Mass Migration - a plan, or just a consequence of some other plan

If they can cheer when thousands of children have disappeared and being death most likely they would cheer even harder for concentration camps. Plain and simple.

''Wir habe es nicht gewusst'' shouldn’t qualify anymore. When posted on the internet its eternal and should be considered as proof. If justice one day can be served. I rather see them all locked up. I doubt there will be even enough prisons on the planet to make that true. But maybe that should give humanity a lesson they won’t forget.

They obvious didn’t learned from the last time. But why bother with them anyhow? Most likely they are unable to learn and grow a soul with whatever we try. The cosmos cleanses for a reason.
What is happening with people's minds is bizarre. Since the refugees crisis some people began shifting towards absolutist positions, and espousing the PTB narrative of the choc of civilizations. It is not just ignorance, at some level it could be a polarization of orientation. Maybe some people were politely hiding the ugliness of their hearts and these events as portrayed by the media encourages them to reveal their true inner self, but there may be new converts in the lot as well. The operation of Cologne wasn't organized at the new year eve for nothing, maybe the date was deliberately chosen to mark the collective mind of easily programmable people so that they subconsciously associate all what will happen this year to that event, and to forget what brought the actual situation and the real responsibles.
mkrnhr said:
It is not just ignorance, at some level it could be a polarization of orientation. Maybe some people were politely hiding the ugliness of their hearts and these events as portrayed by the media encourages them to reveal their true inner self, but there may be new converts in the lot as well.

That is a good point, I didn't think about it in that way... I just assumed that all or most of them are ignorant because they don't want to face the facts. Didn't the C's suggest that "the closer" the wave comes, the more people will show/polarize their real nature?

That could certainly explain why so many of them get NAZI so extremely fast, with not a single sign of decency or empathy, no matter how much facts you present to them. Maybe there wasn't much of anything STO in them from the get go and now they transform into purer STS?
Pashalis said:
mkrnhr said:
It is not just ignorance, at some level it could be a polarization of orientation. Maybe some people were politely hiding the ugliness of their hearts and these events as portrayed by the media encourages them to reveal their true inner self, but there may be new converts in the lot as well.

That is a good point, I didn't think about it in that way... I just assumed that all or most of them are ignorant because they don't want to face the facts. Didn't the C's suggest that "the closer" the wave comes, the more people will show/polarize their real nature?

What is also interesting, how easy and quickly Europeans forgot their own rapists/pedophiles and other filth. Luckily, despite the Russian media promoting the "rape-fugee" propaganda, some Russian commentators can see through the charade and say things as they really are. I think that European amnesia is the most telling thing in this whole circus. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, but now they found a perfect scapegoat.
Austrian chancellor says refugees rescued near Greece should be sent back to Turkey

At the same time, Austria also considers Plan B, which means organization of the border control and actual closing of the border for refugees, coming in from the so-called "safe" transit countries

VIENNA, February 6. /TASS/. Austria’s Chancellor Werner Faymann suggested sending the Syrian refugees, who were rescued near Greece, back to Turkey. The Austrian media report on Saturday he voiced the idea at a conference of Syrian donor countries, which took place in London on Thursday. If this plan does not work, the republic will begin protecting its national borders, the chancellor added.

"This is the only radical measure, which will be able to ruin completely the business model of illegal migrant traffickers," Austria’s Krone newspaper quoted the chancellor, adding Turkey should receive from the European Union three billion euro for curbing the inflow of refugees heading for European countries.

In an interview with the Osterreich daily he also said he had informed about this decision Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel and Turkey’s Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.

"I have presented to Davutoglu my view of Plan A," the Austrian chancellor said. "Frontex (European border management agency) should stop people heading for Greece. They all should be rescued, but after that they should be sent back to Turkey. In that case, Frontex would be not only a rescue mission, but a truly program for protection of the borders."

At the same time, Austria also considers Plan B, which means organization of the border control and actual closing of the border for refugees, coming in from the so-called "safe" transit countries.

"We should be ready for everything," the Austrian chancellor said. "This is a forced measure, but we cannot be hoping Davutoglu would settle all the problems for us."

On Friday, head of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) said displaced persons now present in Europe in the current migratory influx may reach the borders of states assembled in the organization. Countries in the six-nation bloc "should jointly withstand the development of such a situation", organization leader Nikolai Bordyuzha told the intergovernmental military alliance of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan.

