Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Missing Plane

Just to add to the last post: I had been thinking too, that human abductors could quite conceivably have missed the cell phone thing initially. Then what should have happened (IMO) is they disabled all phones eventually, and so calling those phones should have failed to get ring back tones after a while - especially after the news was out. Are there any news reports of the relatives suddenly being unable to call the phones anymore?

Then, if instead, some sort of hyper-dimensional event occurred, like a cross-over, I considered the possibility that maybe for some time, for whatever reason, some sort of cell phone connection might have still been possible - through a portal/window perhaps. I just say this since it is an area we do not know much about.

I guess if I understood correctly, if the powers-that-be saw evidence of hyper-dimensional activity, they would find it absolutely imperative to cover it up. Throwing all kinds of misinformation out might be one of the methods to do this, and keep agencies running around all over South East Asia.

This story of phones reminds me also the stories of phones when 9/11, you all remember. A sort of distraction: that an airplane is missing in this era where satellites can see what you have in your purse. Or we we can go to Mars, by the way. Or see the Cosmos and all the planets. And we are unable to find an airplane.

In the news today no word about this airplane. Damn! a plane is missing, it is a big thing! It is not a mosquito, it is an airplane with people inside. And all the "reputation" of this area. But no word about it anymore. What is important is to talk about the devilish Putin. :headbash: I am fed up with news. They tire me.
From a UK Times article today:

At the same time, there remains a suspicion in the aviation world that the intelligence services of the United States, China and other states may have information on the doomed flight that has not been passed on for reasons of state security. Through its surveillance satellites and ground stations, the United States in particular has the technical means to monitor almost every airliner in flight anywhere in the world.
Keit said:
With all the high strangeness, here is another possible theory to what could be the reason for plane's disappearance. Perhaps Albuquerque is not the only place to avoid, especially with the Devil triangle being nearby and all that? fwiw.

Q: (L) OK, let me ask it this way. Is this event going to take all the people with it into fourth density STS? I mean, all the people who go with this event?
A: No. People will not "go."
Q: (J) People will not "go." It will be like those people that were trying to retrieve the planes, and every time it changed, their realities kept on changing. (T) Is this like the people, the flight 19 stuff?
A: No.
Q: (L) What's going to happen to the people in the region? (T) That was an Atlantean thing, they flew into the Atlantean power pyramids... (J) No, that's not what I meant... I'm not talking about the guys on the planes, I'm talking about the people that were trying to retrieve them, and they kept on changing back and forth from dimension to dimension... (L) What's going to happen to the people in the New Mexico area?
A: Nothing.
Q: (L) So, if the region disappears... (T) It's not disappearing. It's just shifting... (L) So if the region goes into fourth density, will the people living there also be in fourth density?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) Will they notice that anything is different? Will they, not us, they? Those who are within it?
A: Are you kidding?
Q: (L) I guess they will. (T) Well, I don't know, that's why I'm asking. (J) Their perception is going to change! (T) But, how can their perception change if they're not going
into fourth density? (L) No, they said they are going in to fourth density! But they're not "going" anywhere (J) There will be no traveling involved. (T) We're not "going" anywhere, we're shifting our frequencies up to the next density, not moving from where we are.
A: Picture driving down a highway, suddenly you notice auras surrounding everything.... Being able to see around corners, going inside little cottages which become mansions, when viewed from inside... Going inside a building in Albuquerque and going out the back door into Las Vegas, going to sleep as a female, and waking up male... Flying in a plane for half an hour and landing at the same place 5 weeks later...
Q: (J) [reads previous passage and says:] Perception is "BEING," and changes all the time! (T) That's "variability of physicality!" (SV) Albuquerque... That's where the University of New Mexico is! Can you imagine that whole campus...! (T) Can you imagine the poor casino operators when "chance" no longer plays a chance....? [Break]

I thought of this as well and then wondered that if a dimentional shift happened and the Malaysian flight does reappear, will we even know about it? If all the disinformation surrounding this event is due to the fact that it's an actual mystery, then our governments would not want us to know that they are not in control and have no clue as to what's going on. Would they get rid of all the evidence (including people) or make up some story about a terrorist kidnapping.
CNN's fairly recent "newsflash": (consider the source)

New information has led to the possibility of opening a new search area in the Indian Ocean for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane, White House spokesman Jay Carney said today. Many countries are partnering in the search and "following leads where we find them," he said.

