Massive 'drone swarm' in and around New Jersey: UFO flap, govt tech, or mass hysteria?


Was it dark at this time (5:30pm)?

Did others around you notice it? Find it strange, or otherwise react to it?

Did you take any photos/footage?

It emitted some noise? How would you describe it?

What makes you say "decidedly man-made"?

Did it look like any 'drone' you've seen in other photos/footage from NJ? If so, which one comes closest?
Yes, fully dark by 5:30.

Yes, one of my coworkers saw it and that's what prompted him to share the story of the nuclear waste.

I did, will upload it when I have a chance.

At first I thought I heard a propeller, but then I think it was coming from a truck in the parking lot. Then I assumed it was a helicopter, but there was no helicopter sound.

It kind of looked like an airplane, only closer and smaller, like there wasn't anything paranormal about it.

Yes, is what lead me to stop and pay attention, it looked like the ones with the red and green light, and it was moving so slow.
The fact that the government seems to be all over the place on this actually makes me think its 4th D/ Quorum/ Aliens (perhaps working with the highest echelons of the control system). Lower level politicians seem to be frantic about it and are receiving no intel from other low level politicians, they have claimed it was Iran, China, that they knew nothing about it, that there were none, mass hysteria, etc etc.

Generally whats been happening is the program changes seem to ripple through all levels of government/media and are downloaded in sync by portals/slaves and new norms are established and this pushes further polarization on both sides (which really seems to be the point of it all). It usually seems as though the system is working as a unified organization.. This really seems to be something that does not fall in to that category.. but I would not be surprised either way.

I think part of the issue that 4th D(STS) is faced with right now is that on one hand they want to explicitly remain in control of us, and to continue this illusion.. but with the approach of the wave and the awakening process happening, the reality of hyperdimensional reality and just space stuff in general is pretty much something that cannot be censored.. The effects of the wave seem to be overwhelming them in a way.

The C's have mentioned that things in the sky would "excite" the populace, which to me is a carefully selected word to use, it does not necessarily mean something negative. If the Quorum is both STS and STO, and this harvest that is happening is a means of pulling more souls in to either direction, I think inevitable disclosure might be something both sides are anticipating and moving towards, and perhaps this soft disclosure of otherworldy phenomenon is something that represents a balanced approach to both sides.

I take in to account what was said in the Ra transcripts, about their being a quarantine lain over the planet that prevents certain actions being taken by STS, 6D earthly guardians, and essentially random windows that pop up that the STS forces are forced to work around in order to do any direct manifestation in to our reality, which would mean that cant just simply appear here, put us all in chains, and feed off us in perpetuity(which is exactly what would happen if they could it seems). Perhaps this sort of event represents a balance between what they are allowed to do and is also a way for the STO side to effect us without having to abridge free will, perhaps an example of how the Quorum works together while being so juxtaposed.

Something I have to remind myself is that stagnation is never the point, both sides are trying to usher us forward. For example, if the STO side just came in and removed all taxes, gave us all raises, de poisoned all the food and removed all the tyrants, while seemingly a good thing from this level of perception, that would have a net negative on the actual development of our spirit and I think "escalation" is moreso the motive here.

I can also just as easily see it as just being the government trying to do something tyrannical :lol:

Tons of different theories that make sense, some not so much.. I do not think searching for nuclear components is something that would cause this type of behavior. The C's have mentioned how many thousands of years ahead of us they are technologically, if they wanted to do something like this without being seen I think that is well within their means.

Exciting experience. I am sure there is more to come.
Apparently Elon Musks brother, Kimbal, owns a large drone company called Nova Sky Stories. It's aimed at producing sky art with light drones so I don't think it has anything to do with current reported drone sightings. Could be wrong.

