Mass Migration - a plan, or just a consequence of some other plan

So the refugees entered Croatia, and now the move is on Croatia. What will they do we will see. Austrians already spoke with Croatians, but we don't know what they said. Most probably - "close the border!"


And history does seems to repeat itself. Many years ago Serbs in Croatia were defending the Austrians from Turks. Now, since there are no more Serbs there (at least not in big numbers), the Croatians will probably have to take the role of protectors of the West.

In the meantime, the unofficial news say that only Syrians, Iraqis and Eritreans will be able to get asylum. Because, like I said, only they can be considered to be refugees, other are just (economic) migrants, according to EU.

In the meantime, the unofficial news say that only Syrians, Iraqis and Eritreans will be able to get asylum. Because, like I said, only they can be considered to be refugees, other are just (economic) migrants, according to EU.

Only yesterday, in the Netherlands a journalist proved that he was able to buy a forged Syrian passport with the photograph of the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte for only 750 euros. It took about 40 hours to obtain.



Photo: Harald Doornbos via Twitter

EDITED: also relevant
I don't think that in reality "terrorists" need to obtain passports in such way. They just have to go to the nearest US embassy or the CIA outpost.
Avala said:
I don't think that in reality "terrorists" need to obtain passports in such way. They just have to go to the nearest US embassy or the CIA outpost.

I understand that. The fake passport stories only show that anyone who needs relocation and/or to hide him/herself for whatever reasons can relatively easily make use of the current situation. It reminded me of the old guerrilla warfare adage that a fish (terrorist) needs water to live in and these migrant crowds can provide such for all kinds of purposes, short term and long term alike. It would be naive, I think, to not be aware of this.
Jefferson said:
Hungary has produced at least one "get tough on immigrants" commercial:

Is this video real? Or I am hallucinating? Is this the beginning of something that is so big that we should look in advance? What is coming? And you are seeing that from refugees or migrants now they will become, all of them! ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

When I was young I read a very strange book, from the bookshelves of my father, I think the title was "The Flesh" ( since, I look for this book everywhere but I am unable to find it) and it was the story of how the Germans, before the war, wanted to "give" their Jews to all the European countries but nobody accepted it. Is this something like this that will happen in Europe? :scared:
loreta said:
When I was young I read a very strange book, from the bookshelves of my father, I think the title was "The Flesh" ( since, I look for this book everywhere but I am unable to find it) and it was the story of how the Germans, before the war, wanted to "give" their Jews to all the European countries but nobody accepted it. Is this something like this that will happen in Europe? :scared:

It seems indeed that in Europe, a meme of the "unwanted other" is taking root, which on the long run, with an economic collapse, environmental disasters and possibly a "civil" war will end up in deportations, concentration camps, and possibly mass exterminations.

A few days ago, an information was circulating, later denied, that some refugees where sheltered at a former Nazi concentration camp (Buchenwald). Whether true or not, the circulation of this information can be seen as somehow symbolic of the way things are going on.
Meanwhile in Germany:

A few hours ago it was reported that a police woman got attacked in Berlin by a confused man with a knife who was attacking pedestrians and she got severely wounded. The man was shot instantly from her colleagues and police also hit the police woman with their own bullets. A few hours later it was reported that the man was a known islamist Rafik Yousef who was convicted in 2008 and before the attack he removed his electronically food chains.

Either he was mind controlled since he already planned a terror plot in 2004 and wanted to murder the Iraqi PM or he was just a victim that could be picked and fits into the agenda of hysteria.
mkrnhr said:
loreta said:
When I was young I read a very strange book, from the bookshelves of my father, I think the title was "The Flesh" ( since, I look for this book everywhere but I am unable to find it) and it was the story of how the Germans, before the war, wanted to "give" their Jews to all the European countries but nobody accepted it. Is this something like this that will happen in Europe? :scared:

It seems indeed that in Europe, a meme of the "unwanted other" is taking root, which on the long run, with an economic collapse, environmental disasters and possibly a "civil" war will end up in deportations, concentration camps, and possibly mass exterminations.

A few days ago, an information was circulating, later denied, that some refugees where sheltered at a former Nazi concentration camp (Buchenwald). Whether true or not, the circulation of this information can be seen as somehow symbolic of the way things are going on.

