How did you figure out how to find a thread by its number?
Just use an URL like from this current thread and replace the number behind the dot. The thread name before the dot and the #post.. part can be removed, but doesn't have to.
The '.15' part in the old URL could be just an old forum/subforum ID, or maybe a post or page number, I'm not sure.
From the Thread-ID in the URL, it's probably this thread:
Thanks for taking the time to find that information. It has been very helpful for me, it is about sugar. Although they mix many topics about panic attacks, sugar hits the mark in my case, I can already connect many other things, thank you!

Oddly enough I have been increasing my sugar intake without noticing it and for "things in life" my mother strangely started drinking coffee without sugar... those signs, signs, signs.
Could you please suggest a specific reading or book on "the wave" that covers this topic? I am also interested in this topic to recognize this type of attack, it is too diffuse to recognize them only as "ego wounds" that serve as exposed flanks especially when they already seem to function independently and so persistently. And always the same thoughts about something or someone.

Yes, I know that using the search engine and that it is one of the many topics that have been addressed, but I can't find exactly what I require. It's just maybe you can tell me something I haven't thought about, some clue, sometimes I just need a clue or a "correct" word to be able to find the rest.
On the link that Arwen shared there's quite a bit of information, I think that's a great source, specially this part right here:

In cases of such attacks, the Principle of Counterpolarity recommends to do as follows:

(a) allow our attackers to generate as much negative feelings as they wish, and to spread as many lies as they wish;
(b) keep a close watch on ourselve as the feelings arise, and do not allow any of it to be wasted; if you respond at all, do as Ark did, find the one key point and just simply repeat it, thereby conserving energy. One way to do this is to remind ourselves that the attackers are asleep and are unaware of how cunningly 4 D STS manipulate their feelings and actions. It is also, as the C's have said, important to remind ourselves that the real source of the attack is the 4 DSTS beings - not the muppets/collaborators that are used attack us. Thus, we never have to be angry at them.
(c) concentrate on solutions to the problems that are caused by our attackers, not on the attackers that cause these problems; it is important to logically and cooly determine how these consequences affect us, and also how they affect all other people around us. For example, people who join our groups with the intent of promoting their view and tearing down our work are wasting the time of all of those people who are able to see the STS manipulation and wish to spend their time dealing with other issues, and not trying to endless explain things to individuals who are, undoubtedly, STS by choice, or Organic Portals.
(d) impartially and without any negative feelings: tell/inform everyone around us, and/or publish the full information regarding the attacks, who is doing it, exactly what they are doing, what consequences these attacks are going to bring for us, and what consequences they are going to bring to all other people around us.
This method of peaceful resistance - acting for one's own destiny - works. It produces a knowledge/awareness block that transforms any emotions of the person being attacked into something very much like a para-physical force. It is a utilization of the Principle of Counterpolarity.

In attack situations, the attackers generally have to already be in a state of negative emotion in regard to us in order to attack us. You could say that these negative feelings are like "electrical charges" or psychic lightning that they are directing at us.

Mostly because it speaks of a calm approach to a situation, which goes against our natural instinct, but the response to perceived attack gets informed by what one chooses to align oneself with. As Laura further explains, a calm approach to difficult situations does not imply inaction, certainly in most cases it means acting and doing what is necessary, but with the proper context in mind.

As for the rest, every situation is very specific, and it must be examined individually in order to know what the best response is. So, as repeating thought patterns go, I'd examine the thoughts and the emotional connection that they generate and thus devise the best approach to addressing them. I know it's a general piece of advise, but I think it applies, if you're comfortable with sharing something further perhaps we can assist you with what you're experiencing by sharing perspective.

my two cents.
Mostly because it speaks of a calm approach to a situation, which goes against our natural instinct, but the response to perceived attack gets informed by what one chooses to align oneself with. As Laura further explains, a calm approach to difficult situations does not imply inaction, certainly in most cases it means acting and doing what is necessary, but with the proper context in mind.
So as the Cs say, acting in favour of your destiny & not against someone else. I think Putin displays this in action by not letting emotions get in the way of calm & strategic thinking/responses. Despite the blatant aggression & attacks (towards himself & his country- Putin/Russia is literally blamed for everything here in the collective West), he acts in favour of his country and people, rather than against the aggressor- not always an easy thing to do!

