New book: American Heart of Darkness

Re: New book: American Heart of Darkness -

Even though I have researched and written about macrosocial evil, it is still hard to get my mind around the fact the sickest of us tends to rise to the top. I suppose that it makes sense when you look at who would want a whole lot of power in the first place. Most of us want loving relationships, play sports, learn, create, whatever, and just want enough money to do these things. Something would almost have to be wrong with you in the first place to want so much money that you could not spend it. I remember the president of Disney complaining that he only made umpteen million dollars a year and his counterparts in industry were making more. I mean the guy was in the full whimper mode! I think he resigned.

But the fact that we put up with outright evil, worldwide, is just something that is astounding. I remember Malcolm X giving a speech about this and stating over and over again, "...and you go along with it because you a chump." Of course the fact that he could drive home these ideas in a way that people would do something about it is what got him killed.

There will be a new messiah, prophet, transformations leader, or whatever we want to call them. Maybe one has already come and gone, but we just don't know it yet.
Re: New book: American Heart of Darkness -

Robert Kirkconnell said:
Even though I have researched and written about macrosocial evil, it is still hard to get my mind around the fact the sickest of us tends to rise to the top.

Join the club. I've had to hammer that idea for the past ten years in order to get it through my programmed beliefs that everybody is/should be equal and are the same inside. It just isn't so. Not only are normal people distributed along a spectrum, but evil people have their own spectrum that runs parallel, it seems. They are predators - no other word for it - and the best of them are extremely difficult to perceive due to their mask of sanity.

Robert Kirkconnell said:
I suppose that it makes sense when you look at who would want a whole lot of power in the first place. Most of us want loving relationships, play sports, learn, create, whatever, and just want enough money to do these things. Something would almost have to be wrong with you in the first place to want so much money that you could not spend it. I remember the president of Disney complaining that he only made umpteen million dollars a year and his counterparts in industry were making more. I mean the guy was in the full whimper mode! I think he resigned.

So true. Not only do they want more money than they can spend, they do not want others to have anything because they derive enjoyment knowing that others suffer.

Robert Kirkconnell said:
But the fact that we put up with outright evil, worldwide, is just something that is astounding. I remember Malcolm X giving a speech about this and stating over and over again, "...and you go along with it because you a chump." Of course the fact that he could drive home these ideas in a way that people would do something about it is what got him killed.

What staggers my mind is that even if you explain, in the clearest terms, and with a pile of evidence, to anyone what the future of their children will be if they don't do something now, they don't seem to care enough to get it. If you explain to them that their children are just cannon fodder, they'll keep handing them over to be sacrificed. What kind of species does that? Obviously not one that is going to survive for very long.
Thanks for the comments Laura. And it is interesting that hardly anyone cares until it happens! Then they care, sometimes! I have seen this time and again, especially among teachers. I have seen teachers screwed to the wall by W. Bush and stick up for the clown!! After they just lost their careers to the SOB!! It just blows me away!!
Robert Kirkconnell said:
Thanks for the comments Laura. And it is interesting that hardly anyone cares until it happens! Then they care, sometimes! I have seen this time and again, especially among teachers. I have seen teachers screwed to the wall by W. Bush and stick up for the clown!! After they just lost their careers to the SOB!! It just blows me away!!

Maybe Bob Altemeyer's work on Authoritarians will add some pieces to the puzzle? His study "Amazing Conversions" is stunning in its implications. Then, of course, there is this idea from Andrew Bard Schmoolker:

Finally, of course, there is the Normalcy Bias that we have a thread on in the psychology section of the forum here.,26063.0.html

This is another interesting way to look at it: The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity,33028.0.html

And this study:,32501.0.html

This one:,31629.0.html

When the pieces of the cognitive science start coming together, it can be very depressing. I no longer think that anything we do is going to have any significant impact on the world; I just continue to do it because it is the right thing to do and it would be sad if the world ended and nobody stood up for truth and what is right. You know, kind of like the words of the song "The Impossible Dream":

To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go
To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star

This is my quest, to follow that star
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far
To fight for the right, without question or pause
To be willing to march into Hell, for a Heavenly cause

And I know if I'll only be true, to this glorious quest,
That my heart will lie will lie peaceful and calm,
when I'm laid to my rest
And the world will be better for this:
That one man, scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with his last ounce of courage,
To reach the unreachable star
Laura said:
When the pieces of the cognitive science start coming together, it can be very depressing. I no longer think that anything we do is going to have any significant impact on the world; I just continue to do it because it is the right thing to do and it would be sad if the world ended and nobody stood up for truth and what is right.

Laura, that is actually sad to hear. I was naively hoping that with time things would change for the better but it looks like that was just wishful thinking on my part. Though I cannot comment on overall readership statistics, it does seem that SOTT has been growing steadily, maybe just not enough to make a difference in this mechanized world.

