of Flight 19. And, while he was out there looking for it, he found parts of the shuttle... (L) That reminds me, when the Challenger crashed, were the astronauts still alive when they hit the water, and did they continue to live for any length of time after they hit?

A: Four were alive but died instantly on impact with the water.

Q: (L) Are we done with the Bermuda Triangle? (T) I have a question... what happened to the PBA plane that went out searching for Flight 19?

A: Still trying to find the Avengers.

Q: (T) Is it in the same parallel reality with Flight 19?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Will it ever find them?

A: ?

Q: (L) In the perception of the crew of Flight 19, how much time has passed?

A: None.

Q: (J) So, they have no idea. (S) I wonder if they will come back to our time or go back to their time?

A: Your perception.
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H-kqge said:
Well what d'ya know?

ADDED: The Malaysian prime minister is going to give an update shortly on the "hijacking" of the plane. (live press conference)

So that means no debris, eh?

What I find interesting in all of the above is the activity of the US Navy. Recall that it was the office of ONI that was destroyed in the Pentagon on 9-11. And you almost never hear anything about them. They are actually more secretive than the NSA. If there was ever a plot to effect a coup in the US against the current elite, it would probably originate in, and be spear-headed by, the ONI. Not saying that's what is going on, but what does seem clear is that the PTB don't have a clue and they were all buying time with this thing for some reason and that reason appears to be that they were trying to figure out what happened because they didn't know, and then trying to find a way to spin it. Now they are saying, more or less, that they "knew all along" a lot of things, and "here's the solution". But a "hijacked plane" that has been stolen by "individuals with experience" really tells us that something weird is going on. And, with Diego Garcia in the mix, it could be ONI. Or it could be the hyperdimensional solution.

Those ringing cell phones still are a problem. They lead in the direction of the hyperdimensional solution. However, they could have been left on deliberately just to create smoke, too.
Perceval said:
I think we should be looking at Diego Garcia and what the US military has installed there, and why.

Well, looking at the Wikipedia page alone, I found some interesting stuff. Here are some excerpts, organized by general category.

Some highlights on Diego Garcia, via Wikipedia:
The United States Navy operates Naval Support Facility (NSF) Diego Garcia, a large naval ship and submarine support base, military air base, communications and space-tracking facility, and an anchorage for pre-positioned military supplies for regional operations aboard Military Sealift Command ships in the lagoon.[4]

The United States military facilities on Diego Garcia have been known informally as Camp Justice[112][113][114] and, after renaming in July 2006, as Camp Thunder Cove.[115] Formally, the base is known as Naval Support Facility Diego Garcia (the U.S. activity) or Permanent Joint Operating Base (PJOB) Diego Garcia (the UK's term).

To accomplish the UK/United States mutual defense strategy, in November 1965, the UK purchased the Chagos Archipelago, which includes Diego Garcia, from the then self-governing colony of Mauritius for £3 million to create the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT), with the intent of ultimately closing the plantations to provide the uninhabited British territory from which the United States would conduct its military activities in the region.[18]

On 30 December 1966, the United States and the UK executed an agreement through an Exchange of Notes which permit the United States to use the BIOT for defense purposes for 50 years (through December 2016), followed by a 20-year optional extension (to 2036) to which both parties must agree by December 2014.[20] No monetary payment was made from the United States to the UK as part of this agreement or any subsequent amendment. Rather, the United Kingdom received a US$14 million discount from the United States on the acquisition of submarine-launched ballistic missile system Polaris missiles per a now-declassified addendum to the 1966 agreement.[21]

On Construction and Facilities:
In March 1971, United States Naval construction battalions (Seabees) arrived on Diego Garcia to begin the construction of the Communications Station and an airfield.[22]

By 1973, construction of the Naval Communications Station (NAVCOMMSTA) was completed.[26] In the early 1970s, setbacks to United States military capabilities in the region including the fall of Saigon, victory of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia [...] and the build-up of Soviet Naval presence in Aden and a Soviet airbase at Berbera, Somalia, caused the United States to request, and the UK to approve, permission to build a fleet anchorage and enlarged airfield on Diego Garcia,[27] and the Seabees doubled the number of workers constructing these facilities.[27]