Was thinking, however, there will need to be some kind of sky show to announce a fake alien invasion because most programming is about heaven being up and hell being down so if it's really about undergrounders surfacing, then that would need to be covered up with the illusion that they're coming from the sky otherwise it would be less likely that people would buy into the idea and believe that their 'saviours' have arrived.
In any case, I'm now leaning towards the idea that this is, or has become, one big psy-op - 'The Great Drone Psy-op 'Flap' of 2024!'. While what we're seeing may have began as a secret gov/military attempt at observing and creating confusion around the sightings of orbs and other UAPs over military installations (though we can't be certain even of that) - it just seems to me that one of the main objectives here has much to do with controlling airspace and the aerial perspectives that anyone with an $75 drone can have access to - which is a lot of people at this point.

Perhaps this is a preemptive way of banning civilian drones altogether.
At least in certain areas.

Classic: Create a problem, wait for the people to beg for the solution.

If I were a govermnt type obssessed with order and control would I want the common folk to be able to just put up eyes in the sky whenever they wanted ?
What if all this is just a preemptive step toward banning civilian air travel, using the excuse that these drones are unpredictable and pose a danger to commercial planes?

I also recall the Cs mentioning that some places on this planet will transition to 4D sooner than others. Perhaps this is a form of bleedthrough. Maybe they send their drones to confuse people. We see various orbs that might represent some kind of 4D reality bleedthrough, alongside drone-like flying machines.

If I remember correctly, the Cs also mentioned that air travel would eventually be banned or become significantly more difficult.
Birdie Jaworski, the remote viewer who released the session about NJ drones, released two more of them. Of course, this is highly speculative and probably symbolic, especially when the remote viewer describes something that is beyond her understanding.

The general picture from the raw data is that the source is non-human intelligence, and the military is used for observation, searching and cover-up. The ending of part 3 is about some person in a 5-sided building (Pentagon?) that is a linguist and tries to decode the information given by the orbs (that are telling her, "Watch us!"). He's highly intelligent and uses some next-generation computer hardware but is failing to do so. The information is data-driven and is about something related to the Sun.

I must say that I've enjoyed watching those.

It's worth mentioning that she was working with FBI and Courtney Brown (yeah, that Rockefeller-connected guy) decades ago as a remote viewer.

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A woodcut pamphlet made in 1566 by the artist Hans Glaser describes an event that occurred in Nuremberg five years earlier, at the time of sunrise on 14 April 1561. The depiction is preserved in the Wickiana collection at the Zurich Central Library.
There's also:
Yes, fully dark by 5:30.

Yes, one of my coworkers saw it and that's what prompted him to share the story of the nuclear waste.

I did, will upload it when I have a chance.

At first I thought I heard a propeller, but then I think it was coming from a truck in the parking lot. Then I assumed it was a helicopter, but there was no helicopter sound.

It kind of looked like an airplane, only closer and smaller, like there wasn't anything paranormal about it.

Yes, is what lead me to stop and pay attention, it looked like the ones with the red and green light, and it was moving so slow.
I had a similar experience last week when I went to backyard around 11 PM. It was very cold and didn't dress properly. I normally see planes all the time that are going to and from Philly and Newark. This time one, that is similar (to what are posted as drones) red and green bright flashing (but looked distant), blue and 2 white lights flashing in other parts. But, it is moving slowly making some continuous noise.

Since it is moving slowly and making low continuous noise. The colors are sharp and didn't have any orb like fuzziness. I told my self it is "usual plane and nothing to see here". In retrospect, i think it is drone due to the light colors difference w.r.t usual flights.
I also think that implementing a ore drastic anti-drone legislation is opportunistic and not the main goal of the "flap". It's overkill. All they need for that would be for instance an accident involving a drone and a small plane (real or not) or using the magic incantations like "blah blah national security blah blah" or "a threat to our democracy".
Yes, true.

Actually none of the possibilities that we've raised has managed to completely clinch the reason for this flap in my mind yet.

I do love the fact that none of us here are married to any one explanation.

It does feel as though there may be more than one "reason" behind this event.
A woodcut pamphlet made in 1566 by the artist Hans Glaser describes an event that occurred in Nuremberg five years earlier, at the time of sunrise on 14 April 1561. The depiction is preserved in the Wickiana collection at the Zurich Central Library.

