Michael Tsarion on God and evil: Sitchin and Icke Redux



the following is a loose overview of a book by Michael Tsarion entitled Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation...

1. God is the essence of all things.
2. Good and evil are 2 sides of the same coin
3. Humans embody both good and evil (in our DNA code)
4. We are a hybrid race containing strands of human/Nephilim (alien) DNA
5. The 'God' in the Bible is in fact a nefarious race of extraterrestrials who have
brought destruction down upon the Earth
6. These same creatures have tampered with our DNA and are the hidden power behind
the world governments (aka New World Order)
7. The first 'Adam' was created to serve the gods...toiling in the mines (the Garden of Eden)
extracting minerals and providing for the Nephilim's every need (Slaves)
8. Jehovah in the Bible is in fact 'Satan' the adversary
9. 'Adam' (the 1st genetically hybridized race created to be the slaves of the Nephilim) rebelled against 'God'. This is alluded to in the Genesis account of the Garden of Eden.
10. The serpent in the garden is good (wished to impart knowledge to Adam and Eve)
11. The serpent represents the 1st remnants of the Adamic race that rebelled against their creators/oppressors. The Biblical flood is in fact a reference to the attempts by the extra-terrestrial Nefilim aka Jehovah race to destroy their 1st creation. (This point is made very clear in Genesis)
12. The hybridization of our human DNA explains our aggressive, warlike, and destructive behavior (until we address the root cause of what makes us evil then we will continue rape, pillage, and plunder our 'Earth Mother' which sustains us, while commiting atrocities against ourselves to the point of mass ecocide/genocide.
13. When you pray to the 'God" of the Bible you are in fact praying to Satan. No one is more deserving of the title of 'Satan' (adversary) than Jehovah
14. Human means slave
15. Our political and corporate leaders (bloodline) have a higher concentration of
alien DNA, although they may look human, they owe their allegiance to
the 'Dark Overlords'
16. We are being subliminally manipulated through ancient symbols that are being incorporated into popular ads...these images are in fact encoded in our DNA and are subliminally being used to keep us from accessing our higher natures.
17. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is in fact a corporation owned by the Vatican.
18. Organized religion is a nefarious design by the 'Dark Overlords' to imprint upon
us the 'Big Daddy' archetype which has collectively wreaked havoc upon our civilization.
Jehovah is the ultimate 'Big Daddy' who is portrayed in the Bible as a bloodthirsty
warlord hell bent on enslaving and destroying mother Earth and humanity. This reinforces our patriarchical society which suppresses women through organized religion...
19. Examples of other 'Big Daddy' archetypes include the likes of John Wayne, Moses (Charelton Heston) Ronald Reagan, GW, Arnold Schwartzenegger, etc.
20. Until we recognize these realities, we will continue to live in cognitive dissonance,
subconsciously projecting our dark shadows collectively upon society, thus perpetuating wars, strife,
and famines.
Thanks Frost2pro .... I love this book! I'm torn between Waiting for the next book or buying the DVD's I do prefer books. Wasn't his TIMELINE in the back of the book Awesome! wish we could post that online... ;)
The timeline was very interesting. The timeline can serve as an index of topics to research. Another interesting book that I just read was The Gods of Eden by William Bramly which I would highly reccomend
WwooooHhooooo Look what's being released this month....

The Complete Series on DVD
Produced and presented by Michael Tsarion

Release Date
Thursday April 27, 2006


...in the tradition of Joseph Campbell, Michael Tsarion leaves no stone unturned
in the search for truth - (Allen David Reed, President Holysis)

HOME PAGE http://www.taroscopes.com/home.html

Looks like this is my month! I just ordered 5 of Laura's books today too. I'm a Happy Gal! ;)
The idea that ancient symbols are encoded into our collective subconscious via our DNA code is an earth-shattering revelation! To think that we are being constantly bombarded with corporate logos using ancient symbology (ie. attaching spiritual themes to consumable products) is a HUGE wake up call. This takes subliminals to a whole new paradigm. What I saw in the DVD promo clips blew my mind! When you view those DVD's please let me know what you think about them...
Hi All -- just wanted to suggest having at look at the "Channel Watch & New Age COINTELPRO" section in this forum for some lively discussion about practicing discernment when interpreting material along these lines.

