Mass Migration - a plan, or just a consequence of some other plan


I found a good video summary in french 2 weeks before, and by reading this thread, I searched again about it and found there's an english and sent it to a contact who have a well known french re-information site. By reading this thread "in diagonal", i searched if any posted this good summary, and apparently not, so, here's the english version :

For french readers, here's the link to the french one :

It's a direct answer to the main question of this thread. After having watched this video, it's harder to believe that it wasn't planned. Also, when you see the french BHL supporting the cause of this "migration crisis", or the LGBT french group ... (and probably many other PTB's puppies), this is even more clear.

I also agree that they (the PTB) can be opportunists and that they could have rapidly reacted to take profit of an early migration spotted, and that now they "sponsor" it ...

BTW, nice videos/summaries to watch on this site

dredger said:

I found a good video summary in french 2 weeks before, and by reading this thread, I searched again about it and found there's an english and sent it to a contact who have a well known french re-information site. By reading this thread "in diagonal", i searched if any posted this good summary, and apparently not, so, here's the english version :

For french readers, here's the link to the french one :

It's a direct answer to the main question of this thread. After having watched this video, it's harder to believe that it wasn't planned.

Thanks Dredger for that video, which makes some good points in favor of the notion that this refugee crisis was helped along by vested insterest groups. I noticed today on Sott that a few Israelis are already smiling at the benefits it will harvest from this just like after 9/11.

As most of the world looks on in horror at Europe's atrocious response to refugees escaping war and persecution in the Middle East and Africa, some Israeli officials are quietly reveling in the chaos.

Dore Gold, director general of the Israeli foreign ministry, expressed optimism that the refugee influx will shift Europe to the right, making it more sympathetic to Israel's "security" justification for its ongoing colonization of Palestine.

"Israel always faced the problem in the past that its national security perspective was completely out of sync with how Europeans were viewing the emergence of the European community and the borderless world that was emerging," the American-born hardliner told The Jerusalem Post.

"In the European models that existed 25 or 30 years ago, it is kind of difficult to hear an Israeli argument. But now things may be beginning to change a little," posited Gold.

"The European perspective is beginning to sound a little bit more like Israel's perspective on security issues, compared to what it was in the past."
So Israelis are hoping to garner more support and understanding for their genocidal policy against the Palestinians. It is thus not surprising that an Israeli link is to be found in the above video that Dredger posted.
Oh boy, interesting developments.

It seems that Hungary and Serbia agreed that Serbia will stop transporting the refugees to the Hungarian border, and in return Hungary will open some of its border crossings. Which it did and yesterday politicians from both sides were taking pictures and smiling in front of cameras, blah, blah, blah...


So, instead of transporting them to Hungary, Serbia started transporting the refugees to Croatia. And today Croatia closed all of it's border crossings for cargo transport; passengers can still cross the border on one point. Other crossings are completely closed.

Serbia asked the Croatia to open the border and Croatia said that they will open the border when Serbia stops sending the refugees to Croatia.

And tomorrow the Serbia will decide what kind of contra-measures will they implement since EU doesn't want to say anything to Croatia, like it never said anything to Hungary.

Well, the only thing that Serbia can do is to also close the borders crossing for cargo transport from Croatia but I doubt that that would hurt Croatia much. They could also ban the import of some products from Croatia, but EU would probably immediately react on that.

I don't know, I don't expect anything smart from our politicians.
Few days ago i saw one short video on some Tv station and i cant remember which one, where the Hungarian Prime Minister Mr Orban was saying that Hungary and Slovenia are the defenders of the EU borders and that that is the reason why they closed their border for refuges. To protect the EU from their invasion. So all those thing happening on Hungarian border, now on Croatian border are just orders from EU and PTB to to that.
And unfortunately the EU countries always follow the PTB orders without asking questions.
Just read this article on RT's website: Refugee kicked by Hungarian camerawoman was member of terror group, Kurdish party claims.
A Syrian man who was tripped over by Hungarian camerawoman in a video that went viral has been claimed to be an alleged member of a militant Islamist group that had committed crimes against civilians in his homeland.

Osama Abdul Mohsen was accused of being a member of the Al-Qaeda-linked Al-Nusra Front by the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) in a statement released on Friday.

“Osama Abdul joined the rebel groups in 2011 and committed crimes against civilian minorities, including Kurds,” the statement says.

It adds that “testimonies… of many Kurds alongside with images obtained [from Mohsen’s Facebook page]” provide evidence of his involvement in the Al-Nusra Front’s activities.