Laura said:
You know, kind of like the words of the song "The Impossible Dream":

To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go
To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star

This is my quest, to follow that star
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far
To fight for the right, without question or pause
To be willing to march into Hell, for a Heavenly cause

And I know if I'll only be true, to this glorious quest,
That my heart will lie will lie peaceful and calm,
when I'm laid to my rest
And the world will be better for this:
That one man, scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with his last ounce of courage,
To reach the unreachable star

The lyrics of this song are truly inspiring!. I think I may add it in my signature.
Eboard10 said:
Laura said:
When the pieces of the cognitive science start coming together, it can be very depressing. I no longer think that anything we do is going to have any significant impact on the world; I just continue to do it because it is the right thing to do and it would be sad if the world ended and nobody stood up for truth and what is right.

Laura, that is actually sad to hear. I was naively hoping that with time things would change for the better but it looks like that was just wishful thinking on my part. Though I cannot comment on overall readership statistics, it does seem that SOTT has been growing steadily, maybe just not enough to make a difference in this mechanized world.

Well, it doesn't mean that those who can "see" and who make choices that change their trajectory might not move into/onto a different reality timeline; I just don't see how you can "change" a world where 90% of the people don't want it changed. We can't violate their free will and the only thing to do is develop our will to the point where our choices move us out of this one.
Laura said:
Eboard10 said:
Laura said:
When the pieces of the cognitive science start coming together, it can be very depressing. I no longer think that anything we do is going to have any significant impact on the world; I just continue to do it because it is the right thing to do and it would be sad if the world ended and nobody stood up for truth and what is right.

Laura, that is actually sad to hear. I was naively hoping that with time things would change for the better but it looks like that was just wishful thinking on my part. Though I cannot comment on overall readership statistics, it does seem that SOTT has been growing steadily, maybe just not enough to make a difference in this mechanized world.

Well, it doesn't mean that those who can "see" and who make choices that change their trajectory might not move into/onto a different reality timeline; I just don't see how you can "change" a world where 90% of the people don't want it changed. We can't violate their free will and the only thing to do is develop our will to the point where our choices move us out of this one.

Of course, we can't violate their free will to choose what to do and what to believe (or rather know). I was referring to a general raise of awareness by at least part of the population from being exposed to alternative news outlets. However, it looks like even those that are made aware of certain information more in line with the truth don't care enough to do anything about it as they are so ingrained in their belief systems and dependent on their current lifestyle. The PTB and their overlords have done a damn good job at that.
Re: Re: New book: American Heart of Darkness

Hmmm!! A lot of posting since yesterday, and some of it has a bit of an edge to it! Just some thoughts: New York Times.... I struggled with the publishing aspects of my book. On the one hand I wanted it to sell well because I wanted the message out and I wouldn't mind making a little money out of it, or at least recover my costs.... On the other, I did not want the "gate keepers" to get their hands on it either. I learned a lot about publishing and censorship in a "democracy" that actually came in handy in some cases.

I tried to get ahold of books that have been suppressed, and the more they were suppressed to more I tried to find them. I figured that the harder they were to get a hold of the more validity there was in them. Just out of print did not mean that much, but out of print and expensive did. Someone wants them but not being printed. Yes I want that one! I got good at this, and it paid off. I was able to connect dots that no one else had connected, but I did not want most publishers to get their hands on it. Most of them would have messed it up, but not all I am sure. The major publishers have been co-opted by the CIA, even in other countries.

This is the main reason I self-published. I have aimed my marketing on so-called "alternate" sources, and I have not paid for any marketing services. Actually, that was not my decision. My wife made my mind up on that one. She is an accountant. LOL!!

The gate keepers have made it so that the NY Times, libraries, etc. do not get self published books. There might be some exceptions but that is pretty much it. I really don't want the NYT messing with it anyway. The problem with "alternate" media and organizations is that they are not cohesive. They fight with and among each other. The exact reasons might not be fully known but this is a fact. One reason might be that we are all people that do not fit in with the mainstream. And maybe we don't fit in well anywhere else? I don't exclude myself in this either. I wish I had a nickel for every group I quit... Ego might also have something to do with it also.

I still like, or maybe even love, these groups because the people in them are very, very, knowledgeable. I just try to ignore the barbs. Maybe it is the nature of great minds!! Hey, you ought to see the Veterans for Peace go at it!! OMG!!

Hey, I think I am going to be able to interview Abraham Bolden, and maybe Edele Edisen also!! Some of you know they are both JFK assassination witnesses that the Warren Commission did not want to hear from!
Re: Re: Re: New book: American Heart of Darkness

Robert, we had the same problem with publishing.

We also made the same discovery about books "out of print and very expensive." And yeah, those are the ones that have stuff in them that you really want/need. I've gone through all kinds of concatenations to get my hands on many books. And I'm talking about history and psychology here!

So yeah, it's pretty much a given: if it's a best seller it's probably disinfo or, at least, insignificant in the grander scheme of things.

However, we have found that with our own publishing company, amazon, and our web presence (this forum gets over 4 million page views a month and sott gets more than that), we manage to sell books and videos steadily and consistently. I've also found that putting the material on the web for free actually increases sales. People want their own copy once they read it.
Re: Re: New book: American Heart of Darkness

Robert Kirkconnell said:
Hmmm!! A lot of posting since yesterday, and some of it has a bit of an edge to it!