Like many others, Tsarion may be presenting a lot of helpful truths in alternate language, but not even the C's could guarantee that STS-sourced information wouldn't come through the channel that Laura & group established back in 1994. With what we've learned here about CoIntelPro and its incredible scope, I think practicing discernment can help us gain from material even if it contains elements that can distract us, or worse yet, is designed to take us in and distract us from continuing to search for the truth.

I'm concerned that Tsarion seems to be less than thoroughly discerning with regard to his web site's links headed "Preferred Reference Sites," which links all and sundry without any disclaimer or guidance for the reader. It's an amazing list, potentially enlightening, and yes he links to Cassiopaea, but also to David Icke, Jeff Rense, Aleister Crowley, The Bible, some questionable 9/11 groups, Madame Blavatsky, etc.

Session 941205:
Q: (L) Okay. Now, I would like to know, for the sake of all the Theosophists around the world, what was the source of the information in the book "Isis Unveiled" by Helena Blavatsky?
A: Orions STS and STO. 6th Density.
Q: (L) So, her information was from both sides? And it is up to the reader to figure out which is which?
A: Good idea.
Q: (L) Is there any possibility that the information we get through this source is STS
A: Yes. Always possibility.

Isn't it likely that Tsarion's message is also somehow mixed?

Session 020223:
Q: ...(DN) Are 'The Allies of Humanity' a valuable resource?
A: All is of value if examined with an open mind and proper perspective.
Q: ...(V) Well, just from reading the table of contents of this Allies of Humanity book, it looks like they're trying to define a lot of subject matter, they're trying to define what is God, what is... (DG) Spiritual.
A: Or from their perspective.
Q: (V) Where does the information emanate from?
A: Channeled.
Q: (V) Channeled by who? (JN) Channeled by Marshall Summers. (V) But who is it that is channeling through Marshall Summers? (JN) The Allies of Humanity. (V) You are missing my point. That's a name they give themselves. I want to know: what kind of source are they?
A: 4th density.
Q: (V) STS, STO?
A: STO predominates.

Session 941025:
Q: (L) What was the energy fueling the crazy sick life of Aliester Crowley?
A: Lizards.

Session 960609:
Q: (L) Next, Aliester Crowley, who claimed to be the most evil man on the planet: was he capable of doing the things he claimed in his magical operations?
A: No.

If there is STS material in Tsarion's work, you may want to weed it out. The goal of CoIntelPro is ultimately to hide truth -- to disarm, disempower those who are seeking and have discovered some obscured truths. The chief tactic is to speak/write about these truths, usually with an air of authority, to gain trust and build a leadership position. This attracts seekers. Falsehoods are then introduced into the mix so that they will be accepted by followers along with what they already believe and see being reinforced. The actual people propagating CoIntelPro may be witting or unwitting.

Tsarion is interviewed on this page (http://www.bretlueder.com/tsarion.htm), and he says of evil, "It is a genetic trait, or tendency, which begins as general inhumanity and graduates into total idiocy. Evil is a programmed, self-destructive dysfunction..."

First of all, one of the most valuable lessons of the Cass material is that good and evil are entirely subjective. Interpreting actions in terms of STO and STS is far more objective -- a more accurate way of discerning the polarity of choices. So, by focusing on evil, Tsarion is talking about something subjective, something of his own definition, possibly a definition he'd like his readers to share. Doesn't this suggest the possibility that he is misleading, wittingly or not?

Secondly, amid all his vast research (25 years' worth, he says), surely Tsarion has encounterd the concepts of STS and STO. If so, and recognizing the advantage of more objective interpretation of human actions, why does he continue to focus on his subjective evil, a topic and a word that major religions exploit endlessly to exert control over their flocks? If he does know a more objective way of looking at things, IMO, wouldn't he be hiding it by not revealing it? This is just a possibility, of course.

