Mass Migration - a plan, or just a consequence of some other plan

Italy’s prime minister likens EU situation to sinking ship

Italy’s prime minister says the situation of the European Union resembles a sinking ship and the leadership of the continental bloc keeps ignoring the growing demands for change.

“The EU is like the orchestra playing on the Titanic,” Matteo Renzi said Wednesday, referring to the giant British vessel which sank in the North Atlantic in the early 19th century with the famous music band on the deck keeping on playing until they drowned.

“Today we have done reforms and we are in a position to say to EU partners: ‘friends, we can change this wrong, bureaucratic approach,’” Renzi stated.

On Tuesday, the Italian government urged the EU to adopt a two-speed approach to its future development.

The administration of Renzi and the EU leadership in Brussels have been at odds over demands by the Italian government for leeway on the budget rules of the EU Stability and Growth Pact to allow Rome to revive Italy’s economy with tax cuts and growth-orientated spending.

Renzi has described the German-inspired package the “Stupidity Pact.”

The 41-year-old former mayor of Florence has also lashed out in several occasions at Brussels over its failure to act decisively over the refugee crisis or the conflict in Libya, saying the “technocrats” in the European Union are ruining the aspirations of the bloc.

The Italian premier believes he is a Europhile, but his continued criticism of major EU powers such as France and Germany has made many believe that Renzi is a Eurosceptic.

Italy has also supported demands by Britain to opt out of the EU’s so-called ever-closer principle written in the EU treaties.

Britain has demanded an opt out from the "ever closer" principle written into EU treaties as part of a package of reforms it wants agreed before holding an in-out referendum on its membership.

Refugee Crisis: How Do We Solve a Problem Like Macedonia?

Macedonia, not a member of the European Union (EU), is putting the finishing touches to its new razor wire fencing on its border with Greece - a member of the EU and the Schengen Zone, just.

Greece doesn't like Macedonia — has a problem with the name. Thinks it stole it from an ancient Greek province south of the border. Macedonia doesn't care. It's got its own problems to sort out, involving corruption and covert surveillance of politicians; and finishing that massive fence designed to keep the refugees out.

Germany doesn't like Greece. Brussels doesn't much either — since the country's economic crisis. The European Commission (EC) has also concluded that Greece has behaved disastrously over the refugee crisis.

Firstly, by allowing too many refugees and migrants through to Germany (which had agreed to have them), without registering them properly; secondly, for the "inhumane" treatment asylum seekers and refugees have to put up with; thirdly, for "seriously neglecting" its duty to protect its external borders.

The majority of refugees arrive on Greek islands after crossing the Aegean Sea from Turkey.

Greece doesn't much like Turkey either and the feeling is mutual — since 1832. But the EU does now, recently striking a deal with Ankara and offering money as well as EU membership, if Turkey stops people smugglers and holds onto hundreds of thousands of refugees.

But despite Germany's best laid plan to stop the flow of migrants into Europe — by keeping them in Turkey — little has changed in the numbers arriving — and the willingness of Ankara to stop them.

A recent report looking into the EU deal with Turkey suggested that the numbers of people heading to Greece had not dropped.

"In December, the number of registered arrivals by sea from Turkey to Greece remains at an average level of approximately 4,000 persons per day," said the report seen by EU leaders.

It appears up until now that the EC had forgotten that the Balkan route overtook the Mediterranean one as the most popular route for migrants to reach the European Union.

In 2015, 850,000 refugees traveled through Macedonia to other European countries.

Meanwhile, Macedonia which segregates refugees and economic migrants only allowing asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria through to Greece — has closed its border again.

And with the new reinforcement fencing complete, Brussels looks keen on asking Macedonia to become the "second line of defense" for Europe.

"Macedonia is our second line of defense," a high ranking EU official said, according to German news site, Spiegel online, suggesting that the plan has the support of the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.

However, Greek PM Alexis Tsipras has already warned the EU that it faces becoming a "black box for refugees" and should Europe seal its borders on the Balkan route — there would be a massive backup of hundreds of thousands of migrants in Greece, shut out of the Schengen zone, leaving them in a country that the EC has already accused of handling the crisis "inhumanely."