"We see that some countries have started expelling migrants using legislative and organizational methods," Bordyuzha said. "We do not exclude that the refugee flow can reach our borders. We must be ready for this," he cautioned.
The world has gone completely mad. It seems like today almost the whole western society has become Nazi. Hitler would be astounded and proud to witness that. The C's were right when they said something like "Hitler germany was just a dry run" for things to come and that the real Holocaust has yet to come. I'm afraid that it has already started though...

To give you an idea of how bad the situation is, even the majority of SOTT followers on Facebook have bought into the propaganda and basically have become Nazi and/or Nazi enablers:

The vast majority of the commentators don't agree with what SOTT wrote there:

Whether officially or unofficially, #Europe is becoming a #racist, #xenophobic fortress. Given the continent's own history of #war, displacement, #fascism and genocidal persecution it should be deeply troubling that it is once again on a slippery slope to such nihilistic mentality. It is doubling worrying when we hear apologists for hard-line measures against #refugees talking about "preserving European blood and culture." Given Europe's millennia of migrations, what "pure blood" is there to talk of apart from malign mythical notions?

How much worse can it get, when even a lot of people who "like SOTT" are going Nazi?

A couple of them are likely not even European either... And believe me, that Nazi mindset in Europe itself (germany for example) is even worst and more widespread.

It's just astounding and depressing and literally almost everywhere you look people are buying into the refugee/muslim propaganda. All over the western world.

I have the strong suspicion that the Holocaust is already in motion, in a couple of countries and that we simply don't hear that much, about what is really going on there... Same as in Nazi germany, were most people didn't even know what exactly was going on in those camps and outside the country in other death camps, thanks to ignorance and little empathy and curiosity left in the population. Most people only fully realized what has happened after the fact.

What is happening with people's minds is bizarre. Since the refugees crisis some people began shifting towards absolutist positions, and espousing the PTB narrative of the choc of civilizations. It is not just ignorance, at some level it could be a polarization of orientation. Maybe some people were politely hiding the ugliness of their hearts and these events as portrayed by the media encourages them to reveal their true inner self, but there may be new converts in the lot as well. The operation of Cologne wasn't organized at the new year eve for nothing, maybe the date was deliberately chosen to mark the collective mind of easily programmable people so that they subconsciously associate all what will happen this year to that event, and to forget what brought the actual situation and the real responsibles.

Pashalis & mkrnhr — I, too, began noticing that several commenters on SOTT were posting extreme anti-refugee attitudes. Some of these people had made several previous comments that seemed to show their hearts and heads were aligned with seeing the objective truth about many other subjects and articles published on SOTT.

All of a sudden, with respect to the refugees who are fleeing from death & destruction for which we - the USA & Europe - are raining down (perhaps an illustration of another type of ‘sheets-of-rain’?) upon them, it’s as if whatever lies deeper within them is coming out of hiding. Maybe they, themselves, didn’t even know they were harboring such attitudes until this situation arose?

It’s like watching a snake sheding its skin and revealing a monstrous greedy, grasping reptilian urge to protect what’s mine and circle the wagons and keep others out. Like Gollum and his precious ring. Coveting, hiding, sneaking, preying. There’s no thought of opening up and sharing the burden or alleviating the pain & suffering these devastated people are enduring.

mkrnhr — polarization of orientation. Exactly what I’ve thought myself. An event which rips the politically correct masks off and reveals one’s true self. And what is being revealed is so STS it’s appalling. I just feel a sense of eeeeew. It’s so ugly it’s embarrassing to belong to the human race.

I’m seeing and hearing attitudes and viewpoints that are so constrictive — an inability to even consider what it must be like to be going through what the refugees are experiencing.

Imagine how Americans will feel when it gets so bad here they want to get the heck out of Dodge and find a safe haven outside this country.

We truly are in the midst of planetary nazification. Even back in the ’80’s, I was asking myself . . . well, I wonder when the Jews knew when to get out of Nazi Germany? And I answered myself with . . . Probably right about now.

Problem is that it's not just one or two countries gone nazi. As Pashalis has already stated, nearly the entire world has gone nazi so there will be no safe haven to which people can escape. And I think it's an important development this time around vis-a-vis the nazi trial run in Germany. It was always about the inner nazi within each individual person rather than any specific group or nation or religious sect where nazi seeds sprout and flourish. This is where we all take a stand and make our declarations of allegiance. Another case of 'the battle is within us' -- and we are making our alignments known by choosing the sides we align with.
Is Pegida funded by Soro's?

