Mass Migration - a plan, or just a consequence of some other plan

No country is able to handle the situation. Here's what's happened in Croatia:


Published on Sep 17, 2015
“The police have completely lost control here…And this is happening in the European Union.” Jonathan Miller reports from Croatia as refugees and migrants rush through barricades."

Croatia's Interior Minister said that in one day over 6500 refugees arrived, and they are overwhelmed.
This mass migration is unstoppable, said the reporter. There are refugees from Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Eritrea.
Shared Joy said:
No country is able to handle the situation. Here's what's happened in Croatia:


Published on Sep 17, 2015
“The police have completely lost control here…And this is happening in the European Union.” Jonathan Miller reports from Croatia as refugees and migrants rush through barricades."

Croatia's Interior Minister said that in one day over 6500 refugees arrived, and they are overwhelmed.
This mass migration is unstoppable, said the reporter. There are refugees from Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Eritrea.
Kolinda (Croatian president) is the first mention of the army link.

Then we trespassed EU link:

As everywhere there are fools and psychopaths, there are also good people who help,link:
I am reminded of the novel The Camp of the Saints written by the prize-winning French author, traveler and leader of research expeditions Jean Raspail. The Camp of the Saints was written in 1973, it is a prophetic and apocalyptic novel dealing with the chaos of Third World illegal immigrants streaming into Europe, people with no intent of assimilating with the local populations, they are mostly illegal havenots desiring the material riches of European countries. They crowd into rusting old ships and steer for Europe. The West, especially from the viewpoint of the French authorities (Raspail being French) had to choose - allowing the refugees in on humanitarian grounds, or defending the West from probable collapse as the consequence of the invasion.

Who would have thought that this situation would ever develop outside the world of fiction, but that is what has happened 40 years after this novel was written - except that it's the UK and USA of modern times that are most probably working behind the scenes to bring the events in the novel to reality to suit their own agendas.

Although some critics accused Raspail of xenophobia and racism - 'The end of the white world is near' according to an ad campaign for The Camp of the Saints - it is well-written and haunting, it is 'A haunting book of irresistible force and calm logic' as one critic described it. I checked if the book is still for sale - it is (Amazon), but if you are cash strapped, download the pdf at I am going to give it a re-read.

The 90-year-old Jean Raspail lives in Neuilly-sur-Seine, near Paris. According to Wikipedia: Raspail wrote an article in Le Figaro in June 2004, entitled "The Fatherland Betrayed by the Republic", in which he criticized the French immigration policy. He was sued by International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism on the grounds of "incitement to racial hatred", but the action was turned down by the court a few months later. Will the ending of his novel on illegal immigrants flooding Europe also come true? I guess we'll know pretty soon.
So now Croatia is closing roads between Croatia and Serbia. If we look at the map of Persej, and other countries in the East start to close their roads and frontiers... what are the options left to the refugees? Travel to Italy by boat??? I think that the refugees will be trap in a dead end.


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loreta said:
So now Croatia is closing roads between Croatia and Serbia. If we look at the map of Persej, and other countries in the East start to close their roads and frontiers... what are the options left to the refugees? Travel to Italy by boat??? I think that the refugees will be trap in a dead end.
Slovenians are released at the border crossing Bregana, but there was a problem because of the" shortage" of doctors in the Croatian-Slovenian border, link:

loreta said:
So now Croatia is closing roads between Croatia and Serbia. If we look at the map of Persej, and other countries in the East start to close their roads and frontiers... what are the options left to the refugees? Travel to Italy by boat??? I think that the refugees will be trap in a dead end.

If you look at this map:

You can see that Hungary has a river Drava (Drau in German) almost all the way along the border with Croatia. On that little part between the Drava and Danube they are now building another fence. So Hungary will be very well protected from influx of immigrants.

But Croatia, on the other hand, is very open country. Even if they also build a fence on the Serbain border, they have a very big border with BiH that will be very hard to control. So options for refugees are still very big. Unless Slovenia decides to build a fence.

But yes, travel to Italy by boat is something that they could try in the future.
Shared Joy said:
No country is able to handle the situation. Here's what's happened in Croatia:


Published on Sep 17, 2015
“The police have completely lost control here…And this is happening in the European Union.” Jonathan Miller reports from Croatia as refugees and migrants rush through barricades."

Croatia's Interior Minister said that in one day over 6500 refugees arrived, and they are overwhelmed.
This mass migration is unstoppable, said the reporter. There are refugees from Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Eritrea.

Well, I guess it can't be taken for true anything that Croatian authorities says. Croatia is the marginal USA/NATO/EU puppet country, literally without any sovereignty, which means that statements by Croatian officials are originating from some other party. For example, they say that in one day entered 6500 refugees to Croatia, and that they are "overwhelmed". Which sounds ridiculous considering that, for example, through Serbia so far are passed more than 200 000 people, sometimes 10 000 people a day, and this is just according to official statistics. And Serbia never was "overwhelmed".

