Nassim Haramein has discovered the Unified Theorey of Physics (???)

eliansito said:
Oh boy do I need reading and awareness, being in this forum is such a humbling experience and hope not to create much noise in the process...


We try to help each other in this process. Keep posting!
eliansito said:
Oh boy do I need reading and awareness, being in this forum is such a humbling experience and hope not to create much noise in the process...


No need to worry, keep reading and interacting - that's how we learn :)
If anybody ever doubted that Haramein is disinfo, look who he's hooked up with: Dan Winter! Remember Dan? The guy who whined in court that his audiences were "too stupid to know the difference"? See:

Notice that Dan was totally in bed with Vinnie Bridges then and that he was required by the court to entreat his friends and associates to stop lying to people.

Then he skipped out when he was supposed to be in court and there is an arrest warrant out for him.

So, now he's hooked up with Nassim Haramein and Elizabeth Rauscher.

Just to drive home the point of what these characters are up to, have a look here:


and here:



So, they all begin to reveal their hands with their connections: all interested in Black Magick and mumbo jumbo!
Since we get quite a few people on the forum asking about Nassim, I thought I would sticky the thread about him for easy reference.
Hello Laura, Ark and all others,
this is my first posting in this forum. For me it is very difficult to read all the postings in English, to understand them and give a response in English. But I try it.
Nassim Haramein.
My group and I met him in last year in Amsterdam / Netherland. He gave an evening to explain us his new theory. Later, when he finished, we had the time to meet him private after his “show”.
My friend discussed with Nassim around 2 hours about his thinking and about the results, Nassim gave to the world. Nassim got more information in this short time as in his the whole life of experience before. He was astonished and confused. But for me he didn’t understand.
My result: Nassim is not the founder of his thinking. He is a speaker of Reuscher and other people. He is a very smart and nice guy, but not a scientist with own knowledge.
What he is telling the world is not the truth. He doesn’t understand the reality. So he is in a bad situation. He knows, what he does. Also he knows what is wrong in his thinking. But he is in need of money for his project. He is a moneyspeaker, not living his own truth.
He is one of the “good” ones with connection to the bad ones. Money rules. Sorry Nassim. :O
I will explain more about this happening when time is right for this.
corwinvonamber said:
Nassim is not the founder of his thinking. He is a speaker of Reuscher and other people.

I am not so sure that Rauscher is the founder of her thinking either. And who are the real founders we can only guess.
Lately, with the stuff bubbling around about "disclosure," we may finally get more data on who is behind Rauscher, Haramein and much, much more!
Gee, things keep leading me back to this site. I've viewed a few segments of NH's presentation, only a few. But what I've heard already I've read elsewhere such as with David Wilcock's compilations.
Was also curious as to the number of negative comments below his vids. So I googled, to find Dave and Nass do have some ties tho not sure to what degree or level. Google however put this particular thread at the top...

No whiz here so I simply find the common denominator in this (new age) group's presentations are tangible positive vibes and optimal outlooks. Of course this may be intentional in the deceptive sense. I also find it well, infinitely more easy to "understand" as compared to hard physics. Another reason for caution; it is like mind candy...

Must be a "devil in the details" thing. Seems to me the whole thing is about the conscious aether, our role in it/as it and or how to tap it. But I suppose it's much deeper and we won't bother addressing creative intelligence and it's implications etc (karma, sts/sto, destiny yadda).

I do consider that it's all an aether interacting with itself. "Oneness" is the mantra...surely easy to accept the universe as an organic, holographic/fractal organism. It just so happens, per chance, that collectivism is the (mundane) controller's mantra as well. The other major feature is spontaneous evolution and or ascension. We'll see...if we're still around.

There are loads of interesting youtube vids on anti grav and the rest. That is, some of these vid authors have either gone to Incredible lengths to deceive or.... yup, something's going on and we've been treated like mushrooms. That is, the cat is out or getting out of the bag. But again, I couldn't pass an algebra exam even to avoid the russian front in february.

Azoth said:
No whiz here so I simply find the common denominator in this (new age) group's presentations are tangible positive vibes and optimal outlooks. Of course this may be intentional in the deceptive sense. I also find it well, infinitely more easy to "understand" as compared to hard physics. Another reason for caution; it is like mind candy...

