Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Missing Plane

I also stumbled upon this screenshot of satellite image that supposedly accidentally located a plane wreck somewhere in the ocean. No mention of location just noting recorded last words of pilot ("Everything is OK, Good Night"). Anyway company named DigitalGlobe has started to analyze different user records on site Tomnod and the best ones will be passed to investigators. Tomnod is currently unavailable due to a big interest (25000 new registered users :huh:) according to this article...

As regards phones ringing and the kidnapping scenario ... my opinion is that these two items are most likely unrelated, for the following reason:

Anyone with this amount of technical resources would certainly not do such a basic mistake to not collect and switch off/ disable/ destroy phones after the plane landed on a remote airstrip. This would be the first thing I'd do as kidnapper: Strip and search every passenger after landing to make sure no one has any means of transmitting the current position - mobile phone, personal locator beacon (Spot, inReach etc.) etc.

It would also be intersting to ping the ringing phones (some of which would be iPhones with the location/ missing phone function) to see what comes out of that. Because if they are ringing, they have mobile coverage and then they should be able to be pinged.

Unless there is a much deeper game being played here, where this fact is part of the ploy ...
may be it was a whole plane full of new age hippies who were all ready for the big ascension.. :rolleyes: I don't mean to mock or minimize this big event, I actually find it very very exciting and hope one day soon we get some solid answers.
I've had events where things have disappeared and then reappeared in the place they disappeared weeks later as if they have never left, and another time I was on the phone to my partner just after i had hung up a new mirror and was outside having a ciggie and heard it crash down and when I ran inside to see the damage it was still hanging on the wall but fell off just as i got close enough to catch it with my hand that wasn't holding the phone and at that time the phone cut out too... on a personal scale this is something like what i imagine could be happening to the plane on a macro scale.
Absolutely anything is possible, can any of us say that we are surprised or shocked by this current plane happening?
and deep heartfelt sympathies for all family and friends caught up in the deceit regarding their missing loved ones :(
Aviation investigators and US national security officials believe the plane flew for a total of five hours after takeoff from Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, based on data automatically downloaded from the Boeing 777’s engines as part of a maintenance and monitoring program, The Wall Street Journal reports.

The claims raise the possibility that flight MH370 could have flown on for hundreds of additional kilometres after it disappeared from civilian radar screens at 1.30am on Saturday above the Gulf of Thailand between Malaysia and southern Vietnam.

(From today's The Australian)

That would further extend the search area massively ...
Puck said:
Phones in the US don't ring if they're off. It's always straight to voicemail. This is generally how I tell when one of my friends has a dead battery. Granted, it could be different in Asia.

This should be the default behavior for all phones anywhere in the world.

When your phone is on, it's communicating with the nearest cell tower because the cellular network needs to know where you are and which tower you're connected to - even if you aren't actually making a call. Thus, your phone/number becomes "registered" and is basically tracked by the cell companies so they can route a call, SMS, whatever to your phone when necessary.

When you turn it off, the phone is "deregistered", which means anyone calling should be dumped directly to voicemail since there's no reason to give a ringing signal to the caller because the cell company knows you're phone is not connected.

So, that's how it's supposed to work, regardless of your network, network type, type of service, etc.

How it actually worked in this case? Who knows!
nicklebleu said:
Aviation investigators and US national security officials believe the plane flew for a total of five hours after takeoff from Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, based on data automatically downloaded from the Boeing 777’s engines as part of a maintenance and monitoring program, The Wall Street Journal reports.

The claims raise the possibility that flight MH370 could have flown on for hundreds of additional kilometres after it disappeared from civilian radar screens at 1.30am on Saturday above the Gulf of Thailand between Malaysia and southern Vietnam.

(From today's The Australian)

That would further extend the search area massively ...

Now that's more like it, speaking of 21st century technology... Assuming it's true.

Of course, then the question would be: Given that everybody associated with airplanes, airlines, and so on would know about this, why did it take them until now to reveal that little (and potentially key) bit of info?

The whole thing is just TOO bizarre...
When I (in New Zealand) ring my cellphone from my landline with my cellphone switched off, I hear (on my landline) one short beep, then a pause of a few seconds, then a woman's voice saying "Message cancelled. Goodbye."

