Hi CrazyDaisy, Lately I've been learning more about this subject as well so thought to share what I've been looking at and it may be helpful to you as well. You are new to posting here and I dont know what you have already read in terms of the info available so encase you haven't read this I recommend it as a good foundation to work on. http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/organic_portals.htm
For me, its the issue of how to deal with petty tyrants who are popping up all over the place, and so organic portals (agents in the Matrix) are likely. These will definitely attempt to suck you into their agenda by activating emotions, usually anger, which is triggered by self importance in oneself. When this "system" starts working we are compelled to generate a lot of energy, that is directed to the tyrant and so the energy drain. We are wasting our life force on them and this is their purpose. So self control of the emotions and thoughts are important so we dont generate the energy they seek. I'm thinking that strategic enclosure (see glossary) is also useful in this regard as we utilize internal boundaries of protection, to not let this energy, directed to us, in.
Also I am rereading Books 5 and 6 of The Wave, Petty Tyrants , Navigating the Traps and Diversions of Life in the Matrix, which is also helpful.
One petty tyrant, a neighbor who has been harassing me everyday for 6 weeks has now gone silent in the last 5 days. Utilizing what I've learned, in not giving him any energy, it seems possible he has now backed off, not getting the results he sought. Perhaps he's been "switched off".
Hope this may be helpful to you. Its such a important issue to understand so we can deal with it effectively since its such a common, ongoing agenda.
For me, its the issue of how to deal with petty tyrants who are popping up all over the place, and so organic portals (agents in the Matrix) are likely. These will definitely attempt to suck you into their agenda by activating emotions, usually anger, which is triggered by self importance in oneself. When this "system" starts working we are compelled to generate a lot of energy, that is directed to the tyrant and so the energy drain. We are wasting our life force on them and this is their purpose. So self control of the emotions and thoughts are important so we dont generate the energy they seek. I'm thinking that strategic enclosure (see glossary) is also useful in this regard as we utilize internal boundaries of protection, to not let this energy, directed to us, in.
Also I am rereading Books 5 and 6 of The Wave, Petty Tyrants , Navigating the Traps and Diversions of Life in the Matrix, which is also helpful.
One petty tyrant, a neighbor who has been harassing me everyday for 6 weeks has now gone silent in the last 5 days. Utilizing what I've learned, in not giving him any energy, it seems possible he has now backed off, not getting the results he sought. Perhaps he's been "switched off".
Hope this may be helpful to you. Its such a important issue to understand so we can deal with it effectively since its such a common, ongoing agenda.