Yes, and also I see a "message" not just for the refugees but everyone. A subliminal message.
BOOM! George Soros W2EU Group Is Giving Handbooks to Fake Refugee Invaders
Konstantin said:
.... They don't have cloth for winter, they don't have anything. They are not adapted to very cold winters , but even if they are their chances are low because of their resources.
And as the situation is developing i don't think that all of them will find some temporary shelter during the winter, or the winter will be excuse to put them in some kind of camps .
Very dark times are coming for all those suffered souls out there.

I often have to pass railwaystations where migrants are kept safe. I cannot agree with "they don't have anything". Most of the migrants I have seen until now have warm clothes, warm shoes and even more technical stuff than just a smartphone. And obviously their clothes are not from some refugee organisations. Some of them have clothes from helping organisations, thats true, but they are not too much - you see that i.e. of the imprint of a jacket. And most of them dont look like they were on the run . . . I am not judging, just wondering.

The other day I was talking to a railway officer. I asked him about the refugees and the situation here. Because there is something strange: You see and feel no desparate people, on the contrary you see very often laughing and joking folks. Which of course is good, because nevertheless they are on the move and it is better to laugh than to cry . . . But it is strange.

Another point: There is something a lot of people dont understand: Why give a lot of money to people smugglers when you can buy with the same or less money a flight ticket or even a ticket for a regular ship? Or even buy a boat by yourself? It is only a few miles from Turkey to Greece by boat. I learned that if you are a refugee and will not be accepted in the country of your destination the airline has to bring you back to your country. Does that mean that all the people do not have passports? Otherwise why can't they take the regular more cheaper and safer way?

We just had a discussion here at my job about that. A lot of us - at least the ones that are the thinking ones - know what has been going on - with all the bombing and destroying of the midterranean countries by US and Europeans etc.etc.. And we simply feel very strange about that all. A colleague argued that she simply felt it was like 1938 but just the other way round.

A lot of the refugees seem to have relations in Germany and they know where they want to go to. I dont think they will be kept in similar situations like the KZ.

There will be chaos, no doubt. What worries me is that nobody seems to think and talk of the people who have rebuilt their country after WWII which was a horrible situation for many a years. Now they see that everything they have built up is being destroyed again.

A few months ago they were told that there will be a lot of restrictions due to the economical situation. Now they learn that "money is no problem" as the Austrian Chanceller has said when he talked about supporting refugees. And there is a lot of poverty in Austria, which does not come to surface and gets no help. . .

I think it is important to see both sides . . . . and I agree very much with the Russians bulding refugee camps in the area. Help is needed there.
loreta said:
Here more altercations in front of the barrier.

I would like to add a Statement that I found on a commentary in an Austrian Newspaper:

Grenzen sind nicht moralischen Bewertungen zu unterwerfen. Grenzen schützen die Menschen die innerhalb dieser Grenzen leben. Gleichzeitig definieren sie ein Gebiet, innerhalb dieser Grenzen bestimmte Gesetze gelten, die durchaus von anderen Ländern abweichen. Ungarn hat sich entschieden, dass Menschen muslimischen Glaubens in Ungarn keinen Zuzug erhalten. An den offiziellen Grenzübergängen bekommen die Flüchtlinge jedoch Einlass nach Ungarn. Jeder Staat möchte berechtigt wissen wer in sein Land will und sei es
auch nur zur Durchreise. Das ist nicht nur legitim, sondern auch Selbstschutz. In den USA werden sie einfach ohne Begründung abgewiesen und das ist nach internationalen Gesetzen auch das Recht der USA.
Wenn eine fremde Person oder mehrere in ihr Haus möchte, dann machen sie nicht die Fenster auf, sondern bitten sie zur TÜR. Dann bitten Sie bestimmt um eine Legitimation oder einen Ausweis um sicher zu gehen,
dass alles seine Ordnung hat. Die Gestaltung ihrer Tür oder Zauns ist ganz allein Ihre Sache, denn es ist ihr Geld mit dem sie die Tür bezahlt haben.

Borders are not to be subordinated by moral judgings. Borders are protecting people who are living withing this boarders. At the same time they define an area whichin there are certain rules that might differ from other countries. Hungary has decided to forbid muslims to settle down in Hungary. At the official boardercrossings refugees can enter Hungary. It is the right of each state to know who wants to get in his Country and if it is only for trespassing. Thats not only legitim but even protecting himself. In the USA they will be rejected without reason and thats according to international law the right of the USA.
If one ore more strangers will come to your house you will not open your window but ask them to take the door. You probably will ask for a identification to be sure that everything is right. They way you design your fence is only up to you, because it simply is your money you had to pay for it.