Thirdly -- most important -- his statement that evil is an alien program (and not a conscious choice) seems to take responsibility away from humanity for its plight. This amounts to a major twist away from the basic teaching that we are here to evolve as souls, experiencing the consequences of each choice, gathering and acting upon knowledge, etc.

I'm not sure yet of all that Tsarion suggests we do instead, though he also said, "The solution is organic and has to do with the Earth's core," he said. "We have to wake up the Earth. All of the teachings are useless unless we are all facing the center; focusing all of our attention and intention towards the middle-the crystal core." On the surface, at least, this seems to be a deliberate distraction, a redirection of energy and efforts away from seeking truth and choosing polarity, and into an endeavor that may be fruitless. If so, that would be disempowering -- a goal of CoIntelPro.

For anyone here who's read Tsarion, how do you feel about his focus on magic? Why does he use this charged word? He seems to use it to describe both spritual knowledge and high technology. The interview article states:
...the Fathers have an understanding and practicable knowledge of the soul. He says this involves magic, or the use of intention, symbolism, and ritual, to communicate with one's spirit self.
Well, we know how the C's are just death on ritual. From Session 941005:
A: You are good to do it this way without ritual.
Q: (L) What ritual do you want us to do?
A: None.
Q: (L) Does ritual enhance or prevent communication?
A: Constricts.

Session 941022:
Q: (L) Are there any rituals that can be performed to provide protection for one against
intrusion by the Lizzies.
A: Rituals are self-defeating... The only defense needed is knowledge.

In Session 950723, the C's stated, "...we have recommended against all rituals, because ritual restricts the flow, thereby restricting the possibilities."

This magic(k) stuff always seems to be big on rituals.

In the list that Frost2pro entered, I think that Item 12 reinforces the idea that we don't have free will, that we're not to blame for our negative choices:
12. The hybridization of our human DNA explains our aggressive, warlike, and destructive behavior (until we address the root cause of what makes us evil then we will continue rape, pillage, and plunder our 'Earth Mother' which sustains us, while commiting atrocities against ourselves to the point of mass ecocide/genocide.
This seems to discount the whole issue of polarity and choice. Instead of seeking truth, gathering knowledge, and acting upon it, Tsarion suggests that the truth is already known and merely needs to be "addressed." Do you agree?

Unfortunately, it looks to me like Tsarion's work would attract lots of seekers on the path, only to lead them on a side trip where the guide says, "Stop seeking, I have the answers. Contemplate the Earth's core," or something, anything, rather than keep on seeking. After all, once you think you have the answer, aren't you likely to stop searching? If reality really is infinite (or close to it), well, you get the idea.

Any thoughts?
I haven't read any of Michael Tsarion's books but I browsed through his website and it looked pretty interesting to me. Here are some reasons why I don't feel this is disinformation, but the results of a lot of research into obscure and arcane topics.

- He doesn't appear to be "popular" - his books and videos don't even show up on Amazon.com.

- There aren't a lot of interviews in prominent places.

- He's obviously done a lot of work researching several topics from tarot to astrology to biblical history to corporate logos to the history of Ireland, just for a start.

- He seems to have come up with all of his theories on his own and not to be very familiar with channeled material, which may explain why he doesn't use any of the terms that we use in this forum.

One idea that struck me as worth thinking about - He talks about how the Bible gorifies the "word" and denigrates the "image" - as in the commandment not to make any graven images. He goes on to talk about how our society is "symbol illitertate" and that this is the way the PTB want it because words can be twisted and distorted but an image is less vulnerable.

This is from a very cursory look at his work. However the C's suggest that we network and do research and learn on our own, and it appears that this is what is happening on this site.

Hello all- Michael Tsarions' book (from the index given) looks like a rehash of Zecharia Sitchin et al stuff with the authors spin tossed in for good measure.

