Diet would affect the lining of the endometrium via either too much too little hormones. The type of cravings during PMS may be indicative of ones hormonal state. Interesting that endometrium can also be affected by the seasons.
If there is inadequate stimulation of the lining, due to lack of hormones, the endometrium remains thin and inactive. In humans, this will result in amenorrhea. After menopause, the lining is often described as being atrophic. In contrast, endometrium that is chronically exposed to estrogens, but not to progesterone, may become hyperplastic. Long-term use of oral contraceptives with highly potent progesterone can also induce endometrial atrophy.
In humans, the cycle of building and shedding the endometrial lining lasts an average of 28 days. The endometrium develops at different rates in different mammals. Its formation is sometimes affected by seasons, climate, stress, and other factors. The endometrium itself produces certain hormones at different points along the cycle. This affects other portions of the reproductive system.
Whether menses in pre-agricultural women was seasonal or not, it makes sense that it is the time when feminine power was greater. It would mean the separation of groups menstruating women (through synchrony) or alone they were in a position to reflect and plan for the betterment of society. Many women, more ideas, concentrated power... It had to be turned into something negative because our positive affective states are greater during the menses compared to the pre-menstrual period per some neuropsych studies. This was the case for me as well.
If the followers of the dominating diety wanted power for themselves, whats better than to twist the positive affective states and subdue the feminine than to force an unnatural cycle and subsequent bleeding pattern through diet? Limiting the fat intake of females thus forcing them to eat more carbs resulted in cognitive and affective impairments, not to mention increased PMS symptoms. The the ritual uncleanliness taboos would make it worse. Studies have also shown that negative cultural views on menses are also associated the increased perception of PMS symptoms (pain, fogginess etc).
I'm still not sure that the 28 day cycle is normal and based on this thread it most likely is not. Either way in the dominant culture of today, female bleeding is reduced to a dysregulated physiological process to be controlled rather than a cyclic physiological process symbolic of the shedding of the goddess' blood that supports life.
Menses occur just between late luteal phase and early follicular phase, while the PMS symptoms occur during the late luteal phase.Women with PMS syndrome crave and consume more fats during the late luteal phase. I've also read that increased fat intake will change the duration of each phase. I think that would result in lengthened cycles for some, more regular or irregular for others or even light for normally heavy bleeders or heavier for normally light bleeders. In my case I used to be very irregular and it would last at most 4 days when I did get it. Birth control was suggested but I resisted. I got more regular after having my daughter to every six weeks or so. Either way the week before menses would be terrible emotionally, and physically up until the first day of flow. When I eliminated gluten, dairy and coffee before the paleo diet, it started coming earlier and earlier, lasting more than a week and was very heavy. I am hoping the slight decrease of this month continues, given the change in diet since late august.
I find it interesting that a few studies suggest either normal, enhanced or impaired cognition and affective states depending on menstrual phase the measures were taken. I am more sensitive to everything right before my period. Symptomatic PMS appears to be enhanced with a high carb diet and I think women probably craved fats during PMS because it is what their body needed only on a regular basis. For me the pre-menstrual cravings, fogginess, exhaustion and mood swings would lift after the first day of menses. In fact I often felt the urge to fast once the bleeding started.
After reading those studies listed and looking at a few others, I started thinking about the fact that when we menstruate it is shedding what would have been the support for new life. The endometrial lining helps with the implantation of the blastocyte in the uterus and basically provides the materials for the placenta through which the fetus is nourished. In a way it symbolizes the goddess' who nourishes her children on earth, which of course brought me back to the last Cs session.
A: [..] When humankind "fell" into gross matter, a way was needed to return. This way simply is a manifestation of the natural laws. Consciousness must "eat" also. This is a natural function of the life giving nature of the environment in balance. The Earth is the Great Mother who gives her body, literally, in the form of creatures with a certain level of consciousness for the sustenance of her children of the cosmos. This is the original meaning of those sayings.
(Psyche) I want to ask something about ketosis. Why is it so healing for the brain? It's been useful for cases of epilepsy, but now they're finding uses for bipolar disorder and other psychiatric and neurological diseases.
A: It reflects a balance. That is, no gluttony, respect for the gifts of the goddess blood.
Q: (L) So it's as much a spiritual balance as physical