Robert Kirkconnell said:
I pretty much missed all of that. ... I let these elements, racism, genocide, and militarism take their own path, I just followed it.
Robert, i view sexism is an even bigger poison and older problem than racism. biblical hint genesis 3:15.
writing on the 2nd volume of
American Heart of Darkness you might consider to investigate the Kinsey/Hefner trail.
the father of the sexual liberation/revolution and the brain behind institutionalized sex eduction
in the western world is
Alfred Kinsey, a straight-laced conservative midwestern professor. he has
been exposed as an
American Mengele, a sadomasochistic, pedophiliac, homo/bi-sexual psychopath,
who delivered fraudulent "science". his instititute in Indiana is funded till today mainly by the
Foundation AND by taxpayers' money.
Kinsey's bomb
"Sexual Behavior in the Human Male", published 1948, has been translated into 30
languages. he screened DEVIANT males (pedophiles and prisoners) and had countless children abused
to sell his results as "normal".
impressionable Hugh Hefner, then a male virgin in college like most of his class mates, read it, bought it,
and decided to engage as Kinsey's pamphleteer (propagandist). his pro-pedophiliac since 1953 his
Playboy magazine became the second biggest sex education organ for men since 60 years
(to condition 3 generations).
sex addict Kinsey self-mutilated his sex organs which led to his death of orchitis. he was the first
funded producer of filmed pornograpy, a means to bribe and blackmail his subjects/funders.
moral relativist and atheist, Kinsey invented the human sexuality field, the dogma of 'sexual from
birth', and the sex education movement, he fathered the arguments of Planned Parenthood and
the landmark Roe v. Wade decision by the United States Supreme Court on abortion.
it took 33 years until the first whistleblower, a conservative woman, Dr. Judith Reisman, blew the
whistle on Kinsey's fraudulent junk science - yet to no avail at first. in the meantime she won a
child abuse court case against Playboy in the Netherlands, which was never reported by the US media.
Video TV interview with Judith Reisman, Ph.D. (*1935) professor in communications, "Sexual Sabotage",
presented by BookTV, US American cable television network C-SPAN, posted 9. April 2012
Kinsey, a man who changed the world, can be considered a pornography terrorist on morality and
human bonding worldwide. the Rockefellers and their media rendered this psychopath prominence.