Flight 370 disappeared Saturday after taking off from Kuala Lumpur. It was headed to Beijing with 239 people on board. The Indian Ocean is in the opposite direction of the plane's flight path.


By Scott Wilson, Chico Harlan and Simon Denyer, E-mail the writers

The engines of a missing Malaysian airliner continued to operate for about four hours after it disappeared from radar over the Gulf of Thailand, U.S. authorities said Thursday, providing a tantalizing new lead in a case that has baffled Malaysian authorities and turned into one of the biggest aviation mysteries in history.

As a result of unspecified “new information,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said authorities searching for the plane may expand the hunt into the Indian Ocean, which extends hundreds of miles farther west.

Obama administration officials later said the new information was that the plane’s engines remained running for approximately four hours after it vanished from radar early Saturday en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

One senior administration official said the data showing the plane engines running hours after contact was lost came from the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System, or ACARS, a way that planes maintain contact with ground stations through radio or satellite signals. The official said Malaysian authorities shared the flight data with the administration.

The Wall Street Journal first reported that U.S. investigators suspect that the engines kept running for up to four more hours after the plane reached its last known location. The paper later corrected its report to say that this belief was based on satellite data, not signals from monitoring systems embedded in the plane’s Rolls-Royce engines. The Malaysian government denied the initial report.

The developments came as the government in Kuala Lumpur acknowledged that it has made little progress in solving the mystery of the vanished plane.

The U.S. officials said they did not know what direction the plane flew — or whether it simply circled — during the approximately four hours or whether it was airborne at all. But that stretch of additional flight time could have put the plane somewhere over the Indian Ocean, prompting U.S. officials to consider expanding the search into that area.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss details of the investigation.

In a news conference, Malaysia’s defense minister and a Malaysia Airlines chief executive played down or dismissed a series of leads that had led to frenzied speculation about the fate of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which went missing nearly a week ago in a case that has become more difficult by the day.

In what Malaysian officials describe as an unprecedented aviation mystery, it remains unknown whether the plane, which carried 239 passengers and crew, is on land or in water, east of the country or to the west, or even somewhere far beyond.

In Washington, Carney told reporters that the United States is not in a position to draw any conclusions. However, he added, “it’s my understanding that based on some new information that’s not necessarily conclusive — but new information — an additional search area may be opened in the Indian Ocean.”

Search operations in the Indian Ocean, the world’s third-largest ocean with an average depth of nearly 12,800 feet, would present significant challenges.

The United States is “consulting with international partners about the appropriate assets to deploy,” Carney said at a White House news briefing Thursday.

Pressed for details, Carney said that “one possible piece of information or . . . pieces of information has led to the possibility that a new . . . search area may be opened in the Indian Ocean, but I don’t have any more details on that.”

Adding to the confusion, Lt. Col. Jeffrey Pool, a Pentagon spokesman, said the Defense Department has no reason to believe that the plane crashed in the Indian Ocean. He said U.S. Navy assets participating in the search are being guided by the Malaysian government’s investigation. He said he did not know what new information Carney was referring to.

Hishammuddin Hussein, Malaysia’s defense minister and acting transport minister, said in Kuala Lumpur: “We have looked at every lead. In many cases, in fact all the cases, we have not found anything positive.” He added, “Without debris, we can’t feel we are making any progress.”

Though the search for Flight 370 has at times appeared chaotic and baffling — a mix of rumors, confusion and red herrings — it felt on Thursday for the first time like the trail had gone cold.

As the search area continued to widen, the U.S. Navy said Thursday that it was shifting one of its ships involved in the hunt, the destroyer USS Kidd, from the Gulf of Thailand northeast of Malaysia to the Strait of Malacca on the western side of the Malay Peninsula.

