Monoatomic Gold

Thanks for all the great information schriss! I am sooooo glad I never bought any of that stuff!
[the 'unit' will be working just fine once it is receiving (downloading) its instructions from 'above' - resulting in a nice and purely mechanical mind controlled zombie - - glad only 'units' are using it and not humans - it might mess a human up pretty badly.]

It's now clear to me the sudden surge of popularity of monatomic gold. It's the perfect supplement for microchipped people! the new RFID chip being tested by corporations in the US and other countries is the supposed "Mark of the Beast". So, to make us better 'receptors', we ingest monatomic gold, which, according to the C's, is used in bulb filaments.
Hey folks there is a deeper connection/co relation there. I'm just trying to grasp the bigger picture.
If anyone has a clearer understanding of the corelation between monatomic gold and the new chip that is to be inserted into us, then please, type away.

Well, what can I say, if all that is true I am f*cked.

I take monoatomic gold since October 2005 on a daily basis. The first 4 month I took some liquid substance from, it didn't have any observable effect and I changed to "Rhodium and iridium" from who are NOT in any way associated with David Hudson (as mention earlier in this post) btw. and still use it every morning 1 small heap (size of 4 matchstick-heads).

I have to report very positive results - I used to suffer life-long from certain skin abberations which I tried to get ride of in innumerable ways. since I take that Rhodium-Iridium stuff its gone and nerver came back. same goes for regular Herpes outbrakes - gone too!

If Laura would still do inquiries with the Cs I would ask if
1) I have been damaged beyond repair (in the sense of what the Cs proposed to be the immediate effect - becoming a STS robot)
2) what is the remedy?

however, I do not feel any more robotic than 6 month ago but of course that may be due to the fact that no request for action for this human dummy has been forthcoming from 4d STS. another possibility is that the evaluation of this substance falls under the 30% NOT CORRECT information the Cs dissipate (as of their own evaluation).

there are a few pointers that indicate such (I may be wishful-thinking here I am aware):
After investing MILLIONS Hudson was driven to bankrupcy by PTB so much so that he suffered a heart attack (which he survived but has not lectured in public since)
Attempts to mass-produce Monoatomic gold (e.g. in Japan) have be announced big on the ORMUS list - then mysteriously failed.
The main pro MAG honcho is dead poor and so short of funds that "rescue-attemps" come up in regular intervalls on said list.
Although it has been propagated some it is mainly a newage-fad. If the PTB would be interested in mass usage it would be easy for them to push it to mass market like e.g. HGH.

We wont find out what the Cs have to say to all that and thats a pity because all communication from them about MAG was before all that above mentioned happened.
I also have mixed feelings regarding monoatomic gold. I chose not to take it, at least not now or until I know more about it.

I can imagine how happy you are with effects, I have skin problems for about 6 years and I also try many things to get rid of it - it is better now, but still requires daily expensive treatment. If the medicine I use become unavailable - I'm doomed.

I also thought about that - if monoatomic gold is really bad, then PTB woud be interested in us using it, they would have easily marketed it as new wonder drug. It would sell like every other "wonder" drug do.
This makes me thinking there is more to it to discover.
I am aware of the C's feedback since while and have inquired with my "house channel" whom I use since 15 years - HILARION thru Jon Fox.
Fox is an engineer by profession and his sights on channeling have been quite critical at times. He used to check on what was told - but IMO for quite a while he hasn't done that any more, maybe there was nothing that could be checked. However, Hilarion certainly checks out for some "love and light" stuff and would not easily pass the channel-check on this forum :-)

Anyway, all I'm saying is that Hilarion when asked explicitely if the stuff was OK confirmed that but added though it would increase excretion of poinsonous substances from the body the effect was limited and would not at all encompass what it is hyped to be. He also suggested not to take the powder but instead add it to the ground and grow beeds in that ground - that would increase assimilation. I could extract that part from the audio mp3 I have and post it here if there is any interest.
samvado said:
After investing MILLIONS Hudson was driven to bankrupcy by PTB so much so that he suffered a heart attack (which he survived but has not lectured in public since)
And here, we address the issue directly and ask several questions:

1. Why, after spending purportedly 5.5 million dollars to isolate and patent Monoatomic Gold, did David Hudson's obsession for knowledge suddenly stop short of self-experimentation? (I know, he said his wife wouldn't let him, but that begs the question with something like he claims to have discovered , especially if he is as convinced of what it is as he claims to be.)

2. If David Hudson possessed the "Philosopher's Stone" why was he asking for money? The literature tells us that one part in one hundred thousand will transmute base metals into gold. Doesn't it work?

3. If The PTB has existed these many thousands of years with the knowledge and use of this substance, and if they have kept it a continual secret, assassinating, if necessary, entire groups of people to protect the secret, why was it suddenly allowed out now? Under the precise circumstances? Is it possible that this revelation is engineered by the "bad guys" because it may be used to control masses of people?

