Mother of all gushers - BP Oil Disaster in Gulf of Mexico

Auranimal said:
TOXIC ALERT BP Death Clouds Have Come Onshore Benzene 3400ppb Hyrdrogen Sulfide 1200ppb

This would be a good time to Exit Louisiana and other near bye areas. If mandatory evacuation should happen, people are going to be corralled into Fema camps. OSIT

Yeah. Interesting that they come right out and say that people should "take precautions to move out of the area."

As for some kind of "intentional" disaster, or "false flag," I don't think we really need to even go there. It is far more effective - and probably realistic - to understand that this is an example of exactly what Lobaczewski talks about in "Political Ponerology", that when a pathocracy is in power, EVERYTHING deteriorates because they simply do not have the capacity to manage things, to make good decisions. My take on that is that it is due to the psychopathic nature of the thing: they cannot understand consequences and therefore, their decisions are based on what they WANT in an immediate way, with as little cost to themselves as possible.

Lobaczewski said:
... Such a system of government has nowhere to go but down.

In a pathocracy, all leadership positions, (down to village headman and community cooperative managers, not to mention the directors of police units, and special services police personnel, and activists in the pathocratic party) must be filled by individuals with corresponding psychological deviations, which are inherited as a rule. However, such people constitute a very small percentage of the population and this makes them more valuable to the pathocrats. Their intellectual level or professional skills cannot be taken into account, since people representing superior abilities are even harder to find. After such a system has lasted several years, one hundred percent of all the cases of essential psychopathy are involved in pathocratic activity; they are considered the most loyal, even though some of them were formerly involved on the other side in some way.

Under such conditions, no area of social life can develop normally, whether in economics, culture, science, technology, administration, etc. Pathocracy progressively paralyzes everything.

Normal people must develop a level of patience beyond the ken of anyone living in a normal man’s system just in order to explain what to do and how to do it to some obtuse mediocrity of a psychological deviant who has been placed in charge of some project that he cannot even understand, much less manage.

This special kind of pedagogy – instructing deviants while avoiding their wrath - requires a great deal of time and effort, but it would otherwise not be possible to maintain tolerable living conditions and necessary achievements in the economic area or intellectual life of a society. Even with such efforts, pathocracy progressively intrudes everywhere and dulls everything.

Those people who initially found the original ideology attractive eventually come to the realization that they are in fact dealing with something else that has taken its place under the old name. The disillusionment experienced by such former ideological adherents is bitter in the extreme. Thus, the pathological minority’s attempts to retain power will be threatened by the society of normal people, whose criticism keeps growing.

Therefore, to mitigate the threat to their power, the pathocrats must employ any and all methods of terror and exterminatory policies against individuals known for their patriotic feelings and military training; other, specific “indoctrination” activities such as those we have presented are also utilized. Individuals lacking the natural feeling of being linked to normal society become irreplaceable in either of these activities. Again, the foreground of this type of activity is occupied by cases of essential psychopathy, followed by those with similar anomalies, and finally by people alienated from the society in question as a result of racial or national differences.

The phenomenon of pathocracy matures during this period: an extensive and active indoctrination system is built, with a suitably refurbished ideology constituting the vehicle or Trojan horse for the purpose of pathologizing the thought processes of individuals and society. The goal - forcing human minds to incorporate pathological experiential methods and thought-patterns, and consequently accepting such rule - is never openly admitted. This goal is conditioned by pathological egotism, and the possibility of accomplishing it strikes the pathocrats as not only indispensable, but feasible. Thousands of activists must therefore participate in this work. However, time and experience confirm what a psychologist may have long foreseen: the entire effort produces results so very limited that it is reminiscent of the labors of Sisyphus. It only results in producing a general stifling of intellectual development and deep-rooted protest against affront-mongering “hypocrisy”. The authors and executors of this program are incapable of understanding that the decisive factor making their work difficult is the fundamental nature of normal human beings – the majority.

The entire system of force, terror, and forced indoctrination, or, rather, pathologization, thus proves effectively unfeasible, which causes the pathocrats no small measure of surprise. Reality places a question mark on their conviction that such methods can change people in such fundamental ways so that they can eventually recognize this pathocratic kind of government as a “normal state”.

