"no (sham)poo" movement

shellycheval said:
Nothing with any variation of the harsh cleansing soap sodium laural sulfate--google for the aliases and check labels, but it is generally safer to avoid anything that says shampoo or creates any suds.

Some people have a longer adjustment period before the scalp stops overproducing oil in a protective response to put back what the shampoo has stripped away--up to six months for some which is probably what is happening with you Gawan. Or you may have a very sensitive scalp and something in the conditioner is irritating it, or every two day is too much.

Experiment with different conditioners and give your scalp a longer rest between cleanings if you can--just massage your scalp under warm, not real hot, water and see how it goes.

Thanks, shellycheval. I had several organic conditioners, but ditched them last week, as there were some nasty chemicals to be found in them. :shock:

I think I will also stop using Urtekram shampoo. It doesn't contain SLS, but still all these words that I cannot pronounce...

I will make my own conditioner with calendula/sunflower oil with some nettle elixer and perhaps some essential oils. That feels much safer. I just looked at some websites and apparently calendula (we say goldflower) also helps when one has itchy or dry skin.

Danselavie spoke of clay in another thread (Life Without Bread), which she uses for her hair, teeth and her face and more.

BTW, Gawan, you could also make a scrub yourself from salt, oil and essential oils, if you can tolerate it.
Savons de Marseille for all the body

Il y a 3 ans je me suis fais raser le crane. Depuis j'ai toujours lavé mes cheveux avec (comme pour le reste du corps) du savon de Marseille, toutes les 2 semaines en moyenne. Je n'ai pas raccourci mes cheveux depuis. Comme ma calvitie est bien avancée et mes cheveux sont fins, je suis pour ainsi dire forcé de les attachés. Je brosse mes cheveux à peu près tous les matins. Le but du jeu est d'économiser de l'argent et de limiter la pollution de l'environnement.

I have shave my skull 3 years ago. Since, I have always wash my hair with (same for the rest of my body) toilet soap (savon de Marseille), every 2 weeks on average. As my baldness is well under way and I have fine hair, I am, so to speak, forced to tie (attach ?) it. I brush my hair almost every morning. The objectif is to make a saving of money and to limit environmental polution.

Re: Savons de Marseille for all the body

Goemon_ said:
I have shave my skull 3 years ago. Since, I have always wash my hair with (same for the rest of my body) toilet soap (savon de Marseille), every 2 weeks on average. As my baldness is well under way and I have fine hair, I am, so to speak, forced to tie (attach ?) it. I brush my hair almost every morning. The objectif is to make a saving of money and to limit environmental polution.


You only bathe every two weeks???!!!
Re: Savons de Marseille for all the body

Laura said:
Goemon_ said:
I have shave my skull 3 years ago. Since, I have always wash my hair with (same for the rest of my body) toilet soap (savon de Marseille), every 2 weeks on average. As my baldness is well under way and I have fine hair, I am, so to speak, forced to tie (attach ?) it. I brush my hair almost every morning. The objectif is to make a saving of money and to limit environmental polution.


You only bathe every two weeks???!!!

WOW that's extreme! How can you pull it off?
I couldn't. After the 3rd day, I noticed that the "ring of
acceptance" (r) increased as the square of the distance (d)
and the P+U factor was not constant nor linear.
dant said:
I couldn't. After the 3rd day, I noticed that the "ring of
acceptance" (r) increased as the square of the distance (d)
and the P+U factor was not constant nor linear.

LOL I'd probably have the same formula fit in if I had not bathe or showered in 2 weeks. :cool:
Re: Savons de Marseille for all the body

Laura said:
Goemon_ said:
I have shave my skull 3 years ago. Since, I have always wash my hair with (same for the rest of my body) toilet soap (savon de Marseille), every 2 weeks on average. As my baldness is well under way and I have fine hair, I am, so to speak, forced to tie (attach ?) it. I brush my hair almost every morning. The objectif is to make a saving of money and to limit environmental polution.


You only bathe every two weeks???!!!

From the French version, I would say that the two weeks period is about his hairs and not his body.
Citation de: Laura le Aujourd'hui à 02:08:18 pm

Citation de: Goemon_ le Aujourd'hui à 01:50:31 pm

I have shave my skull 3 years ago. Since, I have always wash my hair with (same for the rest of my body) toilet soap (savon de Marseille), every 2 weeks on average. As my baldness is well under way and I have fine hair, I am, so to speak, forced to tie (attach ?) it. I brush my hair almost every morning. The objectif is to make a saving of money and to limit environmental polution.

You only bathe every two weeks???!!!

From the French version, I would say that the two weeks period is about his hairs and not his body.