Consider the death of Morris Jessup (and Phil Schneider) as a case in point. I have written about Jessup and Schneider in the Adventures Series in various places, but the main discussion begins HERE:

Let's talk about death now. Sure, I know, nobody wants to talk about death. But I have in mind some very interesting deaths that ought to be talked about for a lot of reasons.

The first death I want to talk about is the "apparent suicide" of Morris K. Jessup. The problem with Morris Jessup's suicide is that it was too obvious. He was found in his station wagon in a Dade County Park, Florida, on the evening of April 29, 1959. A hose had been attached to the exhaust pipe of the station wagon and looped into the closed interior. The whole set-up had been accomplished during daylight hours, in a public park. Ever since, researchers have said that Jessup's death was the price he paid for getting too close to the truth. You see, Jessup's death is SO apparent a suicide, that everyone just KNEW that it was NOT a suicide. And, of course, as a consequence, an entire mythos was born about something called the Philadelphia Experiment having to do with Time Travel. [...]

One of the most pervasive UFO-human conspiracy stories is that of the Philadelphia Experiment which explicates that, in 1943, the U.S. Navy secretly accomplished the teleportation of a warship from Philadelphia to a dock near Norfolk by successfully applying Einstein's Unified Field Theory.

The story tells us that the experiment began in an attempt to develop radar invisibility, but something unexpected happened: the ship became invisible, and when it returned, several of the crewmen burst into flames, and others had portions of their bodies melded into the steel structures of the ship. Of those who survived, most of them spent the rest of their lives in psychiatric hospitals. That's handy. [...]

The Navy denies the reality of the Philadelphia Experiment, but the rumors persist, and they are very powerful rumors. Researchers continue to hear accounts from eye-witnesses or purported family members of those who died or went insane. I was even told a story about the Philadelphia Experiment by my ex-husband who swore he had heard it from a guy in Key West when he was young. And this was long before I ever knew anything about the mythos of the Philadelphia Experiment proper!

It was the death of Morris Jessup that gave credibility to the rumors of the Philadelphia Experiment. In fact, the "details" of the experiment all began with the series of letters Jessup was purported to have received from a Carlos Allende. When you try to track the story back to its beginnings, you discover that even the story about the purported annotated copy of Jessup's book emerged only AFTER his death as a "rumor" in Washington social circles. The fact that Allende mentioned sodium pentothal in his letters is quite telling. That he was aware of the existence of sodium pentothal at that early date suggests that he was aware of mind control research being conducted by the Navy during the war, which suggests that he was a victim, or a handler of such projects. [...]

So, what do we have? We have someone who purportedly sent some weird letters to Morris Jessup, about which he was reportedly curious, but not terribly excited. All the "impressions" that are attributed to Jessup regarding these letters are from hearsay, AFTER his death. We have a story about the Varo edition of his book, that only emerged as a "rumor" after his death. The rumor was claimed to be from "military circles," as though this would give it credibility. The only people who seem to claim any "inside info" are Riley Crabb and Ivan Sanderson, both of whom claimed to have been in possession of the copy given to Jessup, on which he had made notes of his own. But this copy disappeared, and somehow, there are copies circulated from somewhere because I have two of them. The end result is that, due to this series of rumors, which seem so obviously concocted after Jessup was no longer alive to refute any of it, we have people declaring that Jessup was silenced because he was on the verge of proving that the Philadelphia Experiment really did take place exactly as Carlos Allende described it!

Every detail and element of the Allende story, the Varo edition of Jessup's book, and the purported strange events preceding his death just reeks of manipulation; all of it propagated after he was no longer present to deny any part of the story. After looking into the matter carefully, one gets the strange impression that a dead man was used to create a myth. Or at least, the "right" version of the story - the version that the Powers that Be want everyone to believe. And, at the center of the myth we find Ivan Sanderson and Riley Crabb, who seem to be responsible for spreading the whole story. Later, as a most telling coincidence, a long-time associate of Sanderson, Al Bielek, comes along and breathes new life into the story by creating "Montauk," followed by Phil Schneider, and others.

We come back again to the death of Jessup: a suicide that was so obviously"set-up" to look like suicide, that everyone KNOWS it was murder by persons or agencies unknown. [...]

Nevertheless, the result of all of this is that the Philadelphia Experiment, as explicated by the Carlos Allende letters, and the story about the Varo edition of Jessup's book, is now firmly ensconced as fact in the minds of many people.

On January 17, 1996, Phil Schneider was found dead in his apartment. He had been dead for about a week. After a lot of fooling around by the medical examiner, it was decided that Phil had committed suicide by strangling himself with a rubber hose of the medical type. Yeah, right!

