Mass Migration - a plan, or just a consequence of some other plan

This is one of those unintended consequences that the "idiots-in-power" could not have foreseen.

People will find out that 'others' are people, too.

Looking at this map we can see that Hungary is the big frontier for the rest of Europe, is that right? Is this map ok? Because if this is right now we can understand this huge and long fence to stop refugees not just for Hungary but for the rest of Europe? I was not aware of this.


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Maybe you should watch this video made 5 years ago about the then already ongoing refugee crisis. The title bespeaks for itself: Is This the Worst Refugee Crisis in Europe? (…but seeing what it is today, we know it got worse)

People from Pakistan, Somalia and Iraq were already in large number crossing to Europe from Africa.
The narrator said that Spain and Italy succeded in stopping the inflow of illegal immigrants by negotiating , back in 2009, some bilateral repatriation agreements with African countries. Therefore the migrants went to Turkey first, then to Greece. That’s why Turkey is so prepared to receive refugees nowadays.

Greece had been overwhelmed for many years since, with an ongoing influx of people.
The video presents the poor condition of detention centers, the slow asylum request processing, and the conflicts between locals and immigrants. They were unable to master the crisis back then, as the whole Europe is unable to do it now.
Maybe humanity is going to be united by suffering, but for now everyone sees suffering from his/her perspective only, so I’m afraid, this will not happen soon.
loreta said:
Looking at this map we can see that Hungary is the big frontier for the rest of Europe, is that right? Is this map ok? Because if this is right now we can understand this huge and long fence to stop refugees not just for Hungary but for the rest of Europe? I was not aware of this.

This is the newest map. Croatia is now the new frontier of the (Catholic/Protestant) Europe.


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Shared Joy said:
Maybe you should watch this video made 5 years ago about the then already ongoing refugee crisis. The title bespeaks for itself: Is This the Worst Refugee Crisis in Europe? (…but seeing what it is today, we know it got worse)

People from Pakistan, Somalia and Iraq were already in large number crossing to Europe from Africa.
The narrator said that Spain and Italy succeded in stopping the inflow of illegal immigrants by negotiating , back in 2009, some bilateral repatriation agreements with African countries. Therefore the migrants went to Turkey first, then to Greece. That’s why Turkey is so prepared to receive refugees nowadays.

Greece had been overwhelmed for many years since, with an ongoing influx of people.
The video presents the poor condition of detention centers, the slow asylum request processing, and the conflicts between locals and immigrants. They were unable to master the crisis back then, as the whole Europe is unable to do it now.
Maybe humanity is going to be united by suffering, but for now everyone sees suffering from his/her perspective only, so I’m afraid, this will not happen soon.

It was like this 5 years ago, it's like this today... I am afraid that this is how things always were and will be. Thank you for posting this video. I am SO angry at how all these people were treated by the Greeks, citizens and the system, back in 2010, I don't think there has been a significant change since. Through Greek media I see a more humane response to refugees in Greece nowadays, but I am sure there is a dark side to it. The polls show up to 7% support for the neonazi Golden Dawn, members of the party are still in prison with charges of murder and violence against Greek leftists, refugees/immigrants and gay people.

Perhaps the suffering of the last 5 years might have softened up some Greeks to the pain of others, but not in a large scale. I am so angry thinking of how the Greek media now present with indignation the violence against refugees in other countries. Not that it shouldn't be shown or named what it is, but a video like the one posted here, I've never seen before, not many are ready to face their collective shadow and treat it like they treat the shadows of other EU nations, not in the mainstream media at least. And I think this is what will be the undoing of Greece, and Europe, and the entire world's actually. Kind of like in individual cases, if we project our shadow outwards, we miss the opportunity to grow and change, and we are in constant fight with the world outside instead of doing the internal fight for freedom and individuation. Same with nations and the world. As above so below in ponerization and losing our humanity.
Persej said:
loreta said:
Looking at this map we can see that Hungary is the big frontier for the rest of Europe, is that right? Is this map ok? Because if this is right now we can understand this huge and long fence to stop refugees not just for Hungary but for the rest of Europe? I was not aware of this.