I also think that simple things like how you comport yourself (hand gestures, gait etc.) can be protective in a way. I’m following Dr Karen Mitchell on Twitter, who was interviewed by MindMatters (excellent interview, as well as this one posted by Jones here). She says predators (psychopaths/dark triad personalities) can pick a target just by their gait. So how you comport yourself physically may also add to a blocking of sorts.

Here is the MindMatters interview:

MindMatters: Predators in High Places with Dr. Karen Mitchell

And Dr Mitchell’s tweet with some tips on protecting yourself from being a target:
How do I avoid being targeted by a narcissist/psychopath (predator)?

Tough question because predators DO target very specific types. If you are kind, well-meaning, honest and have some kind of vulnerability you are much more likely to get targeted.

A few protective recommendations include:

1. If you have low sense of self worth, invest in support with increasing it. Predators smell it.

2. Do not over-share about yourself. This is recognised by predators as a sign of ‘niceness’ which means greater susceptibility to manipulation and control.

3. Practise saying ‘no’. Predators test in the early days to see if boundaries can be pushed. If you are practised at declining as well as accepting proposals, suggestions, ideas, offers, requests for help, you are not such an obvious target.

4. Know the red flags, know the attributes, know the tactics. There are many, many subtle signs that are predator give-aways. I include them in my posts. They are also in my PhD. The book will be out soon. Make sure you are totally conversant with them. When you see a few, start researching.

5. Do research! So important. If you have concerns about someone, ask around about them, search the internet, research their businesses, see who they are connected with. Eventually the data paints a picture.

6. Posture, walking gait, should be confident. One study showed that predators could identify an easy target from gait!

7. Do not openly discuss that you are estranged from, geographically distant from or have no family. Predators target those who are isolated or can be isolated.

Edit: added below
Approaching Infinity has written a few substack articles exploring Dr Mitchell’s thesis which can be found here, here, here and here.
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- Concentrate on solutions to the problems that are caused by our attackers, not on the attackers that cause these problems.
- In attack situations, the attackers generally have to already be in a state of negative emotion in regard to us in order to attack us.

This information is much more than two cents Alejo. As always, you have hit the nail on the head again. This information is totally useful, just what I needed and what I was trying to shape in my mind. The points I highlight are exactly the observations I made in those moments of invasion.

I was keeping the possibility of a STS attack in mind, because I have not been taking care of my health with respect to sugar, but since you mention it, it would be letting my guard down, okay, it is not ruled out, they always go together... a few cubes of STS Sugar in the coffee.

It is not that I do not feel comfortable saying it, it is rather that I have already said it many times in different ways and they have given me the exact word that has helped me. In fact, on occasions they have practically confirmed the solution that I have already thought of, only obviously in a more objective and concrete way, because of those mental/emotional invasions they make me doubt what I think, so when I appear as in this occasion it is as if in a synchronized way because something catches my attention and I have preferred to ask or request some reading about it than to write the same thing again or at least not until I have exhausted the resources and find the answer for myself.

I am going to think about it much better with this information, because from an eagle's eye with bad eyesight, the first thing that stands out is that it seems that my "Inner Child" or whatever it is, detests "betrayal" and opportunism. And that is something that has already been shared with me in the forum regarding false expectations and other related issues, it is not bad, but it is a defense and sense of alarm that must be balanced. But my concern for my economic situation is what opens up that flank of attack related to people from my past who were precisely traitors and opportunists. So if I do something productive, it makes me feel like it's not worth the risk because I'm a magnet for cheating people. And surprise, it is like that. It's tragicomic but people who tend to be traitors distrust me more than I do them (laughs), an interesting contradiction, I'll expose something in them that they have to raise their guard.

I'm not a cheater, but could I have taken advantage of others unconsciously? It wouldn't necessarily have to be with lies or manipulation, there must be another way of feeding oneself energetically that I don't remember having read about or at least that I haven't identified in myself and that is the reflection, something, an attitude, something.

But nothing, those negative thoughts continue to float around like flies. I am not bothered by the thoughts themselves or by the actors present in those thoughts, I am bothered by their persistence and frequency as if "at some point it has to fall" and in a certain sense they succeed because I have become stressed and bitter, something that is not usually common but from what I have observed it is the greatest weakness at this moment because sometimes I am on autopilot and I do not like that because I lose control of myself.