Phil was a well known speaker on the patriot and UFO lecture circuit. His main shtick was underground base activities. As a geologist, he claimed to have been involved in the construction of secret government bases, including Area 51 and the base at Dulce, New Mexico. As it happened, for two years before his death, Phil had stated in his lectures that there were constant attempts being made on his life. These attempts were described as staged accidents, running gunfights, loosened lug nuts on his vehicle and so forth. Phil further claimed that his father was a German U-boat captain who had been captured by the Allies and inducted into the U.S. Navy under the CIA's Operation Paperclip program in which Nazis were given new identities and became U.S. citizens.

Loosened lug nuts?

I read that part to my kids - movie buffs all - and they looked at each other and then at me and said: "Yeah, right! The Secret Government according to Homer Simpson." The reader may wish to read Alexandra Bruce's well-researched book "The Philadelphia Experiment Murder," for the many confusing details of Schneider's background and claims that were brought to light which cast doubt on his stories, but still raise confusing issues.

In the end, the question is: was Phil Schneider a crank who took his own life because of paranoid hallucinations, or was he murdered by agents of the government for giving out classified information? Was he murdered to shut him up? Or, could there be another reason: the same reason Morris Jessup was murdered? Were they both murdered to give credibility to stories that were, in fact, FALSE?

Phil's death is seen by conspiracy buffs as proof that what he was saying was true. In the same way, Jessup's death is seen as proof that the claims of Carlos Allende about the Philadelphia Experiment are true. And in both cases, what seems to be an obvious murder poorly disguised as a suicide is the common factor of conviction that persuades the many believers in the stories surrounding the two figures.

The problem is that we all know that those boys in Black Ops can do better than that when they want to! If they want a death to look perfectly natural, if they want to just shut you up, you can be sure that they can do it. By the same token, if they want a death to look like a murder disguised as a suicide, they can do that, too. It is patently absurd for Schneider to have announced on numerous occasions that the secret government had made over a dozen "attempts" on his life. Such agencies do not make "attempts" on a person's life. They do the deed, and it looks exactly the way they want it to look. Don't delude yourself by thinking otherwise. There are occasional "leaks" and "embarrassing" stories about such agencies, but I can just about guaran-damn-tee that they are planned. Nothing like creating a reputation for being a bumbling bunch to cover up the fact that, at the deepest levels, very little bumbling takes place.

What this means is that the deaths of Jessup and Schneider were very likely engineered for the express purpose of promoting disinformation. to inspire belief in something connected to them either after their death, or promoted by them before their death. And if that is the case, then we have to seriously suspect the stories that are propagated in connection with their deaths, and assume that they may be disinformation. [...]

The difference - or similarities - between Marinov's death and the death of Morris Jessup, or even Phil Schneider, have to be carefully considered. In the case of the former two, they were actually working on very similar subjects. Jessup and Marinov were both interested in sources of free energy, and they were both talking about things in ways that drew attention to certain ideas that, apparently are very dangerous to consider. The case of Schneider is more difficult. His "murder" seems to be set up to discredit him in general, or to confirm the Montauk mythos. [...]

We come back to the fact that someone wrote some letters to Morris Jessup about his book on UFOs, including specific mention (in the very first paragraph), of a particular paper of Albert Einstein, which, as it happens, is the wrong paper to follow, and as soon as Dr. Jessup was discovered to have been "mysteriously killed," the story was off and running! And all the researchers have been mis-led ever since, following the wrong paper. And it's all about "free energy," so to say. This should give everyone pause when they read the claims of the many purveyors of New Age Free Energy devices. If you really discover it, you're dead.

When the Philadelphia Experiment story began to lose its appeal because none of the research was panning out, along came the Montauk experiments and the many handy expositors of that scenario, creating new "grail stories" to lead the researchers off into wild, endless, and erroneous speculation.
You ought to read the whole series to get all the info... It's pretty long because I dug up everything I could find and then some. I think that, at the end, you will agree that his death was "staged" in order to give legs to the Montauk mythos.

And that's not to say that something isn't going on with the Montauk thing, but never underestimate the ability of the PTB to create dust storms and smoke screens.

Strikes me that David Hudson has surely given legs to the Monoatomic Gold with his story... and I've never seen any evidence that it is true, either.
I can see that and ALSO this kind of argument t is in itself a bit paranoid. Thats thinking around several corners so to speak (german expression). In fact some stuff is quite obvious and any intelligent person should follow your argument HOWEVER stupid fuckups seem to happen - e.g. Watergate (who would keep files so easily to be found - was someone setting Nixon up?) you see this kind of thinking could lead to anything and nothing.

