'Missing 411', by David Paulides: Tracking unusual missing persons cases

Zadius Sky said:
After reading Laura's post here: http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,31445.msg417818.html#msg417818

I've decided to buy Missing 411: Western United States & Canada and it finally came in yesterday to which I've started reading and now half-way. It's quite a chilling read. Just like anart said, while reading the evidence as revealed in this book, it's very, very hard to rule out "some sort of hyper-dimensional activity/influence."

What I found really interesting is the "storm"/weather factor surrounding the disappearances (thinking of the last session discussion here), which makes me wonder if they were the symptoms or the after-effects or something of the disappearances. Not only that, the author gave a map of USA where there are clusters closer to both coasts while in the central US, there were no missing people (as fitting the book's criteria) except for Texas (which has a body of water to the south). The author even mentioned that he easily would write an entire book on Texas and Florida.

In the case of Bobby Panknin (1963, WA), he disappeared in less than 2 minutes for which he was only alone from his family, which was pretty fast. :scared:

Just yesterday I began reading this book too, and I am taking a long break from it after reading about this particular case :shock: I'll continue reading when everyone is at home... I am curious to see what conclusions he came to after gathering all this data together. For this boy's disappearance he alludes that somebody (a person) might have been watching the family and grabbed the boy in the two minutes he was left alone, but it doesn't seem very possible to me given the surroundings, the facts of the case and the circumstances.

I'll add the author's interview to my "things to do" list.
Alana said:
I'll add the author's interview to my "things to do" list.

The youtube link to the interview that was provided by Keit is now taken down due to "copyright infringement." But, there is a webpage that listed the author's past interviews: _http://www.nabigfootsearch.com/radiointerviews.html
There seems to be a third book out, titled “Missing 411-North America and Beyond”:

This is the third “Missing 411” book researching facts of people who have vanished in remote locations of the world. “Missing 411-North America and Beyond” is the first edition that presents missing people and relevant facts from five countries (Australia, England, France, Iceland and Indonesia) outside of North America and examines the parallels between the cases. The book also includes a multitude of new stories from North America.

There is a continuing trend of clusters of missing people in United States National Parks. The National Park Service has continued with their policy of failing to keep ledgers, track or otherwise document lists of missing people inside their parks and monuments. This edition has cases from Florida, Texas, Hawaii and forty other states. There are new clusters that are identified of missing people from Sequoia and Mount Rainier National Park, Three Sisters Wilderness (OR) and the Adirondacks (NY). Canada has missing cases from six provinces that are included.

This new book brings further clarity to the missing person issue by examining multiple disappearances of people in small-confined areas and exposing the similarities of their case. David Paulides also exposes a series of coed disappearances that date back to the early 1900’s, which have unusual facts surrounding their case.

“Missing 411-North America and Beyond” is the largest and most comprehensive of the trilogy, 472 pages. The Missing 411 series builds upon itself. It is recommended that you read “Missing 411-Western United States” first, then the eastern version and then “North America and Beyond.” There is a historical aspect to this issue and there are common elements that run through the disappearances.


Worthy additions to the "to read" -list.

A SOTT talk radio show about high strangeness, including an interview with David Paulides, would really be great :cool2:
Zadius Sky said:
Alana said:
I'll add the author's interview to my "things to do" list.

The youtube link to the interview that was provided by Keit is now taken down due to "copyright infringement." But, there is a webpage that listed the author's past interviews: _http://www.nabigfootsearch.com/radiointerviews.html

Thank you!

Laura said:
We'll see if we can get him on in a couple weeks.

This recalls me of a 14 years old girl disappearance, Sara Morales, that occured on July 2006 in Canaria. The related investigation lasted for many years, first by the local police, then the national police that were exceptionally sent from mainland Spain took the case over, which I think has more to due with the huge impact this kind of event had and have on islanders, that in turn must have raised "too much" noise through the many media reports that were still being released until 2011, and still occasionally until now.

This girl went missing during a sunny Sunday afternoon at around two o'clock, along the road between her home and a cinema (walking about 1 km), where her boyfriend was waiting for her to enjoy a movie together. I´m used to drive myself along exactly the same road once a week, and in this case there is no open parks or countryside at view, only houses that are in touch with the next one and paved streets. Still there is a sport facility she could have walked by. I find it a bit strange that nobody didn´t note anything as all people know each other there and very few people and cars are passing by at that time.

