Music Collaboration


Been working on this, its different to the other clip above, hopefully it can be used to the Evil Magician story that Breton proposed. Its mainly guitars, someone might want to add drums and bass, or send me those tracks and i will try(hopefully) to mix it into the song.

Feel free to edit/comment about it, don't hesitate if you ever have an idea regarding the song. (Because to tell you the truth, after finishing it and after hearing it several times, it seemed to me that some parts doesn't fit in the song like at "2:35-2:50" for example.. sigh.. and after all the work :/).

Well if you need the .wav file (50mbs) or the single tracks or anything else, just mention it :). BTW i didn't know if i should upload it to the reverbnation page, because as far i could understand it needs a password?(Can somebody pm it?). So i uploaded to mediafire again(or should i upload it to other service? like rapidshare?).

Hope it is useful to someone. Cheers!

(BTW Breton, when you mentioned "practising non-identification!" in page 5 of this thread, as far as i could understood is, the person should of not be to attached to whatever he has putted to much work, so if someone criticizes or praise that work, that shouldn't affect the person in any way, like if it isn't his work? or.. maybe he could learn about the mistakes that probably other people is criticizing for? or maybe he can realize his reactions and actions based on peoples opinion?. Is that on track or way off.)

Thanks in advance.
Str!ke said:
Been working on this, its different to the other clip above, hopefully it can be used to the Evil Magician story that Breton proposed. Its mainly guitars, someone might want to add drums and bass, or send me those tracks and i will try(hopefully) to mix it into the song.

Feel free to edit/comment about it, don't hesitate if you ever have an idea regarding the song. (Because to tell you the truth, after finishing it and after hearing it several times, it seemed to me that some parts doesn't fit in the song like at "2:35-2:50" for example.. sigh.. and after all the work :/).

Well if you need the .wav file (50mbs) or the single tracks or anything else, just mention it :). BTW i didn't know if i should upload it to the reverbnation page, because as far i could understand it needs a password?(Can somebody pm it?). So i uploaded to mediafire again(or should i upload it to other service? like rapidshare?).

Hope it is useful to someone. Cheers!
Thanks! I will have to check it out and see if it works for me or not.

[I don't think you need to deactivate the link, it is not a reference to a disinfo site or something like that]

And as far as my idea goes, it is open for anyone to take the idea anywhere they want to, change it, expand it, and so on. That is why I posted it.

Str!ke said:
(BTW Breton, when you mentioned "practising non-identification!" in page 5 of this thread, as far as i could understood is, the person should of not be to attached to whatever he has putted to much work, so if someone criticizes or praise that work, that shouldn't affect the person in any way, like if it isn't his work? or.. maybe he could learn about the mistakes that probably other people is criticizing for? or maybe he can realize his reactions and actions based on peoples opinion?. Is that on track or way off.)

At the time I wrote it I was really trying hard to self-observe as Gurdjieff teaches. Therefore, I was thinking that if I found myself feeling bad if someone critisized my creations, or if I felt pride for the creations, these were things to indicate I was identifying with my work, and not self-remembering. So I wondered if I could try to detach from my creations ahead of time, so that I tried to make sure I was not looking for praise or fearing ridicule, and I was doing these things for some other reason. Or something like that anyways, I now realize it is somewhat hard to say.

I wonder if it is good to re-read how Ouspensky captured some of Gurdjieff's thoughts on identification in In Search of The Miraculous?

ISOTM said:
"This in its turn is connected with one of the fundamental characteristics of man's attitude towards himself and to all his surroundings. Namely, his constant 'identification' with what at a given moment has attracted his attention, his thoughts or his desires, and his imagination.

" 'Identification' is so common a quality that for purposes of observation it is difficult to separate it from everything else. Man is always in a state of identification, only the object of identification changes.

"A man identifies with a small problem which confronts him and he completely forgets the great aims with which he began his work. He identifies with one thought and forgets other thoughts; he is identified with one feeling, with one mood, and forgets his own wider thoughts, emotions, and moods. In work on themselves people are so much identified with separate aims that they fail to see the wood for the trees. Two or three trees nearest to them represent for them the whole wood.