Following the fall of the Shah of Iran and the Iran Hostage Crisis in 1979–1980, the West became concerned with ensuring the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf through the Strait of Hormuz, and the United States received permission for a $400 million expansion of the military facilities on Diego Garcia consisting of two parallel 12,000-foot-long (3,700 m) runways, expansive parking aprons for heavy bombers, 20 new anchorages in the lagoon, a deep water pier, port facilities for the largest naval vessels in the American or British fleet, aircraft hangars, maintenance buildings and an air terminal, a 1,340,000 barrels (213,000 m3) fuel storage area, and billeting and messing facilities for thousands of sailors and support personnel.[27]

In 1982, Construction activities were transferred from the Seabees to a consortium of civilian contractors, and the majority of the projects were completed by 1988.[27] On 26 March 1982, Barbara Shuping and five other women were assigned to the NSF. Prior to this assignment, no women had lived on the island since those on the plantation in 1971.[30]

So there was a "No Girls Allowed" policy in effect until 1982? That seems a bit absurd to me, IMO.

On Politics & Government:
Diego Garcia is the largest and only inhabited island in the British Indian Ocean Territory, an Overseas territory of the United Kingdom, and, usually abbreviated as "BIOT". The Government of the BIOT consists of Commissioner appointed by the Queen. The Commissioner is assisted by an Administrator and small staff, and is based in London and resident in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

UK represents the Territory internationally. A local government as normally envisioned does not exist.[52] Rather, the administration is represented in the Territory by the Officer commanding British Forces on Diego Garcia, the "Brit Rep". Laws and regulations are promulgated by the Commissioner and enforced in the BIOT by Brit Rep.

Of major concern to the BIOT administration is the relationship with the United States military forces resident on Diego Garcia. An annual meeting called "The Pol-Mil Talks" (for Political-Military) of all concerned is held at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London to resolve pertinent issues. These resolutions are formalized by an "Exchange of Notes", or, since 2001, an "Exchange of Letters".[23]

On "Black Sites" & Prison Ships:
In June 2004, the British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw stated that United States authorities had repeatedly assured him that no detainees had passed in transit through Diego Garcia or were disembarked there.[55] In October 2007 the all-party Foreign Affairs Committee of the British Parliament announced that it would launch an investigation of continued allegations of a prison camp on Diego Garcia, which it claimed were twice confirmed by comments made by Retired United States Army General Barry McCaffrey.[56] On July 31, 2008, an unnamed former White House official alleged that the United States had imprisoned and interrogated at least one suspect on Diego Garcia during 2002 and possibly 2003.[57]

Manfred Nowak, one of five of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture, says that credible evidence exists supporting allegations that ships serving as black sites have used Diego Garcia as a base.[58] The human rights group Reprieve alleges that United States-operated ships moored outside the territorial waters of Diego Garcia were used to incarcerate and torture detainees.[59]

Diego Garcia is rumoured to have been one of the locations of the CIA's black sites.[60] Several groups claim that the military base on Diego Garcia has been used by the United States government for transport of prisoners involved in the controversial extraordinary rendition program, an allegation formally reported to the Council of Europe in June 2007.[61] On February 21, 2008, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband admitted that two United States extraordinary rendition flights refuelled on Diego Garcia in 2002. No reference was made to whether prisoners were on board the aircraft at the time.[62] Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is one of the "high-value detainees" suspected to have been held in Diego Garcia.[63]

Additionally, Diego Garcia was used as a storage section for U.S. cluster bombs as a way of avoiding UK parliamentary oversight.[65]

On Depopulation:
First, the island nation of Mauritius claims the Chagos Archipelago (which is coterminous with the BIOT), including Diego Garcia. A subsidiary issue is the Mauritian opposition to the UK Government's declaration of 1 April 2010 that the BIOT is a Marine Protected Area with fishing and extractive industry (including oil and gas exploration) prohibited.[53]

Second, the issue of compensation and repatriation of the former inhabitants, exiled since 1973, continues in litigation and as of August 2010 had been submitted to the European Court of Human Rights by a group of former residents.[54] Some groups allege that Diego Garcia and its territorial waters out to 3 nautical miles (6 km) have been restricted from public access without permission of the BIOT Government since 1971.

