fabric said:(...) I'm sorry to hear about the setback Ant22! Yea, MB is definitely something you should not be guessing at when it comes to dosing. One thing you should have noticed if you were taking too much was if the colour of your urine was blue. A small amount will slightly discolour it (so like a greenish yellow) to a deeper blue for larger amounts. In my case at around 10mg I would have green pee but when I take around 50mg (which is just under 1mg/kg for me) it is very blue. There is a pretty narrow range in which benefits were noticed and outside of that either no effect or undesirable effects. Not sure if you had a look through some of the experiences reported here: _http://www.longecity.org/forum/topic/51983-methylene-blue-experiences/ but most were dosing in the microgram range (which was a lot less from the studies) and had varying reports on whether it worked for them or not. I'm still not sure exactly what the right dose would be and this has to be adjusted since everyone responds differently (similar to iodine). If you are going try a lower dose, make sure you get a scale (one that can read 0.001g) and dropper bottle and make it as per the example earlier.
Thank you for all the information you provided fabric! From what you’re saying my dosage couldn’t have been very high since my urine wasn’t really blue. It was a little green but the colour was very faint green. Maybe there’s something going on inside my body that caused the reaction I experienced but I will still say that the benefits were definitely worth it. Simply because I now know what feeling ‘very well’ should actually feel like.
Although I haven't looked at longecity.org I did spend some time on different forums to work out what to expect and I thought I was being careful with my approach and dosage. Turns out I still wasn't careful enough :)
Although the negative effects of MB lasted for about two weeks and I was still a little ’off' yesterday, today I’m feeling much better so it looks like the damage wasn't permanent. Gosh, that was a useful lesson of caution for me to learn!
Also, I noticed that since the negative symptoms of taking MB started I’ve been struggling to wake up in the morning more and I’ve been quite tired until mid afternoon. But I've been feeling quite well later in the day.
fabric said:Methylene Blue Dosing Protocol
For convenience, I prepared a solution of methylene blue so that ten drops of solution would contain 13 mg of methylene blue. Since 10 drop is roughly equivalent to 0.5 mL, and the total volume of my empty dropper bottle is 30 mL, we obtain the following:
Desired dose: 13 mg
Volume of ten drops: 0.5mL
Dropper bottle volume: 30 mL
(13 mc / 0.5mL) = 26 mg/ml (desired final concentration of MB)
(26 mg/ml) * 30 mL = 780 mg = 0.78 g of methylene blue
Hence, I will need to dissolve 780 mg of methylene blue in a volume of 30 mL distilled water (the volume of my dropper bottle) to attain a final concentration of 26 mg/mL, so that ten drops of solution will contain about 13 mg +/- 5 mg.
So another example: You have a 50mL bottle to make the solution with and are aiming for 1 drop to give about 0.06mg of MB. So for 10 drops that would be 0.6mg.
Volume of ten drops: 0.5ml
Dropper bottle: 50ml
(0.6mg/0.5ml) = 1.2mg/ml
1.2mg/ml * 50ml = 60mg of methylene blue
So weigh out 60mg powder, put that in the bottle then fill it with distilled water. Give a good shake and one drop from the dropper should give you 60ug, similar
I think I’ll leave MB out for another month and re-start it on a super diluted dosage using the method you described in your post. I’ll start with one drop just to be on the safe side though.
fabric said:One thing I noticed was that at first, when I would take 50mg, my urine would be dark blue in the evenings (I take my MB in the mornings) but the next day it would be back to normal. However after several days, I would still pee blue even in the morning. So I would skip that day but my urine would continue to be blue for another day. I'm thinking there was some kind of accumulation going on or my body is processing it differently so I backed down the dose and started taking it every other day instead. I haven't noticed much in the way of extra high energy levels or alertness but on days I do take it it seems that I have better recall and do better when studying my flashcards. Other than that, nothing really noticeable. However, I had the same when I took iodine. At first I was feeling very alert and energized but after awhile nothing. Or just a headache if I took too much.
I noticed a similar accumulation effect too but like I said, my urine was actually faint greenish rather than blue. I definitely did notice better memory and recall too. It looks like our experiences with MB differ a bit but I wonder whether it has anything to do with our 'starting points'? Maybe your overall energy levels are higher than mine and therefore you don't notice much improvement while mine are lower and I therefore saw such a big difference? Just speculating.
As for comparison to iodine, my experience has been a bit different as I've been able to tolerate quite high doses of iodine from the very beginning. I’m still on 6 drops of 12% Lugol, which is not exactly a low dose, but this is the amount that makes me feel best with no side effects. And if I forget to take it in the morning for more than two days I do start to feel a bit worse.
All in all, no matter how low my dose was it was still too much for me personally and I bolded section from your post above confirms this. You said you experienced a headache if you took too much. Well, like I said in my previous post, I had a very faint headache most of the time I was taking it. But I used to get very bad headaches so I figured this wasn't really that bad and put it down to my body adjusting to it like it did with iodine. Gosh, silly me