Although I do not agree with everything here there are two Points I find important. One is the point of boarders.

We live in a time where boarders obviously are something bad. In the description above I think one can see that they are necessary, too. We dont live in paradise but in a world where there is violence and on the long run we will all have to face a situation similar to that.

Another point with the problem of boarders: Some weeks ago I was talking to a guy who is working with young people and he told me that they expressed their happiness about his giving them boarders, something which is very seldom today and a lot of people suffer from that kind of boarderlessness. (I am sorry I have to keep myself short because of time)

In my opinion those two things belong together.

Another point about that Video: Before closing the boarders Hungary announced some days before that they will do so. So why did those people go there? Shouldn't they respect the decision and find a different way, as they are doing now? And what kind of husband is it to bring a pregnant woman in such a situation? Why did they throw stones?

I am afraid my arguments might seem raw and I was a little bit afraid of putting a statement like this. Very often one is called a heartless racist, fascist for saying something like that.

I also have been reading the interviews with Orban. I dont think that he is a good guy, or whatever one could say about a politician. Nevertheless what he says is in a way reasonable:

Ich erkenne eine Schwäche christlicher Gesellschaften. Die Muslime sind stärker, sie haben mehr Respekt vor dem Leben, der Familie und Kindern, mehr Respekt vor kultureller Einheit.
I see weakness in Christian societies. Muslims are stronger, they have more respect for life, Family and children, more respect for cultural unity.

Aber sie sind nicht erfolgreich. Vergleichen Sie die muslimischen Staaten mit den europäischen.
But they are not successful - compare muslim states to european!

Erfolg, wie wir ihn verstehen, ist nicht das Wichtigste im Leben. Die Muslime haben da einen anderen Zugang.
Success, how we define it, is not the most important Thing in life. Muslims have a different Access.

Sie haben doch vorhin selbst gesagt, dass die muslimischen Migranten ein besseres Leben in Europa haben wollen.
You said before that muslim migrants want a better life in Europe

Sie wollen bessere Lebensbedingungen, aber nicht ihre Einstellungen und ihre Kultur ändern. Viele Europäer sitzen da einer Illusion auf.
They want better conditions for life but no changings in their views and cultures. Many Europeans hang on to an illusion about that.

The last sentence being definitely true. Because a lot of the "we help the refugees" supporters dont have their feet on the ground but just having an event: Oh, lets organize a concert for the refugees! Great! Wonderful! Oh, lets do some runnig for the refugees! Oh, Great, wonderful! Lets have a Demonstration! Great, wonderful! There is no real Feeling behind all that.

Before you call me a racist, fascist or something like that please keep in mind that one of my best teachers is a muslim woman, my supporter for computers comes from Serbia, some friends of mine are Jewish, Palestine, Czech.

It is just that the situation should be seen in total . . . .

This is the link for the german Speakers: As I said I dont agree with everything but in fact he has his feet more on the ground than other ones.
News are there to confuse us, even news from some good sites, like RT. I am confuse and I know that my vision is a confused one. I am in the middle of news, one side we see a tragedy and it is a tragedy of refugees. At the other side we see some things that are strange, and you Naorma asked some good questions, about borders and money and passports. I don't believe at all about news that say that some jihadists can come with refugees. What I try to say is that in the world of information you see contradictory news that are contradictory to confuse us, it is the objective to confuse. The other day in the propagandist RFI they made a little capsule about how many people, French and other nationalities, are making money with the refugees (or migrants) with all sort of business: food, Phones, mobiles, internet lines, clothe, bags, shoes, restaurants, even travel. Like it was a big market, with movement, good energy, good exchange of money-items. That from a same reseau that in another capsule shows how poor and fragile are the migrants. Even if we are informed we are still in the middle of all this information from many sides. My husband that is a very cold man (maybe because he is Canadian ;)) says always that the magician (PTB) always lure you to look at his right hand while he is making his move with his left hand.

It is difficult some times to keep your breath in the middle of all of this. Fortunately we have good analysts in that try to connect dots and do excellent analysis of the situation and for me it is because of them that I keep going to try to understand what is happening. It is always a question of keeping a sort of balance. And this is very difficult (for me anyway) in the middle of the chaos.
Here is an article about the USA\ Jews \ The Ayn Rand Institute \ George Soros footprint in financing guides for refugees. And despite the fact that these American organizations actively invite everyone in Europe, promising them various benefits. With a focus on compassion, humanity, and the need to help people in trouble.

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