According to Wikileaks CableGate documents (reference ID "09LONDON1156"), in a calculated move planned in 2009, the UK proposed that the BIOT become a "marine reserve" with the aim of preventing the former inhabitants from returning to their lands. A summary of the diplomatic cable is as follows:[64]

HMG would like to establish a "marine park" or "reserve" providing comprehensive environmental protection to the reefs and waters of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT), a senior Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) official informed Polcouns on May 12. The official insisted that the establishment of a marine park—the world's largest—would in no way impinge on USG use of the BIOT, including Diego Garcia, for military purposes. He agreed that the UK and United States should carefully negotiate the details of the marine reserve to assure that United States interests were safeguarded and the strategic value of BIOT was upheld. He said that the BIOT's former inhabitants would find it difficult, if not impossible, to pursue their claim for resettlement on the islands if the entire Chagos Archipelago were a marine reserve.

In 2004, the UK applied for, and received, Ramsar Site status for the lagoon and other waters of Diego Garcia.[36]

On 1 April 2010, the UK Cabinet declared the Chagos Archipelago a Marine Protected Area (MPA) and prohibited all extractive industry, including fishing and oil and gas exploration. It is unclear whether Diego Garcia is included in the MPA.[37]

So it seems to me that Diego Garcia is a massive Navy/Air Force complex, way out in the middle of nowhere, with very little political oversight (from outside the UK/US, at least). It has all sorts of strategic military uses. The PTB have apparently used it for hiding weapons, and used it as a base for mobile prison ships in the Indian Ocean. They've gone out of their way to make sure the native population never comes back, or can have any claim to the island whatsoever. Looks pretty suspicious to me.
Khalsa said:

On Construction and Facilities:

Following the fall of the Shah of Iran and the Iran Hostage Crisis in 1979–1980, the West became concerned with ensuring the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf through the Strait of Hormuz, and the United States received permission for a $400 million expansion of the military facilities on Diego Garcia consisting of two parallel 12,000-foot-long (3,700 m) runways, expansive parking aprons for heavy bombers, 20 new anchorages in the lagoon, a deep water pier, port facilities for the largest naval vessels in the American or British fleet, aircraft hangars, maintenance buildings and an air terminal, a 1,340,000 barrels (213,000 m3) fuel storage area, and billeting and messing facilities for thousands of sailors and support personnel.[27]

In 1982, Construction activities were transferred from the Seabees to a consortium of civilian contractors, and the majority of the projects were completed by 1988.[27] On 26 March 1982, Barbara Shuping and five other women were assigned to the NSF. Prior to this assignment, no women had lived on the island since those on the plantation in 1971.[30]

With that data I think almost everything could start and land there. According to Boeing (p. 55) a 777-200 needs for landing about 6000ft on sea level, dry weather and without wind.


But if it landed there is another story.
Could this be a repeat of Pan Am flight 800? Instead of a missile it could an EM pulse weapon or similar that opened a parallel dimension "window" in the wrong position and the plane accidentally flew into it. Sure as eggs, EM technology has far advanced since the Philadelphia Experiment days. Does not mean that things cannot go still go wrong.
Laura said:
H-kqge said:
Well what d'ya know?

ADDED: The Malaysian prime minister is going to give an update shortly on the "hijacking" of the plane. (live press conference)

So that means no debris, eh?

What I find interesting in all of the above is the activity of the US Navy. Recall that it was the office of ONI that was destroyed in the Pentagon on 9-11. And you almost never hear anything about them. They are actually more secretive than the NSA. If there was ever a plot to effect a coup in the US against the current elite, it would probably originate in, and be spear-headed by, the ONI. Not saying that's what is going on, but what does seem clear is that the PTB don't have a clue and they were all buying time with this thing for some reason and that reason appears to be that they were trying to figure out what happened because they didn't know, and then trying to find a way to spin it. Now they are saying, more or less, that they "knew all along" a lot of things, and "here's the solution". But a "hijacked plane" that has been stolen by "individuals with experience" really tells us that something weird is going on. And, with Diego Garcia in the mix, it could be ONI. Or it could be the hyperdimensional solution.

Those ringing cell phones still are a problem. They lead in the direction of the hyperdimensional solution. However, they could have been left on deliberately just to create smoke, too.