A world divided: Violent clashes break out across the globe as thousands take to the streets in anti-Islam protests organised by far-right group PEGIDA (Photos - Video)

Protesters have clashed with immigration supporters and police forces during planned far-right demonstrations

Organised by anti-Islam group PEGIDA, cities across Europe and Australia saw thousands take to the streets

The confrontational rallies were held in cities that included Prague, Amsterdam, Dresden, Calais and Canberra

Former English Defence League (EDL) leader Tommy Robinson joined 200 supporters at a rally in Birmingham

Violent scuffles broke out across Europe today as thousands of people taking part in far-right anti-Islam protests clashed with pro-immigration groups and riot control police.

Police in Dresden, Germany, saw about 2,000 protesters at a rally organised by the group Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the West, making it the biggest of a coordinated series of demonstrations across European cities.

Known by its German acronym PEGIDA, the group emerged in Dresden two years ago and has become a magnet for far-right and anti-immigrant sentiment.

Thousands take part in anti-Islam Pegida protests across Europe (Photos - Video)

Protesters from the anti-Islam PEGIDA movement marched in cities across Europe today.

With around 2000 attendees, the largest was in Dresden, the home town of the group, the Daily Mail reported.

There were also far right demonstrations in the Netherlands, Austria, Ireland, Poland, France, Czech Republic, Slovakia and even Australia.

In Birmingham, 100 - 300 protesters joined the first PEGIDA demonstration in Britain. A silent march walked through a Birmingham industrial estate, a Guardian journalist reported:

The march was led by Stephen Yaxley Lennon, also known as Tommy Robinson, the former leader of the far-right English Defence League.

In Dublin, there were scuffles as hundreds of counter-protesters came out against PEGIDA demonstrators.

Sinn Fein MEP for Dublin Lynn Boylan told said to a counter-rally on O'Connell Street: " We are standing shoulder to shoulder in solidarity to show that there is no place in Ireland for racism and Islamophobia."

"There is no place in Ireland for hate. We are a welcoming nation because we are no strangers to migration."

Known by its German acronym Pegida (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident), the group emerged two years ago and has become a magnet for far-right and anti-immigrant sentiment.

‘Multicultural Toilets’ For ‘Global Defecation’ Seek To Stop Migrants Pooping On The Floor (Photo)

German bathroom manufacturers are developing “multicultural toilets” to help ensure Middle Eastern migrants need not adapt to European sanitation norms.

Multiple reports have emerged of recent arrivals finding themselves utterly “mystified” by Western loos. Some have resorted to doing their business on the floor or outdoors, others have used showers, and many migrants will have never seen toilet paper before.

The issue caused some serious confusion last year, with one small German village beingaccused of racism after issuing leaflets politely asking migrants to use to the correct facilities.

With 1.5 million migrants from the Middle East and North Africa arriving in the country last year, solving the problem without facing such accusations of bigotry presents a sizeable business opportunity.

Enter the Global Fliegenschmidt toilet manufacturers based in Coswig, Saxony-Anhalt, who have announced their plans to develop a mobile “multicultural toilet” complete with a squatting platform and water hose for migrant friendly sanitation.

The design was shown to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung national newspaper, who gave a gloriously politically correct write up of the new product, branding it, “Universally applicable: the refugee toilet is ideal for the globalised defecation.”

“Because everyone knows: Different cultures also mean different scale latrines. For Muslims, it is important that when using a toilet, one’s back does not face Mecca. In addition, latrines for men and women have to separate from each other, and the floor cannot be green in colour, because that is the colour of Islam”, reads their report.

The article describes refugees standing on toilet bowls and breaking them, and some who resort to defecating in bushes.

“German toilets are a mystery to many refugees and this has already led to problems. A new mobile multicultural toilet should remedy this—and along the way teach something about the coexistence of cultures”, declares the article.

In concludes: “And so, as the refugees have brought about many changes in German society solely by their presence… so is it now with the toilet in the future with this pressing issue.

“With some justification, one could say: Here we can even learn something from the refugees.”
angelburst29 said:
Is Pegida funded by Soro's?

Where do you see that connection? I scanned the articles you posted, but couldn't find anything on it...
Pashalis said:
angelburst29 said:
Is Pegida funded by Soro's?