Must be a "devil in the details" thing. Seems to me the whole thing is about the conscious aether, our role in it/as it and or how to tap it. But I suppose it's much deeper and we won't bother addressing creative intelligence and it's implications etc (karma, sts/sto, destiny yadda).

Some very good observations there. This thread has interested me for a long time because I have met Nassim and people who have ties to him in the past.

Rather than gossip or say anything that could amount to slander I'll just say this thread is definitely on the right track and the "pyramid" in this case is elusive and who knows who is running this dog and pony show (surely not human at the top). I've heard gossip and rumors of infighting about FUNDING, let's just leave it at that.

I will recount one instance which I think might give you a clue as to the hyperdimensional workings that surround Nassim and his work and Rauscher and all of it.

I can't even remember if it was 3 or 4 years ago now, maybe more I'm not going to look it up but one hot day in an unnamed city I went to a presentation by Nassim that lasted for over 5 hours. Visual candy galore (his presentation hinges upon the beautiful pictures).

When I approached Nassim during the break to ask a few questions he gave me the creeps and a dirty look. Unmistakeable. I couldn't figure out why.

Didn't think much of the experience except that it was indeed mind candy. Walked out with a bit more understanding of the "hyperdimensional" but more questions than answers of course.

Then about a year later I found this thread. What happened next shocked me.

While reading this thread I recalled a memory that I had repressed about what happened right before I walked into the lecture he gave that day. I was roasting in my car on the way to the location with no AC and sweating buckets. 3 minutes before I got to the lecture I passed a woman on a bridge and as I drove by she climbed up on top of the ledge of the bridge like she was going to jump. Traffic was going fast and I was in the next lane over so I couldn't stop. Never did know if she jumped.

The whole thing happened in slow motion. I know it's a stretch by normal means to link this with the energy at the lecture but I'm telling you, it's WEIRD that I totally forgot about this right after it happened. I walked into that lecture and it slipped my mind yet something about the energy of that woman about to jump stayed with me, if you get my drift.

Maybe it was an unrelated coincidence that I saw a "jumper" only minutes before walking into that lecture, who knows, but the whole vibe was OFF in a big big way, ESPECIALLY the part about me forgetting that I just saw a woman about to commit suicide minutes afterwards! I believe there is mind control and hyperdimensional control of a serious level going on with that camp.
This is a very interesting and insightful thread on Mr. Haramein. I discovered his presentation several years ago when I was just waking up, and it initially excited me very much. I believed he was on to something. Then, as rational consideration kicked in, I slowly reneged on that viewpoint and became skeptical of the "New Age feel-good hypnosis" that seems to permeate his work. Now, however, I am not sure either way, as his paper on the "Schwarzchild Proton" is supposedly getting some acclaim and support.

I have also met him at a presentation he gave, where he claimed to have developed a technology based on his theories. This device creates what he called a "singularity" in space-time. He did not go into the specific details of its design, but he connected it to the work of the late Walter Russell. He did, however, talk about all the paranormal phenomena associated with the device, such as non-physical beings "bleeding" through into 3D physical reality, "wave-forms" causing parts of his laboratory to oscillate in and out of existence (or something like that...). It can supposedly be used as an energy source and a gravitational source, and it is the key piece for the exploration of outer space.

I have not been able to find any discussion at all of this device online. Nassim claimed he would not reveal it to the world until the work on it was complete and results were ready to be published (and, of course, he said he needed money). I am curious if anyone here knows anything about this. Nassim struck me as quite intelligent, and as if he had a very well-formulated plan behind the development of his work. He also mentioned, in a private discussion with several individuals, that he had been a part of a sit-down meeting with several extraterrestrial races, where they talked about the future of humanity and this planet.

Also, I tried to follow up on ark's criticism in the appendix of the scaling law paper, and I could not find the quote mentioned. While I consider myself adept at math and physics, I am certainly no expert, and most of this material goes over my head. I am curious what ark has to say about the Schwarzchild Proton paper, which is being published by the American Institute of Physics.