Wasn't the offices of the ONI moved to where the planes hit before 9-11? I wasn't paying much attention to anything naval cuz I assumed that the navy was... well, crap. I know that's dumb, but in those days (2001) I didn't hear squat about navy going-ons, only the military, which is always pushed in people's faces. From the off I thought of the different strands of TPTB working at cross-purposes, which would make things on the outside looking in, seem greatly convoluted ( with contrivance to spare) with hyperdimensional activities making it worse. I even thought that TPTB were doing a clean-up job for 4-D sts since they're pretty brazen (to any who are aware of them & their M.O. of course) at times.

Now, after reading more about the navy & the Philadelphia Experiment, I'm leaning towards it being ONI AND hyperdimensional, in whatever capacity.

A: Absolutely, remember, the wave is approaching, and as it gets "nearer", more and more unusual events take place, witness crop circles, for example.

I'm now imagining scenes of those long since "departed" returning in certain parts of the globe.

Q: (S) I wonder where the planes came from. (L) That is the obvious question!

A: Parallel reality, you see, when something crosses into another reality, it accesses something called, for lack of a better term, the "thought plane", and as long as that reality is misunderstood, the window remains open, thus all perceptions of possibility may manifest concretely, though only temporarily, as thought plane material is constantly fluid.

Q: (L) Does this mean that this was a "Flight 19" of a parallel reality that went through a window into our reality?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Was this part of or connected to the loss of our "Flight 19?" Did we exchange realities here?

A: It is the thought patterns that effect the reality, when that window is opened, all thought can become physical reality, though only temporarily.

Q: (L) Does this mean that the divers' and searchers' thoughts about this became reality?

A: And all others.

Q: (T) All others involved in the search?

A: All others on the planet.

Q: (T) Even those that did not believe that the searchers were going to find them?

A: Yes. Researchers found what they expected to find, but when others heard the news, other things started to happen according to which thought patterns dominated.

Q: (L) So, in other words, if somebody believed that it was Flight 19, it appeared, and if somebody did not believe it was Flight 19, it disappeared?

A: Yes.

I'm quite disturbed by the idea that we could be witnessing something similar with this Malaysian plane. Reading transcripts from yesteryear is one thing, but to possibly be a part of it is a bit unsettling. Thanks to voyageur for that post.
voyageur said:
There are so many darn angles of possibility and threads to pull, and they are worth while. However, just returning to what Keit quoted about from older sessions, and what, Kaigen briefly referred to a few pages ago, here are a few more from sessions that may further add to a possible hyperdimentional cause/effect (with planes and people) if nothing physical ever turns up:

Q: (L) Was this part of or connected to the loss of our "Flight 19?" Did we exchange realities here?

A: It is the thought patterns that effect the reality, when that window is opened, all thought can become physical reality, though only temporarily.

Q: (L) Does this mean that the divers' and searchers' thoughts about this became reality?

A: And all others.

Q: (T) All others involved in the search?

A: All others on the planet.

Q: (T) Even those that did not believe that the searchers were going to find them?

A: Yes. Researchers found what they expected to find, but when others heard the news, other things started to happen according to which thought patterns dominated.

Q: (L) So, in other words, if somebody believed that it was Flight 19, it appeared, and if somebody did not believe it was Flight 19, it disappeared?

A: Yes.


Q: (T) Will it ever find them?

A: ?

Q: (L) In the perception of the crew of Flight 19, how much time has passed?

A: None.

Q: (J) So, they have no idea. (S) I wonder if they will come back to our time or go back to their time?

A: Your perception.

So then, is it possible that the phones would ring if enough people wanted/needed them to ring?

The above snippets (I think) suggest that controlling the flow of information may be more important now than ever before. If someone has figured out the possible consequences of this - how to get people to unwittingly manifest thought - it will be interesting to see just what occurs as a result of the information released.
truth seeker said:
The above snippets (I think) suggest that controlling the flow of information may be more important now than ever before. If someone has figured out the possible consequences of this - how to get people to unwittingly manifest thought - it will be interesting to see just what occurs as a result of the information released.
If hyperdimensional shenanigans are involved in the disappearance of the plane, will it be possible that, once the aircraft entered in the "thought plane", it somehow leaves an "imprint" in 3D, and the GSM antennas saw these "imprints" as genuine cell phones ?
The possible hyperdimensional nature of the plane's disappearance is definitely interesting and, to me, breath-taking. I cannot comment more on it than what's written here in this thread. But thanks everyone for connecting the dots, with great reminders from the C's sessions. A lot to ponder.

