New show: NewsReal with Joe & Niall

Great show, I'm midway trough where you talk about Netanyahu not being aware if and only if it was all orchestrated by some deeper level within his government. Well if this is true and if he can save is position of power I think that this will make him event more dangerous. I remember reading a story toll by Putin about him cornering a rat when he was young and how he was surprise by the reaction of the rat. Cornered, the rat attacked him. Well Netanyahu in this case is in a corner and maybe is reaction to want to level Gaza was a reaction well know (or at least predictable ) of the higher or deeper level member of the Israeli government. Won't he become what we call a perfect patsy.
Thank you all for the talk.

Niall, think you said that it would be good to have someone detail the timelines, and thought of Dr. Graeme MacQueen in some of his works, like the Anthrax Deception; like you both have done in many articles and books. So, went looking to see what Graeme has been up to, and found a sad note indeed.
Coming up in a few minutes on NewsReal...

Joe: ... And then you'll have two million people in half the size. So, that'll catapult Gaza to, pretty much, most densely populated place in the world, or thereabouts.

I had a look, purely out of curiosity, at the density of Gaza. The Our World in Data site shows that the 2023 Population Density per square kilometre for:

Israel: 423.96
Lebanon: 523.36
Gaza: 892.23

So, if Israel takes the north half of Gaza for itself, Israel's number would change minutely to, maybe something like 417.63 people per as a complete guess. But for Gaza the number of people would roughly double to 1784.46 people per 'overnight'. That's a humanitarian catastrophe.

For comparison (bearing in mind that there are obvious places where people just can't or won't live) Bangladesh has 1328.68 people per Malta: 1672.11 (which appears to be the most densely populated country that I can find). Egypt: 113.23. Japan: 338.26. India: 480.5. China: 151.86. Mauritius: 640.67. Netherlands: 523.26. France: 118.26. United Kingdom: 279.99. Germany: 238.4. Russia: 8.28. USA: 37.17. Canada: 4.33. Greenland: 0.14.

So, Gaza might very well become the most densely populated country on the planet. Cities are a different matter. Mogadishu, Somalia? 33,244 people per

Joe: I just came across an example of a kind of... I don't know. Thinking? Can I call it 'thinking'? This is how a person, Michael Shermer, skeptic, professional skeptic, debunks things. Here's his hot take on Israel, on the conflict right now.

"There are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world.
There are 50 majority Muslim nations in the world.
There are 16.1 million Jews in the world.
There is 1 Jewish nation in the world.
Do not the Jews have the same right to nationhood as everyone else?"

When this was read, the first thing that came into my mind was that Michael has given permission to wipe the Palestinians off the map because there are so many more Muslims in the world. It's like he sees a lopsided 'Jew to Muslim ratio' like it's some weird math equation that needs to be balanced. ... I can't think of anything to say about such a ridiculous idea.

Thanks guys! Really good shows. Helped clarify things for me.
Thanks guys for the show, and oh not an easy one - are they ever. With all this senseless nonsense, I've even found myself muttering more expletives lately when seeing what is there to see of this show, not a good sign (amending my ways by using the word 'duck' at my partners insistence).

And yes, Joe, remembered the 5th and marked it. Uncanny how that film resembles.
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