This is what I did, Mrs. Peel. After having tests done many times, because of taking rather large doses of prednisone for some months previously, I finally, after years of not taking the prednisone, had a test that showed some bone loss. I knew from reading things here on the forum and elsewhere just how bad the meds were that they wanted me to take and told the doctor that I was not interested in taking the one she wanted me to (or any other medication for bone loss). After the second time she asked me if I wanted to take the medication and I told her, "No.", she said there was no more reasons to have the expensive tests done if I wasn't going to take the meds to help with it. So problem solved. She didn't ask me to find another doctor because there were other things she was treating me for that she thought that I was taking meds for.If it's too much of hassle, just file the prescriptions, but that is a waste of money. The trick is to refuse the test to begin with.
I don't know if that will work for you so fwiw.