The U.S. military also announced that it would add a P-8A Poseidon aircraft to the search on Friday. That plane is described by its manufacturer, Boeing, the world’s most sophisticated “long-range anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft.” It will join a Navy P-3C Orion surveillance aircraft already patrolling as part of the massive international operation.

India’s Defense Ministry said Thursday that the Indian navy has launched its own search mission, sending two ships — the INS Kumbhir, an amphibious warfare ship, and the INS Saryu, a patrol vessel — into the Andaman Sea near the Malacca Strait. India also appointed Air Marshal A.K. Roy as coordinator for rescue operations with Malaysian authorities.

Indian coast guard and navy aircraft were also pressed into service from a base on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. A senior Indian official said late Thursday that a total of three ships, two planes and a helicopter have now been dispatched in the growing search effort.

Burma said it would open its airspace to planes looking for the missing airliner and was prepared to join the search if asked, the BBC reported.

Malaysian authorities categorically denied the Wall Street Journal’s initial report and said engine data were unavailable after the plane disappeared from civilian radar at 1:30 a.m. on Saturday. The last transmission from the engines came at 1:07 a.m., Malaysia Airlines chief executive Ahmad Jauhari Yahya said — 26 minutes after takeoff from Kuala Lumpur.

During all commercial flights, engines send bursts of data back to the ground at key intervals — during takeoff, for instance, and once reaching cruising altitude. Representatives from both Boeing and engine maker Rolls-Royce have been in Kuala Lumpur working with the airline, and neither received data after 1:07 a.m., Ahmad said.

Similarly, the New Scientist reported Tuesday that the engines transmitted just two packets of data, one while the plane was on the ground in Kuala Lumpur and one while it was climbing on its way to Beijing.

“The last transmission was received at 1:07,” Ahmad told reporters. “It said everything is operating normally.”

Officials at the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board said Thursday they had no information to back up the Journal report that the plane had remained airborne for hours. They spoke on condition of anonymity since they were not authorized to comment.

A Rolls-Royce spokeswoman refused to comment on any aspect of data, saying only, “We continue to monitor the situation and offer Malaysia Airlines our support.”

Flight 370 was initially supposed to follow a northern path to Beijing. Search teams from as many as 12 nations have been scouring the waters to the east and west of Malaysia. Earlier Thursday, attention focused on satellite images from a Chinese agency that showed three large objects in the water south of Vietnam. But by midday, Malaysian authorities were dismissing the likelihood that those objects belonged to the plane.

Both Malaysian and Vietnamese teams returned Thursday to the coordinates of the large objects but found nothing.

Even as viewed by satellite, the objects didn’t seem to match that of a plane wreck. The largest of the objects was roughly the size of a basketball court, with no smaller debris around. The Chinese Embassy in Malaysia notified the Malaysian government on Thursday, saying the images — released by a relatively unknown Chinese agency — were made public by mistake and did not relate to Flight 370.

“We are pretty much back at square one,” said Richard Aboulafia, a vice president of analysis at the Teal Group Corporation in Fairfax, Va.

Aboulafia said the combination of transponder and communications failure, together with the lack of debris and the possibility the plane turned around, suggested some kind of hostile takeover by passengers or crew.

Malaysia said it intended to again expand the search field for the missing plane. But it remains unclear whether the search is best focused to the east or west of the Malay Peninsula. The plane vanished over the eastern side, above the Gulf of Thailand, but Malaysia later found a military radar blip suggesting that an unidentified aircraft was tacking west. The radar information has since been handed to the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board for analysis, a process that is not yet completed.

Hishammuddin said it remained possible that the plane turned around, diverting to the west after disappearing from radar. But he added that the search was still focused around the location where the plane vanished. Of 46 ships involved in the search, 26 are in the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea, and 17 on the western side, in the Strait of Malacca and Andaman Sea.

“Our main effort has always been in the South China Sea,” Hishammuddin said.

Malaysia has been criticized for at times releasing partial or contradictory information about the flight and search. The criticism has been most pointed from China, which had 153 citizens on the flight. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said Thursday that Beijing had “asked the relevant party to enhance coordination” and find the plane as quickly as possible.