The point is that the actions of the Croatian and Hungarian authorities to close the borders are ridiculous, considering that they are transit countries, and that the refugees would not remain in Hungary and Croatia.
It seems obvious that Croatia and Hungary are working on the orders of "destination" countries for refugees, which is mainly Germany. OSIT

But Croatia, on the other hand, is very open country. Even if they also build a fence on the Serbain border, they have a very big border with BiH that will be very hard to control. So options for refugees are still very big. Unless Slovenia decides to build a fence.

Exactly, Croatian border with Bosnia is really huge, and I just can't imagine how they will build the fence there. Above that, there is significant muslim population in Bosnia, which is another factor to think of.
Persej said:
loreta said:
So now Croatia is closing roads between Croatia and Serbia. If we look at the map of Persej, and other countries in the East start to close their roads and frontiers... what are the options left to the refugees? Travel to Italy by boat??? I think that the refugees will be trap in a dead end.

If you look at this map:

You can see that Hungary has a river Drava (Drau in German) almost all the way along the border with Croatia. On that little part between the Drava and Danube they are now building another fence. So Hungary will be very well protected from influx of immigrants.

But Croatia, on the other hand, is very open country. Even if they also build a fence on the Serbain border, they have a very big border with BiH that will be very hard to control. So options for refugees are still very big. Unless Slovenia decides to build a fence.

But yes, travel to Italy by boat is something that they could try in the future.
An unchecked and untreated residual mine fields (1991-1995 war) could be detrimental to the refugees who came across the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina

casper said:
An unchecked and untreated residual mine fields (1991-1995 war) could be detrimental to the refugees who came across the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina

I wonder how did they let you in EU before cleaning those mine fields? Aren't they concerned about the safety of EU citizens?
Persej said:
casper said:
An unchecked and untreated residual mine fields (1991-1995 war) could be detrimental to the refugees who came across the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina

I wonder how did they let you in EU before cleaning those mine fields? Aren't they concerned about the safety of EU citizens?
I think that someone is not of great importance, this happened 5 days ago, link:

Independent also wrote about it:

News about what Austria apparently thought of everything, link:
“The police have completely lost control here…And this is happening in the European Union.” Jonathan Miller reports from Croatia as refugees and migrants rush through barricades."

They let them go, if they wanted to stop them they would using batons, tear gas, riot shields, etc.. but then it would be non-European approach? It would be like in Hungary and Slovenia, but from the video it seems British media and political establishment would like some tougher measures like those the US puppet nationalist president proposed. They probably got orders to just hold the line, not use any force just physically try to hold them, but of course they would get through when there are much more of refugees and no force or tactics used. But it is also a mob, they trample each other hurrying while it could all be avoided if some patience. But also the organization from Croatian side was bad because they underestimated influx of refugees and did not organize properly enough resources so there is long waiting because of that.

Well, I guess it can't be taken for true anything that Croatian authorities says. Croatia is the marginal USA/NATO/EU puppet country, literally without any sovereignty, which means that statements by Croatian officials are originating from some other party. For example, they say that in one day entered 6500 refugees to Croatia, and that they are "overwhelmed". Which sounds ridiculous considering that, for example, through Serbia so far are more than 200 000 people, sometimes 10 000 people a day, and this is just according to official statistics. And Serbia never was "overwhelmed"

Because the borders with Hungary were not closed at the time, this is also one of the reasons Serbian government is protesting, not just from economical reasons because if borders are closed with two countries Serbia will become new hotspot, and not all borders are closed because maybe they want to slow down the influx of refugees to make it more manageable to deal with ones inside. Serbia is also a puppet state from when the Milosevic was taken down but just not formally yet. Croatia is also the most indebted country of the former Yugoslavia states, and probably the most privatized, something you must have read probably somewhere.

I wonder how did they let you in EU before cleaning those mine fields? Aren't they concerned about the safety of EU citizens?

To be honest I do not know, minority of population voted for joining in EU referendum, personally I voted against it but the mines are not concern when there is plunder to be made, something easily concluded.