As at that time I was reading the Wave, I was curious about this case and three or four days later I searched for any wheather anomaly in the newspaper that would match with said disappearance. I just felt creepy when I came upon an article from the electric company saying that there was a shortcut registered in the same LITTLE area at right the same time the girl went missing, at 2 o'clock and that they have been unable to find its, cause despite having checked all the electric installation, which hadn´t show any noticeable breakdown. They ended the article saying that luckily enough, they were able to restart the electric power at 4 o'clock. What I also find outstanding here is the fact there was a shortcut during a full sunny Sunday without any of the usual wind of this area.

Really strange coincidences, let alone the way I got unpredictably aware, against my rational thinking, of some possible aspect of the high strangeness.
I'm grabbing this book from the library today... definitely looking forward to reading it, judging by all the glowing comments it received here. :) Maybe a little trepidatious as well.
I am quite interested in reading the Western United States Missing 411 book, as I will be staying in Colorado Springs for 12 nights in August. It will be the first time I have been out of New Zealand since 1997. The two main scenic features worthy of visiting seem to be the railway trip up Pikes Peak and the Garden of the Gods. The main cluster of disappearances in that state seems to be somewhat further to the north. [I will also be keeping my eyes open for the art of the Denver Airport.]

I haven't ordered the book yet, but did scroll through the Amazon reviews, which were quite numerous and mostly very positive.

Some of the negative reviews made the point that Paulides made much of the fact that victims were found with items of their clothing missing, when this could perhaps be explained by what happens to people in later stages of hypothermia.

I haven't read the book yet, so I can't comment fully on how justified those complaints are about the book, or whether the "hypothermic reaction" theory adequately accounts for all of the anomalies about missing clothing. I do remember from my time in scouting as a youngster, when we watched a video on hypothermia, that although the initial symptoms of hypothermia are feeling lethargic, uncontrollable shivering, and dragging behind the rest of the party, when hypothermia develops more fully the person can feel manic, and feel so hot they want to take their clothes off.

The temperature doesn't have to be all that cold to become hypothermic either - the combination of physical exertion, followed by getting wet (which increases the rate of heat loss), can lead quite rapidly to hypothermia.
Mal7 said:
I haven't ordered the book yet, but did scroll through the Amazon reviews, which were quite numerous and mostly very positive.

Keep in mind if anyone would want to buy the books from Amazon, they are too pricey. Ordering from his website is a standard price for all three books: _http://www.nabigfootsearch.com/Bigfootstore.html

Mal7 said:
Some of the negative reviews made the point that Paulides made much of the fact that victims were found with items of their clothing missing, when this could perhaps be explained by what happens to people in later stages of hypothermia.

I haven't read the book yet, so I can't comment fully on how justified those complaints are about the book, or whether the "hypothermic reaction" theory adequately accounts for all of the anomalies about missing clothing. I do remember from my time in scouting as a youngster, when we watched a video on hypothermia, that although the initial symptoms of hypothermia are feeling lethargic, uncontrollable shivering, and dragging behind the rest of the party, when hypothermia develops more fully the person can feel manic, and feel so hot they want to take their clothes off.

The temperature doesn't have to be all that cold to become hypothermic either - the combination of physical exertion, followed by getting wet (which increases the rate of heat loss), can lead quite rapidly to hypothermia.

I sure can understand about the hypothermic theory as being a factor in the disappearances, but it hardly account for the clothes to be missing. In some of the cases, the bones were found within the discovered clothes (i.e., pants) without having them ever been shred or ripped (as one would assume to be by animals) and the bones were shown as really consumed as the animals couldn't have done it. In a few cases, there are found dead bodies and found living bodies that were without pants, which was odd because I kept imagining a window-feller saying, "nice pants" and snatch! Then, I was thinking about those people from the underground or cave dwellers being the possible suspects involved with the disappearances. They would want pants, methinks.

What bothers me is the fact that most of the disappeared were boys (or males in general) and there were a few girls being disappeared that looked like a boy (short hair, etc.) which suggests that the phenomena was being gender-specific by first impressions of the individuals passing through.

