
D'Ankhiar said:
I would say my room is perfectly dark at nighttime yes, besides from the annoying light my phone does when there's a new notification. Gotta turn that off.

Just pop your phone on aeroplane mode before you go to sleep, also disables the WiFi, and we don't want that close to our head whilst sleeping!

D'Ankhiar said:
I have done the EE breathing exercise a few times, but for some reason I'm not able to commit to it. I have more than enough time, so that is not the issue. If I'm honest, it's a little embarrassing? Especially the warriors breath, I always laugh when it gets to that part. It's really just me being silly, though. I tell myself it's for the best and that usually works. But I'm still not able to "let it all out."

All in all, I truly appreciate your advice. Thank you :)

You've really just got to push through it, you'd probably find if you can master the EE and pushing pass whatever embarrassment you feel, you would feel so incredibly grateful for pushing through after finishing the whole program. I remember I used to feel a little embarrassed doing the warriors part, because it just feels stupid, and I know we're not supposed to be "taking things seriously" in regards to trying to relax and meditate, but EE is something to be taken seriously if you want to improve your life. I guess you'd be better socially also, and in life situations if you dropped the whole feeling embarrassed whilst doing EE.
Immersion said:
D'Ankhiar said:
I guess I'm one of those people that are either "go hard or go home." And what I mean by that is, if I can't do something fully, then why do it at all. Obviously in my mind, I don't agree with it, and it's something I'm gradually changing. The thing is that I'm not able to commit to the full package when it comes to the healthy lifestyle, like switching to keto diet and the likes. So I pretty much throw myself under the bus with everything else, because I'm already doing something that is not good for me, why stop there? Right? No. But like I said, I'm working on changing it. Even the smallest of change can make a difference.

You've summed it up yourself quite well there. FWIW I could never go full on paleo-christian mode without eventually grinding to a halt and relapsing. We have a tonne of programs that have been developing with us all of our life, and to try and jump out of them all at once can be overwhelming. Small gradual steps and changes that you can really commit to may help here.

The same can be said (and is recommended) with the keto diet. Getting adapted to ketosis, cutting out grains, sugar and other evil foods is the best way to give your body the energy it was born to use. Also, listening to your body and learning when to have some downtime, relax and dissociate in healthy ways can help with the 'going home' part.

Immersion raises a really good point there, little steps is the way to go, rather the all or nothing approach. As long as the steps are heading in the same direction then gradually we can get somewhere. But to try and take on too much too soon, is not only disheartening when we inevitably stumble (I know that one), but probably counter productive to boot through the negative feedback loops it can then create in us. Baby steps is the way, as long as we are consistent (and patient).
D'Ankhiar said:
I did a very quick research before I started taking melatonin (I started at 10mg at the time), and didn't find anything alarming either, which is why I thought 50mg wasn't going to be unhealthy. I think Laura have also mentioned that our bodies get rid of the extra. Better safe than sorry, though, which is why I'm going to change that. I'm just giving my body some time to do whatever without it. It just feels right to wait a bit, even if not exactly necessary. I guess I will also keep it on the small dosages.

You can research for years and still not know a lot about it, especially when you consider individual differences. The hormones are interlinked in ways that are hard to understand. You can't simply boost one of them by taking a supplement -- it has other effects as well. And why was it low to begin with? How many other systems does it affect?

Dan Kalish, DC has interesting things to say about it in connection with his "Kalish Method" (which I am not endorsing), if you can find podcasts in which he appears.
lilyalic said:
D'Ankhiar said:
I would say my room is perfectly dark at nighttime yes, besides from the annoying light my phone does when there's a new notification. Gotta turn that off.

Just pop your phone on aeroplane mode before you go to sleep, also disables the WiFi, and we don't want that close to our head whilst sleeping!

Just want to note that even when a cellphone is in airplane mode it is still sending and receiving signals from cell towers, and thus radiating. It's best to leave the cell in a different room if possible. If it's your alarm clock, maybe time to get a different one, otherwise there's no reason to sleep with a cell phone right next to you IMO.
Heimdallr said:
Just want to note that even when a cellphone is in airplane mode it is still sending and receiving signals from cell towers, and thus radiating. It's best to leave the cell in a different room if possible. If it's your alarm clock, maybe time to get a different one, otherwise there's no reason to sleep with a cell phone right next to you IMO.

I absolutely second that. When I sleep in the same room with my cellphone turned on (for example when travelling), I feel kind of mushy in my head and have trouble going to sleep. Once I had this "vision" while trying to get to sleep with cellphone next to me that I was using as an alarm "that my proteins were melting". Don't know what this means, but that's how it felt. :)

Also it's best to turn WIFI off overnight in case you have that in your flat/house.