During the initial shock, the feeling of social links between normal people fade. After that has been survived, however, the overwhelming majority of people begin to manifest their own phenomenon of psychological immunization. Society simultaneously starts collecting practical knowledge on the subject of this new reality and its psychological properties.

Normal people slowly learn to perceive the weak spots of such a system and utilize the possibilities of more expedient arrangement of their lives. They begin to give each other advice in these matters, thus slowly regenerating the feelings of social links and reciprocal trust. A new phenomenon occurs: separation between the pathocrats and the society of normal people. The latter have an advantage of talent, professional skills, and healthy common sense. They therefore hold certain very advantageous cards. The pathocracy finally realizes that it must find some modus vivendi or relations with the majority of society: “After all, somebody’s got to do the work for us.”

There are other needs and pressures felt by the pathocrats, especially from outside. The pathological face must be hidden from the world somehow, since recognition of the deviant rulership by world opinion would be a catastrophe. Ideological propaganda alone would then be an inadequate disguise. Primarily in the interests of the new elite and its expansionary plans, a pathocratic state must maintain commercial relations with the countries of normal man. The pathocratic state aims to achieve international recognition as a certain kind of political structure; and it fears recognition in terms of a true clinical diagnosis.

All this makes pathocrats tend to limit their measures of terror, subjecting their propaganda and indoctrination methods to a certain cosmetology, and to accord the society they control some margin of autonomous activity, especially regarding cultural life. The more liberal pathocrats would not be averse to giving such a society a certain minimum of economic prosperity in order to reduce the irritation level, but their own corruption and inability to administer the economy prevents them from doing so.
Current hypothesis of the possible spread of the Gulf Oil Spill. :/ The utube below is a possible scenario :cry:?
I was also thinking :huh: what would and or how could a hurricane bring this mess from the ocean's surface to the higher atmosphere's and thus disrupt air traffic across the globe. Would it, or could a hurricane activities change the dynamics and mechanics of the jet engine's ability to operate in an atmosphere of dirty oil laden air. Could a hurricane bring this mess above the 40,000ft at near transatlantic operating routes? Just scratching my head again?

Satellite view of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico on June 12, 2010, from the Aqua satellite. NASA image courtesy the MODIS Rapid Response Team.
56 days into the the still-leaking Deepwater Horizon oil well spill in the Gulf of Mexico, satellite views are becoming a daily viewing habit. This latest image, taken on June 12, 2010 shows the oil particularly visible across the northern Gulf of Mexico when the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite captured this image at 1:55 p.m. CDT. Oil appears to have reached beaches and barrier islands in Alabama and the western Panhandle of Florida. The problem for wildlife, and particularly birds, is that from above, the water does not look different. And when they dive in for prey, the get soaked with oil. Estimates are that between 12,000 and 19,000 barrels a day are gushing from the damaged well. On June 3rd, BP lowered a containment cap onto a cut pipe to catch some of the flow. This cap, says the company, is now collecting more than 10,000 barrels of oil a day, ferrying it up to a tanker on the surface. But no one can be absolutely sure of the estimates.
As the oil is coming ashore along the gulf coast, everyone wonders how far the oil will travel. Researchers National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) have completed a detailed computer modeling study that indicates the oil might soon extend along thousands of miles of the Atlantic coast and open ocean as early as this summer. The video of their results, captured in a series of dramatic animations, below, has caused quite a stir.

NASA Shows BP Gulf Oil Spill Satellite Views - Time Lapse Video


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The following information is from the article "Gulf Spill Oil Hazards" at The article is detailed and urgent for people living in the Gulf states and/or working with the cleanup. The following quotes give a brief outline of the topics covered.

Gulf Spill Oil Hazards said:
Crude oil is a complex mixture of chemicals that have varying abilities to be absorbed into the body through the skin, lungs, and during digestion of food and water. Most components of crude oil enter the bloodstream rapidly when they are inhaled or swallowed. Crude oil contains chemicals that rapidly penetrate the skin and move through cell walls. They can damage cell structures, including DNA, and alter the function of the cells and the organs.

