Mass Migration - a plan, or just a consequence of some other plan

This other source says:

After the attack, the Swedish Resistance Movement, a neo-Nazi group, released a statement claiming the attack had "cleaned up criminal immigrants from North Africa that are housed in the area around the Central Station".

The statement added: "These criminal immigrants have robbed and molested Swedes for a long time."

"Police have clearly shown that they lack the means to stave off their rampage, and we now see no other alternative than to ourselves hand out the punishments they deserve."

Comes with longer version of the video.
luc said:
RT just released a very touching (and interesting) documentary about the situation in Lesbos, Greece, where many migrants arrive from Turkey via smugglers:

Heartbreaking stuff...

I just watched it. It's powerful stuff; heartbreaking indeed! I shared it on FB because I think everyone should watch it. I think it will reach those with hearts and expose those who don't have one. I also read some of the comments on youtube and I was quite discouraged to see that many are quite cold, racist or xenophobic. :( And after watching that! But then again people commenting on youtube are not known for their insights.
About 10,000 Refugee Minors Disappear After Arriving in Europe

The EU law enforcement agency Europol's chief of staff said that about 10,000 unaccompanied refugee children disappeared following their arrival in Europe.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — According to Europol, there are some 270,000 children among the refugees, who arrived in the European countries from the crisis-torn countries in 2015. Dozens of thousands of these minors were unaccompanied by adults and disappeared. Their fate sparked concerns in the 28-nation block as they could become victims of human traffickers.

"It’s not unreasonable to say that we’re looking at 10,000-plus children. Not all of them will be criminally exploited; some might have been passed on to family members. We just don’t know where they are, what they’re doing or whom they are with," Brian Donald told the Observer newspaper.

He added that some 5,000 of refugee children disappeared in Italy and about 1,000 in Sweden.

The European Union is currently struggling to manage the massive refugee crisis, with hundreds of thousands of people leaving their countries of origin in the Middle East and North Africa for Europe. Over 1.83 million illegal border crossings have been detected by the EU border agency Frontex during 2015.
Its more than worrying that many refugees including children are untraceable in a collection of countries that told Greece to push them all back to the sea to let them drown.

Apparently that's there desired solution to the crisis and in what ways have this been already implemented ?! Instead of confronting the US which lies at the root of this problem. Obvious they rather just exterminate the symptom.

[quote author= Windmill knight]After the attack, the Swedish Resistance Movement, a neo-Nazi group, released a statement claiming the attack had "cleaned up criminal immigrants from North Africa that are housed in the area around the Central Station".[/quote]

Neo Nazi groups and Gladio are interlinked. Wouldn't surprise me if its all organized.

Last Thursday and Friday 6 ''anti'' European parties + anti immigration parties parties across Europe met together to discuss the immigration problem. (

After the conference, Wilders had this to say

''Als ik straks de grootste ben en andere politici willen niet met mij samenwerken”, zei PVV-leider Geert Wilders op de persconferentie na afloop, ''dan zullen de mensen dat niet accepteren''. Dan komt er een revolte. Wij laten dat niet gebeuren.

Translation= ''When I am the biggest and the other politicians doesn't cooperate with me. People won't accept that and a revolt will occur. We will not let that happen''.

In other words, he is giving us to choose to let him execute free reign or else he will unleash a revolution which will make that happen. Killing democracy. Or the last bits of it anyhow.

- Just shows how far he is willing to go. according to the article, Le-Pen agreed with him.
Finger Pointing: EU Makes Greece 'Scapegoat' Over Refugee Crisis

As the European Union (EU) is miserably failing at finding solutions to effectively deal with the ongoing refugee crisis, it has made Greece a scapegoat, blaming it for the influx of migrants, according to US-based geopolitical intelligence firm Stratfor.

At the end of 2015, the EU agreed to cooperate with Turkey attempting to limit the number of refugees coming to the continent. But this strategy has failed, Stratfor said.

"And they [EU members] appear to have reached an agreement on who is to blame: Greece," the Stratfor report said.

A number of EU members threatened to expel Greece from the Schengen Agreement, citing the Greek government's unwillingness to patrol its border with Turkey, thus allowing refugees to enter Europe.

The European Commission went so far as to issue a statement that Greece is "seriously neglecting its obligations" and its government has "serious deficiencies in the carrying out of external border controls."

Having said that Brussels ordered the Greek government to improve its border controls within the next three months, otherwise Greece would be at risk of being kicked out of the Schengen area.

If Greece were to be ousted from the passport-free zone, it would affect Greek citizens traveling within the EU — they would be treated like third-world nationals, the US intelligence company said.

The EU is using the threat of expulsion as a political tool aimed at putting pressure on the Greek government to tighten the country's border with Turkey.

