New book: American Heart of Darkness

Laura said:
I have to agree that the sexism/sexual psychopath issue is a big one and strongly correlated with pathocracy.

An excellent book to try to get some insight into the mind of the sexual psychopath is Cleckley's "Caricature of Love". If you read this book and filter out the fact that there are homosexuals who are normal vs the psychopathic variety, you'll get the impression that what Cleckley was seeing through a glass darkly was something like intimations of Political Ponerology. It's a hard read, but well worth it. It's also hard to get so if you can't find a cheap copy, I have a pdf.

A PDF can also be found here in the thread for the book.
_ Homosexual Icon (Kinsey) and Child Porn - Bradlee Dean
Elf said: Homosexual Icon (Kinsey) and Child Porn - Bradlee Dean

Yup. And to get the gov/elite linkage, see sott's production:

Some of the footage is VERY, VERY disturbing.
In reading the most recent comments, which are very informative, two thoughts come to mind. The first one is on sexism and sexual harassment. I did my masters thesis in this area and was able to do research using military males as the subjects. The first thing I found out was there has been very little research done in this area. I did find research done on cohort groups such as sex offenders, and only a few studies using the old standby "captives," students and prisoners. Add to this we have everyone under the sun coming up with solutions to a problem they had almost no insight into. Politicians seem to be good at this. Of course, the answer to any problem that is not well understood is to punish someone. The military is also "good" at this.

This was in the early '90s and the problem kept getting worse and worse although the consequences kept getting more and more sever, especially in the military. In fact, some of you might have noticed that sexual harassment and violence have reached epidemic perportions in the U.S. military.

A thumbnail sketch of my findings was that young males in U.S. society were growing up without role models of what being male, masculine means. Many fathers were not "there" and even when they were they were aloof and detached from their sons. These young boys were left to themselves to figure out what a man is, and many came to the conclusion that being a man must be the opposite of what a woman (Mom) is. So, if Mom was nurturing and understanding then a man is being insensitive and tough. They not only espoused these antithetical attitudes and behaviors, but they also developed contempt toward what they saw as typically female in nature. This explains the contempt toward single parent mothers that is commonly seen in teenage boys.

This was seen throughout all career fields that I studied. Male aircraft mechanics compained that women were not strong enough to pick up their tool boxes and that they "were not going to help them," etc. Never mind that I could not find one instance any guy having to carry a woman's tool box, "they were not going to do it any more." Some of the comments were outright nasty and certainly qualified as sexual harassment. I found security police that stated they were tired of having to "pick up the slack" caused by women not working because they were pregnant. Of course when I checked who was missing more time from work it was by a large margin the guys. It appeared that they were much more likely to get drunk and run a car into a tree or whatever. And we had the fighter pilots, guys of course, who swore that women's necks were not strong enough to take the G forces that a man can take... and the list goes on of examples where we had men who felt that if a woman could to the same job they were doing, it made them less of a man.

Seems to me that all of these laws that are passed, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 I think it was have not had the desired effect because the critical elements of the problems have not been addressed nor even understood. Wasn't it in "problem solving 101" that the first thing you do is analyze the problem?
The second thing that comes to mind is the fact that too many of the top U.S. leadership, past and present, are perverts and pedophiles. Certainly this is related to psychopathy in that psychopaths do not seek and cannot appreciate rewarding relationship and so forth. I think it is possible that even we underestimate how common psychopathy is at the top levels of the corporate government. Maybe it is not that so much as it is that we underestimate the fact that the CIA is a whole institution that is psychopathic, and that it is the CIA that is taking over the world, not the U.S. per se. They are using the US and its allies to do this. Of course, they are doing the work of the Anglo-American power elite with a few add ons from Europe, Asia, and other regions.

