Meteorite Explodes Over Russia Injures Hundreds

Aeneas said:

I am curious about this picture. Meteor was flying under an angle, wouldn't debris from it also fly under the angle ? The hole in the ice seems to be rather evenly roundly shaped, as if got hit vertically.

Then there does not seem too much disturbance in the snow around the edges. Wouldn't hit create some splash in the water making more disturbance to surrounding ice at least (like raising it) ? Or at least melting surrounding snow ?

Is there any explanation to this ?
Pashalis said:
irjO said:
Now i'm hearing that these events are products of some kind of military tests and that people are confused by that! Ha! yeah right! the C's were right about that part!

Where do you hear that?
I don't know if this is what irjO meant but there's this
It's the only link I could find in English.
There's also a tiny bit on it in Greek
Translating it here : Only a few hours after the meteorite impact in Russia, conspiracy theories commenced by the renowned for his radical views, nationalist Russian politician Vladimir Jirinovski, who argues that the flashes and the tremors that were felt in the country weren't caused by meteorite impacts, but by the USA testing new weapons.

EDIT : Another link I just found
Aeneas said:

A hole in Chebarkul Lake made by meteorite debris. Photo by Chebarkul town head Andrey Orlov.

I don't understand. In news of Spain also speak of this hole. But in youtube I found many videos like this:


A great deal of difference. Is a fake??
Orange Scorpion said:
I don't understand. In news of Spain also speak of this hole. But in youtube I found many videos like this:


A great deal of difference. Is a fake??

Laura reply #59 said:
Zadius Sky said:
It's just been uploaded:

Meteorite crater in Chelyabinsk:

That is NOT a meteorite crater. That's a burning pit somewhere like Afghanistan or Uzbekhistan, long known as "Hell's Doorway" or something like that.

Correcting myself: I was close. It's in Turkmenistan.

Pashalis said:
Just now here where I live in germany I heard several small firework like explosions. I just looked outside and one of those small explosions lid up the sky behind the clouds quite a bit, I think it was bluish.

It wasn't a big noise, just a handful firework like explosions.
It could have been fireworks, but the timing surely makes me wonder.

Anyone else hearing seeing something?

Interesting. When I was in my car today heading back home (~ 9:50pm, countryside, dark road, no other cars around) I suddenly felt inclined to turn my head backwards over my left side and saw an orange light flashing up. Didn't hear any sounds and it was just this short orange flash I saw - but because I was driving, I then kept my eyes on the road ahead again and was wondering what it was that I'd seen there.
irjO said:
Now i'm hearing that these events are products of some kind of military tests and that people are confused by that! Ha! yeah right! the C's were right about that part!

I am reading a blog post in Russian, created by a guy who lives in Chelyabinsk. (Here it is, for those who read Russian) And judging from the comments, indeed, there are many people there who don't trust the official explanation, and think they are being lied to, and that it was in fact a military missile testing. Maybe we can see a difference in mentality here, where officials don't need to come up with excuses, because they know that people would invent others reasons anyway, due to the general mistrust of the authorities. But we will wait and see how it develops.

Also, there was apparently another meteorite that rattled windows and produced loud boom on 11th of February, in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia), which coincidentally (or not) is also in the Urals region and borders with Chelyabinsk area. The article is in Russian, but there is a video there in the end.

Added: But maybe, they just couldn't hide it. Here is the "official" statement from NASA and Co. on site:

On Friday, February 15th at 9:30 am local time in Russia, a small asteroid struck the atmosphere over the city of Chelyabinsk and exploded. According to reports from news organizations and Russian authorities, as many as 1000 people received minor injuries from the shock wave. This is the most energetic recorded meteor strike since the Tunguska impact of 1908.

Researchers including Prof. Peter Brown of the University of Western Ontario along with NASA experts have conducted a preliminary analysis of the event. "Here is what we know so far," says Bill Cooke, head of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office. "The asteroid was about 15 meters in diameter and weighed approximately 7000 metric tons. It struck Earth's atmosphere at 40,000 mph (18 km/s) and broke apart about 12 to 15 miles (20 to 25 km) above Earth's surface. The energy of the resulting explosion was in the vicinity of 300 kilotons of TNT."

"A shock wave propagated down and struck the city below, causing large numbers of windows to break, some walls to collapse, and minor damage throughout the city," he continued. "When you hear about injuries, those are undoubtedly due to the effects of the shock wave, not due to fragments striking the ground. There are undoubtedly fragments on the ground, but as of this time we know of no recovered fragments that we can verify."

Videos of the event may be found here and here. In many of the videos you can hear the sound of windows shattering as the meteor's loud shock wave reaches the ground. Onlookers cry out in Russian as alarms and sirens sound in the background. This pair of wide-angle gif animations is also worth watching: #1, #2.

It is natural to wonder if this event has any connection to today's record-setting flyby of asteroid 2012 DA14. Paul Chodas of the Near Earth Object Program at JPL says no. "The Russian fireball is not related to 2012 DA14 in any way. It's an incredible coincidence that we have had these two rare events in one day."