The problem with punishing Greece by expelling it from the Schengen area is that the country doesn't share any land borders with other Schengen members. This means refugees wouldn't be affected by the move [but Greek citizens would], because they would continue to march on, pass through the non-Schengen Balkan states and then re-enter the EU again in Hungary, Stratfor said.

EU members have been looking for ways to isolate Greece from the rest of the union by strengthening the border between Macedonia and Greece, with EU members putting extra border guards and equipment on the Macedonian border.

It would be a weird and complicated political move, because if the EU was to fortify the Macedonian border it would be "helping a non-member state [Macedonia] while harming one of its own [Greece]," Stratfor said.

If the EU helps Macedonia to strengthen its border, refugees would be simply stuck in Greece, as asylum seekers wouldn't stop pouring in from Turkey. With Macedonia closing its border, refugees would find it hard to move further north and would be bottled up in Greece, potentially creating social unrest in the Hellenic Republic, the US intelligence firm explained.
German far-right leader: Police should 'have right to' shoot refugees illegally crossing border

Germany rejects populist party call to shoot refugees

The German Interior Ministry has rejected the populist party’s call for giving power to police officers to use firearms against refugees.

Frauke Petry, head of the Alternative for Germany party, said on Saturday that German police should shoot “if necessary” at refugees who try to enter the country illegally.

“That is what the law says,” said the leader of the anti-immigration party, adding, “I don't want this either. But the use of armed force is there as a last resort.”

On Monday, Interior Ministry spokesman Johannes Dimroth said at a press conference, “It goes without saying: no German policeman will use a firearm against people who are searching for protection in Germany.”

“And it goes without saying that the use of firearms against people to stop an illegal border crossing is unlawful.”

Steffen Seibert, a spokesman for Chancellor Angela Merkel, also criticized Petry’s remarks and said she had “disqualified herself” with these comments.

Merkel has come under huge pressure over her policy on refugees. She has resisted calls from some conservatives to impose a cap on the influx of asylum seekers or close Germany's borders.

Merkel has pledged to “measurably reduce” arrivals in 2016, but has refused to introduce a cap, saying it would be impossible to enforce it without closing German borders.

Instead, she has tried to convince other European nations to take in quotas of refugees, has pushed for reception centers to be built on Europe’s external borders, and led a European Union campaign to persuade Turkey to keep refugees from entering the continent. But progress has been slow.

Europe is facing an unprecedented influx of refugees who are fleeing conflict-ridden zones in Africa and the Middle East, particularly Syria.
The world has gone completely mad. It seems like today almost the whole western society has become Nazi. Hitler would be astounded and proud to witness that. The C's were right when they said something like "Hitler germany was just a dry run" for things to come and that the real Holocaust has yet to come. I'm afraid that it has already started though...

To give you an idea of how bad the situation is, even the majority of SOTT followers on Facebook have bought into the propaganda and basically have become Nazi and/or Nazi enablers:

The vast majority of the commentators don't agree with what SOTT wrote there:

Whether officially or unofficially, ‪#‎Europe‬ is becoming a ‪#‎racist‬, ‪#‎xenophobic‬ fortress. Given the continent's own history of ‪#‎war‬, displacement, ‪#‎fascism‬ and genocidal persecution it should be deeply troubling that it is once again on a slippery slope to such nihilistic mentality. It is doubling worrying when we hear apologists for hard-line measures against ‪#‎refugees‬ talking about "preserving European blood and culture." Given Europe's millennia of migrations, what "pure blood" is there to talk of apart from malign mythical notions?

How much worse can it get, when even a lot of people who "like SOTT" are going Nazi?
A couple of them are likely not even European either... And believe me, that Nazi mindset in Europe itself (germany for example) is even worst and more widespread.

It's just astounding and depressing and literally almost everywhere you look people are buying into the refugee/muslim propaganda. All over the western world.

I have the strong suspicion that the Holocaust is already in motion, in a couple of countries and that we simply don't hear that much, about what is really going on there... Same as in Nazi germany, were most people didn't even know what exactly was going on in those camps and outside the country in other death camps, thanks to ignorance and little empathy and curiosity left in the population. Most people only fully realized what has happened after the fact.
Pashalis said:
The world has gone completely mad. It seems like today almost the whole western society has become Nazi. Hitler would be astounded and proud to witness that. The C's were right when they said something like "Hitler germany was just a dry run" for things to come and that the real Holocaust has yet to come. I'm afraid that it has already started though...

