We're back with our first show of the new year... in one minute!
That it was taken down is incredible, if that had happened a few years ago like that, it would have been more of an issue, today it is simply another one in the list among many. Might it be that it happened during the show, when the comment function collapsed? And what would be needed to edit out in order for the edited show to stay up?
In general, there are often great segments that could be selected and made into smaller clips, and shared on various platforms. I guess they should have a NewsReal "cover".
In from
NewsReal: New Year, Same 'New Normal': Mass Formation Psychosis & Crowd Psychology -- Sott.net I took the show comments, organized them according to time, and added a few comments:
00:00 Introduction - Happy New Year
02:12 Canada (Quebec-Ontario)
Retired Sky News boss Mark Sharman on MSM control of vaccine information
Life inside the fear factory: how the Government keeps us on high alert
(Relates to
Life Inside The Fear Factory: How The Government Keeps us on High Alert -- Sott.net).
The above two could be one clip or two. If you make clips, I guess it would be helpful to either begin or end with a short NewsReal
Dr Malone warns of dangers to children from Covid 'vaccines'
24:33 The section about Dr. Malone on Government and Mass Psychosis begins
Prof Mattias Desmet explains Mass Formation Psychosis
Dr Malone breaks it to Rogan that government might be doing all this for political purposes
Dr Malone explains Mass Formation Psychosis to Joe Rogan
Fauci backpedals, distinguishes 'from' and 'with' Covid 'cases'
Ontario mayor calls for overhaul of 'misleading' COVID-19 hospitalization data
1:13:11 Tony Blair and psychopathy in government
1:21:44 VAERS -
serious side effects
1:24:45 VAERS -
12-18 year olds, serious side effects
1:26:00 VAERS - serious side effects continued
Covid outbreak in 'fully vaxxed' Antarctica
1:32:02 Ukraine crisis
If one in the above leaves out Covid, then there is from
07:10-1:08:33 all about Mass psychosis and the steps leading to it. Another one could be 07:10-17:12 along with 1:13:11-1:21:44 (Tony Blair). That would be 18 minutes for the British in particular, but many others might learn as well.
To complement the discussion of mass psychosis, there is an Objective:Health show
Mass Formation Psychosis has been allover social media of late, after it was explained by Dr. Robert Malone on his widely censored interview with Joe Rogan. It's made such a splash that the control system has gone into high gear trying to...
And these Sott articles:
Mass Formation Psychosis - Dr. Robert Malone / Dr. Mattias Desmet
One article features this video:
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
But it has a follow-up on YouTube:
The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis - Can Sanity Return to an Insane World?
This video
Vaccine Hesitancy EXPLAINED gives some examples, (UK focus) of how many people are run around in circles to believe what the government wants. (I agree with most of what he says, but the lab assisted virus story stops in China, where I think a mention of a US lab (Fort Detrick) would have been very justified.)
One can hope that some, who have woken up so to say, have learned the lessons from this Covid experience. There is still the trouble with
Transfer of learning. Transfer of learning has been a persistent problem for educators, since knowledge learned in one context does not necessarily transfer to become available for the learner when he is faced with a problem that requires him to apply the same knowledge in a new setting. This phenomenon explains that many people, even in the alternative media, took some time to get used to the idea that the Covid scare was more of the same which they have been noticing for years, only moved to a new arena, that of health.