Chemicals and mixtures covered in this report include:

crude oil


propylene glycol

polypropylene glycol butyl ether



hydrotreated light petroleum distillates (Nopar 13 and kerosene)

Chemicals in crude oil and dispersants can cause a wide range of health effects in people and wildlife, depending on the level of exposure and susceptibility. Crude oil has many highly toxic chemical ingredients that can damage every system in the body. Dispersant chemicals can affect many of the same organs. These include:

respiratory system nervous system, including the brain

liver reproductive/urogenital system

kidneys endocrine system

circulatory system gastrointestinal system

immune system sensory systems

musculoskeletal system hematopoietic system (blood forming)

skin and integumentary system disruption of normal metabolism

Damage to these systems can cause a wide range of diseases and conditions. Some may be immediately evident, and others can appear months or years later. The chemicals can impair normal growth and development through a variety of mechanisms, including endocrine disruption and direct fetal damage. They cause mutations that may lead to cancer and multi-generational birth defects. Some are known carcinogens, such as benzene (CDC, 1999).

Many of the chemicals in crude oil and the dispersants target the same organs in the human body, and this increases the risk and may increase the severity of harm. In addition, the dispersants currently used can increase the uptake (dose) of crude oil chemicals and movement of chemicals into critical organs.

Some people especially susceptible to harm are:

- those with pre-existing serious health conditions

- infants, children, and unborn babies

- pregnant women, especially those carrying multiple babies

- people working or living in conditions that impose health stresses, including exposures to other toxic chemicals

Individual responses depend on exposure and each individuals characteristics.

To fully understand and appropriately respond to chemical exposures that may result from crude oil and dispersants it is essential that additional information be provided by the federal government. This should include chemical concentrations of crude oil and dispersant chemicals and their breakdown and interactions byproducts in air, water, soil/sand, food, seafood and other media. Studies the government has on toxicity, persistence, and bioaccumulation should be made public. This information has not been adequately provided to the public or public health community. This severely limits the ability of people to make informed decisions and take appropriate protective action.

Laura said:
As for some kind of "intentional" disaster, or "false flag," I don't think we really need to even go there. It is far more effective - and probably realistic - to understand that this is an example of exactly what Lobaczewski talks about in "Political Ponerology", that when a pathocracy is in power, EVERYTHING deteriorates because they simply do not have the capacity to manage things, to make good decisions. My take on that is that it is due to the psychopathic nature of the thing: they cannot understand consequences and therefore, their decisions are based on what they WANT in an immediate way, with as little cost to themselves as possible.

Thanks for the context, Laura. Normal people with talent, professional skills, and healthy common sense are involved in an online community evolving at Lobaczewski's insights are certainly confirmed by the pathocratic motives and incompetence that led to the Gulf Oil Disaster and that normal people have to clean up the mess and live with the damage. Lobaczewski helps understand that the psychopathic nature of the management of governments and corporations inevitably result in catastrophes like the Gulf Oil Disaster. I appreciate your clarification that the existence of "conspiracy" and "false flags" are attributes of pathocracy in power.

Lobaczewski said:
Normal people slowly learn to perceive the weak spots of such a system and utilize the possibilities of more expedient arrangement of their lives. They begin to give each other advice in these matters, thus slowly regenerating the feelings of social links and reciprocal trust. A new phenomenon occurs: separation between the pathocrats and the society of normal people. The latter have an advantage of talent, professional skills, and healthy common sense. They therefore hold certain very advantageous cards. The pathocracy finally realizes that it must find some modus vivendi or relations with the majority of society: “After all, somebody’s got to do the work for us.”

“After all, somebody’s got to do the work for us.” That sure sums up the psychopath's attitude toward normal humanity. They are the masters, we are the slaves.
"Louisiana lawmakers propose prayer to stop oil disaster"



Really? Is that the new answer? Why not pray that there was no blowout, or pray that they won't kill us with the very air we breath. Thanks lawmakers, it's really helping.
Dawn said:
"Louisiana lawmakers propose prayer to stop oil disaster"



Really? Is that the new answer? Why not pray that there was no blowout, or pray that they won't kill us with the very air we breath. Thanks lawmakers, it's really helping.