Best bet on this kind of stuff is to buy it from Books a Million, Book Barn or better yet-check it out from the Library (if they would even have such a tome on their esteemed shelves) and get what you can out of it- Check sources the author gives-go on line and research and see if what the author is saying is supported by other creditable individuals-if all you get are references that take you back to the authors' web site and cannot find anything to back him /her up - you will know they are merely expounding their own "theories"-and if it cannot be proved or disproved-it is just that. However sometimes it is the crack pot that turns out to be right. Just think what our world would be like if Nichola Tesla would have been taken seriously instead of being consigned to the ranks of "looney tunes"! Free energy for all and who knows what else-perhaps even travel through hyperspace and time travel.
AdPop~~ Hi All -- just wanted to suggest having at look at the "Channel Watch & New Age COINTELPRO" section in this forum for some lively discussion about practicing discernment when interpreting material along these lines. <<>> LOL ;) He's NOT "channeling"! This is just what he's dug up from history, researched history. Just like Laura! Cause' it wasn't written right right from the start! Because he's linked to someones site doesn't make EVERYTHING that person Say's wrong. Sounds to me like you have not read the book! and have closed yourself off from reading it. Many of us feel it goes hand in hand with Laura's work and like we've mentioned before he DOESN"T have the benefit of the C's. This guy is the next best thing to Laura! I even wish they could do a book together. You have a nice day, R
Ronnie said:
He's NOT "channeling"! This is just what he's dug up from history, researched history. Just like Laura!
Not exactly. I will freely admit that without the C's to clue me in when I was about to make a wrong turn, I would never have made it this far. Additionally, there is the QFG research and discussion group. If I hit a snag, I can ask 50 or so people to start searching for data for me in multiple languages. Very few people have such resources as I have in this respect.

My own quick review of Tsarion didn't impress me.
Ronnie said:
He's NOT "channeling"! This is just what he's dug up from history, researched history. Just like Laura!
Not exactly. I will freely admit that without the C's to clue me in when I was about to make a wrong turn, I would never have made it this far. Additionally, there is the QFG research and discussion group. If I hit a snag, I can ask 50 or so people to start searching for data for me in multiple languages. Very few people have such resources as I have in this respect.

My own quick review of Tsarion didn't impress me.
Doing a search on google I found a page that has been removed, but is still cached:

Paul Solomon had a goal of bringing together the greatest of Teachers, Thinkers, Preceptors, Healers - the Masters on this planet who would, by their very lives, change the course of history. Whenever he made contact with one of those very special beings he would get to know him or her and recommend them to others. Paul saw Michael Tsarion as one of these Master Souls who, he said, was "truly a committed and devoted servant of God." Thus, we feel privileged to recommend Michael Tsarion's teachings - Sharon Solomon (Paul Solomon Foundation)

Described as a teacher's teacher, Michael Tsarion is a Divination Scholar and Sidereal Mythologist. An expert on Stellar Astrology, he is the creator of the Archetypal Stellar Taroscopic™ Astrological system of Hermetic Divination, and founder of the online Taroscopic Mystery School. Michael is a descendant of a long line of philosophers, free-thinkers, ascetics and visionaries. His Himalayan born mother was a well-loved, internationally recognized clairvoyant, whose affiliates included Barbara Marx Hubbard, Sir George Trevelyan, Jerry Jampolsky, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Shirley MacLane, Edgar Mitchell and a host of other celebrities and academics. She attended J. Krishnamurti's premier college in India and was later honored as the very first clairvoyant to be a regular on Irish Television. The CEO of Britain's Independent Broadcasting described her readings as "devastatingly accurate."

Michael is also the grandson of Tara Singh, the renowned philosopher, author and teacher of the theosophic tome A Course in Miracles. He was the intimate friend of J. Krishnamurti (the World Teacher), Swiss architect Le Corbusier, Keith Critchlow, Alan Chadwick, Eleanor Roosevelt and President Nehru. He was entrusted, by the latter, with India's 5-year plan of restoration after British withdrawal. Tara Singh was also played a key role in the Rev. Paul Solomon's Fellowship of Inner Light, one of the first true American mystery schools. He now heads the Foundation for Life Action in Los Angeles.

