Meteorite Explodes Over Russia Injures Hundreds

Laura said:
Crystal clear said:
what if 2012DA14 actually hit russia???...

You mean, what if this thing that happened was actually that, only they want to hide it and continue to claim that it flew by and no problemo?

Interesting thought indeed.

Possibilities might also include (1) the (partial) breakup of 2012DA14 as it passed the earth and some of the fragments entering the atmosphere or (2) that 2012DA14 was pulling along smaller, less visible satellites (I don't think that's uncommon?) and that some of these were captured by the earth's gravity as it made its pass.
Novus ordo seclorum said:
In whole my life, I have never seen on mainstream news someone talk about conspiracy theories. What is going on???

It could be that faced with first hard evidences of cosmic 'forces' they've never expected to happen in their lives they don't have any plausible meme to present to hypnotized public. As deeply indoctrinated with untruth and therefore best suited to do the job of covering up they suddenly experienced something that strongly shakes their believes - and they fear that picture of 'world' - which was supported by themselves (of course for proper amount of whatever) - is starting to crumble down... Seeing Putin's pale and worried expression while blaming science for not developing advanced means (?) for stopping this comet disasters JET(?)... OF COURSE that government cannot be responsible for this kind (or any) of lapse - and it seems that they are pretty stunned with this and didn't still manage to arrange appropriate attitudes to pass down to their men in media. So mainstream journalists are just left on their own forced to show their true/lousy caliber IMHO...

Yozilla D'monster
Shijing said:
Laura said:
Crystal clear said:
what if 2012DA14 actually hit russia???...

You mean, what if this thing that happened was actually that, only they want to hide it and continue to claim that it flew by and no problemo?

Interesting thought indeed.

Possibilities might also include (1) the (partial) breakup of 2012DA14 as it passed the earth and some of the fragments entering the atmosphere or (2) that 2012DA14 was pulling along smaller, less visible satellites (I don't think that's uncommon?) and that some of these were captured by the earth's gravity as it made its pass.

My thoughts precisely, Shijing. Also, we could be going through an area densely packed with "stuff" or there is more "stuff" heading in our direction. For example, due to the approaching companion star. In any case, IMHO there were too many people watching to make such a ruse possible.

I wanted to share this little article with you. It's from a small newspaper up the coast from here - Sunshine Coast Daily.

Sunshine Coast Daily said:
Meteorite shower could be on the way

THE METEORITE that injured more than 1200 people when it exploded over Russia on Friday could be the first of many, a Sunshine Coast astronomer says.

Owen Bennedick, from the Wappa Falls Observatory, said another meteor could hit the earth within a week.

He said appropriate tracking systems were not in place to say exactly where and when it could hit.

"Another could be heading towards earth," Mr Bennedick said.

"These things travel through space in groups. They bump into one another and break off.

"They do a great job tracking the big stuff, but not the small stuff like this."

About 1200 people, including 200 children, were injured when a meteor streaked across the sky and exploded over central Russia on Friday AEST.

The explosion caused a shockwave that smashed windows and damaged buildings.

Russian space agency Roscosmos said the fire-ball travelled at an esti-mated speed of 30km per second.

It left a white trail that could be seen up to 200km away.

According to NASA, it was unrelated to the 2012 DA14 asteroid flyby earlier on Friday.

The Russia meteor was the largest reported since 1908, when a meteor hit Tunguska, Siberia.

Mr Bennedick said that if another meteorite were on the way, there was no telling where it could hit.

"If they missed a small one they might miss the next one," he said.

"If this one in Russia got to the ground the city wouldn't be there.

"If it didn't break up it would have made a substantial hole."

Mr Bennedick said there was no telling how big any following meteorites could be.


ALL EYES ON THE SKIES: Owen Bennedick of the Yandina observatory will be keenly observing the skies tonight
as Venus and the moon will be within one degree of each other.
Photo: John McCutcheon.
I re-read one of Goscinny & Underzo's 'Asterix' books last night. Maybe Chief Vitalstatistix was a little smarter than he is usually given credit for: "Vitalstatistix himself has only one fear, he is afraid the sky may fall on his head tomorrow. But as he always says, tomorrow never comes."
Of course tomorrow always comes, in fact yesterday's tomorrow is here already, right on cue. But Chief Vitalstatistix may not have wanted to alarm his villagers.
Here's what Bill Napier had to say about the meteorite:

“I’m trying to piece together what happened from the videos. First of all, I do not think this is related in any way to the asteroid 2102 DA14! For one thing, this occurred about 16 hours before DA14 passes. At 8 kilometers per second that’s nearly half a million kilometers away from DA14. That puts it on a totally different orbit.”