Same happens with cellphone switched off and its battery removed.

I have the cheapest kind of cellphone (it cost $25 including $20 free credit), not a smartphone, and the battery easily lasts over 10 days. It doesn't have a flight mode.
yanz said:
Here's one explanation about the phone ringing from


Missing Passengers' Phones Are Still Ringing. Can They Hear It?

The mysterious saga of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 got even stranger this week when a family member of one of the missing passengers appeared on Chinese television to show that her brother's phone was still ringing.

"This morning, around 11:40 a.m., I called my older brother's number twice, and I got the ringing tone," Bian Liangwei said [ _ ]. She then dialed the number and watched as the phone rang multiple times before disconnecting.

SEE ALSO: 36 Hours Later: What We Know About Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 [ _ ]

Other family members tried it, too. According to a reporter with, a group of 19 families [ _ ] signed a joint statement delivered to Malaysia Airlines asking for an explanation. Why could they get through to their family members’ phones but not hear anything? Why did the calls hang up? Most importantly, does this mean the passengers are still alive?

So let me recap:

As of now it looks like that this phone ringing, those 19 families have experienced on the mobile phones of their missing loved ones, most likely means that those phones were not dead at that point in time.

Also notice that at least 19 families have reportedly "signed a joint statement delivered to Malaysia Airlines asking for an explanation".
So they all experienced something similar, which indicates that those mobile phones were not dead at that point of time and that it is not just an mistake from one person. If the plane has crashed into the ocean, I don't think it would be very likely that at least 19 mobile phones are still working. Also the piece that indicated that some of the passengers were still active on a Chinese Social Media network, is also quite interesting in that respect.

Of course there is also the possibility that somebody is playing a sick joke on those families and the public to hide something else.
Mr. Scott said:
nicklebleu said:
Aviation investigators and US national security officials believe the plane flew for a total of five hours after takeoff from Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, based on data automatically downloaded from the Boeing 777’s engines as part of a maintenance and monitoring program, The Wall Street Journal reports.

The claims raise the possibility that flight MH370 could have flown on for hundreds of additional kilometres after it disappeared from civilian radar screens at 1.30am on Saturday above the Gulf of Thailand between Malaysia and southern Vietnam.

(From today's The Australian)

That would further extend the search area massively ...

Now that's more like it, speaking of 21st century technology... Assuming it's true.

Of course, then the question would be: Given that everybody associated with airplanes, airlines, and so on would know about this, why did it take them until now to reveal that little (and potentially key) bit of info?

The whole thing is just TOO bizarre...

This story continues to get bizarre all the time so that bizarreness is what I expect from now on - especially on what is reported.

_ said:
3.20 pm: Malaysian official denies report that missing plane's engines sent data after last contact

The Malaysia Airlines CEO has denied reports that the missing planes engines sent out data after last contact. Addressing the media, he said that the last data transmission from the missing plane was recorded about 30 minutes after take off. He was responding to reports that US aviation investigators and national security officials believe the plane flew for a total of five hours based on data automatically downloaded and sent to the ground from the Boeing Co. BA -0.99% 777's engines as part of a routine maintenance and monitoring program.

So it seems that continually, news agencies report something that someone said, For example
- the plane detected over the Malacca straits
- data downloaded from the engines for hours (as mentioned the the recent posts above)

Then after a little while, the news agencies retract it:
- The quoted official says he never said flight was detected over Malacca straits
- "The Malaysia Airlines CEO has denied reports that the missing planes engines sent out data after last contact"
With all the high strangeness, here is another possible theory to what could be the reason for plane's disappearance. Perhaps Albuquerque is not the only place to avoid, especially with the Devil triangle being nearby and all that? fwiw.