Michael was born and raised in Ireland and grew up learning metaphysics from Krishnamurti, Rev. Paul Solomon and Peter Balin. Growing up surrounded by leading free-thinkers and mystery school creators he was under pressure to find his own authentic voice rather than becoming dependant on the systems and influences of others. He has honored his pedigree by dedicating his life to the deepest research concerning the seminal metaphysical sciences. And unlike so many, he believes in honoring the work and the names of his mentors. He takes it as a given, the words of Lord Macauly:

"A people which takes no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride by remote descendants."

Intuitive since birth, he was introduced to the Tarot at age 11 through Rev. Paul Solomon's premier mystery school - the Fellowship of Inner Light Movement and learning of its profound effect on the human intuition and its value as an empowerment tool, committed his life to bringing Tarot into the lives of others.

He has been affiliated with the Paul Solomon Foundation of Virginia, the Rosicrucian Order, the Naqsbaandi Sufi Order, and has taught indigo children at the New Age Academy in Berkeley, and is frequent guest of Seeing Beyond and KEST, the Bay Area's leading metaphysical radio programs. Television and radio shows he has appeared on include:

World of Lies (DVD Documentary) - produced and directed by Michael Moody
The Hidden Hand (DVD Movie) - produced and directed by James Carmen
The Greatest Lie Ever Sold (DVD Documentary) - produced/directed by Anthony J. Hilder
Unscrewed (Tech TV) - with Martin Sargent
Coast to Coast - Interview with George Noory
Dreamland - with Linda Moulton Howe and Whitley Strieber
Sightings - with Jeff Rense - Oregon USA
The Quest - with Peter Weisbach
American Free Press - with Clay Douglas
Conspiracy Corner - with Bill Bradley
Radio Liberty - Dr. Stan Monteith
Radio Alchymy - with Jordan Maxwell
KEST - 1450 AM San Francisco (multiple appearances & interviews)
Seeing Beyond Radio - San Francisco (multiple appearances & interviews)
With Carol Reimer
KKUP - with Tazz and Paula (San Jose, Ca)
The Hilly Rose Show
Magical Blend Magazine (April 2004 edition)
Chico Times - with Brett Leuder
The X-Zone (Ontario, Canada) - Rob O'Connell
Psi Talk
Headroom - (radio London) with Rob Simone
Mysteries of the Mind - with Alex Merklinger
Out There TV - with Kate and Richard Mucci
Chris Pirillo Show (Three-Hour Interview)
The Freeman Perspective - with Freeman Fly (Austin TX)
The Edge AM - with Daniel Ott
RadiOrbit - with Mike Hagan (Click here for interview download)
Global Star Radio Network (host Kevin Smith)
From the Bunker (host Thomas Wolfe)
World of the Unexplained

He has made five hour-long programs with Bay Area's KMVT television station, and has been a guest speaker at the Boeing Parapsychological Society, at Brian Hall's Conspiracy Conference, and at the UFO/Paranormal conferences of California and Washington where his presentations and lectures on Atlantis and pre-diluvian history have been passionately acclaimed by veterans in the field, such as Jordan Maxwell, Jeff Rense, Robert Perala, Brian Hall, Dr. Roger Leir, Peter Davenport, and Glenn Kimball, etc,.

Michael is the producer and presenter of the "Origins and Oracles™" series of DVDs, each of which is an in-depth exploration of ancient mysteries and forbidden knowledge.

Michael's book, Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation corrects the plethora of disinformation regarding Atlantis and the pre-diluvian epochs and addresses the exact reasons why human beings are finding themselves, existentially and socially, in the present precarious situation.

Along with Jordan Maxwell, Michael has been a contributor of information to researcher and author David Icke.

Michael's articles on metaphysics, etc., are featured in his The High Window column of the Psychic Reader, the official organ of the Berkeley Psychic Institute in California. (These columns are featured on this site in their unedited versions - go to The High Window page).