Hungarian journalist fired after kicking, tripping up refugees on video
— RT (@RT_com) September 9, 2015

The PYD also claims that Osama Abdul Mohsen was living in the Syrian town of Tel Abyad and decided to flee ahead of Kurdish forces seizing the city last July “in fear” that his involvement with the militant group would be revealed.

Mohsen got widespread support and sympathy after a video with him went viral causing a wave of public indignation in many countries all over the world. In this video, Osama Abdul Mohsen was filmed being tripped over by a Hungarian camerawoman as he tried to run across the Hungarian border with his 8-year-old son in his hands.

I was scared’: Hungarian camerawoman ‘regrets’ kicking #refugees, denies being racist
— RT (@RT_com) September 13, 2015

I don't know if the story is true, but even if it is, the western media will portray the camerawoman as a victim who was scared and that's why she behave that way and as concerning the refugee, he will be shown as another example or evidence of the Muslim terrorists infiltrating Europe disguised as refugees thus priming the EU citizens to be cold, distrustful and even violent towards these innocent people, it seems all is going according to the plan for TPTB.
Andre' said:
I don't know if the story is true, but even if it is, the western media will portray the camerawoman as a victim who was scared and that's why she behave that way and as concerning the refugee, he will be shown as another example or evidence of the Muslim terrorists infiltrating Europe disguised as refugees thus priming the EU citizens to be cold, distrustful and even violent towards these innocent people, it seems all is going according to the plan for TPTB.

Yes, they'll as usual use any such story to prime people to reactions of threat and the need to defend themselves, and repeat it all ad nauseam. Above article is a classic example of how the first streams of 'information' introduced is 'Oh, and it was a very dangerous al-Qaida guy, by the way.' It's the same tactic over and over: use the key trigger words and string them together, so as to create and anchor specific associations in people's minds that serve the PTB's agenda. Just sickening.
thorbiorn said:
In a couple of minutes this short video shows what Syria has been exposed to in terms of absorbing refugees:

Wow, regarding the number of refugees Syria has taken in over the past 100+ years, the video posed the question, "Can the world learn something from Syria's hospitality?" If the world were paying attention, probably. We'd probably learning something about theoxeny. said:
Xenophobic Self-Destruction Or, How the Odyssey and the Old and New Testaments Can Predict Our Future

"One of the dominant themes of the Odyssey, which also appears in the Old and New Testaments, is hospitality and knowing how to treat a stranger if you are the host, and knowing how, as a guest, you ought to respond to good or bad hospitality.

The principles of life governing the action portrayed in the Odyssey would have been well and widely understood at the time the story was being recited in social groupings of the ancient world, and no doubt, the listeners would nod in agreement as each episode unfolded and then concluded in justice being served.

So, basically, there was a time when the universal law of reciprocity was more widely and clearly understood. Unfortunately, the people of today have lost sight of this cause-and-effect relationship, but are still doomed to suffer the consequences. The law is inescapable and ignorance is no excuse. It doesn't matter how solitary or non-materialistic a person is, they will always be a part of some kind of exchange as long as they exist. From impressions and breathing to social interactions and material exchange, only the scale differs. At the moment we are both hosts and guests, to other individuals, groups, the earth and the universe. ...

The ancients were quite certain that human behavior could attract or repel the wrath of the gods. Most often, it was the behavior of the priest-king that was the crucial element. It was his job to figure out what the gods wanted in respect of human behavior and to ensure that this was how things were done so that the kingdom would be safe. There were a few good examples of this principle, where the king was "righteous" and took care of his people like a tender parent, conducted his own life so as to set a positive example for all, and things were fine ... until ... a pathological type would get into power in one way or another and begin to pervert the entire system. When that happened, scape-goating became the rule of the day and "sacrifice" was declared to be what the gods wanted: witch-hunts began. Such times always and ever preceded large-scale destruction of the society.

The entire cosmos seems to be made of information and mirrors. The living system and the cosmos interact constantly, receiving and transmitting. As above, so below. But there are also choices.

We all receive impressions from our environment and react to them in different ways: rebelling, ignoring or just copying what we perceive. Whatever the reaction, we react based on our personal understanding, our past experiences, our feelings and our sense of morality. We are influenced, but we also have the ability to influence. Our capacity to contemplate the past, present and future in a connected way, to feel deeply about others and to judge and choose either 'right' or 'wrong' is what makes us human.