The true essence of prayer (of producing the changes in ourselves which bring about the desired results or in which state we are inspired with solutions) would be a great help now. The more programed method of prayer (that of pleading for help) won't do too much good.
I think a renewal of dedication to EE, to clearing emotions, connecting with the higher self and the group soul energy, might be the only really effective thing we can do. And what that would do would be to form a nucleus of awakened people to whom others would be attracted for solutions and leadership. That would then translate into concrete actions, perhaps, of the kind that might help various situations on the planet, including getting the psychopaths out of power.

Or so it seems to me.
Now that is action I can believe in. :)

Laura said:
I think a renewal of dedication to EE, to clearing emotions, connecting with the higher self and the group soul energy, might be the only really effective thing we can do. And what that would do would be to form a nucleus of awakened people to whom others would be attracted for solutions and leadership. That would then translate into concrete actions, perhaps, of the kind that might help various situations on the planet, including getting the psychopaths out of power.

Or so it seems to me.
Thanks Laura,

It is more than interesting with so many references to using EE. That makes sense with "raising frequency" which is something I was curious and concerned about for a long time before I found The Wave. I think I first got peaked on the "frequency shift" idea from the different biblical quotes that talk about (in the end of days) "the skies will become a scroll." With my limited knowledge and amateur studies of astrology and physics, and my fairly extensive knowledge of electricity, electronics and radio engineering; it made so much sense that something was going to "hit us" from outside, and we had to raise our spiritual awareness to a higher frequency, to be able to allow our souls to "rise above" this disintegrating onslaught (from deep space, and the fourth dimension etc). I am learning a lot, such as the concept of "densities" since I have been studying your writings, and things the C's point out. I love the simplicity of breathing and meditation as a way of rising above the "ways of the world" - I don't think it would have as much impact if the Gulf situation wasn't happening as it is.

My girlfriend put on the EE DVD about an hour ago, it's playing in the background as I've been checking the internet. I've been following this "gusher" thread with interest. Meditation and breathing help so much, to stay calm, as I watch this global terror unfold 2000 miles away from here. I used to live down that way, and know the area from Houston to South Florida very well. I am so concerned for my family and friends that live down there. That's one reason I've been trying to stay on top of the "real news" since a number of my friends "down south" count on my insight to help them be aware of what they are in for. I've had to teach myself how to "not" be an alarmist; but from day one of the Deep Horizon, by alarm bells have been going off. Something is telling me, this is the beginning of the "final chapter"...

Also, thank you for posting the particular quote from Political Ponerology, I got that book in the order with the EE program, and haven't gotten very far through it yet. It is another bit of information that shows me I am not crazy and alone in my thoughts. The "Imps" (one term I call the psychopaths in power) are at it again...
Is anyone familiar with this video on you tube?

I am sorry but i don't know why I am unable to copy and paste the website address here directly so that you can just click on it and it will take you straight there instead of you having to copy it again from here. Anyway, this was posted some time ago, and this guy is actually talking about all these UN vehicles being parked on a Florida airport base. He zooms right onto the base to show the hundreds of UN vehicles being parked there; the estimate is about 4000 vehicles. IF the undersea volcano does collapse and that creates a huge tidal wave, I just hope that people will have enought time to move away from those areas that will be affected. Oh man, am I being paranoid here? Please tell me yes.
I was thinking about the January 30th session tonight and how it opened:

Cs said:
A: More people is good! 5D is watching closely.

And Laura's explanation of what this means:

L said:
I'll have to go back to listen to the tape to see what we were talking about. My general impression was that there was intense interest in our activities in 5 D for a variety of reasons even including just "dead relatives" of all those attending being present to cheer us on. But, after reading some of these comments and questions I started to mull the thing over and went to bed last night thinking about it. During the night, the answer came - I woke up in the darkness with "the voice of SEEing" explaining to me that the fate of humanity is very important to 5 D because that will determine whether or not the Earth continues to be useful as a place for souled individuals to incarnate to work out their issues. In other words, if STS takes over completely, they will actually spoil their own plans because souled individuals will no longer find Earth to be a congenial "school" and will have to find a more suitable place for soul development activities. And, apparently, there are not so many places where all the conditions are just right and it could put a serious crimp in soul evolution.

So, yeah, they are really interested and feeling hopeful that somehow things will get sorted out by our activities.

