Organic Portals: Human variation

Please forgive me if this question has been asked and answered.

If one with/has a personality disorder, narcissism, bi polar… and decades and decades go by without any change or “improvement” or there is regression/stagnation is that an intimation that being is an organic portal or “soul group” not an “individual soul”?

I only ask as I know people for 30+ years and the same program runs it either gets”worse” remains the same or person gets better at “hiding” the personality disorder only to come out in full force at times behind closed doors.

I only ask because I believe souls learn, gain wisdom, tact and evolve within one cycle here. The only learning from the people that I am asking about is to better hide their sinister motives, personality gets more negative/frequency wise or there is decades of stagnation.

Some MAY even learn a little bit after long suffering(to themselves). Hard to know for sure. In a way, it doesn't matter whether OP or not except as a lesson.
Q: (L) I would say that the chief thing they are saying is that the really good ones - you could never tell except by long observation. The one key we discovered from studying psychopaths was that their actions do not match their words. But what if that is a symptom of just being weak and having no will? (A) How can I know if I have a soul?

A: Do you ever hurt for another?

(V) I think they are talking about empathy. These soulless humans simply don't care what happens to another person. If another person is in pain or misery, they don't know how to care.

A: The only pain they experience is "withdrawal" of "food" or comfort, or what they want. They are also masters of twisting perception of others so as to seem to be empathetic. But, in general, such actions are simply to retain control.
From the many clues we were given I think that OPs would more likely be closer to normal upstanding citizens, not a step over the line types. Souled individuals usually get things to figure out and overcome. And those who want to graduate this time may "ask" for an accelerated path which would mean even more turmoil thrown their direction.

As we all are born here on the planet, we all are narcissistic and with one or more disorders. The thing that separates grain from chaff is that some get to recognize reality of things and begin work on themselves identifying their disorders one after another, facing their narcissism, fears and others and start fixing them ever so slowly becoming their true selves.

Back to your question. I do not think there is a black and white answer possible from our standpoint unless/until in higher density where the doubt is removed and reality upheld. Some souled individuals may have set their goals so big that after being born here, they struggle really bad to accomplish even a fraction. Or since this specific "time on the cycle" the soul seeking additional experience or lessons had to pick whatever body was available and hence inheriting whole bunch of extra stuff to deal with.

I could say with near certainty that so far I met only two people with souls. The rest including myself can be either/or.

One was a former colleague of mine whose lessons here ended few years ago. He was lifetime bound to a wheel chair. But this limit never stopped him from doing anything. I have not seen more positive and "alive" individual ever in my life in all those years sitting right next to him in the office. Same age as me, got a wife and two kids. And as close to STO as could be.

Second one is our son. He was not even 4 when one day on the grocery shopping he went to a homeless dude. Real rugged, old, nasty, stinky, probably a Vietnam vet sitting in a corner. Everybody gave him space and acted as if he was a leper. There marched our son, straight towards him - my wife and I didn`t stop him - he approached, put his little hand on dude`s shoulder (he was sitting) and said: It`s gonna be OK. And the dude literally started crying unable to move or say anything. So our son repeated: It`s gonna be OK. Patted him once more and walked back to us.
Please forgive me if this question has been asked and answered.

If one with/has a personality disorder, narcissism, bi polar… and decades and decades go by without any change or “improvement” or there is regression/stagnation is that an intimation that being is an organic portal or “soul group” not an “individual soul”?

I only ask as I know people for 30+ years and the same program runs it either gets”worse” remains the same or person gets better at “hiding” the personality disorder only to come out in full force at times behind closed doors.

I only ask because I believe souls learn, gain wisdom, tact and evolve within one cycle here. The only learning from the people that I am asking about is to better hide their sinister motives, personality gets more negative/frequency wise or there is decades of stagnation.

My thoughts are probably it depends. If it is a soul in trouble, certain wisdoms will hit their home, you can see a short illumination in their eyes or curiousity, even though they still decide to do nothing about their lives. As I am reading a book now called Unholy hungers there is a description about the vampire archetype: vampires don't cast reflection when faced with a mirror.
Some MAY even learn a little bit after long suffering(to themselves). Hard to know for sure. In a way, it doesn't matter whether OP or not except as a lesson.
Thank you for info. I do try to look for patterns and trends when thinking/talking about The Work and esoterica for identifying purposes and then being able to enact free will based on objective or close to objective info

Also what the Cs say in your quoted session I have experienced and it’s not just related to psychopaths also sociopaths and narcissists and other personality disorders try to mirror empathy to keep control of the dynamic to “save face” so that one can’t see through the vail that they constantly try to construct but their words/actions/emotions/spirit are not plugged into objectivity reality their layer of manipulation does not properly plug into life it’s artificial. They are artificial to try and keep real food…Unfortunately to spot this one needs a few negative experiences to know.
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I dont think that portals can actually learn anything which they would have benefit of in the world how it is ours today.

