Obama special statement - Osama bin Laden 'dead'...

It seems that it has all the strings attached, to cover so many angles for the deception. From political grandstanding, manipulation of the press, and the population, to lighting a fuse for another inside job. They then can make it easy for an orchestrated blame game, as a reprisal attack (because of the supposed assassination of OB) or retaliatory, with planted evidence to help build the escalation of another invasion. This as well, will be hugged with the full support of the baited audience.

More, and more money will be spent to protect the nations to support (from the boogie men), the military industrial complex, pharmaceuticals, (for the anti virus) of any compounded (and pretend terrorist attack) from the componets of a dirty bomb signature. This will help with continued poisoning of the genrel public. It will help mandate vaccinations, with wall street, and the government massaging each other with political and financial kick back's to steal what is left from the already financial strapped population.

Bring on a possibility or likely hoodlums of a major cataclysmic event (only God knows how) and what really caused it, and they will have everyones head spinning like and a vinyl record at 33degree rpm.

And once again, the wool is being pulled over the eyes, ears, mouths, eventually bank accounts, and then movement's.

This is not a reflection of the German people. But of a major crime syndicate, that operated under the spell of patriotism. No different then the Narco drug cartels of S.A.
Soldiers of the past: Waffen SS

BREAKING ALERT: Mass Arrests, Tear Gas, Sound Weapons used Against WIU Students: May 2, 2011

On July 15th, 2005, Colorado congressman Rep. Tom Tancredo advocated nuking Mecca if America was again attacked by terrorists. Speaking on a radio station in Florida, Tancredo said the "ultimate threat" would have to be met with an "ultimate response."
Then there's the news that the Pentagon, under instruction from Vice President Cheney, has assigned the United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM), the task of creating contingency plans to conduct a large-scale air assault on Iran. The attack would include the use of tactical nuclear weapons and would be carried out in the event of another 9/11-type terror attack on U.S. soil.
-- Mark Vallen, We're Number One


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RedFox said:
fwiw (and this is pure speculation) the sudden timing of the 'event' plus the above info.....what if they've been waiting for a comet to hit, and this is the back/cover story?

The PTB spot incoming comets and track impact probabilities to 'high', so announce 'Osama bin laden dead' -> revenge announced (to reinforce wiki leaks info) -> nukes across Europe/America (that happen to be comets - but who'd know the difference?) -> clamp downs and government 'taking charge' in the aftermath....we can all blame 'terrorists' for it.
[in my best obama voice] "This will change the lives of everyone forever" (queue massive profits for the military industrial complex).

I guess that's what worries me...I've never known the PTB rush there plans unless something (nature?) forced there hand.

Some time back, PTB wants to wipe out a lot of people using the flu vaccine, not worked out well for PTB. Looks like they are all set for the show this time.
High fat meat truth is coming out, low fat propaganda busted, gluten truth already wide spread. people are already separated between believers and deniers on nutritional issues.

Banks are back in control hid all their assets in safe areas, dollar is virtually down. Top brass in Banks any way don't care whether dollar down or not. Alternate media literally lost the war with wikileaks, All politicians are literally lapdogs for the PTB. Food prices are going up, gas prices are going up. GMO foods are widely available, GMO Meat is also available. Elnin is in horizon. upraisings in middle east didn't materialise any thing concrete.It looks They don't have opposition. Looks they are preparing for some thing Big before the weather goes too far.
Resident says Osama bin Laden was not at the house that was raided:

Mr. Premise said:
My take is that this is the PTB's way of declaring the War on Terror over and won. They are setting up Obama to have "won" this like Reagan was set up to "win" the Cold War. That means they are moving to a new phase. Also it seems the WOT may have outlived it's usefullness. They made tons of money, instituted police state measures, perfected techniques and technologies. Maybe the natural disasters are imminent.

Next phase in their script is upon us. This is year is really something, we've had natural chaos now it's going to be more geopolitical chaos. Will have to see what their next move is. I guess they still think that they can come out on top on the other side after the global cataclysms.