Heimdallr said:
Just want to note that even when a cellphone is in airplane mode it is still sending and receiving signals from cell towers, and thus radiating. It's best to leave the cell in a different room if possible. If it's your alarm clock, maybe time to get a different one, otherwise there's no reason to sleep with a cell phone right next to you IMO.

Thanks for the heads up Heimdallr! I guess this just gives me an excuse to get one of the old fashioned ones that you violently hit when you awake, should be fun!
lilyalic said:
Heimdallr said:
Just want to note that even when a cellphone is in airplane mode it is still sending and receiving signals from cell towers, and thus radiating. It's best to leave the cell in a different room if possible. If it's your alarm clock, maybe time to get a different one, otherwise there's no reason to sleep with a cell phone right next to you IMO.

Thanks for the heads up Heimdallr! I guess this just gives me an excuse to get one of the old fashioned ones that you violently hit when you awake, should be fun!

The newer ipods have alarm clocks, although they aren't anywhere near as inexpensive as an old school alarm clock. At least the ipods don't radiate, and you can choose the song to wake up to. Just another option to consider. :)
Heimdallr said:
Just want to note that even when a cellphone is in airplane mode it is still sending and receiving signals from cell towers, and thus radiating. It's best to leave the cell in a different room if possible. If it's your alarm clock, maybe time to get a different one, otherwise there's no reason to sleep with a cell phone right next to you IMO.

I third that. :)

Depending on the day, I usually go to sleep between 8 and 9 and takes 6mg of melatonin with 2g of each magnesium, B6 and zinc, then do the pipe breathing/prayer for a bit. I would sleep okay (not great) and wake up when I open my eyes. I'm deaf at nights and never had to use any alarm - I wake up when I wake up. I'm currently in an area of tense EMF/WiFi smog, where I don't have a choice (over 100 cell towers and up to 660 Antennas in four-mile radius), which I'm usually find myself energetic-drained. Turning off a cell phone in where I am doesn't worth a ding, but I do it anyway. When I was living at my parents' house, I used what's called a "Shake Awake" - a small device to be put under the pillow to vibrate when it's time to get up. I'm not sure if anyone would want an "earthquake" wake-up call.
I use melatonin only occasionally (with magnesium) and 3mg seem to be sufficient. However, what helps most for a good sleep is total darkness. I have one of those cheap clock alarms (costs the equivalent of 1 to 2 USD) and most of the time I wake up just in time to prevent it from ringing (and back to sleep lol). I think it's good to train one's own internal clock as well.
Heimdallr said:
lilyalic said:
D'Ankhiar said:
I would say my room is perfectly dark at nighttime yes, besides from the annoying light my phone does when there's a new notification. Gotta turn that off.

Just pop your phone on aeroplane mode before you go to sleep, also disables the WiFi, and we don't want that close to our head whilst sleeping!

Just want to note that even when a cellphone is in airplane mode it is still sending and receiving signals from cell towers, and thus radiating. It's best to leave the cell in a different room if possible. If it's your alarm clock, maybe time to get a different one, otherwise there's no reason to sleep with a cell phone right next to you IMO.
I remember the c's reccomending four feet for wifi. Is this a safe bet?
Heimdallr said:
lilyalic said:
D'Ankhiar said:
I would say my room is perfectly dark at nighttime yes, besides from the annoying light my phone does when there's a new notification. Gotta turn that off.

Just pop your phone on aeroplane mode before you go to sleep, also disables the WiFi, and we don't want that close to our head whilst sleeping!

Just want to note that even when a cellphone is in airplane mode it is still sending and receiving signals from cell towers, and thus radiating.
Having many times flirted with extremely low battery at night (there are no plugs where I sleep) and taking to using airplane mode to keep a sub-5% battery from reaching 0 overnight within 7 hours, I question that. Perhaps not all cellphones are the same.
Skyalmian said:
Having many times flirted with extremely low battery at night (there are no plugs where I sleep) and taking to using airplane mode to keep a sub-5% battery from reaching 0 overnight within 7 hours, I question that. Perhaps not all cellphones are the same.

Even when a cell phone is completely turned off it is still communicating with cell phone towers. The same is true for when it is airplane mode. Despite what numerous websites claim, that means that it is unhealthy. No matter how much you rely on it to keep your phone from dying, it does not change the fact that a cell phone communicating with a tower will emit radiation. I've actually received notifications while in airplane mode, which to me confirmed that it was still communicating with a tower.

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