This is the newest map. Croatia is now the new frontier of the (Catholic/Protestant) Europe.

Thank you Persej with this new map. Very clear and neat.
naorma said:
Another point: There is something a lot of people dont understand: Why give a lot of money to people smugglers when you can buy with the same or less money a flight ticket or even a ticket for a regular ship? Or even buy a boat by yourself? It is only a few miles from Turkey to Greece by boat. I learned that if you are a refugee and will not be accepted in the country of your destination the airline has to bring you back to your country. Does that mean that all the people do not have passports? Otherwise why can't they take the regular more cheaper and safer way?

Problem is not in passports. Problem is in visa. You need visa to enter the EU. And I doubt that EU countries are giving them freely to refugees.

What worries me is that nobody seems to think and talk of the people who have rebuilt their country after WWII which was a horrible situation for many a years. Now they see that everything they have built up is being destroyed again.

Well, one reason why nobody thinks "poor Germans" is because Germans are actually inviting the refugees with their social benefits. If Germans would stop giving them, they would stop coming to Germany. It's that simple.

A few months ago they were told that there will be a lot of restrictions due to the economical situation. Now they learn that "money is no problem" as the Austrian Chanceller has said when he talked about supporting refugees. And there is a lot of poverty in Austria, which does not come to surface and gets no help. . .

Is Austria giving social benefits to refugees? If yes, how much?

I think it is important to see both sides . . . .

Yes, we understand you. But problem is that your politicians are making some very strange decisions. Or not, if they really have some evil plans for the future.
naorma said:
We live in a time where boarders obviously are something bad. In the description above I think one can see that they are necessary, too. We dont live in paradise but in a world where there is violence and on the long run we will all have to face a situation similar to that.

The problem is not in the borders themselves, the main problem is that some countries have the role of the protectors of the borders of EU, while the others, who are far away from those borders, are doing some really bad stuff in the world, and are now hiding from the consequences of those actions behind those first countries. The best example of that is USA, of course, and UK in Europe.

Another point about that Video: Before closing the boarders Hungary announced some days before that they will do so. So why did those people go there? Shouldn't they respect the decision and find a different way, as they are doing now? And what kind of husband is it to bring a pregnant woman in such a situation? Why did they throw stones?

They threw stones because 'evil' Hungarians are standing in their way to better life which is promised to them by Germany and Sweden.

I am afraid my arguments might seem raw and I was a little bit afraid of putting a statement like this. Very often one is called a heartless racist, fascist for saying something like that.

Don't worry, we will not call you anything like that. This situation is not good for anybody, and we understand your position.

I see weakness in Christian societies. Muslims are stronger, they have more respect for life, Family and children, more respect for cultural unity.

Oh yes, Christian are much more individualized. And that is what scares us. We don't know how to live in 'tribal' community.

The last sentence being definitely true. Because a lot of the "we help the refugees" supporters dont have their feet on the ground but just having an event: Oh, lets organize a concert for the refugees! Great! Wonderful! Oh, lets do some runnig for the refugees! Oh, Great, wonderful! Lets have a Demonstration! Great, wonderful! There is no real Feeling behind all that.

Yes. That's true. Christians believe that Muslims will easily integrate, i.e. convert to Christianity, either because Christianity is so much better than Islam (which probably isn't, except that you have some more freedoms - you can eat a pig, drink alcohol...) or because minorities generally over time integrate into culture of majority. Which isn't the case if those individuals are living in the communities like many Muslims do.

Before you call me a racist, fascist or something like that please keep in mind that one of my best teachers is a muslim woman, my supporter for computers comes from Serbia, some friends of mine are Jewish, Palestine, Czech.

It is just that the situation should be seen in total . . . .

Don't worry, we won't call you those names. :)

You are just afraid that you country is going to be destroyed by these massive migrations, at least economically. And that is probably the plan of the powers that be. To destroy the economy of Europe and blame the Muslims for everything.
Persej said:
naorma said:
Another point about that Video: Before closing the boarders Hungary announced some days before that they will do so. So why did those people go there? Shouldn't they respect the decision and find a different way, as they are doing now? And what kind of husband is it to bring a pregnant woman in such a situation? Why did they throw stones?