It really is down to us collectively. We are the power source and the authors, whether we allow a leader to represent and direct us or not, we are ultimately responsible for our world. If that's really the case, seeing that we have a choice in how things turn out and learning how to direct our course seems rather important.

It appears that in earlier history, man understood that he had some control over his own destiny and the fate of society through his righteous behavior. Theoxeny was a moral standard. Every person was seen as having the potential to either help or hinder prosperity and health for all. Even if some could give more than others, everyone had the privilege and the duty to contribute their best. Every person's actions counted and their actions were responded to with justice through other people and the universe.

But a pathology took hold, and though it could not completely change the nature of man or take away his ability to choose, it influenced society and altered humanity's course because of our acceptance of it. As awareness declined, good intentions were subverted and our integrity as a species diminished. Humans have become a species tuned in to entropy, and what we choose and express will become our fate. We have given up our personal responsibility to each other as hosts and guests and therefore will end up being our own destruction.

When reading history, over and over again the same cycle can be seen. The point that I would like to emphasize is that human beings do have some control over their destiny as individuals and groups, nations and civilizations. But that "control" is rather more like putting oneself into alignment with universal principles and activating them in practice. But obviously, one has to be careful and find out what those principles actually are! Obviously, those ancient civilizations that believed the lies of the evil masters who declared that sacrifice of their enemies, or war against this group or that group, was what the gods wanted, didn't do that. ...

The ancient literature on these topics can be mined for knowledge and wisdom. Indeed, it appears to be the case that taking assertive action against violators of Cosmic Hospitality oneself can prevent the gods from having to do it. And one can notice that when the gods do it, the action falls not only on the corrupt elite, but also on those who would choose to do nothing, those who permit the evils and corruptions to continue and perpetuate. ...

Ignorance of these laws is no protection. In fact, ignorance of them might be seen as a deliberate flouting. The Cosmos exists to be loved and you cannot love what you do not know. Thus, it is the duty of every self-conscious creature to exert all their efforts, within their inherent capacities, to know and thus to be able to love the Cosmos. Those creatures that cannot or will not do this are considered by Nature to be failed experiments and they or their lines will be extinguished.

The point is made near the end of the Odyssey, that silence is assent. Eurymachus attempts to plead with Odysseus, saying, "He who was most to blame is already dead. It was Antinous who was behind all these doings ... Now he has received his just punishment, give up your anger against us! Spare your equals in rank! Every one of us shall bring you twenty bullocks in recompense for what we have eaten, and you shall have all the bronze and gold it will take to win back your favor."

"No, Eurymachus," said Odysseus, scowling at him. "Even if you offered me everything you have inherited from your fathers, I should not rest until all of you have atoned for your misdeeds with death. Do what you will, fight or flee - not one of you shall escape me!"

Nor did they."

Pretty powerful stuff.
A plan or just consequence of some other plan?

Or plans within plans within plans?

Having read Nial Bradley on Syrian Refugees in Europe..
[..]where are these refugees getting an average of $2,400 to make the journey to Germany? Ethnic Kurds may have connections with the large Kurdish diaspora in Germany, but what about the non-Kurds? The exchange rate is currently $1 to 189 Syrian pounds, cash that cannot be easy to come across in devastated Syria. The detailed itineraries made out for the refugees in Turkey include expensive taxi trips for the final leg of their exodus. Most people in the EU would - and could - never fork out €700 for a taxi ride. $2,400 a head, multiplied by the estimated 350,000 Germany-bound refugees (so far), suggests a pool of cash amounting to $840,000,000. Who is paying for all this?

... I found this particular excerpt from Global Research quite interesting:

Content-analysis of a great number of tweets that triggered the ongoing wave of migration from Turkey to Germany since August this year suggests that these human streams were inspired and channeled from outside of continental Europe.

According to Vladimir Shalak from the Russian Academy of Science who developed the Internet Content-Analysis System for Twitter ( Scai4Twi), his study of over 19.000 refugees-related original tweets (retweets discounted) demonstrates that the vast majority of them mention Germany and Austria as the most refugee-welcoming countries in Europe[..]

Continue reading at source_

Evidently, the logic behind this campaign is to deteriorate social situation in Germany and undermine its economic development. Another target is the social structure of German society. 1 million of refugees coming annually there and supplementing the existing 31% of local families having at least one migrant parent, would definitely disbalance the voting structure and secure a loyal leadership in Germany for the decades to come. On the other hand that would instigate ultra-right sentiments within the indigenous population and cause furious clashes between migrants and German radicals. Both processes would result in weakened Germany and diminished EU.