There is this concept in Buddhism of ghost-like creatures that are never satisfied with loving relationships and such, so they eat all the time. They are portrayed with big bellies, small mouths and thin necks so that they never get enough to eat. Gabor Mate makes this analogy in his book, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts, and he uses this illustrate his point that North Americans are living in a toxic and traumatic environment that causes them to be biochemically imbalanced. Stress can cause low levels of dopemine in mothers, children, and also in unborn infants. This has been associated with compulsive behavior disorders such as drug addiction, alcoholism, compulsive gambling, etc. People low in dopamine will try to get their levels up somehow and these behaviors work for a while anyway. Of course the reaction to this problem is to punish the behavior which of course is ineffective. Children raised in trauma and then use drugs resulting in confinement are punished twice for something not of their doing. Add to this the fact that the people in power doing the social engineering are hungry ghosts themselves and not only unwilling but also unable to even understand these problems and we have what we have now -- a society that is driving off a cliff and instead of putting on the brakes, we are stomping down harder on the accelerator.
Robert Kirkconnell said:
Wasn't it in "problem solving 101" that the first thing you do is analyze the problem?

Yes, but it's much harder to analyze an ongoing process than it is to analyze a static thing. If this particular subject was a thing, it'd be phenomenologically distributed across multiple levels of physical and abstract being.

I've read many discussions that draw a picture of widespread misogyny as well as camouflaged man-hatred. This is sometimes referred to as Patriarchy vs Matriarchy. Both sides use many examples of gender bias to make their case.

One off-forum discussion I recall from years ago started on a primitive biological level with an observed difference between the biological reproductive interests of men and women. That's the old "males are programmed to sow their seed far and wide whereas females are programmed to carefully select a mate in the interest of choosing the best genes to propagate and then keep the male tied down with raising children" argument.

From there, evidence and examples are provided that draw a picture of a Matriarchal society where women have all the primary benefits and program males to keep the status quo going so the females have an easier life or easier time of it or whatever.

The Matriarchal argument usually culminates with an observation that if a person really believes women are not the hidden controllers in society, then just try to get custody of your children in divorce court; or just try to win in any case where your opponent is female and the issue isn't a neutral one, like a traffic ticket or vehicular moving violation or something similar.

At this point of this type of discussion, the strongest argument against Matriarchy that I have seen presented is related to media reports and statistics showing the high rate of spousal abuse and other examples of violence against women. This usually evokes strong feeling and causes others to jump in with support against males.

In that discussion I witnessed, though, that point was countered with a link to studies indicating that, in reality, there is just as much aggressiveness and abuse of males by females.

Here is a link to some of that info. I saved it in case it ever became useful to me:


In my opinion, the discussion was satisfactorily concluded by someone who could see an even wider picture whose scope took in history from around the time we started counting and making marks on things which turned into reading and writing.

It's a Patriarchy after all, regardless of the experiential data gathered about the behavior of women and of men. You can see it when you see that there are actually "two" versions of "the feminine."

There is the feminine that is, indeed, born within the Patriarchal set up. It services the overall farmer society of resource hoarding and scarcity. The farmer society needs order to protect property and women are brainwashed and trapped into sustaining it. The Patriarchy (or Father cult) is what propagates the status quo and I don't think it's an accident that the so-called Ten Commandments are essentially a document designed for property protection and father worship.

The second version of the feminine is that feminine born of nature. I feel like only a return to this feminine born of nature is our hope for escaping from this father cult AKA the pathocracy.

So, to me, the deeper problem is a delusional belief in an ego that is separate from the rest of the universe and is first-causal.

Others may have various differing or other outlooks.
meanwhile i have written a summary ⚡ Alfred Kinsey's K-bomb unleashed the sexual liberation brutalization and political control

Dr. Judith Reisman declared Kinsey a full blown psychopath (citing Robert Hare). His financiers, the Rockefellers, went deliberately for a well disguised sexual pervert who sodomised his colleagues to establish the new discipline of "sexology". The Rockefellers and the lobby of pedophile academicians were fully aware that Kinsey delivered fraudulent science. massive propaganda forced brutalizing sex education onto school children whose brains get traumatized when exposed to explicit sex pictures and demonstrations. Kinsey's "science" lies helped to establish widespread mind control on the western world.
Thanks for the interesting discussion.

Robert Kirkconnell said:
A thumbnail sketch of my findings was that young males in U.S. society were growing up without role models of what being male, masculine means. Many fathers were not "there" and even when they were they were aloof and detached from their sons.

The movie industry also left its imprint, I think. What do you see in American movies since the 50s? To a great degree tough brutal men bordering on violence. I always wondered why Clint Eastwood was such a favorite character, but this is how America wants to see itself and people follow.