Gandalf is right.
I am probably making to long sentences for my poor English.

But, I could, sometimes, wait one ore two weeks between two showers. It's depend above all on where I am and on what I do. I have wash myself 3 days ago and I don't smell bad. And I don't use any deodorant... I think I will wash my feet tonight

Goemon_ said:
Citation de: Laura le Aujourd'hui à 02:08:18 pm

Citation de: Goemon_ le Aujourd'hui à 01:50:31 pm

I have shave my skull 3 years ago. Since, I have always wash my hair with (same for the rest of my body) toilet soap (savon de Marseille), every 2 weeks on average. As my baldness is well under way and I have fine hair, I am, so to speak, forced to tie (attach ?) it. I brush my hair almost every morning. The objectif is to make a saving of money and to limit environmental polution.

You only bathe every two weeks???!!!

From the French version, I would say that the two weeks period is about his hairs and not his body.

Gandalf is right.
I am probably making to long sentences for my poor English.

But, I could, sometimes, wait one ore two weeks between two showers. It's depend above all on where I am and on what I do. I have wash myself 3 days ago and I don't smell bad. And I don't use any deodorant... I think I will wash my feet tonight


To stop environmental pollution of course?
Goemon_ said:
Citation de: Laura le Aujourd'hui à 02:08:18 pm

Citation de: Goemon_ le Aujourd'hui à 01:50:31 pm

I have shave my skull 3 years ago. Since, I have always wash my hair with (same for the rest of my body) toilet soap (savon de Marseille), every 2 weeks on average. As my baldness is well under way and I have fine hair, I am, so to speak, forced to tie (attach ?) it. I brush my hair almost every morning. The objectif is to make a saving of money and to limit environmental polution.

You only bathe every two weeks???!!!

From the French version, I would say that the two weeks period is about his hairs and not his body.

I have wash myself 3 days ago and I don't smell bad. And I don't use any deodorant...

when you try to smell if you smell bad you will have a hard time to really smell how you smell. you may think that you don't smell bad becouse you don't smell anything but others can smell things that you can't smell.
No, Arbitrium Liberum, My feet don't smell bad. Except if you put your nose against it. But, the probabilities that someone does that is very low. So, why wonder ?
I will wash my feet for my personal confort.

Pashalis, It is certainly more complex. Everyone as a personal opinion of what smell good, and what smell bad. Of course I have also my personal opinion on my personal smell, and it is not always the same.
For example, I remember when I was working in a factory. During that time, I was not only washing myself every day, but I was washing several times underarm to get rid of that bad smell (certainly due to some kind of stress).

Goemon_ said:
No, Arbitrium Liberum, My feet don't smell bad. Except if you put your nose against it. But, the probabilities that someone does that is very low. So, why wonder ?
I will wash my feet for my personal confort.

Pashalis, It is certainly more complex. Everyone as a personal opinion of what smell good, and what smell bad. Of course I have also my personal opinion on my personal smell, and it is not always the same.
For example, I remember when I was working in a factory. During that time, I was not only washing myself every day, but I was washing several times underarm to get rid of that bad smell (certainly due to some kind of stress).


Hi Jérôme,

It is a fact that human beings cannot smell themselves until they get really bad smelling. Long before we smell really bad, we still smell to other human beings. Bathing every day is always a good idea, physiologically and energetically. Just because you don't think you smell does not mean you don't smell - but even more importantly than that, each day we accumulate toxins on our skin/hair from our environment and it is very important to wash these away with running water.

Of course, personal hygiene is a personal choice, but what we're trying to do here is help you understand that bathing more can only help you.
anart said:
Bathing every day is always a good idea, physiologically and energetically.

I want to emphasize the "energetically" part. Water is one of the greatest cleansers in terms of negative energies. I sometimes bathe more than once a day if I feel that the planetary energies are particularly toxic. And always, if I am stumped with a problem, a soak in the tub cleans away the mental blockages and everything "comes clean" in my mind.

If, as we suspect, human beings are human because of a long stint as "aquatic apes," then being in water is natural and our physiology is designed for it in more ways than one.

Besides, it's just externally considerate to NOT impose your scent on those who are around you. If the person is close enough to you to be interested in it, they can bring their nose closer...
Our body's absorbs a lot of water when taking showers or baths, it's good to have the skin flush and clean, you don't want clogged pores, that's the worst thing ever!

Besides, it's just externally considerate to NOT impose your scent on those who are around you. If the person is close enough to you to be interested in it, they can bring their nose closer...

Extremely true! When people miss this it's probably because they are not considered persons, for real, I think it also has to do with ego. Like marking your territory in a very animalistic inconsiderate nasty way.

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