That's why Brussels could look to Macedonia, not a member of the EU, to help solve the problem.
Europe's watchdog: migrant crisis threatens Balkan stability

The migrant crisis risks reigniting old tensions among the Western Balkan nations as EU-led policies fail to stem the flow of migrants, says Europe's human rights watchdog.

Thorbjorn Jagland, who presides over the Council of Europe, said panic, the lack of a coordinated EU response, and national agendas have led Europe "to a very very dangerous point".

"If they [Western Balkans] end up with the whole problem of refugees, you can foresee that this would be very dramatic in a region where there are already so many tensions from the past," he told reporters in Brussels on Thursday (11 February).

He also cast doubt on EU plans to return asylum seekers to Greece from other capitals and possibly place them in detention centres.

The Strasbourg-based body houses the European Court of Human Rights, which in 2011 banned EU states from transferring people to Greece under the strained so-called Dublin asylum rules.

"Greece cannot be a kind of camp for all those who are coming either from Turkey or are being sent back from other European countries. As I see it, it is not a solution to the problem," he said.

"What are they going to do with them? One can obviously not detain them and keep them there," he added.

The EU executive on Wednesday said Greece had until March to report on progress in improving living conditions for asylum seekers so that other EU states could start sending them back to Athens.

"This does not mean transfers will start. We are not there yet," noted EU migration commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos.

But the deadline coincides with a proposal to overhaul the Dublin regulation, which could include forcing member states to distribute asylum seekers in a much-loathed quota system.

Dublin overhaul

Earlier proposals involving quotas have been met with outright derision by member states, raising the likelihood any Dublin overhaul could take years to finalise.

Avramopoulos earlier said that those not entitled to protection may have to be detained in removal centres to guarantee their departure.

But such prospects are likely to add to an ever expanding list of woes in Athens as it continues grapple with an economic crisis, political turmoil, and the brunt of migrant flows into Europe.

Just over 70,000 people have arrived in Greece since the start of the year. Italy, in comparison, has registered under 6,000 over the same time period.

The vast majority that do slip by EU and Greek asylum authorities head towards the border with Macedonia in the hope of asking for asylum in Austria or Germany.

But an increasingly severe border clamp down on the Macedonian side means people who are not from Syria, Iraq, or Afghanistan are stuck.

Human Rights Watch says people and their families unable to cross are being targeted by gangs.

Should Greece meet Dublin standards then Germany or Austria can start returning them to Greece to complete the asylum processing.

"If one starts sending people back to Greece, if the conditions improve, then a new problem arises, namely shall they be there forever, can Greece really cope with an additional number of refugees?" said Jagland.

The Strasbourg court's decision to prevent the transfer of migrants to Greece can only be overturned if another case determines that the country meets the minimum standards set by the Dublin

NATO to Return Migrants to Turkey to Tackle Refugee Crisis

Greek Defense Minister Panos Kammenos said that the future deployment of NATO forces in the region of the Aegean Sea was expected to focus on tackling human trafficking.

ATHENS (Sputnik) — NATO will return migrants from the Aegean Sea to Turkey in order to cope with undocumented migration, Greek Defense Minister Panos Kammenos said Thursday.

Earlier in the day, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the alliance would assist European nations to cope with the refugee and migrant crisis.

"First of all, the achieved decision stipulates that NATO forces, which will be involved in [operations] in the Aegean Sea and near the Turkish coastline, will ensure that the detained migrants will be returned back to Turkey," Kammenos said.

He added that the future deployment of NATO forces in the region was expected to focus on tackling human trafficking.

Currently, many European countries are struggling to find a solution to the massive migrant crisis, as hundreds of thousands of individuals flee the Middle East and North Africa. Many refugees are trying to make their way to prosperous EU states using Greece as a transit country.

Spanish border police reveal the incredible (and ingenious) lengths people smugglers will go to to get migrants into Europe (Photos + video)

- One man was found struggling to breathe and tied to a bumper by ropes

- Originally from Guinea, he was trying to enter Spanish enclave of Melilla

- Police found him when sensors detected a heartbeat coming from the car

- Other photographs show migrants hidden in petrol tanks and car seats

- A young boy was found curled up inside a standard-sized suitcase

- And a fully grown man was hidden underneath a vehicle's dashboard

These pictures shows the incredible lengths immigrants go to in order to enter Spain across its land border with Morocco.