Michael gives outstanding workshops, presentations and classes on The Western Magical Tradition, Astro-Theology, Ancient Civilizations, Goddess Tradition, Symbol Literacy, Indigo Children, Psychic Vampirism, Secret Societies and on the Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media.

Click here for Live Events with Michael Tsarion

Click here to review Michael's acclaimed "Origins and Oracles" series of DVDs

"...Since 13 years old I had been researching the occult subjects, having an interest in them since young. I was well versed in English literature and always had a strong imagination. I always questioned what lies behind the perceivable realities and have a naturally open mind. I had a natural philosophical disposition and grew up reading the likes of Kahlil Gibran, Mikhail Naimy, William Blake, C. S. Lewis, George MacDonald and J. R. R. Tolkien, etc,. I was also fascinated by the study of subliminal art and how sacred symbols are being used subversively in society. From the early age of fifteen I began to see that even the seemingly mundane, secular world was permeated with occult symbolism. From those days onward, I realized that the youth are, especially, incredibly under-educated in these subjects and so are vulnerable to this special mode of psychic totalitarianism. I feel that they are being spiritually raped by corporations that have been given the rights to pollute the free space of the neighborhoods and the landscape with their billboards and their often erotic and violent images. It has all become so common as to be invisible to the average person, but it is one of the most pernicious forms of toxicity that has been created, precisely because it is so ambient. Children are more than just the next generation of consumers, more than demographics. The success of these gargantuan corporations is proved by the fact that it is now considered chic to walk around dressed from head to foot in corporate logos. It is my mission to bring people, especially the youth, back to their senses in this regard, to educate humanity to use symbolism for personal empowerment on all levels and not as a means of mental, emotional and spiritual atrophication...

...At 15 I came to California and was introduced to Peter Balin and David Singer (the renowned Fillmore artist). The former was hand picked by J. Krishnamurti, to teach art and creativity at his premier mystery school in India. An expert on ShamanIc traditions he went on to compose a book on the Tarot called Flight of Feathered Serpent and designed and published his own deck, the Xultun Tarot, based on the Mayan cosmology. The latter, David Singer is a master scholar of the goddess traditions and sacred geometrist who introduced me to that subject and also to the intriguing study of etymology. He was an artist hand-picked by Bill Graham and he subsequently created certainly the most enigmatic and profoundly symbolic posters for Fillmore West. From association with these masters I became deeply involved in studying the Celtic myths of my own country...

...On returning to Ireland I went out into the field and made a close study of the ancient Celtic burial mounds and sacred sites, learning many important things in the process. During this time, between ages 16 and 22, I studied astrology and numerology and became familiar again with the Tarot. In an early reading that I was given it was mentioned that I would have a relationship with the Tarot. This message did not become clear for at least 20 years. Throughout the '80s I read all the available material on metaphysics, which was never great, in Ireland. Upon a second visit to the States I was able to research more of the definitive metaphysical tomes. I also became involved with Rosicrucian and Sufi Orders...

...My first major discoveries in the Tarot were made in the mid nineties, in California. After years of intense study, of philosophy, occultism, mythology, ancient religion, sacred geometry, Pythagorean mathematics, cosmology, alchemy, etymology and finally Astro-Theology, I became aware that the Divination Arts were all intimately connected and were taught as one subject in the days of old, not in the fragmented manner of today. In the late nineties I began giving classes in the Divination Arts with an emphasis on the Tarot. My classes were first held in Los Angeles and then in the San Francisco Bay Area. My mission is to bring these empowering arts into as many lives as possible on a grass roots level."

Click here for more interviews with Michael

We yet await the coming of the sage who will luminously interpret the myths of old time, those creations of the human mind when it was still alive to the intuitive impression of truth caught by the common consciousness in its reflection from living nature...When we recover the mystical sensibility requisite to read the myths aright, there will dawn a new era of enlightenment, a new opening of the eyes of the mind - Alvin Boyd Kuhn

The Taroscopic Approach™ raises to a collegiate level, the study of the Divination Arts. Michael's contributions to this end are definitive works of writing that comprise a treatise, unique to this century, that comprehensively explicate many of the lost operations and secrets of these truly Hermetic Arts. This web-site presentation is a crucial part of this adventure.

