shellycheval said:Nothing with any variation of the harsh cleansing soap sodium laural sulfate--google for the aliases and check labels, but it is generally safer to avoid anything that says shampoo or creates any suds.
Some people have a longer adjustment period before the scalp stops overproducing oil in a protective response to put back what the shampoo has stripped away--up to six months for some which is probably what is happening with you Gawan. Or you may have a very sensitive scalp and something in the conditioner is irritating it, or every two day is too much.
Experiment with different conditioners and give your scalp a longer rest between cleanings if you can--just massage your scalp under warm, not real hot, water and see how it goes.
Thanks, shellycheval. I had several organic conditioners, but ditched them last week, as there were some nasty chemicals to be found in them.

I think I will also stop using Urtekram shampoo. It doesn't contain SLS, but still all these words that I cannot pronounce...
I will make my own conditioner with calendula/sunflower oil with some nettle elixer and perhaps some essential oils. That feels much safer. I just looked at some websites and apparently calendula (we say goldflower) also helps when one has itchy or dry skin.
Danselavie spoke of clay in another thread (Life Without Bread), which she uses for her hair, teeth and her face and more.
BTW, Gawan, you could also make a scrub yourself from salt, oil and essential oils, if you can tolerate it.