Tying themselves underneath car bumpers and squashed beneath seats or even in petrol tanks, they are often pulled from the vehicle struggling to breathe or suffering from petrol inhalation.

Police officers in Spain's north African enclave of Melilla recently pulled off a car bumper to discover a 29-year-old from Guinea underneath held in place with ropes.

They pulled apart the Moroccan-registered Renault Clio after detecting a heartbeat on a hi-tech sensor.

The African man, who was barefoot and had large holes in his socks, was rushed to hospital after officers saw he was having difficulty breathing.

Guardia Civil spokesman Francisco Perez said: 'He was in a very serious way when we found him. 'Our priority was to make sure he got proper medical attention because he was having problems breathing and suffering numbness in several parts of his body.'

Two Moroccans inside the car, a 46-year-old and a 24-year-old were arrested and questioned before being handed over to a judge expected to remand them in prison.

The unnamed immigrant was today released from hospital after treatment and taken to a local holding centre.

Hours earlier two Guineans, a 24-year-old and a 13-year-old, were found squashed into a specially-adapted hidden space under the passenger seat of a Mercedes trying to cross the same border.

The Moroccan driver fled the scene as police started a minute search of the vehicle but was stopped after a chase and arrested.

The younger of the two Guineans was placed in the care of local social services.

Other images taken by authorities at the border show a young boy crammed into a suitcase and a man hidden underneath a car's dashboard.

In one particularly shocking instance, a man had to be cut from inside a car's fuel tank and rushed to hospital when it was realised he had been inhaling toxic petrol fumes.
Austria, on Friday announced that Macedonia be ready to "completely halt" crossings of migrants across its southern border with Greece, warning that Vienna would do the same on its border for several months.

casper said:
Austria, on Friday announced that Macedonia be ready to "completely halt" crossings of migrants across its southern border with Greece, warning that Vienna would do the same on its border for several months.


Migrants transiting Macedonia as many as EU can hold

Medvedev lambasts 'stupid' Merkel migrant policy

Berlin (AFP) - Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has condemned German Chancellor Angela Merkel's liberal policy on migrants as "quite simply stupid", in an interview due to appear this weekend.

"It's quite simply stupid to open Europe's doors wide and invite in everyone who wants to come to your country," Medvedev said in an interview with the economic daily Handelsblatt.

"European migration policy is a total failure, all that is absolutely frightening," Medvedev added.

Merkel's immigration policy has sparked a heated public debate in Germany about the country's ability to integrate the nearly 1.1 million asylum seekers it took in last year.

In late summer 2015, she announced that Germany would stop expelling Syrian refugees and in September agreed with Austria to let in tens of thousands of migrants who were stuck in Hungary, which rejected asylum requests.

The moves were followed by a surge in asylum seekers travelling from Turkey to Greece and then up through the Balkans to Hungary, Austria, Germany and northern Europe.

Medvedev said he placed "great value on humanity" and wanted "to help refugees" who had been displaced by war.

But he added: "Among these people, there are also many, perhaps hundreds, or even thousands, of thugs who have come to Europe on a 'countdown mission'. Now they wait to be called and then they will act like robots" against Europe.

Merkel modified her position on refugees last month after a spate of assaults during New Year's Eve celebrations in Cologne blamed on asylum seekers.

Turning away from her mantra of "we will manage this" over the huge migrant influx, she has now backed changes to the law to make it easier to expel any migrants convicted of crime.

Czech President Urges Expelling Economic Migrants, Jihadists

At a party conference, Czech President has called to deport economic migrants religious hate preachers and those creating terrorist sleeper cells in Europe.

PRAGUE (Sputnik) – Czech President Milos Zeman has called to deport economic migrants, religious hate preachers and those creating terrorist sleeper cells in Europe, at a party conference on Friday.

"The only way of solving the migrant crisis is the deportation of economic migrants and those who incite religious violence, religious hatred, in short, prepare the ground for terrorist attacks," Zeman said at a conference in Bratislava, as cited by the Pravda newspaper.