Michael advances the idea that the zodiac is not an external phenomenon but an inner one. Central to every aspect of his work with the Divination Arts, is the concept of the Inner Zodiac. For more on this fascinating Gnostic premise, go to the Taroscopes Tour, on this site, or read Michael's High Window Article on the Inner Zodiac.

...My main mission is to reveal that we do not need any external authority. We are to understand that we are here on earth to be our own priests or priestesses. We become initiated into these roles through the right use of the High Arts of Divination. That is what they were expressly created for. They alone are the prerequisite to reaching this esteemed goal. They are the means for engendering in each of us the necessary mental, emotional, and moral hygiene necessary to effect actual, lasting, positive change in our own lives and subsequently in the world at large. As we know, there are many people calling themselves "teachers" who involve themselves in these arcane subjects. Nearly all of these individuals come from other disciplines, from the fields of academic psychology, mythology, philosophy or even business and science, etc,. They are often severely handicapped by the bad habits they have learned from trying to matriculate in these fields. I come directly from the philosophical and metaphysical traditions. It is in my bloodline from many generations past. We would do well, therefore, to remember that though many can teach ancient subjects, few can teach them in the ancient way. And there is a difference - Michael Tsarion

The most exotic fruits are found behind the plainest leaves - Milton Perceval

"Those who have done their homework will soon discover that the ancient Magi never considered, learned, taught or practiced Tarot. Astrology, Kabala and Numerology as separate subjects. To the creators of the original Mystery Schools, they were considered sister disciplines, and one cannot be correctly understood without the others. However, the "glue" that holds them intimately together has been ignored and forgotten. The Taroscopic Approach™, is a dynamic gestalt that synthesizes them all, as the very Tarot, through its imagery and numerology, has been asking us to do...

...The first card in the Major Arcana is called Magician and it depicts a Magi who is the very process of uniting FOURNESS into ONENESS. The four are represented by a Wand, a Cup, a Sword and a Disk. Now, these represent the four suits of the Tarot and the four modalities of consciousness (Jung's four Types) yes, but they also represent the four sister divination disciplines which also require unification. In fact one may argue that if the tools are not unified first, how can consciousness have a chance of knowing it. As the Gnostic sages wrote...

When the 2 + 2 = 1, only then shall the Christ be born within you.

...I encourage each person to use this system and find that it works, but to do so patiently and with love, rather than knee-jerk reaction. Remember...

The real voyage of discovery lies not in seeking new lands, but in seeing with new eyes - Marcel Proust

...The great German philosopher and philologist Fredrick Nietzsche made the following enigmatic statement:

As long as you still experience the stars as something above the head, you lack the eye of knowledge.

...He echoes the Taoist and Gnostic doctrines which assert that the apparent difference of an outer and an inner world is pure illusion. In my researches and work with the great Divination Arts I also awoke to the fact that the stars, or more succinctly the zodiac, is not something "out there." We are each a living, breathing zodiac. We all have a Living Oracle within us. Some call this the intuition, some the "inner guardian," the "still small voice," and some, the god-force. Atheists name it "instincts" and though they refute it as preternatural, they cannot deny that they are naming some existent thing. To me it hardly matters what name is given. In my Tarot classes and here in this site I strive to focus on and answer the important questions concerning that force, that Oracle...

How did it come into existence?
How does it operate? and
How one can one get into personal touch with it?

