Massive 'drone swarm' in and around New Jersey: UFO flap, govt tech, or mass hysteria?

Stephen Greer , "declaring that aliens have nothing to do with what's happening" , and that aliens are all the good guys , always talking out of both sides of his mouth eh.
Yes, he claims he getting all the facts regarding the decades long secret ufo operation, but still hasn't discovered what's really being done with abducted humans! Oh no, it's just bad guy humans doing that stuff! And if that's the case, why haven't the good guy aliens done anything about it other than passively observing for all those same decades?! Geeze - how can he even believe that premise unless he's an intended operative himself via MKULTRA just like Bill Gates!
The possible origin of all these drones/vehicles is becoming more and more dizzying.

Here is a listing of probable sources.

a) off-the-shelf privately operated drones

b) A.I. generated video footage

c) Navy/Army/Airforce operated unmanned aerial vehicles of known manufacturers

d) Deep state operated UAV more or less unknown to the military
(Link contains RA information about hundreds of deep state UAV in operation 44 years ago.
Hard to imagine what fancy technology the secret government can come up with nowadays.)

e) hyperdimensional/extraterrestrial craft

f) hyperdimensional/intraterrestrial craft

So...was that it for this time?

"And Just Like That, The Drones Stopped Flying Over New Jersey"​

"After reports of large car-sized drones flying over military bases, trailing Coast Guard vessels, and swarming the beachhead at up to 50 strong, they have suddenly stopped appearing."

"And now, just as suddenly as they appeared, the drones have vanished."

"What hasn’t disappeared, however, are the questions about their origin and purpose."

"The reduction in drone sightings would appear to mimic what happened last December at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia. Over a 17-day span last year, U.S. military personnel reported a fleet of unknown unmanned aircraft were flying over restricted air space at Langley, the Wall Street Journal reported. The incursions then stopped as suddenly as they began."

“Since last week, our numbers decreased considerably," Mastronardy said."

“We’re not getting the calls that we were getting before – very few," he said, adding that he doesn’t have any exact numbers. "We’re just waiting for our federal partners to let us know what’s going on."

I thought this quote was good for this thread.
Q: Well, that is out of my depth tonight! In a previous session I asked a question about the 'sons of Belial' and the 'sons of the law of One,' as explicated by Edgar Cayce, and whether these were philosophical or racial divisions. You said that they were initially racial, and then philosophical and religious. Now, from putting the information about religions together throughout the centuries, I am coming to a rather difficult realization that the whole monotheistic idea, which is obviously the basic concept of the 'sons of the law of One,' is the most clever and devious and cunning means of control I have ever encountered in my life. No matter where it comes from, the religionists say "we have the ONE god, WE are his agents, you pay us your money, and we'll tell him to be nice to you in the next world!"

A: Clever if one is deceived. Silly truffle if one is not.

Q: Well, I know! But, uncovering this deception, this lie that the 'power' is 'out there' is unbelievable. So, the Kantekkians were the 'Sons of Belial,' which is not the negative thing that I interpreted it as at the time. So, the 'Sons of the Law of One,' was perverted to the monotheistic Judaism, which then was then transformed into the Christian religious mythos, and has been an ongoing theme since Atlantean times.

A: Woven of those who portray the lights.

Q: And that is always the way it has been. They appear as 'angels of light.' And, essentially, everything in history has been rewritten by this group.

A: Under the influence of others. And whom do you suppose?

Q: Well, the Orion STS.

A: Sending pillars of light and chariots of fire to deliver the message.
One thing this whole drone flap has done is expose just how dangerous drones can be, particularly when utilized with weaponized swarm tactics. A vid that demonstrates just how dangerous drones can be and way beyond malfunctioning/falling drones during a public light show:

Entirely speculative , but maybe checking for density / cross-density area changes ? , since it garnered such an obvious response from the consortium , "both" groups may be somewhat looking at same " objective ", whatever it was/is , any map or Geo-magnectic map relation on appearances and this ?

Session 9 October 1994 :


Q: (L) Are there alien bases in the United States?

A: Yes. New Mexico, Colorado, Off Florida, Appalachia, California.

Well, it makes me wonder if whatever it was they were attempting to accomplish, was accomplished.
Probably for now. They will most likely show up elsewhere. This has gone on for weeks, theories have been postulated and we are no wiser than before, despite all the “experts”claiming to “know” the truth. A cosmic game of whack a mole, guessing where they might pop up next.
Probably for now. They will most likely show up elsewhere

And just like that there are reports out that a swarm of drones was used to confuse a Russian Anti-Aircraft system's sensors which fired the missiles that hit the commercial plane coming out of Grozni.

Maybe part of the (mission)/reasoning for triggering the over-saturation of our lives being bombarded with the NJ drone coverage was to create a 'drone-fatigue' state of mind in the recipients of mainstream media companies.

Perhaps other 'use cases' are soon to follow; As just running them into the tops of 'elevated assets' and simply exploding was not very click worthy/sticky.

These NJ drones sure changed/controlled the lexicon of societies all around, for a bit.

Will be interesting to watch who the 'narrative writers/operators' plug in for the role of receiving "the attribution".
(Mr. Cliff High seems convinced that the sightings will continue throughout the next couple of months , guess we'll see , substack link )
Sightings are still going strong. My prediction is that they'll stick around for another two weeks, at least - to mirror them starting in mid November and peaking in mid December. Would be nice if they stuck around for Trump's inauguration, thus placing some pressure on him to give more answers than the Biden administration.

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