– Phil Plait, Bad Astronomy, February 15, 2013

Dear Bill:

Its not the time of separation — but the direction and angle — that allows us to distinguish between these objects [DA 2012 and the Russian bolide], correct?

Bill Napier responds regarding the faulty analysis from Phil Plait and his blog: “Bad Astronomy“:

Hi George,

You’re absolutely right. Two objects can be in identical orbits but widely separated. Phil Plait is just plain wrong and I don’t understand how he could have made such an elementary blunder. However, I understand that Don Yeomans (head of NASA’s office of near-Earth objects) has determined that the orbits are in fact quite different.

On the marvelous platinum result, I’m baffled! An iron meteorite is unlikely to fragment Earth-wide, and the lechatelierite which Ted Bunch and colleagues find at widely separated sites can’t be reconciled with this. Also, I’d be looking for big holes in the ground in the neighborhood of these sites. And the time profile of the dust doesn’t fit the idea of a sudden injection and subsequent drift down: the rise should be much sharper. I have no difficulty at all with dust coming in along with a fragment swarm (in fact I would expect it), but I would not expect the Taurid meteors to have a big platinum component.

I wonder if we can be sure that these results will hold up? I recall many years ago speaking to Luis Alvarez about his iridium measurements at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, and an initial problem they had was that the lab assistant had a platinum ring. The tiny erosion involved with the ring was enough to screw up their initial measurements. Having said that, I note that these people come from an impeccable address and are unlikely to make that sort of error. Still, I would personally want to see an independent confirmation before going overboard with this fascinating result.


Bill Napier

Oops! Need to refine my statement about Phil Plait’s wrongness. The orbits can’t be identical, as I said, but they can be part of a swarm .- Bill
Crystal clear said:
what if 2012DA14 actually hit russia???...

I was thinking about this and what the C's said back in March of 2012...

Q: (L) Okay. Anything about this new asteroid - what's it called? (Perceval) 2012... (L) DA-14? (Perceval) Something like that. (L) So, what are the odds of it hitting earth? (Perceval) On February 15th next year? (L) Well, let me ask that question differently. I don't want to know what the odds are. That's a stupid question. I want to know if it's very likely, just in simple English terminology because let's forget all this statistics crap because I'm sick of reading that book. (laughter) (L) I mean, is it very likely to hit the planet?

A: No. But there are other things out there that most likely will!

I was also thinking about what the C's meant by "other things"... Were they still talking about asteroids or something else that we don't know about?

I also question the video at
How did the person taking the video know where the "asteroid" would first appear (it's a perfect shot since the "asteroid" appears right in the center of the video display), since I don't see it appearing until 10 seconds into the video. Was that just a coincidence that he/she caught the "asteroid" on video while, for some reason, taking a video of the road and sky ahead while traveling in a vehicle? Then again, I haven't read anything about who took the video and for what reason a video was being taken. The video also seems very "stable", especially while taken in a fast moving vehicle.
Stoneboss said:
I also question the video at
How did the person taking the video know where the "asteroid" would first appear (it's a perfect shot since the "asteroid" appears right in the center of the video display), since I don't see it appearing until 10 seconds into the video. Was that just a coincidence that he/she caught the "asteroid" on video while, for some reason, taking a video of the road and sky ahead while traveling in a vehicle?

It was footage from a dashcam, which is apparently in common use in Russia at this point. There's some explanation about it here (be sure to watch the video -- that was one lucky driver!)
Shijing said:
Stoneboss said:
I also question the video at
How did the person taking the video know where the "asteroid" would first appear (it's a perfect shot since the "asteroid" appears right in the center of the video display), since I don't see it appearing until 10 seconds into the video. Was that just a coincidence that he/she caught the "asteroid" on video while, for some reason, taking a video of the road and sky ahead while traveling in a vehicle?

It was footage from a dashcam, which is apparently in common use in Russia at this point. There's some explanation about it here (be sure to watch the video -- that was one lucky driver!)

Thank you Shijing, I didn't know about dashcams. (And yes, that was one lucky driver!)
The meteor could be part of the "February Fireballs", apparently an new category (Found only a reference from last year: _
with this puzzling remark:
"They all hail from the asteroid belt—but not from a single location in the asteroid belt," he says. "There is no common source for these fireballs, which is puzzling."
A hundred years ago there was a meteor procession:
I found some old references to "detonating meteors" in 1934 and 1935.
Maybe we are passing through a meteor stream, only going through a denser part this time? It is possible also that we are not finished with it yet. Just a random thought.
I notieced on SOTT that NASA now has revised their initial estimates upwards.