On a different note, I would not throw away the option that the flight disappeared on a purpose of being used later for whatever might be useful to PTB. This morning I have come across this YT report link from Bill Still (via an article on SGT report website) who considers his hi-jacking theory in a short video.

There is some credit to his simple explanation which includes the fact that the plane vanished in the small area where there is the least coverage for radars from both Malaysia and Vietnam.

I have not been able to verify anything about the man behind the mentioned report yet. It just seems plausible, with all the ringing phones etc. taken into account.

By the way, I have the same experience as described by many here above, about ring tones when phone is on/off/batt.removed. It applies to my current Czech & Dutch SIM cards as well as to my old Irish SIM (used between 2001-2007).
I found something that may have been significant about the possible hyperdimensional involvement in the missing Malaysian Airlines MH-370.
According to the data below there are three GEODSS sites in operation, one being Diego Garcia and anothe one is in Soccoro, New Mexico.

Soccoro was mentioned by the C's on the session attached, as one of the alien bases whereby Jan and Terry was abducted when they were in Las Vegas and met with a Barfly.
If indeed Soccoro is an alien base, with an operational GEODSS located in Soccoro, what are the odds ?

Just my observation and fond memory of Soccoro. ( I went to college there in the early 80's)


Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance
GEODSS at Diego Garcia
Midcourse Space Experiment

Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance, or GEODSS, is an optical system that uses telescopes, low-light level TV cameras, and computers. It replaced an older system of six 20 inch (half meter) Baker-Nunn cameras using photographic film.

There are three operational GEODSS sites that report to the 21st Operations Group:

Socorro, New Mexico 33.8172°N 106.6599°W
Maui, Hawaii20.7088°N 156.2578°W
Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory7.41173°S 72.45222°E.

A site at Choe Jong San, South Korea was closed in 1993 due to nearby smog from the town, weather and cost concerns. Originally, the fifth GEODSS was planned to be operated from a site in Portugal, but this was never built.

A mobile telescope that contributes to the GEODSS system is located at Morón Air Base, Spain 37.170°N 5.609°W

GEODSS tracks objects in deep space, or from about 3,000 mi (4,800 km) out to beyond geosynchronous altitudes. GEODSS requires nighttime and clear weather tracking because of the inherent limitations of an optical system. Each site has three telescopes. The telescopes have a 40-inch (1.02 m) aperture and a two-degree field of view. The telescopes are able to "see" objects 10,000 times dimmer than the human eye can detect. This sensitivity, and sky background during daytime that masks satellites reflected light, dictates that the system operate at night. As with any ground-based optical system, cloud cover and local weather conditions directly influence its effectiveness. GEODSS system can track objects as small as a basketball more than 20,000 miles (30,000 km) in space or a chair at 35,000 miles (56,000 km), and is a vital part of USSTRATCOM’s Space Surveillance Network. Distant Molniya orbiting satellites are often detected in elliptical orbits that surpass the Moon and back (245,000 miles out). Each GEODSS site tracks approximately 3,000 objects per night out of 9,900 object that are regularly tracked and accounted for. Objects crossing the International Space Station (ISS) orbit within 20 miles (32 km) will cause the ISS to adjust their orbit to avoid collision. The oldest object tracked is Object #4 (Vanguard 1) launched in 1958.

Quote from: Session 951014:

Q: (J) And Las Vegas? (T) When we were in Las Vegas, also?
A: Met alien there.
Q: (L) Oh, you met an alien when you were in Las Vegas! (J) Does that have anything to do with the fact that the pictures didn't come out from our wedding?
A: Barfly.
Q: (T): Ohhhhh... (J) I know exactly what you are talking about.
A: Disguised humanoid gray species four. Rigelian. Orion union STS.
Q: (T) Why did he talk to us? Why did he approach us? I know exactly...
A: Spying on you and aural frequency reading, had you not been as strong, would have suffered permanent abduction because of your studies
Q: (L) Now, right there is a point. Everybody take note of this. What is there about strength that makes one inaccessible to permanent abduction?
A: Strength is of character, i.e. if STO candidate, not likely to be victim.
Q: (L) Not likely to be victim... OK, but what.. (T) STO candidate... (L) I know, but that's... it says when... well, what is it that makes a person... We know that it means being an STO candidate, but what is the thing inside one that stops them... I mean, is
this something that is a core ingredient of certain human beings? Is this like something inside them that blocks this manipulation and victimization?
A: Soul pattern.
Q: (L) So in other words, there is something about us, or within us, that literally they cannot touch or harm, is that correct?
A: Basically, but difficult to facilitate.
Q: (L) OK, in other words, this is something that is in us, that creates an inherent barrier, but not necessarily something that we can, at this level of density, reach in, grab out as a weapon, and wave around, as in facilitate?
A: Can, but intricate to do consciously.
Q: (L) OK, so, in other words, difficult to do consciously. Is this some quality or ability that we can work at? I don't think meditation is the answer, this is something that I've come to think... Is this a state of focused awareness, whole body awareness,
internal and external, basically whole body awareness... (J) Going with instinct...
A: Helpful.
Q: (L) That's helpful. Is there something we can do to develop this to the highest degree possible, while in these bodies, in this density?
A: Wait for 4.
Q: (L) Wait for 4? 4th density?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) We can't develop it ourselves, but if we... (J) We can start the process... (T) It's a case of not developing it, it's a case of that, if you can do it, it does it all by itself, you don't think about it... (L) It's an innate thing... (T) It's a do, it's an involuntary, it's
there, it works when it needs to work. Is this the idea?
A: Network western experiences for learning purposes please. Knowledge is protection. [Briefly, TR related the story where he and JR met the barfly at Vegas World, after having gone downtown to get their marriage license. They had taken a taxi to City
Hall, and foolishly decided to walk back to the Strip, in 116 degree weather. They made it as far south as Vegas World, and stopped at the bar inside to cool off. JR was close to heat prostration, and the barmaid gave her glasses of iced water and an iced
towel to put on her neck. They were getting ready to go back out and hail a cab back to Bally's, when they were approached by the "Barfly," who started asking all sorts of personal questions, and seemed to be acting drunk when he wasn't really
intoxicated. He became belligerent when TR) refused to show him his Florida drivers license, but switched to disorientation when TR made the statement "We don't have a problem here, do we?!" While staring the guy down and putting the force of his
personality behind the question/statement.]
Q: (T) Before we get too far into this, I want to ask them where we were taken. Because after that, as far as I know, nothing else happened. We just went on about our business, and we didn't see him again... (L) In this story that (T) has just recounted,
what instant represents the turning point of resistance?
A: The statement.
Q: (L) What statement? (T) "We don't have a problem, here, do we?! Everything's cool, everything's OK! I'll buy you a beer?"
A: Yes.
Q: (T): Because that's when he got confused... (J) You totally nullified the... (SV) Yeah, from the glaring and staring at each other... (T) He was escalating this to a point, and I don't know, it just came to me that the best way to do this was to just stop it
right there...
A: Grays and their associates are thrown off by energy flow diversions or thought pattern interruptions.
Q: (SV) That's exactly what they said in Matrix I! (T) Another thing that comes to mind while I'm thinking about it, before it turned ugly, he was leading up to going someplace. (J) Very vaguely, but yes. (T) He was leading up toward, "We ough t to get together and go someplace." I think that's when I really shut the whole thing off. (L) OK, now, in this episode where TR and JR were taken to an underground base, can you identify the location of the underground facility?
A: Soccoro, NM
Q: (J) We were in Soccoro, weren't we? (T) We went through Soccoro... We stopped at the geological school. (L) OK, what was done to them when they were in this underground facility?
A: Quick exam.
Q: (T) Did we pass? I'm not good on quick exams! Which of the nights in Albuquerque was it we were taken?
A: Second.
Q: (T) We got there Friday afternoon, that would have been Saturday... (L) Who was in charge of this base, this facility? What group?
A: Orion union STS.
Q: (T) Why did they take us? I know, a quick exam, but why? Because we happened to be there, and we were close by? (L) They said a minute ago because of your studies. (T) Well, they could have taken us in Florida.
A: Yes.

I am sorry if I am not good in copasting the quotes.
Pashalis said:
angelburst29 said:
High Strangeness, indeed!

Radar Playback of the moment Malaysia Flight 370 Vanished

Busted! Flight Radar caught changing Flight Path of Malaysia Flight 370

I really don't know what to make of that, but it seems strange to me too.

But I guess we would need to know how that system works and if the things this guy has gathered are really strange or something that can be explained somehow.

I'm still not at all sure what to make of what the guy in the above video seems to have captured!

