Obtaining some hard to get meds

Maybe not Serena's drugs, but Gaby had drugs she got from somewhere in China tested and they were what they were said to be.
A correspondent tested his batch, but I'm not sure which was his source. It was 100% pure. We never had a problem with China. Most people report feeling better after doing a few doses of ivermectin from Serena's source. If anything, I would doubt the other source for possible extra chemicals added.
Regarding your Fenden order, would you be allowed to return it? How much would it cost to have it tested? And if the results are poor, I'm sure you would want to ask for a refund.
Serene claims it's 99% pure. From looking online, it seems that testing could cost anywhere from hundreds of dollars to a thousand. The reason we bought it from Serena in the first place was to save money. :-D As for the results, there is no way to tell if it's helping the cancer or not until you get a scan, and if positive, was it the fenben or the chemo?? Fenben is not guaranteed to work for everyone, and the dosage is a crapshoot. 🤷‍♀️
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