Where do you see that connection? I scanned the articles you posted, but couldn't find anything on it...

In the articles, it states, "Known by its German acronym PEGIDA, the group emerged in Dresden two years ago and has become a magnet for far-right and anti-immigrant sentiment.

I asked, in part - because I came across this information on the co-founder and wondered if Soro's is connected and funding - Pegida?

Co-founder of Germany's PEGIDA charged with incitement

02 October, 2015 - Bachmann already stepped down from post

(ANSA-AP) - BERLIN - German prosecutors say they've filed incitement charges against the co-founder of PEGIDA for his Facebook posts calling refugees and other asylum-seekers "cattle" and "trash." Dresden prosecutors said in a statement Friday that with the posts, Lutz Bachmann, who co-founded the group Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West, was trying to incite Germans against refugees.

Bachmann stepped down after the posts and a photo surfaced of him posing to look like Adolf Hitler. He apologized, calling the Facebook postings "ill-considered comments," and later returned to the group's senior leadership.

Since his initial departure and other turmoil at the top, PEGIDA's regular demonstrations in Dresden have drawn far fewer supporters than at its peak in January, when 25,000 people took part in a march. (ANSA-AP).


This site features 6 recent articles on PEGIDA's activities.

Viktor Orbán Slams George Soros AGAIN: Well-Funded Activists Are Causing the Migrant Crisis

30 Oct 2015 - Firebrand Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (above) has, for the second time during Europe’s migrant crisis, lashed out at billionaire George Soros who he says is responsible for the continent-wide epidemic.

Mr. Orbán was interviewed on Hungarian radio this morning. He blamed the likes of Mr. Soros – a massive funder of pro-migration groups across the world – for attracting what he described as an invasion of migrants to the continent, reports Der Spiegel.

He said: “This invasion is driven, on the one hand, by people smugglers, and on the other by those (human rights) activists who support everything that weakens the nation-state.

“This Western mindset and this activist network is perhaps best represented by George Soros.”

Mr. Soros uses his billions to promote his worldview in over 100 countries. He funds a global network of foundations, initiatives, projects and partners to promote his particular vision of an enlarged European Union and a world with no borders.

As Breitbart London previously reported, he believes groups funded by Mr. Soros “are drawing a living from the immigration crisis”. His Open Society Foundations, which provide endless streams of pro-migration talking heads for news outlets, are a case in point.

The Open Society Institute–Budapest (OSF) has helped activists working with migrants on issues “affecting the safety and well-being of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers”. Despite the return to relative peace and stability seen in Hungary following decisions taken by Mr. Orbán, it has repeatedly condemned his government’s rhetoric and the sealing of borders to migrants. The OSF website explains:

“We believe that migration and asylum policy should be grounded in economic and demographic realities, not driven by temporary political considerations or popular misconceptions. In Europe, many of our civil society partners are raising their voices demanding a common European approach in line with international human rights commitments. We also support legal action aimed at ensuring governments meet their obligations under international law to treat all migrants with dignity, and offer them asylum when circumstances dictate.”

As far as Mr. Orbán is concerned migration policy is in fact being driven by what he calls America’s “naked national and imperial interests”. In the past he has also identified financial self-interest as a motive of Western groups promoting migration.
13 Twirling Triskeles said:
The world has gone completely mad. It seems like today almost the whole western society has become Nazi. Hitler would be astounded and proud to witness that. The C's were right when they said something like "Hitler germany was just a dry run" for things to come and that the real Holocaust has yet to come. I'm afraid that it has already started though...

To give you an idea of how bad the situation is, even the majority of SOTT followers on Facebook have bought into the propaganda and basically have become Nazi and/or Nazi enablers:

The vast majority of the commentators don't agree with what SOTT wrote there:

Whether officially or unofficially, #Europe is becoming a #racist, #xenophobic fortress. Given the continent's own history of #war, displacement, #fascism and genocidal persecution it should be deeply troubling that it is once again on a slippery slope to such nihilistic mentality. It is doubling worrying when we hear apologists for hard-line measures against #refugees talking about "preserving European blood and culture." Given Europe's millennia of migrations, what "pure blood" is there to talk of apart from malign mythical notions?

How much worse can it get, when even a lot of people who "like SOTT" are going Nazi?