"'Identifying' is one of our most terrible foes because it penetrates everywhere and deceives a man at the moment when it seems to him that he is struggling with it. It is especially difficult to free oneself from identifying because a man naturally becomes more easily identified with the things that interest him most, to which he gives his time, his work, and his attention. In order to free himself from identifying a man must be constantly on guard and be merciless with himself, that is, he must not be afraid of seeing all the subtle and hidden forms which identifying takes.


"Identifying is the chief obstacle to self-remembering. A man who identifies with anything is unable to remember himself. In order to remember oneself it is necessary first of all not to identify. But in order to learn not to identify man must first of all not be identified with himself, must not call himself 'I' always and on all occasions. He must remember that there are two in him, that there is himself, that is 'I' in him, and there is another with whom he must struggle and whom he must conquer if he wishes at any time to attain anything. So long as a man identifies or can be identified, he is the slave of everything that can happen to him. Freedom is first of all freedom from identification.

So as far as the work goes, it was about observing the self mainly. A person could try an see if he/se can detach from his creation. If not, then examine carefully the emotional responses to praises and criticisms of others to try help understand one's machine. The observer self has an opportunity to observe the false self that identifies with the work.

Or something like that. I am still learning.
Thanks for explaining it Breton, :D

I've made some corrections the other song and added drums, particularly if you think something is off or weird or that doesn't belong to the song, or if you would like to add something , i would like if you could point that so if its corrections/mistakes I could try to improve/correct it.
Thank you :)
Feedback is well appreciated,

[Sorry if my English doesn't make sense] :P
Str!ke said:
Thanks for explaining it Breton, :D

I've made some corrections the other song and added drums, particularly if you think something is off or weird or that doesn't belong to the song, or if you would like to add something , i would like if you could point that so if its corrections/mistakes I could try to improve/correct it.
Thank you :)
Feedback is well appreciated,

[Sorry if my English doesn't make sense] :P

You are quite talented, I don't know how you musicians can come up with something so fast! There is nothing wrong with your technique but my first impression is that I am rethinking that maybe such a long hard guitar is too hard for me to listen to. For me it would have to be something brief to make a point or something. But that is just me, and my taste. I will listen and think about it some more, and see if I can come up with some other thoughts about how it could go, if you don't mind.
Nice Str!ke. Jazzy speed metal? ;D

The intro is really tasteful, imo. And when time is more readily available, I'd like to play around with it a bit.

Like Breton however, I find it hard to listen to heavy guitar(distortion) for long periods.

Care to post it at the Hub(if you haven't already)?
Thanks for having it a listen, :D

:P Sorry I don't know what you refer to the Hub, is it the reverbnation page? if yes, isn't it needs a password to upload something? is there somebody i should pm to ask the password?

So, you would like the guitar clean for more moments, or just lower the distortion on the heavy guitars, to make it kinda crunch(clean but with some distortion)?

I'll probably start another one; so far, no heavy guitars, (right?) Or is there a particular genre, or band that you would like it to be? Just to get some ideas on how to do the next one. Thanks :)
Str!ke said:
Thanks for having it a listen, :D

:P Sorry I don't know what you refer to the Hub, is it the reverbnation page? if yes, isn't it needs a password to upload something? is there somebody i should pm to ask the password?

So, you would like the guitar clean for more moments, or just lower the distortion on the heavy guitars, to make it kinda crunch(clean but with some distortion)?

I'll probably start another one; so far, no heavy guitars, (right?) Or is there a particular genre, or band that you would like it to be? Just to get some ideas on how to do the next one. Thanks :)

Nice work Strike , sounds excellent , not my genre for working along with , but i like that heavy sound.Cholas will probably pm you the password if thats what you want.Would like something from you which is maybe accoustic , or lighter guitar work and then i can throw it into my 16 track yamaha aw16g and maybe add something.Cool guitar.
You should have the password now Str!ke.

Yes, please post as much as you feel like. ;)

As AWTF mentioned, it would be great to have a 'library' of ideas there to toy with.
Hi again :)

Added a new clip, just 40~ sec acoustic guitars. Was thinking of putting a distorted solo :P but remembered that this one is going to be acoustic, anyway already uploaded to the webpage. Hope it is useful :) Have fun!.