Most other EU governments seem to be infuriated about their German counterpart's decision to receive hundreds of thousands of immigrants this year.

Just what is the real reason of Angela Merkel and her government to suck up all these genuine and not-so-genuine refugees flooding into Europe, even at the expense of alienating their EU partners?

I think I may be forgiven for thinking that the real reason is not empathy...
Just what is the real reason of Angela Merkel and her government to suck up all these genuine and not-so-genuine refugees flooding into Europe, even at the expense of alienating their EU partners?

I think I may be forgiven for thinking that the real reason is not empathy...

One factor I can think of is the stagnating and aging German population. IOW they need a continuous influx of cheap labor, as the re-integration of Eastern Germany into the Western part has long been completed. These migrants tend to have large families...

I'm sure there are other reasons of similar ilk. I just don't know them yet.
Palinurus said:
One factor I can think of is the stagnating and aging German population. IOW they need a continuous influx of cheap labor, as the re-integration of Eastern Germany into the Western part has long been completed. These migrants tend to have large families...

And again, my question - if that is true, then why did Germany forbid asylum for entire western Balkan? And why is it doing everything it can to close the borders for refugees in other countries? And why does it want to relocate refugees to other countries in EU?

Croatian Prime Minister said that all actions were undertaken in consultation with the leaders of Austria and Germany. "These are the most powerful countries in Europe, and we are also working in their national interests," said Milanovic.

And again, my question - if that is true, then why did Germany forbid asylum for entire western Balkan? And why is it doing everything it can to close the borders for refugees in other countries? And why does it want to relocate refugees to other countries in EU?

I don't have all the answers to these questions but I surmise that probably the current stream of migrants are considered more 'malleable' or 'ductile' than the Balkan ones were. Or something to that effect.
Eagerly I waited for a press conference in which unprepared must make journalists questions Merkel. My expectations were far exceeded. The Canadian journalist Levant suspected in Merkel a decision himself and Germany to extinguish because of what Germany was in the 1930s and 1940s. Merkel's answers to concerns about terrorism, violence and lack of separation between religion and state are: Fear is not a good counselor. One should not listen to fear.
Most interesting is their information that Germany is co-founder of the IS.
English with German subtitles
And again, my question - if that is true, then why did Germany forbid asylum for entire western Balkan? And why is it doing everything it can to close the borders for refugees in other countries? And why does it want to relocate refugees to other countries in EU?

Persej, the Balkan countries are considered "safe countries". There even was an influx by asylum seekers from Romania and Bulgaria, member countries of the European Union!

The Serbian Prime Minister recently said in an interview that the reason so many Serbians applied for asylum in Germany, knowing beforehand that their applications will be turned down, was that receiving social benefits for three or four months in Germany during their stay will keep them going financially for a long stretch of time after having returned home.

One factor I can think of is the stagnating and aging German population. IOW they need a continuous influx of cheap labor, as the re-integration of Eastern Germany into the Western part has long been completed. These migrants tend to have large families...

(@ Palinurus)
Most European countries have an ageing population nowadays. Industrialists may always be looking for cheaper workers, but the German Minister for Labor has admitted that almost 90 per cent of the recent immigrants lack the necessary qualifications for joining the German labor market...
Ursus Minor said:
There even was an influx by asylum seekers from Romania and Bulgaria, member countries of the European Union!

Yes, that is a good example. People from Bulgaria and Romania had to wait 7 years after they entered EU to have the right to work in Germany. But now these refugees very quickly get the right to work, plus the other benefits.

The Serbian Prime Minister recently said in an interview that the reason so many Serbians applied for asylum in Germany, knowing beforehand that their applications will be turned down, was that receiving social benefits for three or four months in Germany during their stay will keep them going financially for a long stretch of time after having returned home.

Yes, that's true. And once Germany found out about that they just changed the rules. But they are not doing that in the case of refugees, for some reason.

Industrialists may always be looking for cheaper workers, but the German Minister for Labor has admitted that almost 90 per cent of the recent immigrants lack the necessary qualifications for joining the German labor market...

Yes, that is another interesting factor. Economically it just doesn't make sense. But perhaps they want to let them all in, select the most qualified workers for themselves, and relocate the rest of refugees to other countries in EU. Now that WOULD make some sense.
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