Mass Migration - a plan, or just a consequence of some other plan

solarmind said:
This is very interesting:


I am not subscribed, but you can log in with FB account for free for few articles ... or if anyone can't read it there I can copy paste full article here ... very interesting plot and set of constructed "possibilities" out of already presented false information on Putin, indeed ...

Should violence erupt, it will be felt across the Balkans. It could spill over to Kosovo, south Serbia, Macedonia, and the Muslim-majority Serbian region of Sandzak.

Well, they don't mention Croatia, so you have nothing to worry about solarmind, you are safe. ;)

The article is horrible, a true US propaganda. The western psychos never sleep, that's for sure.
Persej said:
Should violence erupt, it will be felt across the Balkans. It could spill over to Kosovo, south Serbia, Macedonia, and the Muslim-majority Serbian region of Sandzak.

Well, they don't mention Croatia, so you have nothing to worry about solarmind, you are safe. ;)

The article is horrible, a true US propaganda. The western psychos never sleep, that's for sure.

yea it is horrible ... but hey hello ;) I don't want us to be again used as borderline of NATO games with all others who are our neighbors ... hope that this election now in November will not get us again with that idiots from HDZ in power ... I was actually concerned why Croatia is not on the list uhmhm ... and with this stream of refugees they already made a mess with Croatian relation with Slovenia, Hungary and Serbia ... and since we have a president who is ex NATO secretary, I am worried what is a real game behind that in Balkans ... but let's see this as US wishful scenario slightly announced through their propaganda
Well, we know what they want. Complete control over Balkans and Russia out of Balkans. That's why they haven't mentioned Croatia. Croatia is in EU and NATO, mostly Catholic, has no potential conflict zone, and no strong relations with Russia. So you are safe overall. :)

For the rest of us... who knows.
If one goes to this page there is an interactive map that claims to show how migration to Europe takes place, the link is here: If you hold the mouse over a country, the map will show where the people are going or from where they are coming.
There was this: said:
Hungarian PM blames Soros for fueling refugee crisis in Europe
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said that George Soros, an American billionaire and human rights advocate, was responsible for the ongoing refugee crisis. Soros belongs to a group of “activists” that encourages migrants to head to Europe and thus intentionally aggravates the situation, Orban said.

“His name is perhaps the strongest example of those who support anything that weakens nation states, they support everything that changes the traditional European lifestyle,” Orban said in an interview on public radio station Kossuth, according to Bloomberg. “These activists who support immigrants inadvertently become part of this international human-smuggling network.”

This is not the first time Orban has slammed Soros, who is of Hungarian descent. He is funding several pro-migration non-governmental organizations. In an interview with the Hungarian-language TV2 television network, Orban claimed Soros is “drawing a living from the immigration crises” while Hungary is trying to protect its normal way of life.

Hungary’s decision to close its border to stop the uncontrolled influx of refugees, erect a razor-wire fence and toughen migration laws has been criticized by Brussels and human rights organization, including the ones backed by Soros.
Short documentary about a previous migration to Europe, this time from Kosovo. Another prosperous country that is saved by the US. :rolleyes:
Of course, Germany had a big role in that as well.

The Kosovo Exodus (RT Documentary)
An article by Wayne Madsen about migrant invasion of Europe:
sToRmR1dR said:
An article by Wayne Madsen about migrant invasion of Europe:

Well, I think this article is rather incoherent and largely based on speculation, rumor and hearsay. As no-man's-land said:

no-man's-land said:
Pashalis said:
I would be very careful about many of those eyewitness accounts, that are circulating all over Europe about "muslims", "arabics","africans" and "migrants" right now...

I tell ya: It doesn't look good and history seems to repeat itself again...

Right, especially if it comes to reports from "trustworthy friends". I researched some of the claims made in those letters and it turned out that all of them were plain lies. For example there were reports that allegedly refugees would steal from supermarkets and the police didn't intervene and told the owner to keep quiet and send the bill to the administrative district office who will pay for it. A totally ridiculous claim which was a lie. There are several other, similar claims that could not be verified at all, though they are widely circulating here in Germany right now and people start to express more and more hate towards the refugees. I mean real hate, not worries or something moderat, but real hate and some already demand hard measures, starting to call to arms and even the word "gas chamber" surfaced already.

I suspect that some people use the chance to stir the pot and work hard towards civil unrest. The road to civil war is paved already. Now, even a small false flag attack would be enough to let everything go south darn quick. It's not looking nice.
A well made map that shows the flow of asylum seekers to European countries over time.
A friend sent me this propaganda piece out of England. Awww...
The Arab Spring gave them hope for a life without Evil Assad. Now they have to run from him.
According to media in Macedonia and the whole Balkan generally, i can see that around 2000-4000 refugees pass through Macedonia almost every day.
So, its still a big number of people going to western Europe.

Slovenia is building a wire fence to the border with Croatia in order to stop people from entering.

So, practicaly the whole EU is surrounding itself with fence on her south border, stoping people to enter its borders.
Konstantin said:
According to media in Macedonia and the whole Balkan generally, i can see that around 2000-4000 refugees pass through Macedonia almost every day.
So, its still a big number of people going to western Europe.

Slovenia is building a wire fence to the border with Croatia in order to stop people from entering.

So, practicaly the whole EU is surrounding itself with fence on her south border, stoping people to enter its borders.
On the question whether is Slovenia fence on the border began to set in coordination with Germany and Austria, or even" under their dictate, "Slovenian Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec said it was not and that the decision adopted by Slovenia alone, but it would be better to the Schengen border defend together, and that together make countries like Germany, Austria and Slovenia, and not each individual, which can cause a domino-effect of installing barriers at the internal borders of the Schengen area.

I do not like where this is going, I do not believe that Slovenians voluntarily started to lift the fence
There was this article from Sputnik: said:
Storm on the Horizon: Does Soros Want to Inflame Revolution in Europe?
19:22 13.11.2015
It looks like notorious billionaire George Soros wants to inflame an all-out revolution in Europe, Polish political analyst Adriel Kasonta notes.

George Soros, a Hungarian-born American business magnate, apparently despises the idea of national sovereignty, considering it an obstacle to his new "open borders" agenda.

"A few weeks ago, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban accused the billionaire financier of funding activists trying to encourage the continued flow of refugees heading to the continent from the Middle East and beyond," Adriel Kasonta, an editorial board member at the Central European Journal of

Besides Turkey, now the EU turned to African countries to help in stopping the refugee/migrant flow, but seemingly, there are some critics from these countries, versus discriminated admission of refugees:


In an effort to manage Europe’s largest refugee crisis since World War II, leaders from more than 30 African countries will be asked this week to take back economic migrants in exchange for development funds.
Migration experts fear this will further expose migrants to possible abuse.
The plan involves Europe sending back economic migrants while creating legal channels for a limited number of refugees to enter the E.U. legally, AFP reported, according to BusinessDayLive.
African countries are reluctant to take back migrants because they send home remittances in amounts that exceed the value of development aid, a European diplomat said.
Leaders from more than 30 African countries are expected to attend the Valetta Summit on Migration this week in Malta including some countries where many migrants are escaping conflict, repression poverty and bad weather. These include Cameroon, Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Libya, Niger, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan, AFP reported.
Macedonian authorities start building the wire fence on the border with Greece. Last few weeks they were not letting the entrance to economic migrants from countries that are not affected by war. They do this after some EU countries decided to do the same. Last few days there were incidents with the police, but no mainstream media reported more details about that


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