“First, this situation is unprecedented,” Hishammuddin said, in deflecting the criticism. “MH370 went completely silent while over the open ocean. We are in the middle of a multi-national search involving many countries. This is a crisis situation. It is a very complex operation. And it has not always been easy.”

But, he added, “We have not done anything that could jeopardize this search effort.”

Malaysia Airlines announced separately Thursday that “as a mark of respect to the passengers and crew of MH370” who disappeared on March 8, it will retire the MH370 and MH371 flight codes it has used on its routes to and from Beijing. MH is the designation for Malaysian Airline System, as the carrier is officially named.
I'm just wondering why the US and their "highest officials", up to the Obama administration and the Pentagon, are so "interested in helping"?

Yes there were 3 passengers from the US on the plane, but I'm wondering if there might be other reasons then just helping, for why the US is so on top of solving this "mystery" now?

Also it seems to me that there is indeed quite a lot of data that is hidden from the public, of which some people higher up know about.
There just seem to be quite a number of contradictions, "deficiency reports" etc. that point to that direction IMO.
My very hypothetical line of thinking at the moment is that if they were sure the plane has disappeared for ever, they would have come out with a cover story already with some fake debris planted somewhere. It seems however that they are waiting for the possibility of a reappearance, after which a cover story would be more easily improvised according to the circumstances. Officials wouldn't know more than what their owners allow them to know.
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Pashalis said:
I'm just wondering why the US and their "highest officials", up to the Obama administration and the Pentagon, are so "interested in helping"?

Yes there were 3 passengers from the US on the plane, but I'm wondering if there might be other reasons then just helping, for why the US is so on top of solving this "mystery" now?

"Helping" in this case = controlling. Of course, they waited almost a week before offering this information which they probably knew almost immediately.
mkrnhr said:
My very hypothetical line of thinking at the moment is that if they were sure the plane has disappeared for ever, they would have come out with a cover story already with some fake debris planted somewhere. It seems however that they are waiting for the possibility of a reappearance, after which a cover story would be more easily improvised according to the circumstances. Officials wouldn't know more than what their owners allow them to know.

I agree that this seems to be the case. They may have a bit more information than us, but most of the officials seem to be kinda in the dark about what really happened.
This in an article with PressTV

Some analysts believe the plane was stolen. According to them, it was an "inside job" hijacking, probably by remote control.

Radio journalist Michael Rivero ... There is a motive for the plane to vanish, leave no trace, and have flown so dramatically off course! If my theory is correct, the search of the Malacca straights will find nothing. I would start looking at abandoned/closed airfields in that region with large hangers."

Note: Largest U.S./U.K Military Base in the Indian Ocean is the Island of Diago Garcia, located 7 degrees south of the equator. Native population was removed.

Detailed info here:

Back to the PressTV article:
In an exclusive interview with Truth Jihad Radio, one of America's leading physicists, Dr. David Griscom, asks whether MH370 may have been stolen by the same gang of international terrorists behind the 9/11 false flag operation. "The new Airbuses out of France are now fly-by-wire, which scares me, because a number of those planes have disappeared in ways that I think they really didn't crash and disappear; they've been hijacked (by remote control) and somebody is putting them together for another false flag attack someplace. The Malaysian plane, a Boeing 777, is just the latest example (of an apparent remote-hijacking). Before that, there was the Airbus 744 from Brazil to Paris. It crashed under incredibly anomalous circumstances. And after a few days, they showed photos of 'various pieces of it' floating out in the water. Totally staged! One part of it was clearly something that the next wave that hit it would have sunk."

Dr. Griscom points out that the anomalous cell phone calls from Malaysian Flight 370 are reminiscent of those from the allegedly hijacked airliners of September 11th, 2001. In both cases, "impossible" cell phone calls puzzled experts.

The FBI and the media initially reported 15 cell phone calls from hijacked airliners on 9/11. At least one of the recipients, Deena Burnett, was absolutely certain that her husband, a passenger on UA93, had called her from his cell phone, whose number came up on her caller ID. The problem: The Burnett call, and the other alleged cell phone calls, could not possibly have been placed from the airliners, which were flying at high altitudes, too fast and far beyond the range of 2001 cell phone technology.