Windmill knight said:
anart said:
THE boogie man of the last decade and he gets dumped into the sea? It's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Yeah, me too. I had to laugh when I heard that. Also when Obama stressed that they decided not to bomb the place because of concern about the safety of civilians (none of whom were hurt in the operation), and that no American troops were lost. So it was all very spotless and heroic, though you cannot see any proof of it!

It's like a bad B movie script. Makes me cringe.
RedFox said:
fwiw (and this is pure speculation) the sudden timing of the 'event' plus the above info.....what if they've been waiting for a comet to hit, and this is the back/cover story?

The PTB spot incoming comets and track impact probabilities to 'high', so announce 'Osama bin laden dead' -> revenge announced (to reinforce wiki leaks info) -> nukes across Europe/America (that happen to be comets - but who'd know the difference?) -> clamp downs and government 'taking charge' in the aftermath....we can all blame 'terrorists' for it.
[in my best obama voice] "This will change the lives of everyone forever" (queue massive profits for the military industrial complex).

I guess that's what worries me...I've never known the PTB rush there plans unless something (nature?) forced there hand.

:shock: That's a very good theory.

Keit said:
Had a similar thought, and perhaps that's why it was done in such a hurry.

It's a tactic of dealing with intimidation or a threat of revealing potentially embarrassing data by disclosing the harming information themselves. But of course, they won't tell the truth but will offer their own version of events. And when it is done in such a dramatic and sudden manner, especially with all the hoopla going on around it, including new "threat of retaliation", who will pay attention to those who try to tell a different story. But who knows if this tactic won't backfire.

Wow interesting, didn't think of that either. Maybe the ISI in Pakistan was pissed about the recent development of the American agent killing their brothers. Or even Gaddafi was about to take revenge by releasing some embarrassing info with the help of the Russian intelligence.

rylek said:
It's like a bad B movie script. Makes me cringe.

Yup, but i would say more of a Z movie.

Either way as the C's say, time to "sit back and enjoy the show". :cool2:
Vulcan 59 wrote : << FWIW, it seems that Osama's death announcement happen to be on the same date (1st of May) as Hitler's. >>

And have you seen the cover of the special issue (to be issued on Thursday) of gatekeeper extraordinaire Time magazine's cover? It's a knock-off of their May 7, 1945 issue of Hitler's face with a red X through it (see here: _http://img.timeinc.net/time/magazine/archive/covers/1945/1101450507_400.jpg), only it's Bin Laden's face, of course. Quite the stretch of a comparison, if you ask me. BTW, Hitler was Time's "Man of the Year" just about seven years earlier.

My immediate take upon hearing the news this morning was also that it's fake, the story doesn't make sense (four people cornered in a house and they have to kill everyone, body gone, DNA already tested in the U.S., etc., etc.). Also, I felt odd witnessing the deeply sleeping eat up every word without question -- really brought to the fore that feeling of no progress for humanity, and millions of years to go. Sigh.
The whole affair has a deep strangeness about. The way the MSM and so many in the US are buying it completely.

Obama is now a hero. GITMO and the torturing of prisoners is suddenly a good idea. Never mind, the compelling evidence that Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11.

This has to be a smoke screen for something really big in the works. More than just re-electing Obama.

I agree with others in that it will be fascinating to see where this goes.

You couldn't write fiction like this.

It's really difficult to watch and listen to everyone believing in this scam. Really difficult. I couldn't help myself and posted a few SOTT articles on Twitter, which I do from time to time:

Osama Bin Dead for seven years? [link to article]

I suppose if we knew Bin Laden was dead 10 years ago we never would've supported the wars. As angry as this makes me, it is logical.

An editor friend of mine responded to this article:

Do you really believe that?

So I responded:

This sort of thing is standard operating procedure, so it wouldn't surprise me. Also, the Osama vids are hilariously suspect.

I guess you have to look at who benefits. Osama vids always said exactly what the CIA wanted exactly when they wanted.

He responded today:

I take your point, but I just don't believe the US is competent enough to pull off a cover-up of that scale.

Too many people would have to know. To predicate a war on a cover-up like that would be epically stupid. If it had leaked

... the whole show would be over. Also, why would Bush et al allow Obama to take the credit for the "kill"?