Its named "IdeasAcoustic".
cholas said:
In reviewing all the posts here and the wonderful creativity it had already produced, I wanted to make a little, and very much partial list of those who stated an interest in the hopes that maybe we can continue. Of course it's surely been a busy time for most of you, especially with the Conference coming up and all. Maybe those of you traveling to France might have the opportunity to have a discussion together in this vein?

Abstract: Guitars, programming
Nomad: Bass, synth, keyboards
Alejo: Guitars, graphics
mkrnhr: Finger-picking guitars
987baz: Guitars, vocals, keyboard, programming, video
Breton: Lyrics, organizination of
Gawan: Lyrics, organization of
DanielS: Bass, guitars
RyanX: (unclear)
D.Rusak: Trumpet, horns, flutes, whistles
Bidoche: Bass, mixing
cholas: Vocals, lyrics, guitars, percussion

And many, many more right?

Hello Cholas, group members,

I'm sorry for my late reply, but I think I cannot fully support this group, because I'm no musician myself and could only give very subjective points of view. So my participation within this group would be of not much help, just to let you guys know!!!!!!

Thanks Legolas. I'm pretty sure nothing is expected of anyone as surely we are all involved in many activities.

If you DO have a bit of inspiration though, please don't hold back. ;)

FWIW, I usually get hung up on lyrics but have a few acoustic songs that I'll soon add to the hub and any words/ideas anyone might have would be a nice collaboration. :cool:
By the way, I don't play "whistles" but recorders. They sound quite a bit different ;) Not sure if something got lost in translation, I know they are called the equivalent of "flute" in other languages.

Some random cool links:

_ (This one is cool, Nina Stern talks about the different recorders a little. The idea with her project, East of the River, was to emulate some traditional recorder/flute type instruments- ney, kaval, duduk, etc. A little more what I had in mind)
Something like this would be a good way for new people to interact who have not yet read much of the material. Are there other arts we could practice? Have our own oekaki board or something? Digital mural?
Hello Cass Band members!

I'm going to start by explaining that I've been pulled away from involvement in a lot of things due to a number of different things in my life recently, and I've been having a hard time getting back on track. I've been approached by a couple of musicians to do some gigs but I haven't been able to get organized enough to jump into that, or anything else for that matter. Interaction with my parents can have a profoundly draining effect, if I'm not careful, and it can take me weeks, if not months, to get my head together. That's why I've taken a while to get to this. But I've been listening to the tracks on reverbnation and trying to evaluate the situation so maybe we can come up with some ideas that might lead us to some interesting results. There are some great ideas there, by the way.

I think it would be important to start by identifying the problems that already exist, which means we have to be purely objective, and state right out what we think about what we are hearing and feeling. I say this because some people may not want to criticize others input, or performance, or, or, or... you know what I mean. But for this to work we are going to have to communicate in the same manner as we do on the rest of the forum - directly and honestly. If there is something we don't like, we must say so. If we don't, the project will slowly grind to a halt while everyone gradually bows out due to the fear of hurting someone's feelings. I'm actually wondering if that may be a factor in why it fizzled out in the first place.

Anyone that has written a song or two knows how it is. We have an idea and we know what we want it to sound like. If someone adds something to our song that we don't like, we don't know what to say, and we just want to crawl back into our one man studio and do it ourselves from then on. We have to get past that if we want it to work. We have to accept that everyone involved is being honest when they say that it doesn't bother them if someone tells them something like "I don't think what you added fits very well with what I wrote." And if someone is told something like that, and they feel hurt by it, well, they will be the ones with some Work to do. :D

I figure I'd start by sharing my observations about what I've heard so far, and if anyone else wants to add something, all the better. And if I'm way off about something, please say so.

The first thought I had was that some of the music I heard is not really something I would know what to do with. Best example, the heavy metal tune. I write in many different styles, and I like some heavy metal music, but I wouldn't know how to begin writing it. This gave me the idea that we might need to form two or three smaller groups so that we can match people up by their styles. We could try a certain combination the first time and then switch it up the next, and so on. We shouldn't be too picky about the initial results because we would be in the process of discovering who gels with who. If two people write something amazing together then they might want to stay in the same group from that point forward. We then try to find who fits best with them, switching it around, and so on again.