The greater picture that emerges is IF time travel was true then OUR REALITY WOULD BE SO MUCH SHAPED that any event, and I mean ANY event would be an outcome precisely tuned to the needs of the 4d STS. Our decision just would not play any part in it. For one YOU WOULD CERTAINLY NOT EXIST unless you are in service of the 4d STS for reasons yet to be figured out by clueless people like me.

THAT in turn leads to another consideration: would an all intelligent being like GOD (and I mean all-that-is-and-all-that-is-not, not the bearded guy of christian fame you used to believe in when younger) set his game up in a way that it was for all practical purposes a lose-lose situation for all involved (which time travel -if it could change our reality- would certainly be). As the Cs say when asked how long this is going on: time does not matter - it is all encompassing for that matter if you can jump back & forth.

THAT in turn makes me think of Occams razor (Ark will know what that is if you dont). And that razor could very well cut right thru the Cs communications. I am not passing final judgement (for me, that is) because I have not informed myself sufficiently - but is does not look good.
You as an attempted Goldbaum victim (and I have not doubt that part is real) could easily have created the Cs with all they entail. Occam says thats more likely than having Lizzis shape our reality and forgetting the main part - killing the one who exposes them. you said they tried - but why would anyone with time travel capability fail in that endavour? and if they have failed so far when would we wake up to a reality without you? its not a question IF - the question then would be WHEN.

ah but of course - I have been consuming MAG for over 8 month now - I must be already a dupe controlled by the Lizzies. That would nicely account for what I just said and your world is saved one more time. Paranoia always creates the perceived reality it finds most suitable for the current believe system - who would know that better than someone who has worked in the field of mental adjustments like hypnotherapy.

As a sidleline: when I was still with a master in the 80s a thing called de-hypnotherapy was if not mandatory so at least very much suggested to ANYONE because it was asumed we where all programmed - and not to our benefit. I can only say it was an enlightening experience.

and back to the original issue of this thread, you have not address my main objection (and others): If MAG would be such a great thing for the Lizzies to have spead in this world (and hey, having total control is a good thing for STS) it would be VERY easy to inject it into mainstream medicine - almost like vitamic c. As of Hudson it is there in heaps and easily extracted and therefor potentionally cheap. I can vouch for its healing capacities from MY OWN EXPERIENCE. It just does not make sense to go about in such an indirect fashion considering most advertising agencies are loaded with dumb-to-the-core STS people. Why is it so hard to get and almost still an insider tip and it is REALLY hard to get any reliable info on which type is best for what (there is not just gold - I for example dont even take gold I take monoatomic Iridium and Rhodium).
So what does this blanket statement of the Cs really entail? Monoatomic is bad? only gold is bad? Then there is the consideration that latest research indicates that it is not really monoatomic - did the Cs know that and just forgot to mention because it was not important for the message?
If someone labels a class of substances as the worst one could possibly do to oneself is ingest THAT STUFF I would asume a little more differentiated and elaborate statement would be in order. Yet again the Cs fail on that account. Its oh so convenient to say "your free will would have been impaired" which seems to be that blanket statement whenever it gets complicated for them.
aristar said:
hello Samvado
Hilarion is a 4th density entity but STS
says who?

and 4d? meaning he is more clueless that the average dead dude (being 5d as of the Cs)?
I would have been quite stupid for the last 15 years for that to be true - which is always an option of course :-)
hm, i tried monatomic gold a few months ago - i took a 1 oz bottle of 'The Portal' from
the first 2-3 times i felt a slight buzz after i took it.
after taking it for about 1-2 months (irregularly) - the only effect on me it seemed to have was that i needed about 1hr less sleep per night.

i am generally very healthy so it is hard to say what other effects it had.
i had a discolored tooth, which did not change at all, and i have a small hole in my septum* which didn't respond to the MAG at all, either.

*NOT as a result of any illicit drug use if you think that!

i came upon MAG after reading two of laurence gardner's books and it made quite a bit of sense to me at the time.
Samvado said:
The greater picture that emerges is IF time travel was true then OUR REALITY WOULD BE SO MUCH SHAPED that any event, and I mean ANY event would be an outcome precisely tuned to the needs of the 4d STS. Our decision just would not play any part in it. For one YOU WOULD CERTAINLY NOT EXIST unless you are in service of the 4d STS for reasons yet to be figured out by clueless people like me.
That's assuming that "time travel" works according to a particular set of paramaters. Apparently, based on all we have studied, it doesn't. There are limitations. However, I am not going to discuss those ideas here. What I will do is quote a bit from one of Ark's articles on a related subject.

Ark said:
"We are you in the future" 3.

This is what "they" declare : that "they" - The Cassiopaeans - 6th density Unified Thought Form Beings of Light - are us in the future. What a bizarre concept. Or is it?