To give you an idea of how bad the situation is, even the majority of SOTT followers on Facebook have bought into the propaganda and basically have become Nazi and/or Nazi enablers:

Yes, it's totally crazy. We've had to deal with a couple of neo-nazi types in Spanish Sott too that say that those waves of evil barbarians are going to take Europe away from us poor white people! :rolleyes: And I noticed the racism and xenophobia under that RT documentary (posted earlier on this thread). The incredible thing is that they leave these comments under articles or videos showing a very obvious and real human tragedy that should provoke a strong empathic response from normal people. But no! It's almost as if they are giving the thumbs-up to their suffering and cheering for the inmigrant-hunting-neonazis! I'm even wondering if there's some beaming going on to stimulate this sort of thinking.
Juncker: migration crisis develops into a crisis for the EU Solidarity

BRUSSELS, Feb. 3 - RIA Novosti, Alexander Shishlo. Migration crisis becomes a crisis for the European Union solidarity among its nations, said on Wednesday, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.

"The crisis of refugees every day more and more transformed into a crisis of European solidarity", - he said, speaking at the session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, which broadcasts the channel of the European Commission.

Juncker called on the EU to fulfill its commitments for the reception and resettlement of refugees on its territory.

Foreign Minister presidency of the EU Netherlands Bert Koenders said yesterday that the EU in 2015 came to a total of 1.8 million workers, there were more than 1.25 million petitions for asylum.

This Koenders warned that the EU expects a new spring massive wave of migrants.

The European Commission said that the current immigration crisis in the world - the biggest since the Second World War.
Windmill knight said:
Pashalis said:
The world has gone completely mad. It seems like today almost the whole western society has become Nazi. Hitler would be astounded and proud to witness that. The C's were right when they said something like "Hitler germany was just a dry run" for things to come and that the real Holocaust has yet to come. I'm afraid that it has already started though...

To give you an idea of how bad the situation is, even the majority of SOTT followers on Facebook have bought into the propaganda and basically have become Nazi and/or Nazi enablers:

Yes, it's totally crazy. We've had to deal with a couple of neo-nazi types in Spanish Sott too that say that those waves of evil barbarians are going to take Europe away from us poor white people! :rolleyes: And I noticed the racism and xenophobia under that RT documentary (posted earlier on this thread). The incredible thing is that they leave these comments under articles or videos showing a very obvious and real human tragedy that should provoke a strong empathic response from normal people. But no! It's almost as if they are giving the thumbs-up to their suffering and cheering for the inmigrant-hunting-neonazis! I'm even wondering if there's some beaming going on to stimulate this sort of thinking.

Yes, I noticed that too - the comments, especially on alternative news sites (including, sadly, sott), are really straight from the history books about Nazi hatred (maybe worse). Their psyop works like a charm, unfortunately.

The really sad thing is that both people still on mainstream-media and those on alternative media are falling for "splitting" and black and white thinking left and right: so the mainstream media lies all the time, ergo when they say that we shouldn't condemn Muslims or Islam, then they are lying too! Or the other way around: these alternative sites are so evil in their hatred towards Muslims, then they cannot be right with their opinion that the mainstream media are corrupt and lying. People are flocking to one side or the other rapidly - talk about divide and conquer!

It's incredible to witness how the right-wingers and their followers are blaming the mainstream media of ignoring the refugee problem, of all things! When in fact

1) the MSM are FULL of hatred against Muslime/refugees, even though it can be more subtle (but oftentimes, it's very blunt!)

2) the MSM are also fueling the anti-Muslim meme in a more subtle way, just by talking about it the whole day long! They repeat "Cologne: refugees assault women", "refugee crisis", "cultural problems" etc. all the time, and it doesn't matter at all if they say we "should welcome the refugees" and not "blaming all Muslims" or that "Islam has nothing to do with it" - what sticks, is "crisis", "problem", "flood" etc.

Also, I thought about all those authoritarian followers flocking to the right-wingers - could it be that most of them used to "follow" official mainstream authority, but due to their fear - coupled with wide-spread right-wing thoughts that become more and more "acceptable" - they are "switching"? So that now the wright-wing ideology/leaders are their new authorities? After all, these people can switch ideologies rapidly, as happened in eastern Germany, where many die-hard Nazis became die-hard communists nearly overnight...
luc said:
Also, I thought about all those authoritarian followers flocking to the right-wingers - could it be that most of them used to "follow" official mainstream authority, but due to their fear - coupled with wide-spread right-wing thoughts that become more and more "acceptable" - they are "switching"? So that now the wright-wing ideology/leaders are their new authorities? After all, these people can switch ideologies rapidly, as happened in eastern Germany, where many die-hard Nazis became die-hard communists nearly overnight...