Robert Kirkconnell said:
This was in the early '90s and the problem kept getting worse and worse although the consequences kept getting more and more sever, especially in the military. In fact, some of you might have noticed that sexual harassment and violence have reached epidemic perportions in the U.S. military.

2010: 265 staff members of the Pentagon were caught downloading child pornography.
2011: a list of 5,200 Pentagon employees suspected of buying/viewing child pornography.

despite the high rates of male and female rape and forcible sodomy, the CDP report dodges the prominent role of both sexual abuse and pornography - that is, how-to sex abuse manuals and videos - in fueling the lust and contempt that spawns both offender sexual abuse and victim suicidal ideation.

"The politically correct Naval report ignores the Big Porn Elephant in the room as normalizing the rapes of women and the homosexist assaults on fellow servicemen.

On July 1, Frank Rush, acting assistant secretary of defense for force management, signed DoD Instruction 4105.70, banning “Sale or Rental of Sexually Explicit Material on DoD Property.”

Secretary Hagel wants to eliminate pornography to "really drive the cultural change."

does this mean the elite 5,200 child pornography users at the Pentagon will finally be arrested and tried?"

source: _
Shock report: 10,700 men raped in the US military FROM WATCHDOG WIRE - FLORIDA Dr. Judith Reisman – May 15, 2013

the enormous increase of sodomy - the lie that men cannot be raped - is derived from homosexist psychopath and liar Alfred Kinsey who was raped at age 8.
then he was financed to social engineer a world that half-way "bought" into his own denial / cognitive dissonance.

some of Kinsey's blunt lies were:
"No American woman had suffered terribly from having been raped."
"Prostitution and rape are 'victimless crimes.'"
Wow again! Really great info! I did want to add that the data I collected indicated a significant correlation between sex offenders/sexual harassers and the lack of a male role model. I am sure that movies, etc. have an affect, but that was the one factor that stood out. And of course my research was less than 100 subjects. That was all that I could do at the time.

And again, I found a disturbing lack of research in this area! I mean I found only one small study that was done with college students and this was a paper and pencil questionaire type deal without any interviews, etc. There might be more now. Probably the Rockefellers, Carnegies, etc. have not interest in this, much less the government.
Robert Kirkconnell said:
And again, I found a disturbing lack of research in this area! I mean I found only one small study that was done with college students and this was a paper and pencil questionaire type deal without any interviews, etc. There might be more now. Probably the Rockefellers, Carnegies, etc. have not interest in this, much less the government.

Not a surprise. Now and then, they make a big show about closing down some child porn ring, arresting a bunch of small-fry or medium-fry suspects, and do a lot of declaiming about how good a job they are doing. But it's all show and never, ever do they go after the top-of-the-chain culprits. Just study the Dutroux case. We've carried a string of articles about it. Warning, it takes a strong stomach to deal with this stuff:
Robert Kirkconnell said:
And I thought the Franklin coverup was about as bad as it gets. The enormity of all of this is just plain over the top.

You can say that again! It's one of the hardest things to look into in terms of the global Pathocracy.
Laura said:
Robert Kirkconnell said:
And again, I found a disturbing lack of research in this area! I mean I found only one small study that was done with college students and this was a paper and pencil questionaire type deal without any interviews, etc. There might be more now. Probably the Rockefellers, Carnegies, etc. have not interest in this, much less the government.

Not a surprise. Now and then, they make a big show about closing down some child porn ring, arresting a bunch of small-fry or medium-fry suspects, and do a lot of declaiming about how good a job they are doing. But it's all show and never, ever do they go after the top-of-the-chain culprits. Just study the Dutroux case. We've carried a string of articles about it. Warning, it takes a strong stomach to deal with this stuff:

Exactly. I was thinking about this because yesterday or the day before they arrested "the biggest pornographer in the history of the continent" (the Spanish media say) in a young Peruvian man that the Spanish and Peruvian police arrested.They never talk about the real culprits, the big bosses, the men with ties and high jobs, governments jobs and royalty blood. Never and never they will point to the cell-up of these scoundrels.

In Spanish.!CTgAv7EviXo0I/
Found the forum threads on the topics:

Dutroux Cover-up Protected Pedophile Networks,27533.0.html


Caricature of Love,21284.0.html
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