My focus is simply to work, "I am financially stable" I repeat to the universe to see if it helps. The only thing that worries me right now is having good financial stability to be able to give my parents a dignified old age and nothing else, I do not want to be rich, whatever happens to me later, let what has to come come. Well to worry, it's no use.

So as the Cs say, acting in favour of your destiny & not against someone else. I think Putin displays this in action by not letting emotions get in the way of calm & strategic thinking/responses.

Yes! i totally try to learn from him

5. Do research! So important. If you have concerns about someone, ask around about them, search the internet, research their businesses, see who they are connected with. Eventually the data paints a picture.

YES! I felt bad when I did it, but if it wasn't for that, what I already knew that they were possibly hiding wouldn't be discovered.

6. Posture, walking gait, should be confident. One study showed that predators could identify an easy target from gait!

Well, I don't walk like a model, but I don't walk asking my legs for permission either (laughs). But curiously yes, I have gestures that for predators are surely signs of possible available food.

Beautiful Arwenn!, thanks for this info. Thanks for confirming this clue, it answers this doubt I've been thinking.

I'm not a cheater, but could I have taken advantage of others unconsciously? It wouldn't necessarily have to be with lies or manipulation, there must be another way of feeding oneself energetically that I don't remember having read about or at least that I haven't identified in myself and that is the reflection, something, an attitude, something.

For the rest of the recommendations, yes!, it's like that. With this I confirm that I am not crazy and I am not the one who is wrong to enforce my limits. They have always pointed out to me that I am not very flexible when detecting that I am being food for this type of people but since those who point at me do not know it, I am the bad one for them. So in a certain way my attitude exposes them and they have to isolate me when it comes to work and the best tool they have is precisely to defame me and since it doesn't affect me, they increase their strategies.

It's funny because I usually give an image of being unapproachable and I don't relate much so that's an obvious sign of emotional weakness for these beings, the "typical guy who doesn't talk to anyone" when it's simply that I don't feel like talking to anyone and precisely because I also detect them in the face of such exaggerated closeness on their part to go testing their limits with me.

How complicated I have it, relating like this is not easy because even if I am smart and I play their games, at some point I always have to set limits and that's when everything gets complicated because they are above me in my work, either as "acquaintances", clients or bosses and they always want to win, which leads me to complicate my economic stability precisely.

But it is strange that I have these thoughts right now that I am "alone", I am currently not involved with anyone, I do not relate to anyone. I work remotely with companies outside my country and I'm doing really well, so far. I'm not depressed or anything like that, not that I do either.

Yesterday I had a meeting with a person with psychopathic traits for a job but I applied the 101 rule of the wave, "put money where you put your mouth" and everything about be a "good person" that was shown at the beginning was gone.

I have to watch my diet, a lot of sugar in the coffee and sedentary lifestyle, do exercises and other things that contribute to it due to remote work.

I can rely more on my intuition and knowledge about them and not doubt my certainty when I have them in front of me or in my mind, that's good. I'm not infallible obviously, but I feel much better about myself after reading this. I'm not bad, I like to share in a healthy way, relate, etc. but the frequency of this world is having its very palpable effects. Both in the beings who are properly STS and in one who lives through them.

Thanks again!🖖
Maybe you can start by writing the invasive thoughts down, a list of them, and analyze their reality, likability and so on.

Cheaters are always going to be around, and sometimes we do attract them, but while there is something subconscious about it, it's not impossible to make those traits conscious, and work on them, and I believe it begins by admitting to oneself that "I choose cheaters in my life".. there's usually a reason that makes having them in your life more of a priority than safety, because they represent something specific you yearn for, perhaps. And it's your task to discover what that is.

And regarding gait and posture, I believe Adriane Raine in the Anatomy of Violence spoke about how criminals pick their victims by their walk and attitude, they seek weakness primarily. Some work not to get rid of fear but to be able to better face it does translate into a different walk, posture and so on. So, there's quite a bit to work on, and many places to start, I would start with writing those thoughts down on paper, some thoughts need to be stopped and not indulged, but some deserve to be listed to, they may have a message that is not immediately apparent, and some thoughts, no matter how ridiculous or unrealistic may carry some wisdom after some sincere analyzing.
Maybe you can start by writing the invasive thoughts down, a list of them, and analyze their reality, likability and so on.

Sorry for the long, but this is what has come out based on writing about the invasive thoughts.