Prime minister had call with Merkel and it is said that she wanted for refugees to be put on hold but he refused, those closings of borders came as Germany said it would take most refugees but it seems they say one thing but are doing another, because it seems they want smaller as possible number of refugees but it is only beginning. Borders will be closed probably permanently in future when quotas of EU are met and refugees would keep coming not just from third world but also from neighboring countries as situation worsens economically and environmentally. It would all explode, it is already tense with economical situation in EU, especially in poorer countries where people are barley surviving. It is easy to direct peoples fear for survival and anger of that state against newcomers or minorities. It worked in past and it will work again, most of the comments that are being posted in foreign countries and my country about refugees are nationalist, racist and fear driven. US is the main profiteer because with onset of lock down and threat of Muslims Europe will be holding tightly to US policy, and will be economically weaken by influx of refugees and in that way more dependent. Maybe that is why Germany is reluctant when it comes to economy. There was report on Ministry of Internal Affairs website that with coming of refugees there was increasing number of reports about rapes, attempted rapes and other felonies, but that they are all false and stirring the situation.
Charlie Hebdo caricatures about Aylan. Disgusting. :evil:


loreta said:
So now Croatia is closing roads between Croatia and Serbia. If we look at the map of Persej, and other countries in the East start to close their roads and frontiers... what are the options left to the refugees? Travel to Italy by boat??? I think that the refugees will be trap in a dead end.

They cant be stopped. They are like unstoppable force. Those are very determined and resolute people, and in tens of thousands. They can only be slowed down a bit. For example, when Hungary built fence, there was a standstill for some time, and then they rerouted to Croatia. If there were no way through Croatia, they would probably tear down the Hungary's fence in few days.

The problem starts when some government tries to "handle" them. I think that Europe is not yet aware what is happening.
Avala said:
loreta said:
So now Croatia is closing roads between Croatia and Serbia. If we look at the map of Persej, and other countries in the East start to close their roads and frontiers... what are the options left to the refugees? Travel to Italy by boat??? I think that the refugees will be trap in a dead end.

They cant be stopped. They are like unstoppable force. Those are very determined and resolute people, and in tens of thousands. They can only be slowed down a bit.
The heat wave that struck Europe is over. They come colder days, so this week forecasted temperature of maximum to 24 degrees Fahrenheit. Morning temperatures are very low.
In Slovenia will be even colder. Air temperature will be a big problem for refugees, regardless of which part of the country can be contained. The cold will slow down people in their movement, especially young children.

I just read that the Croatian army began to lift the tent settlement for 5,000 people in Tovarnik. The refugees were initially under the open sky waiting for help, today announced the rain.
Among the refugees was much children, the sick and disabled people.
Seven border crossings with Serbia and one in Slovenia today remain closed to all traffic. The closed border points Ilok, Ilok 2, Principovac Principovac 2, Tovarnik, Erdut and Batina. It is open only Bajakovo.
On the border with Slovenia closed the crossing Harmica and Bregana remains (for now) open.
I try to understand how this situation will go, and knowing how the EU is a fascist regime, and this since many, many years, I think that maybe their objective is coming from a Machiavellian project. To eliminate people, because they say we are too much humans beings in this planet, or to put people in concentration camps to work for them, as they did in other times. It is imperative to never forget that the EU is made by a bunch of criminals.

So I am looking for articles that point to the idea of putting refugees in "concentration camps" and I found, for now, this one.

EU Leaders Consider New Internment Camps for Rejected Refugees
Document obtained by the Guardian shows EU ambassadors planning 'detention measures' for people whose asylum applications are turned down

They say "for people whose asylum application are turned down". We will see if it is just for that type of refugees.

Among the topics being discussed by European Union ministers at an emergency session in Brussels is a proposal for the new internment of refugees fleeing war and poverty, the Guardian revealed Monday.

A four-page draft statement prepared by EU ambassadors ahead of Monday's meeting was obtained by journalist Ian Traynor.

The document, which Traynor says is likely to receive backing from EU governments, reportedly states that "reception facilities will be organized so as to temporarily accommodate people" in Greece and Italy during their process of identification, registration, and application for asylum.

Those whose bids are rejected should be rapidly deported, the document states.

Further, in cases where authorities suspect rejected applicants will seek entry into another EU country, they can be interned, the statement declares.

"When voluntary return is not practicable and other measures on return are inadequate to prevent secondary movements, detention measures... should be applied," the document states.

The document directs the EU to fund and build refugee camps for the rejected asylum-seekers in locations outside of Europe and not in their country of origin.

The Brussels meeting comes as the humanitarian response by EU states flounders in the face of the worst refugee crisis since World War II. Over the weekend, Germany—which has championed itself the leader of the humanitarian response—tightened border restrictions, cut off trains traveling from Austria, and escalated random checks on cars.

Meanwhile, people seeking refuge are already being forced into squalid camps across Europe and the Middle East.

What they mean by "outside of Europe". Where? In an island? In the moon? In the Sahel? This is a strange statement.

Also I think that the statement that I put in red color has a broad interpretation.

You can see from the original article that they put a picture of a train. Now, a modern train. But we know very well the sub-conscious idea of train/refugees. Even for young people a train is more then a train in the history of humanity.
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