Here it is again:

What the heck is that?? Just "Flight Radar Caught Changing Flight Path" or something else? Has the guy in both videos looked at the same flight day, of flight 370??

Let me recap:

So the first time the guy looked at the flight radar of flight 370 it was seen disappearing right around the area it is now expected to have disappeared. Right of the coast of Malaysia, as shown in Pierre's Map below:

Pierre said:
Breton said:
So the events so far (updated):

I've added the coordinates of Pulau Perak:

1- TIME: 00:41 a.m. (local time) March 8th 2014.
LOCATION: Kuala Lumpur International Airport
EVENT: MH 370 flight takes off

2- TIME: 1.22 a.m. (local time) - 41 min after take off
LOCATION: 6°55′15″N 103°34′43″E. About 200 km (130 mi) east of Kota Bharu and 610 km NNE of KLIA
EVENT: Subang Air Traffic Control loses contact with MH370 aircraft at 01:22 a.m. and notifies Malaysia Airlines at 02:40 a.m.

3- TIME: 1.30 a.m. (local time) - 49 min after take off
LOCATION : at sea, 14.4 km from Kuala Besar, which is about 8 km from Kota Bharu (KB). About 470 km from KLIA
EVENT: the owner of a fishing boat claimed that he saw an airplane flying low while he was at sea with a friend. The plane was flying towards the international waters i.e. away from the Malaysian coast

4- TIME 1.45 a.m. (local time) - 1 hour 4 minutes after take off
LOCATION: Ketereh, 30km south of Kota Bharu. 430 km (about 300 mi) NNW of Kuala Lumpur
EVENT: a man claimed that he saw “bright white lights” which he believed to be that of an aircraft descending at high speed

5- TIME 2.40 a.m. (local time) - 1 hour 59 minutes after take off
LOCATION: Near Pulau Perak (5°39 N, 98°45E), in the Straits of Malacca, approx 228 miles (366km) West from Ketereh,
EVENT: Air Force chief Rodzali Daud says military radar readings from its station in Butterworth last detected the plane near here

So, here is an updated picture including event 5.


If event 5 is valid, then MH370 flew more than 200 km of populated area over Malaysia. If it did so at low altitude, it is surprising that no witness mentioned it.

And here is what the guy recorded at the time:


Notice that the plane is at 0 ft. when it disappears in the first recorded video (see last picture above), right of the coast of Malaysia.

The second time the guy in the video looked at the plane radar data, the plane did not disappear at that point of the coast of Malaysia, but instead rapidly turned east of the normal flight path and while doing so it jumped very fast from 37,000 ft altitude to 49,800 ft altitude. Then it made another sharp turn left and left again until it suddenly is back on 37,000 ft altitude and on its normal flight path?

Look here (the red line indicates where it jumped rapidly of course and jumped to 49,800 ft altitude.):


Then the flight continuous on its normal path across Vietnam and disappears in the sea of coast of vietnam while another plane (the yellow smaller one) seems to follow the path of flight 370 and disappears as well right after flight 370 has disappeared. Notice also that flight 370 seems to jump or accelerates rapidly before it disappeared:

[Flight 370 and the other smaller yellow plane, indicated by the red circle, that dissapeart as well)

So in the above, flight 370 disappears somewhere else entirely, of the coast of vietnam while behaving strange before that and while another plane also disappears right after it, in the same area.

And what was that plane (or whatever it was) that the guy mentioned here on his first video, which stopped, then accelerates in a speed much faster then any other plane and then stopped again??:

Here is the picture of that "plane" (yellow circle):


What the heck is going on there? All just coincidence or misinterpretation or falsification of the data?

Surely it is a very big discrepancy that the plane first seemed to dissapear (from the radar) right of the coast of Malaysia and then later over 1000 kilometers further away of the coast of vietnam.

I'm just puzzled...
Pashalis said:
So in the above, flight 370 disappears somewhere else entirely, of the coast of vietnam while behaving strange before that and while another plane also disappears right after it, in the same area.

And what was that plane (or whatever it was) that the guy mentioned here on his first video, which stopped, then accelerates in a speed much faster then any other plane and then stopped again??:'s actually similar to the behavior of UFOs, that are also often seen to either accelerate suddenly, abruptly stop or disappear. And we know that it is due to their hyperdimentional nature.
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