He urged the ruling Social-Democratic party not to delude itself about true intentions of those who enter Europe under the guise of refugees.

"Let’s not delude ourselves that migrants are not jihadists who can create so-called sleeper cells to prepare monstrous acts of terrorism, as recently in Paris," he said, referring to the November 13 attacks in France.

The Czech Republic has been fiercely opposed to the European Commission’s plan to share out thousands of refugees among EU member states. About 2,500 people took to the streets in Prague last Saturday to protest the growing inflow of immigrants, under the guidance of the Dresden-based anti-Islam group Pegida.
Lies and hysteria from the very beginning. Get used to it. Oh, wait, we already are! :lol:

Cologne: Only three out of 58 men arrested in connection with mass sex attack on New Year's Eve are refugees
Joe said:
Lies and hysteria from the very beginning. Get used to it. Oh, wait, we already are! :lol:

Cologne: Only three out of 58 men arrested in connection with mass sex attack on New Year's Eve are refugees
45 days it took to confirm?
More Germans Believe Gov't Should Stop Refugee Influx After Cologne Attacks

The number of German residents who believe that Berlin should close the country's borders to refugees who are arriving to the country in droves has grown amid the internal debate on migration policy, fueled by the migrant-related sexual assaults in Cologne, a survey conducted by Populus exclusively for Sputnik revealed Tuesday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — On New Year's Eve, hundreds of women in the German city of Cologne were robbed and sexually assaulted by groups of aggressive men, believed to be mostly of Arab and North African origin. Similar incidents took place in several other cities in Germany and the European Union.

Answering a question on whether the German government should allow refugees to enter the country, 51 percent of respondents supported the open-door policy of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's government. This represents a seven-percent decline comparing to the results of a similar poll conducted in September-October 2015, when 58 percent of those polled said Germany should continue to welcome refugees.

At the same time, the number of those who oppose Berlin's migration policy increased by six percent — from 35 percent in the fall to 41 percent now.

Germany has become a key destination for hundreds of thousands of refugees and immigrants coming to Europe since the start of 2015. Last year, it registered over a million asylum applications, nearly five times more than the number registered in 2014, according to the German Interior Ministry’s estimates.

The survey was conducted on February 3-4, 2016 and involved 1,010 respondents.

The international public opinion project Sputnik.Polls kicked off in January 2015, in partnership with Populus, a founding member of the British Polling Council. The project involves regular surveys in the United States and Europe on high-profile social and political issues.
They finally signed an agreement according to which the migrants will be transported from Macedonian-Greek border to Austria. It is still unclear whether those migrants will be transported by the same train/bus, but from now on they will have to go through only one registration on Macedonian-Greek border. They also say that only those who came from war countries will be let to pass. So that's probably Syria and Iraq and maybe somebody else. Depending on how you define "war". :rolleyes:

At least one good news for migrants.
The party of Wilders made a new insightful remark during a debate about how discrimination effects work opportunities.

Discrimineren is een biologisch ding van onderscheid maken. Zonder het maken van onderscheid zie je het verschil niet tussen een paling en een slang en ben je ten dode opgeschreven

Translation: Discrimination is a biological thing of distinction. Without distinguishing you cannot see the difference between an eel and a snake and you're doomed.

- pro discrimination apparently is a good thing.
This photo gives the impression - someone was trying to stage a photo -op and one guy stood up and ruined it?

Epic Propaganda Fail
angelburst29 said:
This photo gives the impression - someone was trying to stage a photo -op and one guy stood up and ruined it?

Epic Propaganda Fail

Is there an article with this image? Maybe their boat was too big to come close to the beach or the driver was afraid that he will be arrested if he comes too close? They are doing an illegal transport of refugees, after all.
And so it begins, again...
Second video from Clausnitz last night shows cops dragging refugee kids out of a bus as they did not want to leave the bus because of the racist mob outside as you can watch in Video 1:
Refugees cry as they were welcomed by neo-nazis in #‎Clausnitz near #‎Döbeln #‎Germany
Migrants from Afghanistan from today cannot enter Macedonia, only people from Syria and Iraq can come to Europe.
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