A couple of them are likely not even European either... And believe me, that Nazi mindset in Europe itself (germany for example) is even worst and more widespread.

It's just astounding and depressing and literally almost everywhere you look people are buying into the refugee/muslim propaganda. All over the western world.

I have the strong suspicion that the Holocaust is already in motion, in a couple of countries and that we simply don't hear that much, about what is really going on there... Same as in Nazi germany, were most people didn't even know what exactly was going on in those camps and outside the country in other death camps, thanks to ignorance and little empathy and curiosity left in the population. Most people only fully realized what has happened after the fact.

What is happening with people's minds is bizarre. Since the refugees crisis some people began shifting towards absolutist positions, and espousing the PTB narrative of the choc of civilizations. It is not just ignorance, at some level it could be a polarization of orientation. Maybe some people were politely hiding the ugliness of their hearts and these events as portrayed by the media encourages them to reveal their true inner self, but there may be new converts in the lot as well. The operation of Cologne wasn't organized at the new year eve for nothing, maybe the date was deliberately chosen to mark the collective mind of easily programmable people so that they subconsciously associate all what will happen this year to that event, and to forget what brought the actual situation and the real responsibles.

Pashalis & mkrnhr — I, too, began noticing that several commenters on SOTT were posting extreme anti-refugee attitudes. Some of these people had made several previous comments that seemed to show their hearts and heads were aligned with seeing the objective truth about many other subjects and articles published on SOTT.

All of a sudden, with respect to the refugees who are fleeing from death & destruction for which we - the USA & Europe - are raining down (perhaps an illustration of another type of ‘sheets-of-rain’?) upon them, it’s as if whatever lies deeper within them is coming out of hiding. Maybe they, themselves, didn’t even know they were harboring such attitudes until this situation arose?

It’s like watching a snake sheding its skin and revealing a monstrous greedy, grasping reptilian urge to protect what’s mine and circle the wagons and keep others out. Like Gollum and his precious ring. Coveting, hiding, sneaking, preying. There’s no thought of opening up and sharing the burden or alleviating the pain & suffering these devastated people are enduring.

mkrnhr — polarization of orientation. Exactly what I’ve thought myself. An event which rips the politically correct masks off and reveals one’s true self. And what is being revealed is so STS it’s appalling. I just feel a sense of eeeeew. It’s so ugly it’s embarrassing to belong to the human race.

I’m seeing and hearing attitudes and viewpoints that are so constrictive — an inability to even consider what it must be like to be going through what the refugees are experiencing.

Imagine how Americans will feel when it gets so bad here they want to get the heck out of Dodge and find a safe haven outside this country.

We truly are in the midst of planetary nazification. Even back in the ’80’s, I was asking myself . . . well, I wonder when the Jews knew when to get out of Nazi Germany? And I answered myself with . . . Probably right about now.

Problem is that it's not just one or two countries gone nazi. As Pashalis has already stated, nearly the entire world has gone nazi so there will be no safe haven to which people can escape. And I think it's an important development this time around vis-a-vis the nazi trial run in Germany. It was always about the inner nazi within each individual person rather than any specific group or nation or religious sect where nazi seeds sprout and flourish. This is where we all take a stand and make our declarations of allegiance. Another case of 'the battle is within us' -- and we are making our alignments known by choosing the sides we align with.

Very well said 13 Twirling Triskeles... Thanks!
angelburst29 said:
Pashalis said:
angelburst29 said:
Is Pegida funded by Soro's?

Where do you see that connection? I scanned the articles you posted, but couldn't find anything on it...

In the articles, it states, "Known by its German acronym PEGIDA, the group emerged in Dresden two years ago and has become a magnet for far-right and anti-immigrant sentiment.

I asked, in part - because I came across this information on the co-founder and wondered if Soro's is connected and funding - Pegida?

Co-founder of Germany's PEGIDA charged with incitement

02 October, 2015 - Bachmann already stepped down from post

(ANSA-AP) - BERLIN - German prosecutors say they've filed incitement charges against the co-founder of PEGIDA for his Facebook posts calling refugees and other asylum-seekers "cattle" and "trash." Dresden prosecutors said in a statement Friday that with the posts, Lutz Bachmann, who co-founded the group Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West, was trying to incite Germans against refugees.

Bachmann stepped down after the posts and a photo surfaced of him posing to look like Adolf Hitler. He apologized, calling the Facebook postings "ill-considered comments," and later returned to the group's senior leadership.