There is one case that is of interest in terms of the behaviors of National Park Service was the disappearance of Stacey Anne Arras (07/17/81) at Yosemite. The author have received other cases from the NPS quite easily except for this case and he was being questioned by them (which is illegal for them to do) and each time he asked for this case, he was denied, even to this day. Not only that, she was not listed in any database as a missing person plus the fact that NPS doesn't keep a list of missing person in any of their park. I couldn't but help wonder about NPS's awareness of these disappearance and a conspiracy may have been involved (even the author admitted that he don't believe in conspiracy theories).

Laura said:
We'll see if we can get him on in a couple weeks.

That's great! :thup:

It'll be interesting to hear him discuss the missing persons phenomena. He seems to advocate Bigfoot playing a part in the event, so it would be intriguing to hear his views on the possibility of hyperdimensional influence/ window fallers.
I have not yet read the Missing 411 books, but they all sound very interesting. I just listened to a short 30 min. presentation given by David on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-k-aVMNyfU and plan on listening to his other interviews now as well. He mainly seems to focus on bigfoot research, but he acknowledges how many episodes of high strangeness coincide with each other and the importance of keeping an open mind. He reminds me of John Keel in his ability to dig deeply in his research while connecting dots. I too would love to hear him on SOTT talk!
mnmulchi said:
I have not yet read the Missing 411 books, but they all sound very interesting. I just listened to a short 30 min. presentation given by David on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-k-aVMNyfU and plan on listening to his other interviews now as well. He mainly seems to focus on bigfoot research, but he acknowledges how many episodes of high strangeness coincide with each other and the importance of keeping an open mind. He reminds me of John Keel in his ability to dig deeply in his research while connecting dots. I too would love to hear him on SOTT talk!

Checked it out - interesting, especially how he describes the Hoopa project and the tribe elders, DNA testing etc. Going back to missing, in the same link above, the post and he says:

Interestingly, Paulides expresses considerable suspicion over the government's lack of interest in these events. "There's got to be some type of cover-up going at the federal level, because there's no reason in the rational world why the Parks Service wouldn't be tracking people who disappear inside their system." To that end, he cites two separate instances where a person went missing and teams of Green Berets showed up in the area, made no contact with the other searchers, and proceeded to conduct their own search "as if they were on their own private mission that no one else understood".

I also think David Paulides would make a great guest for SOTT Radio, not only about missing people in natural parks, but also about bigfoot...
voyageur said:
mnmulchi said:
I have not yet read the Missing 411 books, but they all sound very interesting. I just listened to a short 30 min. presentation given by David on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-k-aVMNyfU and plan on listening to his other interviews now as well. He mainly seems to focus on bigfoot research, but he acknowledges how many episodes of high strangeness coincide with each other and the importance of keeping an open mind. He reminds me of John Keel in his ability to dig deeply in his research while connecting dots. I too would love to hear him on SOTT talk!

Checked it out - interesting, especially how he describes the Hoopa project and the tribe elders, DNA testing etc. Going back to missing, in the same link above, the post and he says:

Interestingly, Paulides expresses considerable suspicion over the government's lack of interest in these events. "There's got to be some type of cover-up going at the federal level, because there's no reason in the rational world why the Parks Service wouldn't be tracking people who disappear inside their system." To that end, he cites two separate instances where a person went missing and teams of Green Berets showed up in the area, made no contact with the other searchers, and proceeded to conduct their own search "as if they were on their own private mission that no one else understood".


Thank's for the video. Pretty interesting....
I agreee with David Paulides that it makes more sence that bigfoot is actually much more human then ape.
And from the evidence it seems like they have also a language and are probably aware of us, wich would partly also explain why they are so elusive.

Another interesting point he mentions are the giant human like bones that were and are being discovered.
I agree it certainly could be, that some of those bones are actually from bigfoot.

Also what I asked myself for quite a while is: Could it be that there are several different races of bigfoots out there?
Like there are different races of humans?
There seem to be quite a number of varying reports of height, facial features, hair features, hair cover features, hair colour features out there, that woud actually suggest something like that...

Also I'm asking myself if they are "Nephilim" or connected to them?
I remember that the C's once saifd that bigfoot were the original inhabitants of planet earth and that humans were brought here and are not native to earth.
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