The idea of the groups might also help take care of the problem of "too many cooks spoiling the broth". If anyone can grab anything off the web site and add to it at any time then things could get muddled. So we have to develop a definite process for putting a song together. The way I have found that works best for me and my guitarist friend is that I have to present him with an entire song. I have never presented him with only a chorus, or only a verse, unless it was to ask his opinion on the sound, or the instrumentation, or something like that.

I always work out the entire form (verse, chorus, verse, bridge, chorus, solo section, chorus, out - something like that), write the entire bass line, and sing the melody with the lyrics. That way he is adding to a song that is already there, but he is able to change the entire feel just by adding a guitar part, or two. It could be a guitar part with a melody and lyrics, or a piano part with same. Having the melody and lyrics is very helpful because without that it can be hard for someone to identify which section is which, even if you write it down for them with the number of bars and everything. But it really has to be something that outlines the entire chord progression with the melody (the melody could be hummed at the beginning, or just la la la with lyrics to be written later). That might be a good way to start, and if we develop a good working process we can play around with it later.

I think that will mean that the person who came up with the initial idea will have to be the one who "decides", if you know what I mean. If someone adds a guitar part to a bass line/melody and the original composer doesn't like it, they can say "no, that's not it". Then the same guitarist can keep trying other things until the first person says "I like it!". Then it gets passed on to the next person in the process.

So I'm thinking we all share what our live instruments are, what software we can use for adding other instruments, and the styles we would like to write. Based on that info we divide everyone into groups that have one bassist, one guitarist, one drummer, one keyboardist, and that makes up the core of that group - just as an example. One person presents their idea, with full form, and sends it to the next logical person in the group, and so on. The precise order can be worked out later. I realise there is a lot more to be said on this subject but I'll leave that for a more detailed discussion.

Then there is the problem of sound quality. Some people will have a great idea but not the best equipment. We might have to pass on some ideas to people who can make a better sounding track. That means that someone might be upset that they are not actually playing on the final recording. Personally, if I made a crappy recording of my guitar and voice, singing my own composition, and then passed it on to others that could record it better, I'd be elated. But that's just me. So that might be an important detail when it comes to choosing who is in what band, and that could get complicated. Who knows, maybe we would end up with only one band putting the final products together, while the other bands are putting together rough recordings to send to that one band - it's just a thought. Maybe we need to have people send in examples of their recordings so we can hear what their work sounds like. That can help in deciding who is in what band.

So there are some of my ideas. I hope there is something in here that we can work with, that others can add to, or point out where there is a problem. While I was writing all this I got the impression that this might be a fine way to apply the Work, because everyone involved might have to work at losing some self importance and leaving their egos at the door. The idea is to come up with half decent recordings of music that we created together. Each person will have a role to play, some more prominent than others but all equally important.

Any thoughts?
mocachapeau said:
Hello Cass Band members!

I'm going to start by explaining that I've been pulled away from involvement in a lot of things due to a number of different things in my life recently, and I've been having a hard time getting back on track. I've been approached by a couple of musicians to do some gigs but I haven't been able to get organized enough to jump into that, or anything else for that matter. Interaction with my parents can have a profoundly draining effect, if I'm not careful, and it can take me weeks, if not months, to get my head together.

Maybe this is something you'd want to post in The Swamp about? Could be worth while getting some feedback...

So there are some of my ideas. I hope there is something in here that we can work with, that others can add to, or point out where there is a problem. While I was writing all this I got the impression that this might be a fine way to apply the Work, because everyone involved might have to work at losing some self importance and leaving their egos at the door. The idea is to come up with half decent recordings of music that we created together. Each person will have a role to play, some more prominent than others but all equally important.

Any thoughts?

I still think this is a great idea, and this kind of project really needs someone like you to coordinate things. Right now I feel that there are "more pressing matters" in my life to address, but if I can contribute in any way, I'd be glad to.

A while ago I wrote a (yet another) melody for the POTS, which you can listen to HERE. In the post below that you can find the score. It would be cool, in case others like the melody, to get tracks with e.g. drums, bass, guitar to that. I, or someone else could record the vocal part on a separate track. Just a thought, what do you think?

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