Not really, I am not defending it, I am merely accepting the fact that the veil is there for a reason. I think that the C's speaking of the possibility of transcending 3D thinking, isn't so much a "meant" but more of a "could" as it is a choice each individual could make.Again, you’re ignoring very specific and iterative C’s statements to the contrary. As a result, you end up sounding like a defender of “veil” and “3D thinking”. I don’t mean that I’ve overcome the veil and 3D thinking, I just say we’re very clearly encouraged to do so.
Let me put it this way perhaps, if we part from the notion that this veil which separates our awareness of higher realities is an obstacle, and that we COULD overcome it, and in doing so we learn and free ourselves from certain notions, then this veil isn't objectively negative nor positive, this veil is what a consciousness unit such as ourselves, needs to struggle against in order to learn, this veil is thus necessary. If it weren't there, then no struggle could take place, and no learning would ensue. As you see, understanding that fact isn't the same as defending it.
But then there's all those soul units graduating up from 2D to 3D, the veil is there for them as well. When you think about it in broader terms, beyond our human experience, that veil exists and it has a purpose. You could say it's a negative purpose if you look at it from wanting souls to overcome it, but it could be positive if you see it as the one struggle that will allow those souls to overcome it. Does that make sense?
It's more of an acknowledgement of "I know why this veil is there, and why all that choose to overcome it, need it to exist". Very different. For instance, learning how to swim requires you to be afraid of drowning, so you have the impulse to swim, recognizing the function of the fear that pushes everyone to swim isn't the same as saying that being afraid of drowning is a good thing. You become less afraid of drowning once you learn how to swim, but you couldn't have without that initial impulse, so you don't value judge the fear, you simply acknowledge it.
You transform a negative limiting emotion into a positive learning, weakness into strength. In you it may change, but weakness will always exists, the purpose of weakness? it's up to each to decide. And I'll stop with the analogies because I feel like I am getting carried away.
There you go, that's what I meant by "specialness and escapism", and there's tons of examples out there, the entire manifesting crowd and the secret crowd and the YCYOR crowd. I think they all had very interesting ideas, in some cases, but the focus was more on emulating the superficial aspect of an experience instead of truly attempting to embody certain principles. That is, a way to feed the ego into believing it was more special than others because it had transcended the "mundane".Yes, if the apparent progression towards more "positivity" is covertly based on an egotistical motivation for more "pleasure", then that's a significant problem. This would be a valuble discussion.
When, as the C's have also mentioned, we're here to learn simple karmic lessons, and most of those for most of humanity are rather "mundane", I daresay, but not because of that are those lessons any less transcendental. IMO