I really only have two invasive thoughts right now. And they both relate to money and guilt, not resentment as I thought it might be because of what I described later.

usually a reason that makes having them in your life more of a priority than safety, because they represent something specific you yearn for, perhaps. And it's your task to discover what that is.

1. Money, because I need economic stability as I mentioned earlier. I long for work, I long for stability, not because of the false sense of security, it's because that's the way the world works. If my parents or I get sick, what will they take care of us with? do I give myself to understand? what did I want from them? that they paid me for my job and nothing more to also get ahead like them, were in a sense a motivation, not an envy. Whether his methods were questionable is another voice.

The security was that I could not stay out of work and they were my only option because curiously I left a job, my mother got sick. I didn't choose them, at least not consciously. They chose me through other people who related to me just for keeping me close because of my abilities and nothing else. My mom had an operation a few months ago. Life sent her help through a person and she was hospitalized in a public hospital because we don't have money for a clinic. What do I long for?... to have a work network like they have, with the difference that I don't want it based on manipulation. To have her will I have to choose to be STS completely to get things as easy as them?... could it be that the purpose of all of this with the comment that they said, "you need be more evil"? a little more and all that was left was to pull out a red lightsaber or get me a contract signed with fire (laughs).

2. Guilt, because if I had not defended my position objectively against these predators and continued to put up with their whims and abuses, I would be "fine" financially. "I should have stayed quiet and it wouldn't be bad today." that's what those thoughts whisper to me.

I felt afraid when I said what I thought and it affected me out of "respect", because I thought I owed them something for the opportunity to work with these people, until I became aware.

At the time I used to feel a deep hatred because it made me feel miserable that precisely the people who most depend on others, the most parasitic people, who depend on manipulating others, on lying to them, on betraying in life, were the ones who underestimated and used me. Judge me by the thoughts and unrealistic in their minds about my for not only fulfill their whims, etc, after having sacrificed so much time on their work that I even had a back pain for a year that he could not sit, lie down or stand for a long time, it was not fair. But this world favors them, so accepted, internalized, integrated and overcome.

These are scurvy thoughts! because I am not so weak to let myself be dragged down by something that I know I did the right thing and in favor of my destiny at the time. That I no longer have the comfort of making money fast? so be it, I will work 5 times more on my own, that's what I decided to sacrifice to take the reins from my responsibility and control.

Why should I feel bad about something like that?

And regarding gait and posture, I believe Adriane Raine in the Anatomy of Violence spoke about how criminals pick their victims by their walk and attitude, they seek weakness primarily.

As for the postures, it is not the main reason but I am going to contemplate them because I certainly have some marked gestures and others involuntary that I do and these predators confuse with weakness. There are many of my body gestures that do not correspond to what many people think. They have always pointed it out to me as if they had nothing better to occupy their lives with. For example, having your arms crossed is a sign of protecting yourself or so they say, I do it because it's very comfortable for me, I'm bored, waiting, stressed or paying attention and the opposite to protecting myself, when I feel very confident. I don't like to hold my gaze too much, it annoys me, I feel tired eyesight, my eyes get dry. There are those who interpret it as if I was avoiding something or I was lying, no, it's just that I don't need to see your face for 1 hour in a fixed way so that you feel taken into account, depending on the type of conversation. In addition, such gestures are not applied here as in other countries where they are taken into serious consideration in terms of manners.

"He's very quiet", well I just don't feel like talking to anyone at certain times, for various reasons that have more to do with avoiding interacting with people that I know doesn't suit me at all and their actions prove it over time. That doesn't mean I don't relate, I just know to what extent depending on the person and the environment. And if it is an environment of predators, it is impossible not to attract attention. I do not know if you know this phrase "you shake hands and they take your arm", it is something similar to that you give a little trust and abuse. That's already something about the idiosyncrasies here and the lack of basic values and respect and it's not my style.

I don't share my private life even with my own mother, because she uses it against me. No matter how quiet I am, there are people who manage to want to get information out of me. Only a certain type of woman has achieved it for obvious reasons. In fact, a vampiric attraction, involuntary thought and magnetism manifests itself as it is, until one gives in/gives permission. But that's not the case now and I'm very careful since the last experience. But I already know the pattern.

In these cases, more than my positions, it is to be someone who is not surrounded by people. Independence confundidad with insulation.

