Organic Portals: Human variation

'One Cycle' compared to 'One lifetime' let alone 30+ years, is quite a difference; assuming you're referring to a Cycle as the 350,000 year Cycle? I recall from one of the Reincarnation books I read that one particular Soul had spent 50+ lifetimes struggling with the Lessons of Envy and failed each time. So the learning would seem to be gradual and dependent on the Souls willingness/stubbornness to learn whatever particular lesson(s) relevant to its Learning Profile. So I don't necessarily think if someone isn't showing signs of improvement (even after decades) implies they're an OP.
Cycle in my post indicated one life cycle - birth to death - I asked if no progress/growth for 50+ years is an intimation/hint/clue that one is an OP or not a single souled being…I am not saying it implies/says/indicates one is an OP…

With the recent sessions talking about some people don’t have an inner voice/observer well it would be hard to grow/evolve without that ability…

Again looking for trend/clues based on ubiquitous nature of things.

A lot of human have personality disorders so it’s a constant here on 3D earth for a reason so maybe we can use that reason as a hint
Cycle in my post indicated one life cycle - birth to death - I asked if no progress/growth for 50+ years is an intimation/hint/clue that one is an OP or not a single souled being…I am not saying it implies/says/indicates one is an OP…

With the recent sessions talking about some people don’t have an inner voice/observer well it would be hard to grow/evolve without that ability…

Again looking for trend/clues based on ubiquitous nature of things.
Ok I understand. Thanks for the clarification.
A lot of human have personality disorders so it’s a constant here on 3D earth for a reason so maybe we can use that reason as a hint
I would think a lot of humans have personality disorders largely due to the Psychopathic influence of our reality…

However, I do recall the Cs saying something in regard to people who are Bi-Polar; something along the lines of they are or more likely to be OPs?

So perhaps there is some clue within certain Personality Disorders while in others there may not be?
I guess ultimately, it doesn't matter in the sense that we can never truly know another's self (or lack of). Because there are incarnated souls in all stages of learning and there are OPs that range from mindless to psycho. And living in truth, striving to be STO, could help either one; either directly or indirectly.
This person allegedly cannot enact on inner monologue; however, she can “think” in picture. She describes her thought process as a fast fleeting “movie” she also uses this to reflect on past decisions but it happens so fast that she “gets over it” very quickly. Perhaps there are levels of “memory data access/processing” that organic portals possess. Kind of like AI scanning archive of images to create a match from a request. It kind of reminds me of how a dog learns. They can only reflect on “bad actions” if you catch them in the act at that moment. And they usually forget and can’t recall what they “did wrong” thus confusing them.

This is really intriguing. Do you think that's a sign of being an OP? It could be; but it also makes me think of spirits who communicate in images like that. And wasn't language actually a corruption of original thought? Because the thought is the pure thing that's then put into words which slightly diminishes it...

I never really thought about the different ways in which I think before.
I guess ultimately, it doesn't matter in the sense that we can never truly know another's self (or lack of). Because there are incarnated souls in all stages of learning and there are OPs that range from mindless to psycho. And living in truth, striving to be STO, could help either one; either directly or indirectly.
I haz to disagree , knowledge of self helps discern when one is not/ is dealing with op's.
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