I would say that portal is your everyday, law abiding decent citizen. Person of the system. And he/she trully believes in that system. Person which believes in other people, "we are all the same, in the same pot", and similar. But no internal strugle.

Souled individual on the other hand have that inner stugle. Always questioning and doubting. Him/herself before all, but also the others. Thinking and feeling about others "did I do that right, did I hurt him/her, I hope that I helped" directing actions in life always with that context in mind. That way of thinking and living could be also subconcious, not so clear for all people. I can guess that depends on person's level of conciousness.
I dont think that portals can actually learn anything which they would have benefit of in the world how it is ours today.

I would say that portal is your everyday, law abiding decent citizen. Person of the system. And he/she trully believes in that system. Person which believes in other people, "we are all the same, in the same pot", and similar. But no internal strugle.

Souled individual on the other hand have that inner stugle. Always questioning and doubting. Him/herself before all, but also the others. Thinking and feeling about others "did I do that right, did I hurt him/her, I hope that I helped" directing actions in life always with that context in mind. That way of thinking and living could be also subconcious, not so clear for all people. I can guess that depends on person's level of conciousness.

IMO the portal learns how to mimic. How to observe and copy when to show emotion not show emotion and when to manipulate with words what to say when.

They are as deep as a puddle and calculated but don’t know the equations.

I have a VERY practical example of a fundamental disconnect between people and it’s a pertinent example it is below and recent 75 days ago. Gives an example of something missing.

A long story shorter fast forward.
I am the godfather to my childhood friends two daughters. We were in a booth at dinner. The father (childhood friend) and mother (friends wife) were sitting across from myself and the two girls. The youngest girl was 1.5 years old at the time and if she is put in a high chair she cries before the food comes so I had her on my lap occupying her so there is no crying. We got our drinks and the food was about to come and the mother starts talking negatively/criticizing me while I’m holding the child…you’re stubborn, you should get a hair cut you are…. and I felt very helpless and shut down and felt bad not for myself but for the child/children as how can a mother negatively rip into someone holding their baby? There is something missing internally. I can’t get upset/angry with my family’s puppy dog in my lap or a child I withdraw or shut down (unless there’s immediate danger) so she saw the change in my demeanor and that I was confused and upset and I asked her to stop. The night went on but I left early. She texted me apologizing and saying her brashness is her sense of humor she didn’t mean to upset but do you see it’s not about upsetting me the child or children can feel peoples states...I can take a joke or criticism but not while holding innocent animals or children there is that disconnect she doesn’t get it internally…A few days later I went over to babysit and when the parents got back she started acting manic saying she feels like she has no control and there was a threat towards me forcing the husband to defend me. To end the story I haven’t seen them or gone back to the house since (nore have I been invited over) I tell my friend he’s always invited up to my place but they never come.

I say all that to say this. She was trying to make me upset emotionally mentally while I am holding her baby child not caring that her child would be in the lap of someone that is mad/frustrated/upset/sad?. I can’t be apart of that after all that I know know about life… I know there is a personality disorder present and or she is an organic portal. Hence why I ask and network about OPs for any intimation of a trend. Unfortunately I believe to find out for sure you have to get close enough to get burned or at least im not smart enough to know from 100 feet away. Getting involved with people is like Russian roulette
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I think Jan van Rijckenborgh was referring to organic portals when he talked about "life spark entities," which he distinguished from "spirit spark entities." This is how the former are defined in the Glossary of The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Parts 3 and 4: "The Life-Spark Entities: Nature-born entities lacking the rose of the heart, the spirit-spark atom. These persons are totally orientated towards existence in the material sphere of the earth. They feel completely at home there and lack any inner life. They are, in fact, not people, but solely natural phenomena, absolutely insusceptible to spiritual contact. A way of life, persistently deviating from God, inevitably generates life-spark entities, which come and go without leaving behind any positive effects. Present-day mankind consists of many hundreds of millions of this kind of ‘simulated’ human being."