Those a likely to be depictions of debris/meteors from a comet.
If you check out chronology i.e. here, or Laura´s books and articles on comets, both these events came after a great catastrophes caused by cosmic bombardment, floods, earthquakes and plagues around the world. And of course wars.
Also, it is the time of witch hunts, which came exactly on the tail of those catastrophes.

Most probably there were also bunch of UFOs flying around, feeding on a misery, but my bet for these is that both are comet and meteor´s depictions.
Those a likely to be depictions of debris/meteors from a comet.
Hans Glaser's article (Himmelserscheinung über Nürnberg vom 14. April 1561) includes a famous illustration depicting what happened that day and a text detailing what the witnesses saw:

"On the morning of April 4, 1561, at dawn, between 4 and 5 o'clock in the morning, a terrible apparition occurred in the Sun and was witnessed by many men and women throughout the city of Nuremberg. At first there appeared in the middle of the Sun two semicircular arcs, blood-red, just like the waning Moon. Above, below and to the sides the Sun was blood-red and there was a round ball, metallic (ferrous) and black. On both sides there were also more spheres in great numbers, three in a line, four in a square and several single spheres. Between these spheres there were several very visible red crosses and large tubes or bars with more spheres inside.
They all began to fight each other, in a "So the first spheres flew to where those on the sides of the Sun were, and the tubes went towards the Sun, fighting each other for more than an hour. When the fight was over, they all fell from the Sun to the earth as if they had been burned and were consumed on the earth with an immense smoke. After this, a kind of black spear remained in the sky, very long and thick, with the axis pointing towards the east. What these signs mean, only God knows."
Since this seems to be a hot topic of late - strange lights and stuff - I'll post this here and run away. (Video of a large 'fireball' seen in Scotland - it's slow-moving and not fragmenting as a large meteor would likely do.

A recent sighting of a mysterious fireball streaking across the night sky has left residents of Peterhead in a state of curiosity and speculation. The incident occurred on Tuesday, December 17, at approximately PM, when a local resident captured the unusual phenomenon on a security camera in their back garden.

The video, which was later shared by Peterhead Live, shows a bright orange object moving through the dark sky, prompting various theories about its origin.

Eyewitness accounts and video evidence​

The footage reveals a fiery ball illuminating the night, with a spinning clothesline in the background indicating that it was indeed a windy evening.

As the object streaked across the frame, viewers were left wondering what it could be. Comments on the video ranged from suggestions of a lantern or flare to dismissals of it being a meteor, as many noted that the object appeared to be moving too slowly for a typical meteor shower.
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And SpaceX started launching Starlink satellites in 2019, the same year that these mystery drones started appearing.
The thing is, Musk does not appear to be "in the know" on most of the deep state stuff. He seems to be more like a "useful idiot" for them (brain chips, electric car "green" agenda, etc.) who also has a mind of his own.

So in that regard, I have my doubts that Starlink would be equipped with secret hologram technology, since it would most likely require Musk to be "read in" and cooperate.

It seems more likely that secret satellites would be equipped with such technology - or maybe holograms can even be projected with drones.
True to an extent (imo) , however one doesn't exclude the other , dual purpose tech. (...) , may well be included in any platform considering the likely use of compartmentalization for shady shenanigans on any large enough company/corp. and the complexity of such tech. which might as well help in obfuscation of it .
I'll leave my humble opinion. I have watched many videos in which the orbs change shape after a few seconds into a solid aircraft shape and begin to fly, flashing lights consistent with those of commercial aviation and even producing a characteristic airplane noise. It's always a characteristic type of plane, unusual and different from the ones we know. I can't imagine this whole show of technology over the heads of civilians. And only at night. Well, if this is 3D technology, we are screwed. But everything leads me to believe that this is 4D technology. They're mimicking things we know, but they are not perfect .Whether STS or STO we can't say, but it seems like STO to me, a pressure for something to be accelerated or it could just be a way of recording fauna before something is about to happen. That last one gives me the chills... A big hug to everyone from Brazil.
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