Since his initial departure and other turmoil at the top, PEGIDA's regular demonstrations in Dresden have drawn far fewer supporters than at its peak in January, when 25,000 people took part in a march. (ANSA-AP).


This site features 6 recent articles on PEGIDA's activities.

Viktor Orbán Slams George Soros AGAIN: Well-Funded Activists Are Causing the Migrant Crisis

30 Oct 2015 - Firebrand Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (above) has, for the second time during Europe’s migrant crisis, lashed out at billionaire George Soros who he says is responsible for the continent-wide epidemic.

Mr. Orbán was interviewed on Hungarian radio this morning. He blamed the likes of Mr. Soros – a massive funder of pro-migration groups across the world – for attracting what he described as an invasion of migrants to the continent, reports Der Spiegel.

He said: “This invasion is driven, on the one hand, by people smugglers, and on the other by those (human rights) activists who support everything that weakens the nation-state.

“This Western mindset and this activist network is perhaps best represented by George Soros.”

Mr. Soros uses his billions to promote his worldview in over 100 countries. He funds a global network of foundations, initiatives, projects and partners to promote his particular vision of an enlarged European Union and a world with no borders.

As Breitbart London previously reported, he believes groups funded by Mr. Soros “are drawing a living from the immigration crisis”. His Open Society Foundations, which provide endless streams of pro-migration talking heads for news outlets, are a case in point.

The Open Society Institute–Budapest (OSF) has helped activists working with migrants on issues “affecting the safety and well-being of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers”. Despite the return to relative peace and stability seen in Hungary following decisions taken by Mr. Orbán, it has repeatedly condemned his government’s rhetoric and the sealing of borders to migrants. The OSF website explains:

“We believe that migration and asylum policy should be grounded in economic and demographic realities, not driven by temporary political considerations or popular misconceptions. In Europe, many of our civil society partners are raising their voices demanding a common European approach in line with international human rights commitments. We also support legal action aimed at ensuring governments meet their obligations under international law to treat all migrants with dignity, and offer them asylum when circumstances dictate.”

As far as Mr. Orbán is concerned migration policy is in fact being driven by what he calls America’s “naked national and imperial interests”. In the past he has also identified financial self-interest as a motive of Western groups promoting migration.

Thanks. Certainly there is a good possibility that Soros also sponsers PEGIDA... but I haven' t find any concrete evidence of it yet. Soros is one sick fellow that is for sure...
“MERKEL MUST GO!” – Thousands of German Patriots rally at PEGIDA Dresden 06-02-2016 (2 Videos)

On Saturday thousands of German patriots have assembled to protest the insane policy of completely open borders perpetuated by Angela Merkel. Merkel insists that there are absolutely no upper limits on immigration – while a recent poll showed that over 80% of German citizens think that the government has lost control over the situation. If current trends continue and if border control continues to be suspended, as many as 3 million Muslim migrants, mainly young men, could enter Germany in 2016.
Pashalis said:
angelburst29 said:
Pashalis said:
angelburst29 said:
Is Pegida funded by Soro's?

Where do you see that connection? I scanned the articles you posted, but couldn't find anything on it...

In the articles, it states, "Known by its German acronym PEGIDA, the group emerged in Dresden two years ago and has become a magnet for far-right and anti-immigrant sentiment.

I asked, in part - because I came across this information on the co-founder and wondered if Soro's is connected and funding - Pegida?

Co-founder of Germany's PEGIDA charged with incitement

02 October, 2015 - Bachmann already stepped down from post

(ANSA-AP) - BERLIN - German prosecutors say they've filed incitement charges against the co-founder of PEGIDA for his Facebook posts calling refugees and other asylum-seekers "cattle" and "trash." Dresden prosecutors said in a statement Friday that with the posts, Lutz Bachmann, who co-founded the group Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West, was trying to incite Germans against refugees.

Bachmann stepped down after the posts and a photo surfaced of him posing to look like Adolf Hitler. He apologized, calling the Facebook postings "ill-considered comments," and later returned to the group's senior leadership.

Since his initial departure and other turmoil at the top, PEGIDA's regular demonstrations in Dresden have drawn far fewer supporters than at its peak in January, when 25,000 people took part in a march. (ANSA-AP).


This site features 6 recent articles on PEGIDA's activities.