November 4, 1995:

A: OK, time for us to teach patience. We are going to illuminate you! Why do you suppose there are roads around Dulce NM where people have become confused when traveling on them? Because the 4th density vibrational frequency emanating from the nearby base more and more frequently resonates on surface.
Q: (L) OK, continue.
A: Then going to 4th density: road seems straight as seen in 4th density, when curved in 3rd.
Q: (J) It seems straight when seen in 4th, but it's actually curved in 3rd? (SV) In other words, accidents! (J) It changes configuration from 3rd to 4th! (T) When people drive those roads out there, as the fourth density seeps out through, and is seeping out farther and farther, they become confused because they're moving between 3rd and 4th. As the road curves in 3rd, and the car, which is in 3rd, should be curving with the road, the driver sees the road as straight, and drives off the road, because he's confused by what he sees.
A: Exactly.
Q: (J) It's all about perception! (T) Now, we're back to perception of reality!
A: In 4th, you see full circle from any vantage point.
Q: (L) We talked about that before. (T) So the road looks straight, because you're seeing it from all angles, therefore, instead of it being curved on one, you're seeing it every way, so the road is now straight. But, it's not really straight in 3rd, and you drive off the road. (L) OK, continue on with what you were saying...
A: The entire New Mexico region is on verge of moving to 4th density permanently!
Q: (L) OK...
A: Because of the bases. [...]

Q: (L) OK, let me ask it this way. Is this event going to take all the people with it into fourth density STS? I mean, all the people who go with this event?
A: No. People will not "go."
Q: (J) People will not "go." It will be like those people that were trying to retrieve the planes, and every time it changed, their realities kept on changing. (T) Is this like the people, the flight 19 stuff?
A: No.
Q: (L) What's going to happen to the people in the region? (T) That was an Atlantean thing, they flew into the Atlantean power pyramids... (J) No, that's not what I meant... I'm not talking about the guys on the planes, I'm talking about the people that were trying to retrieve them, and they kept on changing back and forth from dimension to dimension... (L) What's going to happen to the people in the New Mexico area?
A: Nothing.
Q: (L) So, if the region disappears... (T) It's not disappearing. It's just shifting... (L) So if the region goes into fourth density, will the people living there also be in fourth density?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) Will they notice that anything is different? Will they, not us, they? Those who are within it?
A: Are you kidding?
Q: (L) I guess they will. (T) Well, I don't know, that's why I'm asking. (J) Their perception is going to change! (T) But, how can their perception change if they're not going
into fourth density? (L) No, they said they are going in to fourth density! But they're not "going" anywhere (J) There will be no traveling involved. (T) We're not "going" anywhere, we're shifting our frequencies up to the next density, not moving from where we are.
A: Picture driving down a highway, suddenly you notice auras surrounding everything.... Being able to see around corners, going inside little cottages which become mansions, when viewed from inside... Going inside a building in Albuquerque and going out the back door into Las Vegas, going to sleep as a female, and waking up male... Flying in a plane for half an hour and landing at the same place 5 weeks later...
Q: (J) [reads previous passage and says:] Perception is "BEING," and changes all the time! (T) That's "variability of physicality!" (SV) Albuquerque... That's where the University of New Mexico is! Can you imagine that whole campus...! (T) Can you imagine the poor casino operators when "chance" no longer plays a chance....? [Break]
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Interesting new information (or misinformation, it is impossible to tell anymore)

_ said:
On Wednesday, after four days of reticence and evasive answers, the Malaysian military acknowledged that it had recorded, but initially ignored, radar signals that could have prompted a mission to intercept and track the missing jetliner. The radar data vastly expanded the area where the plane might have traveled.

Radar signals from the location where the missing aircraft was last contacted by ground controllers suggested that the plane may have turned away from its northeastward course toward Beijing, officials said. Military radar then detected an unidentified aircraft at several points, apparently headed west across the Malaysian peninsula and out into the Indian Ocean, the head of the country’s air force told reporters. The last detected location was hundreds of miles to the west of where search and rescue efforts were initially focused.

So again the news media lets out information that points to an unidentified plane being West of Malaysia, which under the circumstances, is reasonable to suspect it was the missing plane. If any of it is true.
Mr. Scott said:
Puck said:
Phones in the US don't ring if they're off. It's always straight to voicemail. This is generally how I tell when one of my friends has a dead battery. Granted, it could be different in Asia.