As for knowing their tactics, most of the circumstances are like in the transcriptions, like when Laura decides to let a question pass because she knows that it's not going to lead to anything, it's not well formulated, you know what the Cass would say, she detects that she hasn't invested enough to ask the question in an exact way, etc. A person outside that circle would be offended and think that she's not being taken into account, if she's emotionally weak, she would think that they're calling her stupid, unintelligent, she would be offended.

Well, something similar happens to me and it's not that I apply it, I just seem to have become more "acute" for certain patterns that I can already see the ramifications of others' actions and decisions under certain circumstances. I know that other people's actions and decisions are going to lead me down a certain path, so I tell them "no" and they don't know how to accept it, I can glimpse their tactics as long as I don't have emotions getting in the way.

Am I too closed-minded? okay, I recently opened up to a job opportunity through a "friend" of 10 years ago, who recently I met her just 3 days after I thought about her and again I was fucked with exactly the same thing I already knew by the patterns shown through her, again!. Is it possible that if I focus on a suitcase full of money I will be able to find it? (laughs)

Well, why should I feel guilty about all this?

It's as if because of my limited interaction with others, those two thoughts are the only tool to use to disturb me.
It's as if because of my limited interaction with others, those two thoughts are the only tool to use to disturb me.
They disturb you for a reason, and it may not be one that you can reason your way out of.

Do you think that maybe a part of you feels like you should've simply kept the job to keep the stability you need? because, truth be told, there's almost no jobs where there won't be a manipulative feeding dynamic? It's just work sometimes, some people love it, some people hate it. In a lot of cases it's simply a means to an end, and some sacrifices have to be made.

And if that's the case, well... just admit it, you're not going to be able to change what has been already. But it may help you in the future, if you need stability for clarity and peace, then it may be a good idea to find yourself a stable job. I know independence and autonomy are amazing, and if someone can achieve it then great, but while you get there, stability at the cost of being an employee might be the next best thing?

Just a few thoughts.
If in response to the negative feelings that they have toward us that stimulates them to invade our space and violate our free will, we also generate negative feelings, our own feelings may cause us to want to retaliate toward that person, but that is exactly what they want us to do. They want to engage us in a direct exchange, a one on one "feeding." If we engage with them directly, trying to withstand the attack alone, we thus we accept the attack on ourselves. One must never forget that they are the portals of 4 D STS - ANYONE who violates another's Free Will - and you simply cannot engage with them directly.

This reminds me of something I forgot to add. I usually make statements like those explained in the videos by Laura such as "I have the right house". It was commented that visualization is necessary to charge the energy together with physical exercise. Now with these kind of invasive thoughts, isn't it the same the other way around? Wouldn't it also result in the possibility of re-daring even the same person or situations, which I think was what happened a year ago as a more direct bridge to continue in a physical attack, more direct and perpetuate this loop? because I would be giving my energy for it and taking into account that the STS frequency is the most predominant by itself and if I agree consciously or not, wouldn't it be practically that to declare those manifestations/circumstances but in STS sense?

Therefore it is our environment which BECOMES HYPERDIMENSIONAL.

Good heavens, I have been the impostor against my own destiny in every exchange of energy with these thoughts...
Do you think that maybe a part of you feels like you should've simply kept the job to keep the stability you need?

No, quite the opposite. I consciously knew that I had to get out and that would happen one way or another.

because, truth be told, there's almost no jobs where there won't be a manipulative feeding dynamic? It's just work sometimes, some people love it, some people hate it. In a lot of cases it's simply a means to an end, and some sacrifices have to be made.

Yes, it's like that, it's the "normal" thing and it's been my environment.

And if that's the case, well... just admit it, you're not going to be able to change what has been already. But it may help you in the future, if you need stability for clarity and peace, then it may be a good idea to find yourself a stable job. I know independence and autonomy are amazing, and if someone can achieve it then great, but while you get there, stability at the cost of being an employee might be the next best thing?

I have accepted that fact for a long time, I do not fight against what has been. Is something being misinterpreted? because I'm not dealing with what was or should have been. I'm not looking to change the past or deny what was.

What you describe is what I'm partly into. Working on my own allows me to be at peace, but I'm not looking for a comfort zone. Being an employee again I do not rule it out but at the moment it is not a better option because the money is much less. If the need arises, of course I assume it without problems.

So now I can better distribute my energies by virtue of the effort applied at work being balanced and proportional to the money I get.
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