Olympic games in Paris (2024)

New Olympic Motto.jpg

Given the general woke feel of the art, the change in the motto feels like the 'unity and solidarity' has been given a specific purpose.

Citius, Altius, Fortius – Communiter

On 20 July 2021, the Session of the International Olympic Committee approved a change in the Olympic motto that recognises the unifying power of sport and the importance of solidarity.

The change adds the word “together” after an en dash to “Faster, Higher, Stronger”. The new Olympic motto now reads: “Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together”.

In his remarks before the unanimously vote, IOC President Bach explained the link between the change and the original motto: “Solidarity fuels our mission to make the world a better place through sport. We can only go faster, we can only aim higher, we can only become stronger by standing together — in solidarity.”
I was sent the tweet below today, the comment reads
Oh good grief. Looks like the CIA/MOSSAD have dusted off their video PR department.
As a general rule of thumb - any 'freedom fighter' that doesn't get the local and/or international populations on their side is working for the other side, directly or indirectly.

Maybe 'Hamas' will 'release a bio-weapon'?

The description of the masks, QR codes, fencing etc reminds me of airports after 9/11 - the slow (or not so slow in this case) acclimatisation to totalitarian rule, and being herded by authorities.
It would seem we need a VPN set to France to be allowed to access it.
I tried downloading it with an FTP command, but I only got 8 min before being disconnected; the host keep giving me error 3000 on the video page. Who knows what that means, but it seems it keeps disconnecting viewers. Maybe too much traffic on their server.

I was able to download it.
Oh good grief. Looks like the CIA/MOSSAD have dusted off their video PR department.
As a general rule of thumb - any 'freedom fighter' that doesn't get the local and/or international populations on their side is working for the other side, directly or indirectly.
Video meta data, which can be telling, - never seems to get analyzed. But in every CSI TV show, the crime-busters are arrogant, over-confident tough guys and never fail to solve a mystery in a one hour show. Where are the supposed good-guy experts when it comes to these real crimes? Stupid.
One way or another, let us hope and pray that the good cops of the Gendarmerie outhustle those on the take and prevent any tragedy, as the world's eyes will watch the European response to any incident.

At Paris 2024, 236 athletes will make up the Paralympic delegation and they will be accompanied by 20 guides, pilots or assistants Note that for 121 of our French nationals, they will discover the Games for the first time

Meanwhile in Russia
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