They threw stones because 'evil' Hungarians are standing in their way to better life which is promised to them by Germany and Sweden.

Yes, I think so too. They're desperate, they've risked their lives getting there, and it must be frustrating to be refused access.
An interesting fact is mentioned by Russian analyst V.Pjakin (no source given). Allegedly around 30% of the immigrants to Germany in the recent wave are young men from Albania, country which has still a very fresh experience with war. Are these to be future recruits? See 11:30 of this video (sorry, only Russian, no subtitles):

Then there is the latest info from Syrian Partisan girl. Perhaps only a small part of refugees is from Syria and the rest just makes use of the convenient fact that refugees from Syria are acknowledged as genuine refugees escaping the war in their country (see the interviews).

It really appears that the whole process of igniting a war between Muslim and Christian worlds in Europe can't be stopped. I can't myself imagine what kind of action could stop this. We know that at some point the hell will break loose, somewhere. This might well be that point of no return. I hope the European governments will somehow realize that to stop the war on their continent, they must quickly join Russia in Syria and stop the war in the Middle East. But I would not bet on it.
anka said:
It really appears that the whole process of igniting a war between Muslim and Christian worlds in Europe can't be stopped. I can't myself imagine what kind of action could stop this. We know that at some point the hell will break loose, somewhere. This might well be that point of no return. I hope the European governments will somehow realize that to stop the war on their continent, they must quickly join Russia in Syria and stop the war in the Middle East. But I would not bet on it.

I wouldn't bet on it either. And I think that at this point, at least for the Syrians and other displaced peoples from the Middle East and Africa, that hell has already broken loose. There are just varying degrees of it depending on where you are in the world.
Odyssey said:
And I think that at this point, at least for the Syrians and other displaced peoples from the Middle East and Africa, that hell has already broken loose. There are just varying degrees of it depending on where you are in the world.

In the above case I was talking about the breaking moment when Europe is not an option for refugees any longer because Europeans will treat them as Israelis would. And I agree with what you wrote. The hell has already broken loose, or WW III, if we want to call it that. Afghans would say that more than decade ago, Serbs or Bosnians still earlier... one could say the hell is here since FED took over the US in 1913... it really is just a matter of how far we want to look and what we consider 'normal' from the point of our knowledge and place of living. Yet there is no 'normal'. Once you can see, you can't feel normally or acceptably just about anything that has been done in the world by the PTB in the last .... thousands of years ? A hell is not an inappropriate name for human condition.
I was travelling during the last week and had the chance to read some headlines of major newspapers here in Germany. They really are upping their fear-mongering of ISIS terrorists on all channels.

Here are some headlines from yesterday:

- "Police shoots terrorist in Berlin" [see also _]
- "The new fear of terrorism"
- "Are there radicals among the refugees"?

And then there was this story yesterday on the radio that the prosecutor general has charged seven suspected ISIS terrorists in Germany, who supposedly helped islamists "ready to fight" to go to Syria... It really sounds like an orchestrated media campaign is going on.

Another thing was that there was a huge border control going on between France and Germany exactly at the checkpoint that we had to pass. We learned later that it was only there that they did the controls, strange coincidence... We felt terrible afterwards - they completely checked the (French) car in front of us, and stopped us too (maybe because I can be mistaken for a foreigner since I'm a darker type?), but after looking into the car through the windows they let us pass. The (huge!) guy doing the controls and deciding which one to let pass seemed really aggressive, he was screaming at the people in front of us who didn't get it immediately that they had to stop at the checkpoint, and generally I think it was the kind of guy who is capable to slap you in the face if you don't do exactly what he wants.