I did my best with my response, but I really do struggle explaining so much in 140 characters! :P

Intelligence operates in a compartmentalised fashion, so few would know. Easy done though, see Manhattan Project.

You're right, it would be stupid. WMD lies were epically stupid, and they did leak. Didn't stop the war though.

And then I added a great line from WhiteBear (hope you don't mind WhiteBear!):

Death in Pak house kills 2birds w 1stone. Justifies civilian carnage by US drones; opens door for destabilisation of Pakistan

It was tempting to write 9/11 instead of Manhattan Project, but baby steps ;)
"You couldn't write fiction like this." (quote from Mac)

That, my friend, is an understatement! Or, if you can see a little comedy in all this, it's better than the old Three Stooges show or the movie "Dumb and Dumber." This dog and pony show I would classify as 'more dumb." I'm sure that somewhere along the way, we will get bitten, and then it won't seem so comical.

I've thought about this fiasco off and on all day, and what is most depressing and scary is that a majority of the people (here in good ole US of A) are buying all this almost hook, line and sinker. More and more it sinks into my rather thick and naive skull: most people just do not have a clue and most likely DO NOT WANT TO HAVE A CLUE!
Gizmodo had a pretty decent run down of the latest coverage from various sources today, for anyone interested: _http://uk.gizmodo.com/5797842/heres-the-latest-on-the-osama-kill-mission

<>'s indicate external links
[quote author=Gizmodo]
News updates have been flowing steadily since last night's surprise announcement that the U.S. military <killed Osama bin Laden> in Pakistan. Here are the latest news blips from this afternoon:

Mixed Messages: Some reports indicate that Pakistan fully-cooperated in this mission, aiding U.S. forces where they could. Other reports indicate that Pakistan had no idea and were scrambling to get fighter jets in the air.

Aiding and Abetting: In addition to the above confusion, the New Yorker also has sources who tell them the Pakistani government <played a role> in sheltering Osama. In addition, Gulf News says the house Osama hid in was <previously used by Pakistani intelligence> to hide other political figures.

No Honor: Talking Points Memo reports that Osama was the one <who used his wife as a shield> when special ops busted into his compound, resulting in her death.

Wikileaked: From the looks of it, intel regarding the infamous courier who tipped them off to Osama's whereabouts were included in some of the <leaked cables> from late last year.

Denial: Osama still has a very devoted online following who <refuse to believe he's dead>.

Show and Tell: To quell any naysayers, rumor has it the U.S. is considering <releasing images> of the deceased Osama and/or video footage of his <water burial>.

Floorplans: The Pentagon released the diagram of the Osama compound, which <looked something like this>.

The Lowdown: Finally, Politico has a <blow-by-blow account> of how the entire 40 minute operation went down. A must read.

To check out our full coverage on the successful raid of Osama Bin Laden's compound—from the planning to the aftermath—head <here>.

One question that came to my mind today, that I posted to FB: If they were so sure it was him, wouldn't that be like the most amazing intelligence score of the century? Wouldn't it have been way smarter to just watch, listen, and find out what he is up to these days (and who he was working with)? What was there to gain by blowing the whole place to smithereens...other than uniting the country for 'the next course of action'...

edit by mod: replaced link to story
According to an article on the Daily Mail site, now the Obama administration want to use Bin Ladens faked death to spin a plausible reason for him lying to the US public about closing Guantanamo Bay by claiming that evidence gathered through from the kidnapped victims was key to finding this fake hideout! It also serves a dual purpose to try and legitimise the "value" of evidence gained through the torture dealt out to the kidnapped victims...as if this whole scenario wasn't repugnant enough, they are trying to use it in as many ways possible to spin and control perception of Obama's past failures as well!
With what the C's have told us in the last session, I see another goal to the announcement: THE DISRUPTION OF THE FREQUENCY.

Words 'Oussama', 'dead', 'September 11', etc are unlimited repeated on medias. The brainwashing is absolutely intense even if you hear very little the news. Videos of 11/9 are broadcasted again, you have specials show along the days, etc.. It's like a booster injection just 10 years later the first dose.

So I think it's very important to not listen the radio and not watching the TV actually.
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