This should be the default behavior for all phones anywhere in the world.

When your phone is on, it's communicating with the nearest cell tower because the cellular network needs to know where you are and which tower you're connected to - even if you aren't actually making a call. Thus, your phone/number becomes "registered" and is basically tracked by the cell companies so they can route a call, SMS, whatever to your phone when necessary.

Hmmm... what about global roaming?

Things can get pretty odd while using your phone in a foreign country. Especially, when using one of them cheap SIM cards. I had a pleasure of doing just that last November and it took me a while to get used to the process. In this scenario, you dial a number, get a ring tone and then the phone disconnects. After that, another network (or so it seems) calls you back - then there is a ring tone while waiting for the other person to answer the call.

I remember trying that at home prior to going away and it worked pretty much the same, which was rather different. This may be nothing though I do wonder about the 19 families who experienced unusual mobile network behaviour. Were these overseas calls only? Admittedly, I am unsure what it would be like for a person calling a roaming mobile phone.

Something is real fishy here - who actually benefits from kidnapping this plane? Where is the objective? During the events of 9/11 a plane did go missing but there was another thing going on - a much bigger event. The lost plane was almost incidental, it was necessary for the culprits to do that to protect the secret behind the tragedy in New York.

And here?

This is very confusing. Maybe the calls and the radar observations are just a distraction - a way to obfuscate the picture. Maybe the plane really did go missing (for whatever reasons) - or got blown up into smithereens for reasons too scary to tell the world.

And, may I ask, where are the high-resolution satellite images of the area? The Chinese are putting in their two cents - a very blurry 2 cents - but what about the Americans...?
Puck said:
Phones in the US don't ring if they're off. It's always straight to voicemail. This is generally how I tell when one of my friends has a dead battery. Granted, it could be different in Asia.

Yeah my phone goes to voicemail if it's in airplane mode, off, or the battery is out. When I make a regular call to it, I get one ring on the calling phone, and then the next ring on the calling phone is in sync with the ringtone of the cell phone.
nicklebleu said:
As regards phones ringing and the kidnapping scenario ... my opinion is that these two items are most likely unrelated, for the following reason:

Anyone with this amount of technical resources would certainly not do such a basic mistake to not collect and switch off/ disable/ destroy phones after the plane landed on a remote airstrip. This would be the first thing I'd do as kidnapper: Strip and search every passenger after landing to make sure no one has any means of transmitting the current position - mobile phone, personal locator beacon (Spot, inReach etc.) etc.

You are projecting what you would do. IF - and that's a big if at this point - this was an operation of some sort carried out by humans, they would likely be pathological, and the "blind spot" phenomenon is typical of pathology. They always think they are way smarter than they are and they always leave a shoelace untied.

However, I'm beginning to think that it very well might be a hyperdimensional phenomenon. What Keit posted above is what I was thinking/talking about this morning at breakfast. There's another excerpt on that topic that is particularly a propos with a whole lot of interesting words:

Q: (T) It's an "E" ticket ride! When the word gets out that
people can go to that area of New Mexico and experience
true strangeness, it's going to draw a lot of people.

A: Not that simple... Picture driving to reach New Mexico by
car and "skipping" over and arriving in San Diego instead,
or... driving to the grocery store in Santa Fe, and
winding up in Moscow, instead.

Q: (L) So, in other words, this is going to create a
situation where people on the planet are going to become
very confused and upset over this situation. (J) Yes,
have you ever tried going shopping in Moscow? (T) They're
going to draw a lot of people when they find out that
happens! (L) And being forced to expand their perception
and awareness because of the anomalous events!

A: Imagine being an N.S.A. official and shivering at the prospect!

Q: (L) N.S.A. National Security Agency... Why would you
shiver at the prospect...(SV) of being one of them? With
all this going on?

A: Concealment.

So, the need to CONCEAL is uppermost here. I also find it interesting that the Cs used the term "shivering" especially in respect of the current and recent US weather and oncoming Ice Age potential.

What the Cs said about all this, taken together with the issues on the "Blue water, white skies" thread, becomes so darned interesting! I swear, it's better than a soap opera!
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