But he felt they could be redeemed. In The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis Part 3, Chapter 33, he said, "the children of God and the children of nature have widely divergent interests. The children of God, in so far as they are in the state of imprisonment, seek to flee the world. The children of nature seek and desire to maintain the world. So their efforts are diametrically opposed. In this context, we are using the word ‘world’ in its narrow sense, to mean the nature-born life-field.
If the children of God were to take the lead on earth, this would be accompanied by a complete alteration of the astral conditions of our life-field. The astral field of the nature of death would become like the gnostic astral field, a field full of serenity and the highest purity. The reflection sphere would be emptied. All those selfmaintaining reflection sphere processes would become impossible. All the conditions of existence in our life-field would change. The earthly field of genesis would no longer provide life-spark entities with any possibility of existence. The millions of life-spark entities that populate the earth would simply not be able to exist any longer, and so it would be as if they had been murdered. [...]
Another possibility is that the life-spark entities could, through reconstruction of their microcosms, be restored to the childship of God. If an entity did not possess the classic, primordial atom of the spirit in his microcosm, it would be possible, by reconstructing the microcosmic field, by bringing the spirit into it, to introduce into the microcosm what was not previously present within it.
Creatures always come forth from the fundamental nature. The original nucleus of every creature unfolds on the basis of the creative idea underlying it. If this idea and the nucleus of the creature are not from the spirit, then a child of God will not develop. However, if this idea is of God, then a child of God will develop.
So the child of God is a creature who has to behave in accordance with the fundamental idea underlying his being. If he deviates from that idea, then he will have to undergo all kinds of difficulties and consuming processes until finally he has to return to the original idea. If the idea originates from a different cosmocracy, then a different type of being will arise, a different orientation, a different starting point, a different aim.
However, we repeat that it is possible for entities who have an aeonic origin to be restored to, and by, the idea of the universal spirit. The first prerequisite for this is to preach, throughout the world, a universal doctrine of the spirit. The second is to establish and realise a genuine Church of the Spirit. The third is to adapt the life-field, mankind's field of genesis, to the requirements of the spirit, as a result of which the creature will submit to the spirit.
In this way, an entity that was not originally a child of God from the beginning, can become one through the re-creation of the microcosm."

In The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Part 4, Chapter 10, he said: "All human bodies are moved by a ’soul-state’, and stand at the centre of a microcosm. In some cases the microcosm is already considerably developed and of a high quality. In other cases, as is the situation with life-sparks, there is no microcosm but only an elementary astral principle. But whatever the case, in every microcosm and in every astral principle, be it of life-spark entities or animals, there is a nucleus. From this nucleus a radiation emanates, aimed at the heart of the creature concerned and causing a movement, a certain disposition, within it."

He also mentioned life-spark entities and spirit-spark entities in Unmasking, Part 1 ("The Shadow of Coming Events"), section 3.

These books are available online as PDFs.
Sorry if this has been asked before but are OP's "souls" the exact same as an animal soul?
Yes and No. there are levels in OP group soul
Q: (V) What is the "origin" of these organic portal human types? In the scheme of creation, where did they come from?

A: They were originally part of the bridge between 2nd density and 3rd density. Review transcripts on the subject of short wave cycles and long wave cycles.

25 Feb-2023
(Joe) I think it was brought up on the forum. The Cs have said that all souls were already created from the beginning. But we have this idea that OPs and stuff can develop souls. So they are kind of mutually ... they are not compatible ideas, right? And the idea that OPs come back to the soul pool, and keep coming back and forth, so, what is the deal there? If all souls are already created, is there no progression from an OP point of view into... or is it a group soul type of thing?

A: No. A group soul can differentiate. Same "amount" of soul "stuff".

Q:(Joe) OK. So, it's just levels of souls, then, right?

A: Yes
(Joe) I think it was brought up on the forum. The Cs have said that all souls were already created from the beginning. But we have this idea that OPs and stuff can develop souls. So they are kind of mutually ... they are not compatible ideas, right? And the idea that OPs come back to the soul pool, and keep coming back and forth, so, what is the deal there? If all souls are already created, is there no progression from an OP point of view into... or is it a group soul type of thing?

A: No. A group soul can differentiate. Same "amount" of soul "stuff".

What does C's response "No" refer to here? That there is no progression?

Yes and No. there are levels in OP group soul

That makes me ponder.

The first time I was introduced to the concept of OP's I immediately thought of them as if they were without souls like the grays. But that could be a mistake. And didn't the C's say that the soul is consciousness? So, I have wondered how they observe reality and what they observe with.

If there is let's say a dog and we compare its "soul" to an OP, and if the dog was a 3D candidate, are they about the same? I mean, is their essence/soul/mind or whatever, even fully comparable? Could some animals have more advanced souls than OP's?

What I reflect over is, "the spark", what we observe with, the so-called soul... animals and OP's have that right, just on a different level then?
What does C's response "No" refer to here? That there is no progression?

It refers to: "If all souls are already created, is there no progression from an OP point of view"
Meaning yes OPs can progress. A group soul / pool, can differentiate, meaning change/progress in either all or parts.
That makes me ponder.

The first time I was introduced to the concept of OP's I immediately thought of them as if they were without souls like the grays. But that could be a mistake. And didn't the C's say that the soul is consciousness? So, I have wondered how they observe reality and what they observe with.