...These questions are an important reason for this site and my work with the Divination Arts. I have personally found that by using the Tarot, one gains contact with their own inner Wisdom Body. The cards were designed to facilitate one becoming their own priest or priestess, rather than being dependant on and subservient to external authority structures, theocratic or other. And there is a right way but many wrong ways, to use the 78 Arcana. In the Tarot classes and in the Taroscopic Mystery School, the inherent secrets and operations which have been in the Tarot from the time of its conception, are clearly explicated. I believe that this work is timely, for given the mediocrity of most divination scholarship today, together with the needless complexity of others, it seemed very likely that the real secrets of the cards would be obscured or even lost as it was for centuries during the post-Hellenistic Age. Luckily this is not the case...

...As is made clear in the Taroscopes Tour, on this site, it is not by chance that one is attracted to the high Arts of Divination. These Arts do not come into our lives by accident. It is vital to realize that they are not to be regarded with the same casualness as other subjects. They do not come into our lives, they are sent. They are a summons from our higher guides, and are the means by which we become initiated into our authentic destiny...."

The true teacher does not give enlightenment, he removes the obstacles that keep us from it. As Kahlil Gibran said - the true spiritual humanitarian is one who, while ascending on the "path" (of life) and meeting a block, does two things: He asks how others having gone before left such blocks there, and then he removes them for others who follow.

In short, he's hooked up with the whole "Star of Sorcerers" crowd. See here:

His interests parallel those of Vincent Bridges and Jay Weidner, both good pals of Rense... and both clear and evident disinfo/cointelpro/agents.

What we have noticed over the years is that as we continue to publish and poke holes in the nonsense, the countering disinfo just gets more and more refined. That's to be expected. In the coming couple of years we have left, only the most discerning and perspicacious will avoid such traps.
Laura~~ My own quick review of Tsarion didn't impress me. <<>> Forgive me Laura However, would Rockafeller be impressed with a few thousand dollars in his pocket? I'm sure you would be the hardest of all to impress. I'm pretty sure Tsarion weed's through a bunch of crappy information too, while he pieces it together. After reading alot of Tsarion's work and seeing he's video clips, I'm thinking he has the highest of intentions.
Happy Day, R
Ultimately, I cannot downplay or ignore such a deep involvement with people who have proven time and again that they are disinformation artists - like attracts like in such cases, and even if a person begins their work with the utmost sincerity, if they work in that kind of environment, they cannot control the influence it has, not only on themselves, but on the 'teaching' they present.
I also find this section interesting...

Tsarion said:
As we know, there are many people calling themselves "teachers" who involve themselves in these arcane subjects. Nearly all of these individuals come from other disciplines, from the fields of academic psychology, mythology, philosophy or even business and science, etc,. They are often severely handicapped by the bad habits they have learned from trying to matriculate in these fields. I come directly from the philosophical and metaphysical traditions. It is in my bloodline from many generations past. We would do well, therefore, to remember that though many can teach ancient subjects, few can teach them in the ancient way. And there is a difference - Michael Tsarion
This is a clear statement that only he can tell you the truth, which we've learned, time and time again, is not only pure hogwash (no matter who is saying it), but is also a severely disempowering manipulative technique. It also has the ring of "don't be distracted by the facts presented by those working from a more scientific, philisophical or even psychological background, as they will never be able to understand these things as well as I do". It also points to the idea that a mind trained to follow data and facts based on those data is ill-equipped to understand or pass on esoteric truths - that a critically trained mind is a 'bad habit' learned through matriculation.

I have come to develop an understanding that the first and most telling sign that someone is not who they claim to be is the proclamation that they are the One who is best qualified to tell you the truth. A human being who has had a glimpse behind the veil , or who has had a real brush with the truth, comes away from that experience with a humility born of realizing how little they really know - and how varied and many the paths to enlightenment really are - a real seeker of the truth feels that they have no laurels upon which to rest, since the more they learn, the more they realize how little they know - at least this is how it seems to me. Of course, I could be wrong. =)
Hello Anart-

Another clue is when folks start inventing lofty sounding names for their "Schools" of "free thought" kind of reminds me of George Adamskies "Royal Order of Tibet"wonder if this fellow also calls himself 'Professor" or Reverend or bizzare titles like-Siderial Mythologist? what the heck is that? Is there such a thing?

I guess there is if you invent it.
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