I would also like to clarify that I do not necessarily support or endorse Nassim. I am just another seeker. It would, however, be wonderful if he was right, wouldn't it? But that's just the catch with his work, and all the other New Agers, isn't it...
Oneironaut said:
He also mentioned, in a private discussion with several individuals, that he had been a part of a sit-down meeting with several extraterrestrial races, where they talked about the future of humanity and this planet.

Oh really? What kind of future would that be and what kind of ET's did he supposedly sit down with? Not saying that it is not possible that he had such contact. Question is just how, who and what has been "talked" about?

Reminds me of this excerpt from "Bringers of the Dawn" by B. Marciniak:

"Over the next number of years, those who come from the skies may not be members of the Family of Light. They will be the mirror of those upon the planet. We have said to you that your lesson is authority -- to become your own authority and to stop giving over your decision-making process to governmental people or parents or teachers or gods. It is time for the people of Earth to become sovereign."

"Your history has been influenced by a number of light beings whom you have termed God... God with a big G has never visited this planet as an entity. God with a big G is in all things. You have only dealt with gods with a little g... who have thought of Earth as a principality, as a place that they own out in the galactic fringes of this free-will universe... In Prime Creator's universe here, all things are allowed. Because all things are allowed, many lessons are learned. Part of the dichotomy or balancing in a free-will zone is the allowance of all things, even tyrannies. In this free-will zone, everyone is endowed with the potential to create their own reality. It is a free-will choice to create having someone else create reality for you. Most people on Earth allow others to create and dictate their reality to them. Through frequency you have been steered to look outside yourself for answers."

"When these beings return to Earth, there will be many of you who will turn to them and say, "Yes, these are wonderful gods. I feel wonderful about them. They are so magnificent. Look what they can do." Some of these gods will seem to fix and save your world. This is where it will be easy to miss the bigger picture. It will look as if they are coming to fix and save your world when, in actuality, what they are doing is simply creating another form of authority and control. What we are saying is that people will put a belief system and a pradigm on these entities. There will be a large marketing program to sell the presence of these entities to you. This program is already going on."

"Many people will turn to worshipping these beings because it will seem as if miracles are occurring and the grandest event in the history of the world is taking place. It may seem that humanity is being given a whole new opportunity, a whole new golden era. Then there will be a very big surprise, and people will find that the tyrannies are larger than ever before. "

"Not everyone is going to make the shift. Everyone is not in the vibration that wants to work in harmony at this time. There are those on Earth who will feel as if they are in states of ecstacy when they find what they think is a new authority, a higher authority, a new paradigm... You are all learning about authority... That authority is coming back to Earth. There is a lesson in this for Earth. These beings, who are neither spiritually informed nor lean in spritual ways, deny the existence of a spritual force. They have developed scientific principles and technologies that scatter the laws of sprituality... It is possible to become a brilliant master of manipulating matter and reality without understanding spritual connections. It is very important that you learn this... Just as you have cultivated very powerful individuals upon this planet who are not in touch with their feeling centers... there are those who exist in space who are extremely powerful... who have nothing to do with spirituality... Wanting to have something to worship is the frequency control on Earth. What the planet is headed for is someone or something new to worship."

"Many of you may find that you will be very frustrated. You will see things that others will not see; you will see a mass mania occurring on this planet, and you will not be able to live with it. You will see masses of people walk toward a false god that is foolishness...Many of you who have studied and used your own discernment will be shocked and appalled at the foolishness and ideological worship that the rest of the human race will express toward certain beings from space... You will become disgusted with society because you will not fit with the new gods, and you will retreat."

"You must evolve yourselves and have your wits about you to ask for information because there is a divine law concerning interference. There are many who have broken that law and interfered with Earth. Your task is comprehension: to pull comprehension and understanding onto the planet, which will stabilize the energy and generate the power to create. Service is being an example. Have courage and speak your truth. Where is the rescue team? You are it."
Here is something relative new from Nassim Haramein together with
Klaus Dona they talk about stone inscriptions of the stones found in Central America as they said.




Here is also the Video on You tube. I was the 322 viewer.!
This man has some very interesting ideas and research, a LOT of which aligns with the Cs information. I would recommend watching it, the guy makes jokes like no other, quite refreshing for a physicist.

youtube search Nassim Haramein--- the first one I saw was an hour and a half lecture called Sacred Geometry & Unified Feilds.

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