Is that possible? Can such a statement find a place in accepted theories? Or it is in an evident contradiction with everything that we - that is, physicists - know about Nature and its laws?

Putting aside for the moment the issue of whether existence in a pure state of consciousness is possible, is travelling in time possible, even if only in theory? Is sending and receiving information from the future or sending information into the past allowed by our present theories of relativity and quantum mechanics? If information can be sent, does this also imply that physical matter can be "sent," via some sort of TransDimensional Remolecularization? And if so what are the laws, what are the restrictions? What are the means?

Well, frankly speaking, we do not know, but we may have a clue. Kurt Goedel, after he became famous for his work on foundations of mathematics, went on to study the Einstein general theory of relativity and made an important contribution to physics: he discovered a class of otherwise reasonable cosmological solutions of Einstein equations - except for one point: they contained causal loops!

At first these Causal Loops were dismissed by relativists as being "too crazy". The arguments against these model universes even became rather personal, commenting upon the state of mind of the inventor! (A not terribly unusual phenomenon in the heated debates within so-called "ivory towers" of academia.)

A "Causal Loop" means the same thing as "Time Loop." It can be described as going into the future and ending up where you started at the original time and place. It is called "Causal" because, in Einstein's Theory of Relativity, Time is a relative concept and different observers can experience Time differently, so the term "causal" is used to avoid using the term "time."

But, little by little, it was realized that causal - or Time - loops CAN appear in other solutions of Einstein equations as well - usually they correspond to some kind of "rotation" of the universe.

Causal loops make time travel not only possible, but probable. But then, causal loops lead to unacceptable logical paradoxes, and physics does not like such paradoxes at all - they are a serious problem!

But, the subject of communicating with the past or receiving information from the future IS being discussed in physics even in terms of the flat, not-curved-at-all space-time of Lorentz and Minkowski. Hypothetical faster-than-light particles - tachyons - can serve as the communication means. They make an "anti-telephone" - a telephone into the past - possible.

But do tachyons exist? Or CAN they exist?

Well, that is still a question that has not been answered definitively for some.

And, the truth is that paradoxes must never be ignored. They always indicate that some important lesson is to be learned; that some essential improvement or change is necessary. The same holds true for the paradoxes involved in the idea of receiving information from the future. We cannot simply go back into Saturday and tell ourselves the winning lottery numbers of Sunday. If this were possible, then it should also be possible for some future, future, self to tell a future self NOT to tell! Thus we have a paradox: we, in the future, have intervened into the past making our communication from the future impossible!

A paradox: if we communicated, we have not communicated, and if we do not communicate, then we have communicated! Impossible in a linear, non-branching universe!

Is there a possible escape from the paradox, an escape that leaves a door open, even if only a little - for our anti-telephone?

Indeed, there is, and not just one, but several ways out.

First of all - the evident paradox disappears if we admit the possibility that the communication channels are inherently noisy; that is a normal situation when we deal with quantum phenomena. So, if the communication into the past is a quantum effect - we are saved from evident paradoxes. Quantum Theory can be useful!

Sending a signal into the past, we are never 100% sure if the message will be delivered without distortion. And conversely, receiving info from the future we are never 100% sure if this comes from an authentic broadcast or is a spontaneous and random creation of the receiving end. If this is the case, and if certain quantitative, information - that is, theoretic relations between receiving and transmitting ends are secured to hold - then there are no more paradoxes even with reasonably efficient information channels.

In other words: there CAN be broadcasts from the future to the past, but there will be few "receivers," and of those few, even fewer that are properly tuned. And even those that are properly tuned may be subject to "static." Even if there is no static, those receivers that can receive pure information will experience the static of "non-belief" and distortion after the fact.

There is also another aspect of such an information transfer which is that the probabilities involved are connected with a CHOICE EVENT; with the choosing of one among many possible futures.

It may happen that branching of the universe corresponds to each such event. Branching of the universe into an infinite tree of decisions has been discussed within quantum measurement theory - it even has the name of "Many Worlds interpretation of quantum theory."

Two of the well-known physicists who consider the many worlds interpretation more than just an exercise in theorizing are John Archibald Wheeler and David Deutsch and you may wish to obtain their books for a deeper understanding.

The Many Worlds Interpretation has one serious weakness: it has no built in algorithm for providing the timing of the branchings. Thus it is a certain framework rather than a complete theory.

There is, however, a theory that fills in this gap in the Many Worlds Interpretation - and this theory I know quite well, and in fact I know it better than most others for the simple reason that I developed it in collaboration with Philippe Blanchard (University of Bielefeld ) in the last six or so years as an integral part of the Quantum Future Project. It is called Event Enhanced Quantum Theory (EEQT for short notation). (A complete list of references and much more info on this subject can be found on my "Quantum Future " project page).

