Laura said:
Crystal clear said:
what if 2012DA14 actually hit russia???...
You mean, what if this thing that happened was actually that, only they want to hide it and continue to claim that it flew by and no problemo?
Interesting thought indeed.
I agree, a very interesting thought.
A thought I haven't thought of before!
What do we actually know about 2012 DA 14? Where there any independent observations of that object and its trajectory other than those official ones from NASA and the like?
I kept reading that it was only visible for normal people, with a telescope, the days before it was supposed to "miss earth".
Are there hobby astronomers out there that traced it and its trajectory? Do we have that?
Are there normal people that observered with their own eyes that object and its trajectory in the time period Nasa and the like claimed it has?
And if so, do they noticed that something doesn't fit with the trajectory claimed by NASA and co?
Who discovered 2012 DA 14? Was it a private person?
Suppose someone independendly discoveres an coment and it leakes out to the public in some way. Suppose further that NASA and consorts find out afterwards that it actually is now on a colliding course after it is already publically known.
Could there be a better way to hide this impact by simply lying about its trajectory?
Or the big guys themselfs discover it and leak it out intentionally, because they know it will hit from the beginning and they also think they know that at a certain time in the future hobby astronomers might be able to see it and calculate its real trajectory themselfs and thus trying to cover it up beforehand by intentionally lying about its trajectory in a big and public way, so that everyone believes them because they conditioned the masses beforehand about it and every news from little hobby astronomers that might see that it will impact, is buried under it and dismissed because the big guys said it was this and that way?
Isn't it the case, that only the big guys with the big teleskopes can see and calculate some chunks out there that are far away at first?
I would assume that any given object that was discovered a fairly amount of time before hand, can be seen and calculated by normal hobby astronomers only at a later stage?
I think that this is a very interesting thought we should consider in the near future, when we hear about discovered comets and their supposed safe trajectory...