Robert, I've moved the off-topic posts to another thread where they belong. I don't want them to distract from the issues of importance here. Let me just say that we've just had a real, live example of Ponerology in action.
We'll be interviewing Dr. Anna Salter Sunday:,33301.0.html

You might want to listen in, Robert.
Yes I will listen on Sunday, and thanks for that. Some of the discussions we have had reminded me of something I wrote about in my conclusions to my chapter three...


The United States has become a pathocracy and is run for and by an elite group of pathological personalities. This group is putting the final touches on looting the National Treasury, destroying the middle class, destroying the Constitution and also all forms of international law. They use these esoteric terms such as “globalization” to mask their intentions. Globalization is nothing more than a fancy term for mercantilism. These pathological personalities want cheap labor to turn resources into products that nobody really needs and then dump the toxic byproducts on defenseless people and societies.
They find the middle class extremely inconvenient. They do not want the average American to be educated and prosperous because that equates to political power. They do not want average Americans deciding the future of the country. They believe that is their job. This is why union membership has gone from over 40 percent of the workforce to about 17 percent now.
They especially do not want minorities obtaining political power. As long as the ruling elite can keep minorities powerless, they can also control the white middle class. Even though the white middle class is losing ground economically, they can at least feel that they are doing better than minorities. The middle class has been losing ground economically for many years. They do not realize this partly because of credit. Even though their purchasing power has declined, they do not realize this because they can still buy a bunch of junk that they do not need on credit. The white middle class has the illusion of being prosperous and superior to minorities. If minorities become prosperous and join the middle class, the ruling elite will have a real problem with the white middle class. The white middle class is being played like a fiddle, and by the time they figure it out, it will be too late.
Another form of social control that the ruling elite uses is the American drug trade. This very lucrative business roughly amounts to about $700 billion a year. A great deal of this money comes from minority communities in our urban cities and thus plays a key role in keeping minority communities impoverished. Further, the profits from this illegal drug trade are tax-free. If one believes that Crips, Bloods, Mafia, or any other well-known criminal organization is reaping the profits from this extremely lucrative business, they need to read the next chapter...
Robert Kirkconnell said:
If minorities become prosperous and join the middle class, the ruling elite will have a real problem with the white middle class. The white middle class is being played like a fiddle, and by the time they figure it out, it will be too late.

This is something that has agitated me to no end for some time. The blatant way the middle class has been played and is still being played, even as that class sinks into virtual destruction because of the political support they give to the pathocracy. The pathocracy presents its interests as the interests of the middle class business-person, pointing the finger at the lower classes as the bugaboo, and uses the middle class to destroy the lower classes and their own class without them even being aware that everything they do to the lower classes is going to bring on their own death.

I noticed this years ago during the Reagan administration when I was working for the State of Florida welfare office. The ranting about "welfare queens" had begun during the Carter administration and was being used to whip up the middle classes against the poor that Carter was trying to help. I was shocked by this because I can tell you that I never saw a single case of fraud among the poor that passed through our office. What I did see was two cases of fraud, one of which was done by a low level worker in the welfare system and the other was in Washington: someone who had access to the printing plates apparently made copies of them and ran off millions of dollars worth of food stamps which were being sold on the streets at discount. This was, apparently, a huge operation.

Oh, yeah, there were a couple of cases of some women who had multiple kids and had multiple accounts in a few states that I heard about from up north, but it was so rare compared to the fraud within the system that it wasn't even worth mentioning. And those few cases amounted to just a few thousands of dollars as opposed to the millions of dollars of fraud in the organization itself.

BUT, that attitude toward the poor - and its lack of basis in real facts - and how it was being used to whip up discontent among the middle class really shocked me. I was pretty green then, of course, but seeing people so completely WRONG and so determined to insist that they were right, and to push this horrible defamatory rant on everyone else just felt like a stomach punch. I was writing letters to newspapers and explaining what I had seen and knew, and none of them were being accepted for publication!

I don't know if you've read Michael Parenti's books, but he points out that throughout history, "gentlemen historians", i.e. the servants of the elite, have always referred to the poor as "the mob". This was true even in Roman times. Caesar was assassinated by the wealthy elite because he was trying to equalize things, he was "for the poor and disenfranchised." And his assassins deceived the world for centuries with their claims about being "freedom fighters" etc. It was all about their freedom to own everything and make slaves of everyone. Cato was a complete fraud. And Cicero was the most disgusting shyster lawyer and coward the world has ever known.

And so it continues to this day. I guess it is fitting to say that our civilization is modeled on Rome's; we should take a lesson from that, too.
Yes and thank you Laura for sharing that! Reagan was a pro at "talking in code" against the poor and also minorities. He once referred to food stamp recipients as "...young bucks buying T-bone steaks with food stamps..." which conjures up images of young black guys, not working, and living off of food stamps. It is outrageous! I notice that people "get it" when I talk with groups and give some facts, such as 70 percent of food stamp recipients are working full time.... But, within a short time they are right back on track, or off track that is. It is incredible!!

This is going to be critical that the American people learn that we are all in the same boat, "with psychopaths at the helm."

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