Nuclear Radiation Detox

Laura said:
curious_richard said:
Yes, for more than a year I have been mixing KI with my Kool-Aid, roughly 1mg KI to one fluid ounce water. Most days I probably consume 10mg to 30mg.

Why are you drinking Kool-Aid? That stuff is evil!

It is a compromise. I doubt I could get the family to drink water only. Nearly all soft drinks have either sugar or chemical sweetener. So Kool-Aid with stevia seems like a step in the right direction.
curious_richard said:
Laura said:
curious_richard said:
Yes, for more than a year I have been mixing KI with my Kool-Aid, roughly 1mg KI to one fluid ounce water. Most days I probably consume 10mg to 30mg.

Why are you drinking Kool-Aid? That stuff is evil!

It is a compromise. I doubt I could get the family to drink water only. Nearly all soft drinks have either sugar or chemical sweetener. So Kool-Aid with stevia seems like a step in the right direction.
Would they drink some kind of organic juice?
Psyche said:
Shijing said:
I have a friend in Japan who just moved from Tokyo to Osaka because of the radiation threat, and I have a question: His family is currently taking iodine, but his youngest daughter who just turned 2 is too young for this, so they are feeding her seaweed and Kombu instead. I gave him a list of the other recommended supplements from Dr. Segura's recent article on SOTT, but am wondering what the appropriate dosage of DMSO would be for a 2-year-old (if they are able to get ahold of it). Thanks in advance for any input on this.

According to the FDA, the following doses of Potassium Iodide are appropriate to take after internal contamination with (or likely internal contamination with) radioactive iodine:

* Adults should take 130 mg (one 130 mg tablet OR two 65 mg tablets OR two mL of solution).
* Women who are breastfeeding should take the adult dose of 130 mg.
* Children between 3 and 18 years of age should take 65 mg (one 65 mg tablet OR 1 mL of solution). Children who are adult size (greater than or equal to 150 pounds) should take the full adult dose, regardless of their age.
* Infants and children between 1 month and 3 years of age should take 32 mg (½ of a 65 mg tablet OR ½ mL of solution). This dose is for both nursing and non-nursing infants and children.
* Newborns from birth to 1 month of age should be given 16 mg (¼ of a 65 mg tablet or ¼ mL of solution). This dose is for both nursing and non-nursing newborn infants.

For the DMSO, use a 50% dilution for topical use or a rosehip cream for less skin irritation (the orange label one) and she can be protected if used topically.

See if they can get pectin (vitapect) or a good spirulina, so she can take it for a long period of time (at least 1 month), because babies and kids are most susceptible and need to neutralize the radioactive material ASAP. And it really does work!

Make sure she reads the dietary recommendations from the article, pectin is a complex carbohydrate that can be found in apples. Processing food is of utmost importance: boiling, salting, pickling, and so forth. All measures to be taken as a new lifestyle. She has to understand that her kid is very vulnerable now, much more than them as adults. And that she needs to make sure she will be taking the necessary supplements and foods to help minimize or eliminate concentrated radioactive material in the body.

If she must take DMSO in an oral solution, I would recommend a 20% solution and plenty of water.

Thanks a lot Psyche, I really appreciate it -- I will share this information with him as soon as I can so that he can get started looking for whatever he can find based on your recommendations and get going on it :)
Shijing said:
Thanks a lot Psyche, I really appreciate it -- I will share this information with him as soon as I can so that he can get started looking for whatever he can find based on your recommendations and get going on it :)

Oh yeah, I forgot to add. They can drink the DMSO in grapejuice or another fruit juice. It will taste much better, especially for the kid. But I really do encourage the topical application because you can taste the DMSO in your mouth within seconds when you use it topically. It dissolves that fast and well. The rosehip cream (orange label) is really a handy thing, because it gives less skin irritations and a person doesn't typically emanate that garlic scent with it.
Megan said:
Is that a one-time dose recommendation?

Yes, assuming you removed the cause of radiation. Right...

This is why I think it's best to focus on general detox and measures to counteract chronic exposure of radiation.
Any idea where someone could get "Vitapect"? Sounds like a good radiation detox sup, but I can't find much mention of it online.
dugdeep said:
Any idea where someone could get "Vitapect"? Sounds like a good radiation detox sup, but I can't find much mention of it online.