The fact that our generally accepted theories of the present do not prevent us from thinking that time travel is, perhaps, possible, does not necessarily imply that we do know how to build the time machine!

On the other hand, it is perhaps possible that the time machine already exists and is in use, even if we do not understand the principle of its work, because it goes much too far beyond our present theoretical and conceptual framework. It is also possible that some of the machines we think are serving a totally different purpose do, in fact, act as time machines. Many things are possible...

Now, back to superluminal communication, or "channelling" in general and the Cassiopaeans in particular: the fact that sending information into the past is possible does not necessarily imply that any information that pretends to be sent from the future is such indeed!

But, if we generally accept that extraterrestrial life is possible, and we use all of our knowledge and resources to search for life beyond our Earth, then we also need to include the understanding that receiving information from the future is equally possible. With this perspective, science should search for any traces of such information.

But, what kind of information channels are to be monitored in search of such broadcasts? What kind of antenna arrays do we need? How must we direct them into a particular "future time"? Say, into the year 3000? Or 30,000? Or 300,001?

My answer is: nothing like that is necessary. All that we need we already have, namely OUR MINDS.

And indeed, assuming that the knowledge and technology of the future is (or CAN BE) much more advanced than ours, then it is only natural that any broadcast from the future will be addressed directly into the mind.

Even today there are techniques of acting directly on our minds. They are not always used for our benefit; nevertheless they do exist. But if communications from the future are possible, why don't we receive these broadcasts on a daily basis? If our minds can serve as receivers, then why aren't we all aware of the transmissions? [...]

We need now to return to our question: if communications from the future are possible, why don't we receive these broadcasts on a daily basis?

If our minds can serve as receivers, then why aren't we all aware of the transmissions?

I think that the answer has to do with multiple realities and branching universes, and perhaps any civilization which would receive messages from the future on a daily basis has ceased to exist because communication through time is a very dangerous game. You produce paradoxes and these paradoxes remove the paradoxical universes from the repository of possible universes; if you create a universe with paradoxes, it destroys itself either completely or partially. Perhaps just intelligence is removed from this universe because it is intelligence that creates paradox. Perhaps we are very fortunate that even if we can receive some of these messages from the future, we still continue to exist.

Suppose our civilization were to advance to the point where everyone can communicate with themselves in the past; they have a computer with a special program and peripheral device that does this. It becomes the latest fad: everyone is communicating with themselves in the past to warn of dangers or upcoming calamities or bad choices, or to give lottery numbers or winning horses. But, what is seen as a "bad choice" or "calamity" for one, could be seen to be a "good event" or "benefit" to someone else!

So, the next step would be that "hackers" would begin to break into the systems and send false communications into the past to deliberately create bad choices and calamities for some in order to produce benefits for themselves or others.

Then, the first individual would see that false information has been sent and would go into their system and go back even earlier to warn themselves that false information was going to be sent back by an "imposter" and how to tell that it was false.

Then the hacker would see this, and go back in time to an even earlier moment and give false information that someone was going to send false information (that was really true) that false information (that was really false) was going to be sent, thereby confusing the issue.

This process could go on endlessly with constant and repeated communications into the past, one contradicting the other, one signal cancelling out the other, with the result that it would be exactly the same as if there were NO communication into the past!

There is, also, the very interesting possiblity that the above scenario IS exactly what is taking place in our world.

It is also possible that, whenever a civilization comes to the point that it can manipulate the past and thereby change the present, it would most probably destroy itself, and probably its "branch" of the universe, unless there comes a cataclysmic event before this happens which would act as a kind of "control system" or way of reducing the technological possibilities to zero again, thus obviating the potentials of universal chaos. In this way, cataclysmic events could be a sort of preventive or pre-emptive strike against such manipulations, and may, in fact, be the result of engineered actions of benevolent selves in the future who see the dangers of communicating with ourselves in the past!

So, the probability is this: if there IS communication from the future, it MAY, in fact, be constantly received by each and every one of us as an ongoing barrage of lies mixed with truth. Thus, the problem becomes more than just "tuning" to a narrow band signal, because clearly the hackers can imitate the signal and have become VERY clever in delivering their lies disguised as "warm and fuzzy" truths; the problem becomes an altogether different proposition of believing nothing and ACTING as though EVERYTHING is misleading, gathering data from all quarters, and then making the most INFORMED choice possible with full realization that it may be in error!

What is important here is this: we can't prevent hackers from hacking. But, what we can do is make every effort to prevent them from hacking into OUR systems by erecting barriers of knowledge and awareness. Hackers are always looking for an "easy hack," (except for those few who really LIKE a challenge), and will back away as you make your system more and more secure.

How do you make your computer (or yourself) immune to hackers?