The PTB/controllers regard any "competing" groups of Authoritarians/followers as a serious threat (think Oathkeepers at the national level). These groups are typically lead by religious fundamentalists - the Authoritarian is God/Bible/Pastor/etc and these groups are the followers. They have been moving away from the PTB/controllers/mainstream for many years, but more recently, the Islamophobia psyop has captured them. [They rightly blame the government but fall abysmally short of the truth.] These folks sincerely believe that they are destined for a domestic shooting war against Islam (akin to the Crusades). Many religious but non-fundamentalist folks are even falling into this trap - a trap being set carefully and intentionally.

I see the above intimately in the work I have been doing over the past 2 years with local preparedness groups (including our own local group). Thanks in a large part to Sott, many (local) folks have come to see the Islamophobia psyop for what it is and have backed away from the fundamentalist AF groups. Many in these AF groups blame me personally for diverting people from their "truth". But in general I would say that the Islamophobia psyop is working quite well.
The world has gone completely mad. It seems like today almost the whole western society has become Nazi. Hitler would be astounded and proud to witness that. The C's were right when they said something like "Hitler germany was just a dry run" for things to come and that the real Holocaust has yet to come. I'm afraid that it has already started though...

I remember when I was a kid on the Adriatic coast and spoke with one older German teen about Hitler and he said he was not bad because there were jobs, programming from parents probably.
Madness was always here but buffered, same as then economic crisis paved the foundations for it, they only needed new Jews. Those authoritarians need just a bit of fear for their self interest(imagined or real because their critical reasoning is not their better side) and the game is on, when you have so much reactive machines it is easy job, people tend to forget how many people out there are really stupid and living in flatland. Irony of it is that that fear was launched by those authorities, MSM they are calling laying and corrupt.
Corvinus said:
I remember when I was a kid on the Adriatic coast and spoke with one older German teen about Hitler and he said he was not bad because there were jobs, programming from parents probably.
Madness was always here but buffered, same as then economic crisis paved the foundations for it, they only needed new Jews. Those authoritarians need just a bit of fear for their self interest(imagined or real because their critical reasoning is not their better side) and the game is on, when you have so much reactive machines it is easy job, people tend to forget how many people out there are really stupid and living in flatland. Irony of it is that that fear was launched by those authorities, MSM they are calling laying and corrupt.

Well said, Corvinus! Critical reasoning seems really totally beyond these people, and empathy has practically disappeared or become extremely selective. Really sad to witness.
This war on migrants can also serve another interest... Unification around certain ideals. The (us) rally around a central ideal, in opposition with the (other). In this case, the ideal seems to be ('European Ideals'), whatever that means? Can someone explain what European ideals are? Naturally, whatever these ideals are, the (others) are devoid of it. Going by history, what is taken as european usually equates to 'civilization' and the other 'barbarians' or 'savages'. It's like the puritans in America vs the Natives. The storyline is I guess all the european high ideals of man which are under threat and to protect them from the other who is threatening to introduce a lower level of Being, the europeans have to mandate extreme barbarity and brutality... Ain't that something.

Lastly, the rallying cry against the other also appeals because it probably makes members of the in-group feel that essence of connectedness and maybe even specialness. More than institute an outright genocide ww2 style, they may just be reaffirming the boundaries that exist and maybe should exist (in their eyes, to maintain the order that has reined supreme for so long).
You might have seen this article recently on english SOTT, about the fact that at least 10.000 refugee children vanished without a trace in europe:

Now the BKA in germany (Federal Criminal Police Office) just said that 5000 refugee children vanished without a trace in germany alone. They also said that the numbers exploded as soon as the refugee chrisis really started in germany. And about the 10.000 refugee children that vanished without a trace in europe, they explicitly said that that number is just "a conservative estimate".

So German SOTT published an article about it here:

With a provoking headline that says: "Agitation shows its effect: 5,000 refugee children vanished without a trace in Germany: organ trafficking?"

Apparently in the hopes that some people wake up and see the terror of the situation, or at least show a bit of empathy in regards to those poor children and maybe can make the connection to the propaganda about refugees/muslims and what that (at least in parts) helps to cause.

German SOTT also published it on their Facebook page, with the following description: "Are you happy now? Refugee incitement assumes frightening proportions...":

Just look at what most people had to comment about that... No empathy for the children whatsoever. Just the opposite in fact, from most people, saying things like "deporatation is a good thing" and "I don't give a -flick- about those 5000 children, the only thing that matters is the german people". Being a straight Nazi has become the norm, rather then the exeption in europe. And those are people who liked German SOTT!? So probably not even the worst of the bunch....

By the way, in the comment from the editors on the article on german SOTT, there are a couple of links in regards to missing children and what might happen to at least some of those missing children. People don't care about that and/or are wilfully ignorant about the connection and implications.
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