Viktor Orbán Slams George Soros AGAIN: Well-Funded Activists Are Causing the Migrant Crisis

30 Oct 2015 - Firebrand Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (above) has, for the second time during Europe’s migrant crisis, lashed out at billionaire George Soros who he says is responsible for the continent-wide epidemic.

Mr. Orbán was interviewed on Hungarian radio this morning. He blamed the likes of Mr. Soros – a massive funder of pro-migration groups across the world – for attracting what he described as an invasion of migrants to the continent, reports Der Spiegel.

He said: “This invasion is driven, on the one hand, by people smugglers, and on the other by those (human rights) activists who support everything that weakens the nation-state.

“This Western mindset and this activist network is perhaps best represented by George Soros.”

Mr. Soros uses his billions to promote his worldview in over 100 countries. He funds a global network of foundations, initiatives, projects and partners to promote his particular vision of an enlarged European Union and a world with no borders.

As Breitbart London previously reported, he believes groups funded by Mr. Soros “are drawing a living from the immigration crisis”. His Open Society Foundations, which provide endless streams of pro-migration talking heads for news outlets, are a case in point.

The Open Society Institute–Budapest (OSF) has helped activists working with migrants on issues “affecting the safety and well-being of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers”. Despite the return to relative peace and stability seen in Hungary following decisions taken by Mr. Orbán, it has repeatedly condemned his government’s rhetoric and the sealing of borders to migrants. The OSF website explains:

“We believe that migration and asylum policy should be grounded in economic and demographic realities, not driven by temporary political considerations or popular misconceptions. In Europe, many of our civil society partners are raising their voices demanding a common European approach in line with international human rights commitments. We also support legal action aimed at ensuring governments meet their obligations under international law to treat all migrants with dignity, and offer them asylum when circumstances dictate.”

As far as Mr. Orbán is concerned migration policy is in fact being driven by what he calls America’s “naked national and imperial interests”. In the past he has also identified financial self-interest as a motive of Western groups promoting migration.

Thanks. Certainly there is a good possibility that Soros also sponsers PEGIDA... but I haven' t find any concrete evidence of it yet. Soros is one sick fellow that is for sure...

Hi, angelburst29, it seems to me that you have misunderstood Orban's comments - he is accusing Soros of funding all those "liberal" NGO's that are "pro-refugees", not Pegida! Or so I understand it.

As to Pegida, of course it's very likely that they get some funding from the PTB, after all it's their main vehicle of spreading their hatred and divide-and-conquer/Nazi agenda in Germany. But as far as I know, we don't have evidence for this.

What IS interesting though is that Pegida founder Lutz Bachmann is a criminal who was convicted in 1998 for "16 times of burglary with robbery" and had connections to the red light milieu. He escaped his penalty by fleeing Germany (yes that's right, he was a refugee!) to live in South Africa. After years, he eventually was deported to Germany, where he spent 14 months in prison. He later was also convicted for owning drugs and for not paying the legally required sum for his son.

Also very interesting is that Bachmann has run an advertising agency (sic!) for years. One of his main clients was Axel Springer, arguably the most important media empire in Germany that runs the tabloid "BILD".

To sum up: He is a red light district criminal drug abuser who fled Germany, while having worked for the mainstream media. The exact opposite of what Pegida claims to stand for, right?
Europe Is Waiting for Angela Merkel's "Shocking Reversal"

German Chancellor Angela Merkel should be ready to undo all the commitments and close the borders of Bavaria to millions of refugees, said the Director of the Berlin global public policy Institute Thorsten Benner. This was written in his article for the publication Politico.

He notes that a Professor at Oxford University, Paul Collier, points directly to the main perpetrator of the continental migration crisis: "Blame Merkel. Who, if not her?"

According to Benner, the crisis in the EU has been brewing for a long time — nobody was paying attention to the vulnerability of external borders and the dysfunction of the system of work with migrants in Greece and Turkey, which have become a "haven" for illegal carriers of refugees in the Mediterranean.

"Merkel clearly understood the danger looming before Europe and Germany as the country that received the greatest benefit from European integration," according to the columnist of Politico.

According to him, the decision to open the border for those refugees who did not want to stay in Hungary tried to buy time for the continent, for the whole European Union to find a joint solution. In this policy she had invested all her political capital, and now the Chancellor will have to pay for this decision, responding to the dissatisfaction of the electorate and party allies, the article said.