It is never 100% secure, but if all preventative measures are taken, and we constantly observe for the signs of hackers - system disruption, loss of "memory," or energy, damaged files, things that don't "fit," that are "out of context," - we can reduce the possiblity of hacking. But, we can only do this if we are AWARE of hackers; if we KNOW that they will attempt to break into our system in the guise of a "normal" file, or even an operating system or program that promises to "organize" our data for greater efficiency and ease of function or "user friendliness," while at the same time, acting as a massive drain on our energy and resources - RAM and hard drive.

As a humorous sidenote: we could think of Windows Operating system as the "ultimate hacker from the future" who, disguised as a sheep, is a wolf devouring our hard disk and RAM, and sending our files to God only knows where every time we connect via the internet!

And of course, there are viruses. Whenever we insert a floppy disk or CD into our computer, we risk infection by virii which can, slowly or rapidly, distort or destroy ALL the information on our computer, prevent ANY peripheral functions, and even "wipe" the hard disk of all files to replace them with endless replications of the viral nonsense.

The human analogy to this is the many religions and "belief" systems that have been "programmed" into our cultures, and our very lives, via endless "Prophet/God" programs, replacing, bit by bit, our own thinking with the "dogma and doctrines of the faith."

Enough of the computer analogies. I think that the reader can imagine any number of variations on the theme and come to an understanding of how vulnerable we are to "disinformation" in the guise of truth from either the future, the past, or the present.
samvado said:
If MAG would be such a great thing for the Lizzies to have spead in this world (and hey, having total control is a good thing for STS) it would be VERY easy to inject it into mainstream medicine - almost like vitamic c.
That was my first thought. It could be distributed in a way that you wouldn't even know you take it. Like that stuff they add to water.

Anyway, since colloidal silver didn't do much to me (but it did great for my old dog: she was walking slowly, head and tail down, now looks happy again and is moving faster), I will probably try monoatomic Rhodium and Iridium. I will skip MAG, leaving it for other volunteers to report results :)

Reading this right now:
pretty informative.
We agree rhodium is more effective for healing the physical body than gold; iridium also-however iridium increases metabolism more than the other elements and can cause undesired growth of aberrant cells. We therefore suggest never taking m-state iridium alone, and for some health concerns-where cell growth is the last thing desired, we would suggest eliminating it entirely.
"I have a friend who made the "charged" white powder of gold using Hudson's process...[he] was almost totally incapacitated he was unable to live normally because he would manifest everything...He said that his mind would call up anything that he thought of. He had to learn to keep from thinking of what he did not want in order to avoid manifesting it....The condition persisted for about 6 months."
And that sounds familiar (Cs and light waves affecting DNA):
Russian scientists have gone well beyond this. Biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues explored the vibrational behavior of DNA and found that living DNA substance [in living tissue, not in vitro] will react to laser rays and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies are being used. We would add the "proper" radio waves as well, created by DC, direct current, at the proper frequencies. Not a theory or unproven claim; Dr. Garajev proved this experimentally. This explains the success of Rife and similar devices when properly constructed (Rife used noble gas plasma tubes). While western researchers cut single genes from the DNA strands and insert them elsewhere, the Russians and others are experimenting with ways that can directly influence the cellular metabolism through suitable modulated radio and light frequencies in order to effect DNA.
Laura said:
That's assuming that "time travel" works according to a particular set of paramaters. Apparently, based on all we have studied, it doesn't. There are limitations. However, I am not going to discuss those ideas here. What I will do is quote a bit from one of Ark's articles on a related subject.
Thank you, I had just read that a few days ago in one (or even two) of your books. It is a nice way of looking at it and of course no being a physicist I agree that Arc is more qualified to judge the subject.
I did "major" in Physics though in highschool (dunno if major is the right term) - but before the final exam we discussed heisenbergs uncertainty principle and I remember I understood the math behind it (that making me incredibly proud) - then I went on to study Biology which somehow taxed my frontal lobes less. Alls this and about 2000 sci-fi novels I read mean to me that I am also qualified to judge the subject somewhat on my own.

I look at it rather simple KISS like:

1) are the 4d STS smart - YES
2) do smart people indulge in things that repeatedly do not work to their advantage - NO
3) what would be among the most important things for them to achieve - staying invisible (like the Cosa Nostra in the USA in the 60s)
4) Who is presumably the ONLY one with any success making their presence and plans known - YOU and your allies but YOU are key to it.
its not like a peace movement with thousands of activists and many support centers.
5) what kind of time travel resource would I put down to eliminate you - A BIG ONE
6) but you are still with us
7) back to 1)

this is a health tread and my inquiry was about MAG so I would let the issue rest at this point if you so choose too (I would also be willing to discuss the issue further elswhere if anybody is interested)

you have not answered to my questions about MAG which I feel are somewhat important for a lot of people who read your material
and may share the situation with me.
as i expressed I have very good results with MAG healthwise and because I value your findings regarding a lot of OTHER issues I am in a quagmire now.
The C's have said things about MAG in a very unspecific way so my question is:

1) do they by association mean ALL monoatomic elements? they mention gold filaments to respond to strobelights - what about strontium or Iridium as Monoatomic?
2) what about mixtures of many ORMUSes (I use the official term)
4) what about alchemically altered ORMUSes (as the stuff I take aledgedly is)
5) and if ALL OF THIS is equally dangerous in much the same way what can those who have taken it over a sustained period of time (8 month in my case) do to get rid of it?
6) last not least do the ORMUS communications fall under the 30% incorrect data by any chance?
My simple advice is: if you are sick or dying and need intervention to help you live long enough to work on yourself so that you can achieve "expanded neurochemicals" naturally, then taking some kind of medicine or treatment can be useful.

Otherwise, using MAG is the same as using hallucinogens or other so-called "consciousness raising" chemicals: 1) you can only achieve a limited level with such, and it is not a level where one would wish to remain for any length of time and yet, you are forced to remain there for the duration of the action of the chemical in your system. In some cases, that can be years. 2) Accessing the higher levels of psychical awareness through such processes is harmful to the balance levels of the prime chakra. This is because it alters the natural rhythms of psychic development by causing reliance on the chemical, thus subjugating the learning process to the chemical which leads back to problem 1. It is a form of self-imposed abridging of the free will of the higher self by the dominance of the "predator's mind." 3) It can actually prevent higher development due to binding to the ligands that ordinarily might be bound by naturally occuring neurochemicals, and blocking the natural process.

Alls this and about 2000 sci-fi novels I read mean to me that I am also qualified to judge the subject somewhat on my own. [...] 5) what kind of time travel resource would I put down to eliminate you - A BIG ONE
6) but you are still with us
7) back to 1)
Your logic is faulty. Being "smart" does not exclude wishful thinking and massive ego. It is the Achilles heel of Serving Self and always has been.
Laura said:
My simple advice is:
and that is your advice YOU NOW or your advice YOU FROM THE FUTURE?

if you are sick or dying and need intervention to help you live long enough to work on yourself so that you can achieve "expanded neurochemicals" naturally, then taking some kind of medicine or treatment can be useful.
as of Hudson and others, scientists and analysts, ORMUS is a naturally occuring thing, always present in the body, particularily in the brain, and would more be likened to Vitamins or minerals than medicin in any pharmaceutical sense.

Otherwise, using MAG is the same as using hallucinogens or other so-called "consciousness raising" chemicals:
says WHO - are you talking from ERXPERIENCE? I guess not - but I do.
There is NO such effect if you dose as suggested (and even if you overdose by 50% as I did)
you could read my excerpts on my site where you able to read German. I have however NO affiliation with ANY producer or seller of the products. My site is entirely profit free and for publishing purposes only.

1) you can only achieve a limited level with such, and it is not a level where one would wish to remain for any length of time and yet, you are forced to remain there for the duration of the action of the chemical in your system. In some cases, that can be years. 2) Accessing the higher levels of psychical awareness through such processes is harmful to the balance levels of the prime chakra. This is because it alters the natural rhythms of psychic development by causing reliance on the chemical, thus subjugating the learning process to the chemical which leads back to problem 1. It is a form of self-imposed abridging of the free will of the higher self by the dominance of the "predator's mind." 3) It can actually prevent higher development due to binding to the ligands that ordinarily might be bound by naturally occuring neurochemicals, and blocking the natural process.
this would be a nice description of LSD (and possibly other mind altering drugs of which I have NO experience) but hardly of ORMUS as I know it.
none of this applies to ORMUS as of ALL FEEDBACK I HAVE EVER READ on my site and if memory serves also not on the english yahoo group. there have been participants who expressed their desire to have such experiences but none that I can recall where ever verified. Some of that stuff is mentioned in the book by Laurence Gardener but I have to say I was not impressed by him and you would probably call it cointelpro outright.

I see none of my objection dealt with and my suggestion simply is to ask the Cs for clarification.
As I see it by there extreme position regarding this GROUP OF substances they almost force the choice not to take ANY on those who otherwise follow the Cs wisdom. And if clarity can be had in regards to my specifications the picture may change. e.g. if they say GOLD is bad but IRIDIUM is ok I have no reason to be worried. I for one would greatly appreciate such compassion.

Your logic is faulty. Being "smart" does not exclude wishful thinking and massive ego. It is the Achilles heel of Serving Self and always has been.
point taken. I omitted that and I now remember the Cs said this would be their final downfall. But on their way down they have been able to start wars that killed 60 million people, kill presidents at will, but hey cant kill YOU?
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