Since it is not an American brand, perhaps it will be easier to search for "pectin".

Detox blend sp 25 also has pectin, kelp, sodium alginate:


It has psyllium husks though.
I printed out 10 copies of "SOTT Focus: Detoxify or Die: Natural Radiation Protection Therapies for Coping With the Fallout of the Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown". I plan to leave them at the library this week. I should review this thread a bit closer and see if I should include some other articles. I plan on repeating this everytime I go there. I also leave a few articles at a local coffee shop.
Thanks for this information. I have been using DMSO and a take a number of other supplements (magnesium citrate, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, melatonin, a good multi vitamin and CoQ10)
I need to limit Vitamin K because I am on cumindin. I am not sure but I would think spirulina is very high in Vitamin K.
Once again, thank for the info.
Here is a radiation dose chart in order to be able to better make sense of the doses of radiation that are being talked about:


Edit: not sure how to make the image clickable
rylek said:
Edit: not sure how to make the image clickable

In firefox you right click on it and click view image. Then you can get a window with just the picture and you can zoom in.
It has to be remembred also that there is a difference between being directly irradiated, and ingesting/breathing radioactive dusts. These later continue to irradiate your tissues for the rest of your life.
Posted by: mkrnhr
It has to be remembered also that there is a difference between being directly irradiated, and ingesting/breathing radioactive dusts. These later continue to irradiate your tissues for the rest of your life.

Thanks Bud for the tremendous amount of information on this broad, that you started. I thought i would add an item that has been seen on the news a lot, with people wearing respiratory protection to limit nuclear dust born contaminated particles from be inhaled. But i should stress that not all paper face mask are created equal nor does this fully protect against nuclear contamination, but may limit some exposure from being inhaled and is better than no protection at all.

This item might be considered for those that are within close proximity from the Nuclear fallout, such as Hawaii, and the U.S. western coast of the Pacific rim, that are being effected with trace amounts of fallout, with no clear picture of how bad it might become.

With that in mind it might not be a bad idea that some form of respiratory protection be part of the arsenal in the defence from the possible continued NF (nuclear fallout) that appears to be spreading through out the global.

Related Sites Concerning NF Preparedness

#1 GME and GME-P100 Super Cartridges - Advantage® Respirators

Product Description
* Like most combination cartridges, the GME-P100 Super Cartridges provide simultaneous protection against gases, vapors and toxic dusts and mists. But unlike ordinary combination cartridges, the GME-P100 Super Cartridge is NIOSH-approved for 16 specific compounds--far more than any other air-purifying respirator on the market. Because one pair of GME or GME-P100 Super Cartridges replaces many conventional cartridges, the selection process becomes simple, as does employee training. The versatility of these cartridges also reduces the possibility of misuse.

Principle(s) of Operation
* When the wearer inhales, contaminated air enters and flows through the cartridges, which removes the contaminants from the air stream, so the wearer breathes in clean, fresh air.

Approvals and Standards
* The GME version gives you NIOSH-approved protection from 10 specific gases and vapors. Add a prefilter and cover to the GME and it also protects against paints, pesticides, dusts, mists and fumes. The GME-P100 offers NIOSH-approved protection against 16 different compounds.

Toxic Atmosphere Non-IDLH

Asbestos Abatement
Electric Utility
Hazardous Materials
Oil and Gas
Paper & Pulp
Spray Painting



  • MSA GME-P100 face mask.jpg
    MSA GME-P100 face mask.jpg
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Just received this on my email box:to protect against nuclear particles:LYCOPODIUM 7CH 3 granulates per day during 1 month.
Raw info as usual;not being a specialist either homeopathy nor allopathy,I share this as it comes.Any idea?
Psyche said:
I know some people with autoimmune thyroid problems who had reported some trouble with iodine supplements. Not unusual considering this:

Although adequate iodine consumption is important for thyroid hormone production and iodine deficiency is the most common cause of hypothyroidism worldwide, its supplemental use in autoimmune thyroids is contraindicated. Iodine is the major cofactor and stimulator for thyroid peroxidase (TPO). TPO is the enzyme that is under attack with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. It appears that increased iodine intake, especially as a supplement, increases the immune attack on the thyroid.(1) The extreme of this clinical expression is called the Jod-Basedow Phenomenon.(2) This phenomenon is portrayed as individuals who are iodine-deficient in conjunction with elevated thyroid antibodies. When these individuals are given exogenous iodine supplements they develop a hyperfunction autoimmune response. Although this phenomenon does take place in clinical practice at times, iodine supplementation with autoimmune thyroids does not always lead into thyroid hyperfunction. Rather one observes increased levels of TPO autoantibody levels that multiply dramatically with iodine supplements, and in many instances increased production of thyroid overactive symptoms.[...]

For those with Hashimoto's thyroiditis or other autoimmune thyroid diseases, the following article might be of interest. Selenium prior to iodine treatment has worked for some:

Iodine is Safe and Effective


As you know, the problem with Iodoral (iodine) relates to the patient with Hashimoto's thyroiditis with elevated TPO and/or thyroglobulin antibodies. These patients may go into Hashitoxicosis after supplementing with iodine, exhibiting hyperthyroid symptoms possibly requiring hospitalization for thyroid storm.

We are finding Hashimoto's thyroiditis to be more common than originally thought, almost epidemic, and it seems to be increasing. On a routine basis, initial evaluation includes thyroid antibody levels. In addition, all patients routinely must have a serum selenium level drawn. I have found that in almost all patients with elevated antibodies, selenium supplementation will normalize and drive down antibody levels on serial lab studies.

In order to prevent the thyroid storm and other adverse effects from iodine in Hashimoto's patients, as you know, these patients must be supplemented with selenium first. This is why we first routinely draw a serum selenium, and for those cases below 135 ng/ml, we give 200-400 meg of selenomethionune for three weeks before starting the iodine supplementation at 6.25 mg (half the 12.5 mg tab) every other day.

Starting with a lower dose of iodine avoids the various adverse effects of skin itching and metallic taste and GI symptoms that can be reported at first. These are usually transient, and after a week or so, the dose can be safely increased to a full tablet daily.

Occasionally, we see a typical Hashimoto's patient with an elevated TSH around 5 or 6, and also an upper range free T3 around 350 to 400. These patients respond to selenium supplementation well, and follow-up labs usually show free T3 coming down to the 280-300 level, which in retrospect indicates the patient initially exhibited a slight thyrotoxic effect of the Hashimoto's thyroiditis, which then cooled down after the selenium. At this point it is safe to start the iodoral. If a Hashi's patient with a slightly overfunctioning thyroid and coexisting low selenium level is then started on iodine without first optimizing the selenium level, this will aggravate the thyroiditis, and possibly throw the patient into thyroid storm.

Leaving the area of Hashimoto's and going to the general patient (with normal antibody levels without Hashi's), another big issue with iodine supplementation is that the TSH may go up, which is then interpreted by the family physician as a sign of hypothyroidism. This interpretation is an error, as the elevated TSH is cosmetic and unrelated to underlying thyroid function in these cases.

Someone sent me this morning a link for a book called " HOW TO HELP SUPPORT THE BODY’S HEALING AFTER INTENSE RADIOACTIVE OR RADIATION EXPOSURE - The Medical, Naturopathic, Nutritional, Herbal, Commonsense External and Internal Approaches" written by Bill Bodri.

Here the link for the website :


Here's the table of contents :

Table of Contents
Health Disclaimer...............................................................................3
Table of Contents...............................................................................4
The Effects of Radiation Exposure on Human Health........................5
Potassium Iodide..............................................................................21
The Radiation Detox Bath................................................................31
Spirulina, Chlorella, and Seaweed...................................................36
Bathable and Edible Clays for Radiation Detox................................54
Homeopathics for Radiation Injury...................................................60
Eat A “Nucleotide Rich” Diet to Maximize Cellular Repair................70
Foods, Herbs and Supplements That Are Radioprotective..............75
Revici and Fatty Acids....................................................................100
Prussian Blue, DTPA and Neupogen.............................................104
Appendix 1: Emergency Procedures for Isotope Exposure............118
Appendix 2: Tasty Sea Vegetable Recipes...................................122


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