Found more about the meteorite in Cuba.
In this youtube link: _ posted it on February 15th, contains the testimony from the fishermen. And other comments from the event with an arquelogist and meteorites. In Spanish.
In this other link:_ (just audio) two fisherman, whom happened to be the witnesses, saw the meteorite passing near the community of Lajitas, at 30 km of the town of Rodas in the province of Cienfuegos, Cuba; the reporter referred it to an event that happened on February 5th, there are other reports by other witnesses. At the first minutes, the testimony in Spanish, cuban spanish… though, is something like this:
“…around 8, 8:15, we saw the light, we look up, …we saw the light, we looked up to see what was, … this light and after 3, 4 minutes the light went out quickly, first it was the light and when it was over, we saw an explosion too big, … I feel somehow bad, I have aftermath illness, there had been many nights that I cant sleep, the explosion at the sky, perhaps makes you ill”
“…around 8 at night, my friend, my brother we were comenting that we guide ourselves by the stars, the Ursa Major, and in that moment we saw a big light, the light lighten up very big, when that light lighten around we kept seeing it …after the light, there was a flame, a big big flame, bigger than the sun … the fish jumped all the way around, mostly the trout, all around the sound of the trout jumping, as if they were fleeing away from the light, … a little later we felt an explosion, a bomb, big bomb … when we told my brother, my father, my family that the boat moved, they would not believe us. And I felt it, that the boat over the water, moved.”
The reporter explained later that the phenomena was perceived by many towns, the testimonies describe a bolide followed by an strenuous collapsed of the earth. And another testimony reports from 29th of December, 2012. And other related reports from other years.
It got my attention the jumping of the trout and the later illness described by one of the fisherman.