Stay tuned for updates!
MK Scarlett said:
And I guess this specific region of Russia is not living its first MoFc events, far from there. Look at the Google map and the numerous of craters now full of water ... Looks like Carolina Bays:

Exactly what I was thinking when I looked at the same map data.
Re: fireball over Russia 2013-2-15

Devar said:
And a couple more;

And lots more here!

there is some picture in this article , not sure it is a advertisement or the take of the author.

It looks damage control is in progress
That "Cuban impact" has also been reported on the RSOE EDIS - Emergency and Disaster Information Service.

Here is the event summary:

Event type: Event into space
Date/Time: Friday, 15 February, 2013 at 18:15 (06:15 PM) UTC
Continent: Caribean Sea
Country: Cuba
County / State: Province of Cienfuegos
Area: Rodas area
Coordinate: N 22° 20.450, W 80° 33.433

They don't have any other information for now. All I know is that Rodas at those coordinate is a suburban area.
JayMark said:
That "Cuban impact" has also been reported on the RSOE EDIS - Emergency and Disaster Information Service.

Here is the event summary:

Event type: Event into space
Date/Time: Friday, 15 February, 2013 at 18:15 (06:15 PM) UTC
Continent: Caribean Sea
Country: Cuba
County / State: Province of Cienfuegos
Area: Rodas area
Coordinate: N 22° 20.450, W 80° 33.433

They don't have any other information for now. All I know is that Rodas at those coordinate is a suburban area.

Good stuff, JayMark - I just noticed this announcement as well (very much into RSOE at the moment). It is a little difficult to find English sources like others have already mentioned. Also, it is confusing whether the event took place on Wednesday local time or on Friday. If it happened earlier in the week then one must wonder if we are over the hump yet. Could there be more on the way?

Googled excerpts from the RSOE's event description and found the following sources. It's not much, FWIW.


BREAKING-Meteor Crash, This Time In CUBA


Russia, meteoriti in pieno giorno. Quasi 1000 feriti, 82 sono bambini

Altro meteorite a Cuba, testimoni: “esplosione e grande rumore”

Esplode corpo celeste a Cuba
Wow, what a demonstration of what we may be facing. A relatively "small event" still shows the incredible destructive power of these things.
SeekinTruth said:
Wow, what a demonstration of what we may be facing. A relatively "small event" still shows the incredible destructive power of these things.

Exactly what I'm thinking. That thing sent a lightning bolt into my spine. When you have been researching the subject only for months and have never seen/heard a meteor explode like this, the picture gets even more crystal clear instantly. Sort of reached another level.

That thing *still* fragmented 20-25 km high (according to NASA) so the way the shockwave hit just really show what a relatively "small" meteorite can do. Just immagine the 1908 one...

It was really a demonstration of power by Mother Nature. I don't think it's any coincidence. The event went around the globe instantly. Kind of like a way of the Universe to say to all: "Watch out, I'm not kidding with this meteor business, you'll get it like the last time, and the time before, and the time before... ain't you learned anythin' yet?"

The whole world has been seriously warned and that's pretty much the bottom line for me. How many do you think have "woken up" today?
Found more about the meteorite in Cuba.
In this youtube link: _ posted it on February 15th, contains the testimony from the fishermen. And other comments from the event with an arquelogist and meteorites. In Spanish.

In this other link:_ (just audio) two fisherman, whom happened to be the witnesses, saw the meteorite passing near the community of Lajitas, at 30 km of the town of Rodas in the province of Cienfuegos, Cuba; the reporter referred it to an event that happened on February 5th, there are other reports by other witnesses. At the first minutes, the testimony in Spanish, cuban spanish… though, is something like this:

“…around 8, 8:15, we saw the light, we look up, …we saw the light, we looked up to see what was, … this light and after 3, 4 minutes the light went out quickly, first it was the light and when it was over, we saw an explosion too big, … I feel somehow bad, I have aftermath illness, there had been many nights that I cant sleep, the explosion at the sky, perhaps makes you ill”
“…around 8 at night, my friend, my brother we were comenting that we guide ourselves by the stars, the Ursa Major, and in that moment we saw a big light, the light lighten up very big, when that light lighten around we kept seeing it …after the light, there was a flame, a big big flame, bigger than the sun … the fish jumped all the way around, mostly the trout, all around the sound of the trout jumping, as if they were fleeing away from the light, … a little later we felt an explosion, a bomb, big bomb … when we told my brother, my father, my family that the boat moved, they would not believe us. And I felt it, that the boat over the water, moved.”

The reporter explained later that the phenomena was perceived by many towns, the testimonies describe a bolide followed by an strenuous collapsed of the earth. And another testimony reports from 29th of December, 2012. And other related reports from other years.

It got my attention the jumping of the trout and the later illness described by one of the fisherman.

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