I can't help but wonder, with each million gallons of oil and massive volumes of methane that erupt from the floor of the Gulf, if 5D has a more definitive answer. I don't mean to be pessimistic, at all, but I'm just thinking that this must be significant from that perspective - or perhaps not?

Each time an animal species becomes extinct on this planet (I'm thinking of certain species of sea turtles in the Gulf at the moment) I wonder if the specific soul group, whose essence is represented by that particular species, has left planet Earth - no longer finding it conducive to its life or development. In a way, it's as if 'life' is leaving - or, at least, certain forms of life.

Right now, it's difficult to shake the feeling that more 'life' is leaving this planet. That doesn't mean the planet will become a 'dark star', necessarily - but - I do wonder what 5D considers about all this, as it relates to the planet's future as a venue for soul development.
(thanks Anart, what a point to ponder - the extinct animals)

More on Methane (yes it's AP)(fm Tampa Bay online)

"This is the most vigorous methane eruption in modern human history," said John Kessler, a Texas A&M University oceanographer.

Scientists, including those working with the flow team, estimate that methane makes up between 40 percent and 70 percent of what is spilling into the Gulf.


Plus, and interesting site on Hypoxia, the depletion of oxygen. This sight offers current Gulf reports of Hyponic zones.

Mona said:
Is anyone familiar with this video on you tube?

I am sorry but i don't know why I am unable to copy and paste the website address here directly so that you can just click on it and it will take you straight there instead of you having to copy it again from here. Anyway, this was posted some time ago, and this guy is actually talking about all these UN vehicles being parked on a Florida airport base. He zooms right onto the base to show the hundreds of UN vehicles being parked there; the estimate is about 4000 vehicles. IF the undersea volcano does collapse and that creates a huge tidal wave, I just hope that people will have enought time to move away from those areas that will be affected. Oh man, am I being paranoid here? Please tell me yes.

That really is alarming! Obviously, big plans are already in motion and there probably isn't a whole lot that can be done about it. I cannot actually tell if all those thousands of vehicles are UN vans or something else, but even if they were something else... it doesn't look too good. If I lived down south, anywhere along the coast, I would be high-tailing it outa there ASAP.

quote Anart
Right now, it's difficult to shake the feeling that more 'life' is leaving this planet....

Can't say as I blame them. Pretty sure I dont want to come back here either.
Auranimal said:
That really is alarming! Obviously, big plans are already in motion and there probably isn't a whole lot that can be done about it. I cannot actually tell if all those thousands of vehicles are UN vans or something else, but even if they were something else... it doesn't look too good. If I lived down south, anywhere along the coast, I would be high-tailing it outa there ASAP

I'm a bit confused - why is this so alarming? Who is this guy? How does he know these vehicles - if they are there - are actually UN vehicles? He offers no proof of that and the images look a bit doctored to me (though I'm obviously no expert).
The basic question is how does he know these are UN vehicles?

Lots of holes in this video, and LOTS of videos on the internet that are made up. Yes, we have a very serious problem - yes - people may be evacuated, but let's try to find data that has a reliable source and can actually be identified and checked before we take it seriously. fwiw.
anart said:
Auranimal said:
That really is alarming! Obviously, big plans are already in motion and there probably isn't a whole lot that can be done about it. I cannot actually tell if all those thousands of vehicles are UN vans or something else, but even if they were something else... it doesn't look too good. If I lived down south, anywhere along the coast, I would be high-tailing it outa there ASAP

I'm a bit confused - why is this so alarming? Who is this guy? How does he know these vehicles - if they are there - are actually UN vehicles? He offers no proof of that and the images look a bit doctored to me (though I'm obviously no expert).
The basic question is how does he know these are UN vehicles?

Lots of holes in this video, and LOTS of videos on the internet that are made up. Yes, we have a very serious problem - yes - people may be evacuated, but let's try to find data that has a reliable source and can actually be identified and checked before we take it seriously. fwiw.

I found this thread.


Check the all caps post #19. Maybe poster will make good on his promise. On balance I agree that alarm is "reaction", blinds discernment and should be reserved for actually fending off real lions and tigers and bears...and actual terrists (as they say in Texas). It seems that pathocrats depend on maintaining biological, psychological and emotional alarm in their prey to camouflage their moves. I'ma wait and see on this one.
Hi lawg,

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