"Like any liberal hegemon, Merkel has questioned whether the game is worth the risk. Perhaps it would be better to close the border of Bavaria and to take advantage of the Dublin agreements to deport the refugees that have already crossed other safe countries of Europe," the expert adds.

In his opinion, such a reversal of this scale can be compared with the unilateral refusal of the U.S to bind the dollar to gold despite American assurances of a stable exchange rate based on the Bretton Woods system.

Now is the moment when Europe should expect its "shocking reversal" — this time it will be the "shock of Merkel", who should waive Germany's obligations in the migrant crises, concludes the author.

The lawsuit against Angela

On January 20th, Angela Merkel rejected the appeal of the Christian Social Union in Germany to introduce a limit on the number of arriving refugees, noting that overcoming the crisis of migration is possible "only under the condition that all states of the European Union show solidarity".

On 23rd January, a group of German lawyers filed a lawsuit with the Federal constitutional court in Karlsruhe in connection with the migration policy of the German Chancellor. The author of the claim, attorney Clemens Antweiler, said that Merkel, "as part of her political term, had no right to overstep the law and to exceed those powers, which she received from voters through Parliament." The Chancellor was double-threatened by the court and the Prime Minister of Bavaria Horst Seehofer.

Merkel's migration policy has led to the falling of her rating among the population. According to research by TV channel ARD, in early February, the Chancellor's rating dropped to a record low level since August of 2011 and amounted to 46%. According to local media reports, the new year attacks by migrants on women in Cologne dealt a severe blow to the political position of Angela Merkel.
Part of Schengen agreements cancelled de facto - Chizhov

The diplomat said that the current crisis was a very serious trial for the entire Schengen system

MOSCOW, February 9 /TASS/. The Schengen system is going through hard times, and some of its agreements are no longer fully enforced, Vladimir Chizhov, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the European Union, said in a TASS interview.

The diplomat said that the current crisis was a very serious trial for the entire Schengen system. "Various recipes are being offered. Some of the ideas are rather extravagant. For example, the idea of geographic shrinking of the Schengen zone or the exclusion of periphery states from it, to be more precise. There is also an opinion that the [Schengen] agreement was drawn up incorrectly straight from start and therefore should be re-written," the Russian diplomat said.

"The Schengen system is not just an agreement but a package of subsequent decisions, including the Dublin Regulation, which vests the first country of entry with the right to grant asylum," Chizhov said.

According to Chizhov, it looks a bit strange when refugees swim into Greece, which is part of the Schengen zone, from Turkey. "Then, they cross the country and head further for, say, Macedonia, which is neither an EU member nor a signatory to the Schengen agreement," Chizhov went on to say.

"After Macedonia they go to Serbia and it’s only from there that they get into Hungary and return to the Schengen zone," the Russian diplomat said.

"In short, the migrants cross this barrier several times. So, the Dublin Regulation is no longer applied in practice and for the moment has been cancelled de facto. Though nothing else has been invented to replace it so far, they have started pondering the issue already," Chizhov said.

Migrants cannot be integrated against their will

Migrants cannot be integrated into the European society against their will, Russia’s EU Ambassador Vladimir Chizhov said.

"Nobody will want to integrate migrants forcedly, besides this is unreal," Chizhov said. "The question now is to which extent the migrants themselves will want this, or they will prefer to adapt the European society to their beliefs and traditions," the diplomat said.

He cited as an example labor migration from Turkey to Germany in the 1970s. "Two million people moved there at that time. They were welcome, as hands were in demand, the economy was developing rapidly," he went on.

"A family settled down in Germany (I am citing Germany as well as Turkey just as an example, as this is true for all diasporas), and integrated. The housefather learned German, worked at a plant, was in good standing, earned his pension, bought a house and safely received citizenship," he said.

"Meanwhile, his children were born, let us say five sons for example. The sons grew up, they already had the German citizenship, they learned the language at school and everything was normal. Yes, their parents took them to mosque, or maybe not," he said.

"Another thing is essential - no one had envisaged five jobs in the German economy for the next generation of migrants. Moreover, that only job the father had, already moved to Africa together with steelworks, and that is why they feel the society they live in does not need them," Chizhov said.

"In other words, if their parents did all to integrate, the next generations are not even trying, falling an easy pray for recruiting by terrorists and extremists," he summed up.
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