Now they are saying the meteor was 17 meters in diameter, a weight of 10000 tons and a blast energy equivalent to 500 kilotons
Yozilla said:
Novus ordo seclorum said:
In whole my life, I have never seen on mainstream news someone talk about conspiracy theories. What is going on???

It could be that faced with first hard evidences of cosmic 'forces' they've never expected to happen in their lives they don't have any plausible meme to present to hypnotized public. As deeply indoctrinated with untruth and therefore best suited to do the job of covering up they suddenly experienced something that strongly shakes their believes - and they fear that picture of 'world' - which was supported by themselves (of course for proper amount of whatever) - is starting to crumble down... Seeing Putin's pale and worried expression while blaming science for not developing advanced means (?) for stopping this comet disasters JET(?)... OF COURSE that government cannot be responsible for this kind (or any) of lapse - and it seems that they are pretty stunned with this and didn't still manage to arrange appropriate attitudes to pass down to their men in media. So mainstream journalists are just left on their own forced to show their true/lousy caliber IMHO...

Yozilla D'monster

So you think that this talk about conspiracy theory is in fact cover up. And real thing is like what? Some weapon of STS forces?
Pretty interesting theory.
Stoneboss said:
Crystal clear said:
what if 2012DA14 actually hit russia???...

I was thinking about this and what the C's said back in March of 2012...

Q: (L) Okay. Anything about this new asteroid - what's it called? (Perceval) 2012... (L) DA-14? (Perceval) Something like that. (L) So, what are the odds of it hitting earth? (Perceval) On February 15th next year? (L) Well, let me ask that question differently. I don't want to know what the odds are. That's a stupid question. I want to know if it's very likely, just in simple English terminology because let's forget all this statistics crap because I'm sick of reading that book. (laughter) (L) I mean, is it very likely to hit the planet?

A: No. But there are other things out there that most likely will!
Thank u for the info stoneboss!!..C's have clearly stated that....Am wondering what cassiopaean mean by other things??...
Am wondering is it a part of comet cluster?...Are we approaching comet cluster ahead??...I guess we will be seeing more of it this year!!...
mkrnhr said:
The meteor could be part of the "February Fireballs", apparently an new category (Found only a reference from last year: _
with this puzzling remark:
"They all hail from the asteroid belt—but not from a single location in the asteroid belt," he says. "There is no common source for these fireballs, which is puzzling."
A hundred years ago there was a meteor procession:
I found some old references to "detonating meteors" in 1934 and 1935.
Maybe we are passing through a meteor stream, only going through a denser part this time? It is possible also that we are not finished with it yet. Just a random thought.

'February Fireballs' sounds like a BS concept they invented last year to explain away the increase in fireballs. Check out the SOTT comment here:

"Fireballs of February"?

SOTT said:
We've been searching for any historical references to this so-called "February Fireballs" suggestion, but nothing has turned up so far. Is NASA spinning another yarn?? As James McCanney explained in Planet-X, Comets & Earth Changes, NASA's real role is to keep the public misinformed about the threat from cometary debris:

As this book goes to print, all the major observatories of the world are being taken off line. Astronomers are being told not to discuss "Planet X" with the public. As with [Hale-Bopp], NASA has shut the door on release of information. They are positioning their scientists to become part of the nightly national weather programs, and to be in position to defray any public awareness of what is truly happening with the Sun and our planetary system. (p. 84)

The truth is that NASA, the NSA, and other government agencies are prohibited by law from disclosing to the public anything that would cause a national panic. So too they will try to prevent dissemination of my theories about comets because it might cause a public to redirect its allegiance as a new and potentially dangerous comet comes into the solar system. While the government officials are using tax dollars to build safety caves for their "shadow government" in case of "major disaster", they are leaving the public out to dry with no forewarning or protection. (p. 83)

The past month has seen a number of enormous fireballs and overhead explosions, attracting a lot of attention around the world, so is NASA here indulging in a little Orwellian creative writing to present the recent fireballs as part of a recurring phenomenon that "has been observed for decades", when in fact it is entirely new (in the modern era anyway)?

Then along came the 'April Fireballs':

First 'February Fireballs', now 'April Fireballs': Daytime Meteor Streaks over Texas

So now NASA's PR dept. has adapted the terminology to describe it as 'Fireball Season':

NASA invents explanation for recent fireball cluster: It's 'fireball season'

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