In his article "Phone calls from the 9/11 planes: How they fooled America," Dr. David Ray Griffin explains that the 9/11 cell phone calls – starting with the notorious "calls" from Bush Administration cheerleader Barbara Olson to her husband, Bush's Solicitor General Ted Olson – must have been faked.

The FBI agrees with Dr. Griffin. After spending five years telling the American people about the "cell phone calls," the FBI radically revised its story in 2006, admitting that 13 of the 15 alleged 9/11 cell phone calls never happened. Amazingly, the FBI even admitted that Ted Olson never received the famous phone calls from his wife, who (Olson claimed) had supposedly called him from hijacked Flight 77.

Pentagon Comptroller Dov Zakheim, a Zionist extremist, managed to lose 2.3 trillion dollars from the Pentagon's accounts shortly before 9/11. Zakheim's company SPC invented a "flight termination system" designed to allow operators to seize control of aircraft by remote control and fly them from the ground. Several of the key people who developed Zakheim's "Flight Termination System" were on the 9/11 flights. Were they silenced? Or rewarded with money and a new identity in a National Security Witness Protection Program?

Zakheim's "Flight Termination System" appears to have been used on 9/11.

Was it also used on Malaysian Airlines Flight 370?

January 19, 2014 Malaysia and U.S. intensify joint Military exercises
mkrnhr said:
My very hypothetical line of thinking at the moment is that if they were sure the plane has disappeared for ever, they would have come out with a cover story already with some fake debris planted somewhere. It seems however that they are waiting for the possibility of a reappearance, after which a cover story would be more easily improvised according to the circumstances. Officials wouldn't know more than what their owners allow them to know.

Or they are waiting to "use" the plane as a terror plot and are waiting for the opportunity. At the very least an official explanation needs to come up as you wrote.
On a theoretic disappearance/reappearance of the plane (along the lines of the Philadelphia experiment/some sort of dimensional window) who's to say it will reappear in the future - why not the past?
So I looked up the wiki of incidents for Beoing 777's - and hit an odd coincidence (Which may relate more to the White Sky Blue Water thread).

Before 2013, the only fatality involving the twinjet occurred in a refueling fire at Denver International Airport on September 5, 2001, during which a ground worker sustained fatal burns.[214] The aircraft, operated by British Airways, suffered fire damage to the lower wing panels and engine housing; it was later repaired and returned to service.[214][215]

It's easy to go off on wild speculation at this point....but the timing/airport in question (And the C's mention of the Denver airport scandal) sure makes me scratch my head and wonder.
At the very least it makes me wonder about possible connections to 9/11, the above wiki entry that is, not this missing plane.
Although if we are speculating about dimensional rifts could directed energy weapons create one (ala the theory that the Philadelphia experiment created a link in time and space between the two experiments - I'm referring to the film as I don't know much beyond that)? Is this the military connection to the missing plane? Anything vaporised in that area recently?

I'll hold my horses there as that's probably a little too far out of the non-liner box.
Gawan said:
Or they are waiting to "use" the plane as a terror plot and are waiting for the opportunity. At the very least an official explanation needs to come up as you wrote.

Gordon Duff (VT) is also speculating about possibility of "terror" attack in Ukraine and to put blame on Russians...

Our first guesses toward range put the plane down in Southeast Asia. Then we looked at the fuel loadout and we ended up with 5 hours of flight time at 550 mph. As our members tend to think of terrorism conventionally, their guess was Somalia.




P.S. Saudi Arabia is to close borders to Qatar so i wonder if something is going on there...

P.S.2 Uf Those allegedly two Iranians with stolen passports - maybe crush plane somewhere in KSA and to blame Iran for that :huh:
Teresa said:
I thought of this as well and then wondered that if a dimentional shift happened and the Malaysian flight does reappear, will we even know about it? If all the disinformation surrounding this event is due to the fact that it's an actual mystery, then our governments would not want us to know that they are not in control and have no clue as to what's going on. Would they get rid of all the evidence (including people) or make up some story about a terrorist kidnapping.
Maybe the airplane slipped into another dimension....Looks like they have found another new bermuda traingle...
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