Organic Portals: Human variation

And so, they drain our higher centers and mimic our soul qualities. What do soul qualities look like? Is it a general interest in esoteric or spiritual or "deep" ideas?
It is a way of being, of acting, of speaking that only happens that way when you are present.

If you have the opportunity to observe that person interacting with other people, when he/she is not aware of your presence, that way of being or personality that exists when you are around will have disappeared and in its place there will be another.

It is something quite amazing to see.
I've thought about it before too. Like, is it an "area of effect" thing where they just drain our higher centers like a magnet? Or does there have to be some interaction, verbal or otherwise? What if one is triggered just by the presence of someone?
This made me think of the way magnets are "attuned" and demagnetized or re-magnetized. It would make sense that interacting with certain OPs attune them and allow them to drain just by their presence.
Following the magnetism metaphor, changing of our polarity might thwart such attempts.
This short clip popped up on my Twitter/X feed a couple days ago.

The speaker is Roseanne Barr - a Hollywood celebrity and comedienne who was fired from her own show in 2018 for posting a tweet that some in the msm considered "racist".

What caught my attention with this clip was her specific reference of NPC-types of people having no soul, in comparison to normal humans, and how NPCs (or OPs) can only regurgitate information that they are programmed with, with no ability to change their minds given new information.

I'm curious to know how she arrived at this conclusion, as in where did she get the idea of some parts of humanity are souled and some parts not. It's not a very mainstream idea, so that she phrased it this particular way struck me as unusual.

For the record...

I've thought about it before too. Like, is it an "area of effect" thing where they just drain our higher centers like a magnet? Or does there have to be some interaction, verbal or otherwise? What if one is triggered just by the presence of someone? Maybe programming and trauma is enough to drain energy, OPs not withstanding.

And so, they drain our higher centers and mimic our soul qualities. What do soul qualities look like? Is it a general interest in esoteric or spiritual or "deep" ideas? The C's said you're perceiving your own soul qualities when they do this. So does it make for interest in someone, when it's just a self reflection? And I was thinking I might have some immunity here being an introvert. Just some thoughts I've had.
In my humble experience, soul qualities refer to values of soul “greatness” identified by your personal value system (empathy, altruism, humility, generosity, kindness, devotion, honesty, sharing, lucidity, awareness of the Whole) and sought by you with all your might. This is how, when faced with a PO, your soul recognizes itself in what it admires most, what it strives for most, just like in a mirror. And that's all there is to it.
I'm curious to know how she arrived at this conclusion, as in where did she get the idea of some parts of humanity are souled and some parts not. It's not a very mainstream idea, so that she phrased it this particular way struck me as unusual.
If I may offer my opinion on your statement and question in the above clip.
Tim, assuming Roseanne Barr and “mainstream ideas”, have any common connection, was your first mistake.

She has been neck deep in the murky, shallow cesspool of misinformation, disinformation and inverted interpretations for years.

Granted, she’s outspoken and entertaining as all get out.
Her delivery of some of the controversial and sensational material we’ve spent YEARS researching here, can be hilarious.
BUT...the grains of truth she has come across, and excitedly broadcasted like the Twitter/X post you shared seem to be all riddled with assumptions and inverted “beliefs”.
So, again, my opinion, yet it’s seems to be based on the “us and them” and that Souled humans pitted against soulless A.I. Bots, or NPC’s, isn’t a wrong action.
I’ve seen that used a few times lately, too.
For instance, this was posted on Facebook a couple days ago.
For further reference, here’s a link to an article detailing an interviewshe gave in late in 2023.
She believes humans are now “evolving” into reptiles....
I was thinking about the actual process with which OPs are used to drain us. (If this should be another thread, let me know).

So 4th Density STS uses 3rd Density OPs or Grays to siphon our energy; most of the time this feels personal. Like they know just how to push our buttons and maximize our distress. I'm assuming since they can read our thoughts or whatever this would be simple. But does the energy they receive go to a specific being or is it like a communal effort (like Monsters Inc., collecting screams to power the city). Or is it like an STS being has a craving for a specific kind of sadness?

These questions lead me to wonder: do the OPs around you ever exhibit similar "mannerisms" or warped thinking that seems to show up at the same time in all your interactions? Almost as if you can see the hand showing behind it all. Until it changes that is, and then some other entity is taking a turn? Flavoring it to their liking for their own consumption.

Any thoughts?
Delayed response , so forgiveness asked in advance , : P , " 2nd density OP's" , and grays seem to be bi-density , of sort probes, but imo point of iimportance , remember reading in Mrs. Laura's work , that greys have 2x brains , so even in a strict physical sense they are already designed to be " possesed " by others , that is to say , drained by those that serve self . ( imo , my 2x cents , blah ).
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