There were also camera teams there and the vibes were generally upsetting. It's strange, I haven't been in a control like that within the EU since I was a kid (and then, it generally was routine stuff), and I thought the lack of border controls was probably the only benefit from the EU madness. Now it seems that will be gone, and I can't help but think that they are really testing the waters as to how people will react, while simultanously spreading the fear of terrorists - just like Niall said here: said:
What if, with one eye on the climate chaos to come, those 'Secret Government' types "across the pond in the US who feel like they're in a lab running all sorts of experiments on the rats" - as Putin aptly described them last year - are taking advantage of the 'resource war' they created in the Middle East to effect some sort of drill in which they test control methods, responses in the population and system capacities to sudden migrations of really large numbers of people caused by 'mother nature', who appears to be mirroring the planetary chaos created by psychopaths in positions of power?
naorma said:
Konstantin said:
.... They don't have cloth for winter, they don't have anything. They are not adapted to very cold winters , but even if they are their chances are low because of their resources.
And as the situation is developing i don't think that all of them will find some temporary shelter during the winter, or the winter will be excuse to put them in some kind of camps .
Very dark times are coming for all those suffered souls out there.

I often have to pass railwaystations where migrants are kept safe. I cannot agree with "they don't have anything". Most of the migrants I have seen until now have warm clothes, warm shoes and even more technical stuff than just a smartphone. And obviously their clothes are not from some refugee organisations. Some of them have clothes from helping organisations, thats true, but they are not too much - you see that i.e. of the imprint of a jacket. And most of them dont look like they were on the run . . . I am not judging, just wondering.

The other day I was talking to a railway officer. I asked him about the refugees and the situation here. Because there is something strange: You see and feel no desparate people, on the contrary you see very often laughing and joking folks. Which of course is good, because nevertheless they are on the move and it is better to laugh than to cry . . . But it is strange.

My good friend is a journalist and he returned recently from the Serbian - Hungarian border, where he met with several refugees. It seems that the people in this "wave of refugees" are in fact the "middle class" refugees (this applies mainly for Syrian refugees). Perhaps that explains their good clothes, mobile phones, etc. And they said that they were among the first who started the journey, and there are many people yet to come, and who are mostly poor refugees.

Another point: There is something a lot of people dont understand: Why give a lot of money to people smugglers when you can buy with the same or less money a flight ticket or even a ticket for a regular ship? Or even buy a boat by yourself? It is only a few miles from Turkey to Greece by boat. I learned that if you are a refugee and will not be accepted in the country of your destination the airline has to bring you back to your country. Does that mean that all the people do not have passports? Otherwise why can't they take the regular more cheaper and safer way?

If I understand correctly, the biggest problem is the 'visas', because it is the obligation of each airline, as well as any other regular transport, to check in their passports if they have a Schengen visa. If they don't, then they can't be at plane or ship at all.

Sorry, I did not see that Persej already wrote about the visas. :)
In regard to this mass flow of refugees being a plan, it is hard not to see it that way. It does not take a rocket scientist to see that destroying Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Somalia and Syria....just to mention a few countries, would create an exodus. This was predicted by many before these wars started so it can not be surprising, also not for the ruling elite who have teams of planners and forecasters of X, Y, Z scenarios. The only difference is that "middle" Europe is starting to feel it, though other countries especially in Southern Europe and North AFrica have felt it for years.

As mentioned in the interview with Joanne and James Moriarty, Libya was a buffer zone that protected Europe from displaced people, accomodating and employing 2,5 million non-Libyans. Now with NATO having turned Libya into a failed state and the NATO hired and trained goons slaughtering at will, these 2,5 million are on the run apart from the Libyans themselves. In that interview, Moriarty said that 99% of Libyan fleeing the new puppet regime, would not go to Europe but instead to neighbouring countries.

Destabilisation whether man-made/ nature-made (human-cosmic connection) in one area has a ripple effect on the adjacent areas and the greater the destabilisation the greater the ripples/impact. Major ripples have been created by the warmongers and we are likely to all inherit the effects thereof. In such a destabilised environment, the primal emotions are rife and makes it easy for the PTB to divide and rule by playing on these emotions, where basic survival, both physical and cultural appear to be threatened. As others have mentioned, the "work" of Soros is a shining example.

It is not looking pretty. Russia's move to create refugee centers inside Syria is a good idea and should be supported by Europeans, if they ever are allowed to hear about it.
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