Yes, a soul is consciousness and conscious awareness.
They (Ops) observe with the same thing we all observe with. They have the same senses and intellectual abilities as anyone.
It seems that the main difference in 3D is that OPs do not have the 3 higher centers that potentially fully souled individuals have. OPs are able to mimic the higher centers only. Which is why it is very difficult to discern an OP if it is even possible at all.
In many places in the transcripts the C's speak of souled or potentially fully souled individuals and the context is individuals with the 3 higher centers. But everything has consciousness and some level of soul imprint, everything. In other places in the sessions ( ie. grays ), they say grays have no souls, meaning even though they are made of physical matter that they are artificial creations and only have the projections of the reptilians souls per their design specs.
If there is let's say a dog and we compare its "soul" to an OP, and if the dog was a 3D candidate, are they about the same?

No. An Op can build microchips and do calculus. A dog, even as 3D candidate cannot.

I mean, is their essence/soul/mind or whatever, even fully comparable? Could some animals have more advanced souls than OP's?

No. Ops were originally a connection between 2D and 3D, but here they are fully 3D as much as anyone. It is just until the Op soul pool differentiates either in part or whole that they then can re-incarnate with the 3 higher centers and potential to advance further. There is some reference in Mouravieff that such is not possible in the current cycle.

What I reflect over is, "the spark", what we observe with, the so-called soul... animals and OP's have that right, just on a different level then?

I am not sure I understand what you mean by spark. I don't think there is any spark. You just learn your lessons at each level, and when you have learned the lessons you advance either in an STS frv or an STO frv.
I am not sure I understand what you mean by spark. I don't think there is any spark. You just learn your lessons at each level, and when you have learned the lessons you advance either in an STS frv or an STO frv.

@christx11 Yes, "the spark" is not the best metaphor, perhaps. I intended it to mean the soul. But perhaps I used it as I see the C's material as inspiration so I may have used the word spark unknowingly in the sense that I truly don't know what happens after death and the spark could go out. Like my mom says, 'the day you die you will find out.'
What does C's response "No" refer to here? That there is no progression?

(Joe) I think it was brought up on the forum. The Cs have said that all souls were already created from the beginning. But we have this idea that OPs and stuff can develop souls. So they are kind of mutually ... they are not compatible ideas, right? And the idea that OPs come back to the soul pool, and keep coming back and forth, so, what is the deal there? If all souls are already created, is there no progression from an OP point of view into... or is it a group soul type of thing?

A: No. A group soul can differentiate. Same "amount" of soul "stuff".
The way I understood is "No" is meant there is compatibility in ideas
The first time I was introduced to the concept of OP's I immediately thought of them as if they were without souls like the grays. But that could be a mistake. And didn't the C's say that the soul is consciousness? So, I have wondered how they observe reality and what they observe with.
Question is what is associative meaning of (to one self) the word "Consciousness". We can only understand in the current terms. Let's say physical body (genetic hardware) activated by firmware ( software that comes from software of "active" genes). It observes ( 5 senses), reacts ( to active feedback mechanism) based on certain instincts ( needs/impulses) . Ultimately every thing exist for "Learning" which is organizing the information. It is the level of "organizing" information to "Learn" is different for animals, OP's and souled humans. That doesn't mean they can't reach souled human level. As C's mentioned even machines has faint amount of consciousness.

If we define consciousness as Active feedback mechanism that can react and has some level of freewill to make a choice for itself and organize the outcomes to make more refined choices, ultimately learn from it, it doesn't need to be limited by density of incarnation. It looks the ability to manipulate environment for its need is more in ethereal world.

The question is what What point this consciousness decides to incarnated 2D or 3D (OP or souled) or 4D body. I guess it is defined by at point in the learning cycle it exist. At what point OP soul pool group decides to let some part of its consciousness to become souled 3D for its own evolution? We don't know for sure. But, it is logical for that to happen as the universe exist for learning purposes.

If there is let's say a dog and we compare its "soul" to an OP, and if the dog was a 3D candidate, are they about the same? I mean, is their essence/soul/mind or whatever, even fully comparable? Could some animals have more advanced souls than OP's?
Issue is who defines what is "advanced" or not. Most probably it's soul or soul pool.
This is most likely answered somewhere already, sorry. But...

Basically I'm imagining the OPs like an AI, correct? They can only go as far as their programming, or mimicking can get them, but they can be used very easily for all sorts of things by the 4th Dimension STS, who would be like hackers. They can't feel empathy, they aren't creative...

So are they used for feeding STS as well? Because it seems like their emotions would be very shallow, not as much "sustenance" there.

Also, when we game-plan prior to incarnating, and are given options of different DNA matches, are these OPs? Because they are portals, so are they the portals we incarnate through? And if no soul chooses that body it is born as an OP?
And if no soul chooses that body it is born as an OP?
OPs have group souls like 2D beings and can develop individual souls over time. They are basically a natural step in evolution, 2D group souls which recently graduated to 3D. Maybe in an STO environment they would simply progress harmoniously towards developing a soul, but in our STS-dominated environment they are easy targets for 4D STS.
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