The Living Force
Does anyone remember this from the Wave? It's still a beautiful piece, to me. I thought it would make an interesting addition to this thread as a reminder that we simply don't know who all is part of what soul fragment or group soul, or whatever. IOW, that guy might just as well be one of us on a soul level, so we could ask ourselves, from the point of view of STO candidates: would anything within us change if we suddenly realized that he was an integral part of our existence? If no, then maybe that's good. If yes, then there's an opportunity for growth, I suppose.
I hope Laura doesn't mind the quote being placed here and that someone will enjoy this again. :)
(my bold)
[quote author=http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/wave13e3.htm]
Chapter 37
OM: You do not believe that when you sit before a group you do so alone? You are there as a representative of the spiritual world. Fools like myself become teachers, because we find suddenly that there is no one else. It's as simple as that. You realize how great is the gulf between you and others. There is a curtain between you. And you understand that this curtain is good for neither of you. The house out there is burning. You can see the flames, but those others cannot see the flames. ... Now the question is, can you leave those people in the flames? Would it not be the act of a Fool to snatch one, or perhaps two, out of the conflagration?
MH: If that is what they want.
OM: They cannot see the flames, but they do not wish to be burned. You see. You know that there are two sorts of flame. There is the soft and slow flame of the inner heat, and that terrible burning flame which consumes, and which feels no human pain. ...You cannot continue widening the gap between yourself and the world, What for others is light is for the Teacher an old light - another word for darkness.We live in a foolish paradox, for while we have forever, we do not have much time. [Hedsel, 2000]
And that was my answer. The house is burning, and I am a Fool who seeks to snatch as many as possible from the flames. And it is an act of creativity - a commitment to an idea. And, just as I finished reading this book, I received a message from a friend who wrote:
Laura, Sharing your life and trials and fiery initiations through your pages is a raw fire walk on this planet. I know how lonely it feels in the moment of retelling each drama, re-experiencing even the sensory memory, that served to strip another layer off your (by now) Zen flesh and Zen bones. Yet at this stage, it is also a refreshingly cool wind that passes through awareness to allow ourselves to be that thoroughly exposed...as if that wind of the exposure is blowing off a little more residual bits of flesh still clinging to our bones.
And yet, in reading those truths (those of us who know and can relate), the storytelling is understood to be a beautiful performance art of your soul's expansion under the tutelage of our future selves. Such a spectacular display of universal love and timelessness and beauty and truth and cosmic humor it is.
Yes, when the truth (as lessons and dramas) hit us here in 3rd density in the matrix, we process it as painful (because of our programs)...but after a while, if we learn to relax, life in the matrix is do-able. Like anything painful (childbirth, for example) relaxing is the way to avoid the worst of it (and minimize scarring...which is to carry pain into future time).
So I see this dance of your posts and the stimulation they provide as an exercise in networking that seems to have a wonderful cosmic purpose. That cosmic purpose is that networking in the matrix is a group lesson that can greatly accelerate both individual and group awareness. Many times I have found this group energy fascinating...for example, a dream of a friend seems to act as a preview of coming attractions of a meditation insight that comes to me, and that is mirrored in the life movie of another friend, etc.
...It is my theory that we are moving towards this understanding of group mind and interconnectedness in this coming year. I am feeling we are all going to become much more aware of this networking synchronicity. One of the lessons of duality is to understand we are not really separate beings, but suspended together in One Mind. Playing there with telepathy and other ways to explore expanded awareness is a birthright we can claim and enjoy with like-minded others.
Thanks, Laura, for being a scout and going out and expanding our playing field comfort zone so we can all expand together. You rock, girl. Can't wait for the next pages! M.
Thank you, Michele. From one Fool to another.[/quote]
I hope Laura doesn't mind the quote being placed here and that someone will enjoy this again. :)
(my bold)
[quote author=http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/wave13e3.htm]
Chapter 37
OM: You do not believe that when you sit before a group you do so alone? You are there as a representative of the spiritual world. Fools like myself become teachers, because we find suddenly that there is no one else. It's as simple as that. You realize how great is the gulf between you and others. There is a curtain between you. And you understand that this curtain is good for neither of you. The house out there is burning. You can see the flames, but those others cannot see the flames. ... Now the question is, can you leave those people in the flames? Would it not be the act of a Fool to snatch one, or perhaps two, out of the conflagration?
MH: If that is what they want.
OM: They cannot see the flames, but they do not wish to be burned. You see. You know that there are two sorts of flame. There is the soft and slow flame of the inner heat, and that terrible burning flame which consumes, and which feels no human pain. ...You cannot continue widening the gap between yourself and the world, What for others is light is for the Teacher an old light - another word for darkness.We live in a foolish paradox, for while we have forever, we do not have much time. [Hedsel, 2000]
And that was my answer. The house is burning, and I am a Fool who seeks to snatch as many as possible from the flames. And it is an act of creativity - a commitment to an idea. And, just as I finished reading this book, I received a message from a friend who wrote:
Laura, Sharing your life and trials and fiery initiations through your pages is a raw fire walk on this planet. I know how lonely it feels in the moment of retelling each drama, re-experiencing even the sensory memory, that served to strip another layer off your (by now) Zen flesh and Zen bones. Yet at this stage, it is also a refreshingly cool wind that passes through awareness to allow ourselves to be that thoroughly exposed...as if that wind of the exposure is blowing off a little more residual bits of flesh still clinging to our bones.
And yet, in reading those truths (those of us who know and can relate), the storytelling is understood to be a beautiful performance art of your soul's expansion under the tutelage of our future selves. Such a spectacular display of universal love and timelessness and beauty and truth and cosmic humor it is.
Yes, when the truth (as lessons and dramas) hit us here in 3rd density in the matrix, we process it as painful (because of our programs)...but after a while, if we learn to relax, life in the matrix is do-able. Like anything painful (childbirth, for example) relaxing is the way to avoid the worst of it (and minimize scarring...which is to carry pain into future time).
So I see this dance of your posts and the stimulation they provide as an exercise in networking that seems to have a wonderful cosmic purpose. That cosmic purpose is that networking in the matrix is a group lesson that can greatly accelerate both individual and group awareness. Many times I have found this group energy fascinating...for example, a dream of a friend seems to act as a preview of coming attractions of a meditation insight that comes to me, and that is mirrored in the life movie of another friend, etc.
...It is my theory that we are moving towards this understanding of group mind and interconnectedness in this coming year. I am feeling we are all going to become much more aware of this networking synchronicity. One of the lessons of duality is to understand we are not really separate beings, but suspended together in One Mind. Playing there with telepathy and other ways to explore expanded awareness is a birthright we can claim and enjoy with like-minded others.
Thanks, Laura, for being a scout and going out and expanding our playing field comfort zone so we can all expand together. You rock, girl. Can't wait for the next pages! M.
Thank you, Michele. From one Fool to another.[/quote]