Paris shootout, explosions, casualties

One more event after a day of attack- fire. Probably they want to shake the people one more time.
A huge fire has damaged the city hall in the Villejuif commune in the southern suburbs of Paris. It is unknown what caused the blaze, which comes a day after a series of deadly attacks struck France’s capital.

Fire brigades were deployed to the scene and reportedly managed to contain the fire, witnesses wrote. There have been no reports of injuries or casualties. Those in the vicinity of the blaze were quick to post images of the inferno on social networks.

Villejuif, which has over 50,000 people, is located only seven kilometers from the center of Paris.
goyacobol said:
And I think most of the forum reactions are very appropriate. When we see the terror of the events we should let others know how we "feel" about them. If we don't just crawl up in a ball with fear I think the expressed anger could be a positive emotion rather than negative.

Agree, I think this anger is very much appropriate, a righteous anger that is a force for the positive. Appreciate Alana's post.

This anger for me though, is also at the realization (after reading about the Paris shootout/explosion) that I too have become numb, silenced to an extent. How much by my own doing, I'm not sure.

Just to say, in times like these, I am so grateful for this forum. A place of sanity in insane times.
angelburst29 said:
This incident happened back in July and may be connected?

Explosives stolen during break-in at French army depot

July 7, 2015 - Police suspect organized crime behind theft but have not ruled out terrorism

PARIS – Explosives, detonators and grenades were stolen from a military armory in the southern French town of Miramas, local media reported on Tuesday.

French radio station Europe 1 said a “pile” of plastic explosive, 180 detonators and around 40 grenades were stolen in the Sunday night break-in at the depot around 60 kilometers (37 miles) northwest of Marseilles.

The thieves – described by the station, citing investigators, as “military or former military men who knew the place” – cut through fences to get into the compound.

The investigation is focusing on organized crime members as being the perpetrators although terrorists have not been ruled out.

Miramas Mayor Frederic Vigouroux told Anadolu Agency: “We are shocked. This is a military site that is highly secure and well guarded by patrols. Military, police and gendarmerie are now all over the town in order to determine exactly what is missing, what happened and who’s responsible.”

The base is a supply depot for French military operations in Africa. A defense ministry spokesman declined to comment.

Breaking: French and German Intelligence Services Knew Paris Attack Was Coming a Month Ago

As this is being written, terrorists have struck Paris and are reported to be holding 100 hostages in a night club, two suicide bombers have detonated outside a soccer stadium, and multiple shootings are taking place as terrorists hit soft targets before moving on in a Mumbai-style assault, leaving at least 40 dead. SOFREP sources reported to us weeks ago that the French National Police were meeting with the German BKA federal police and BND federal intelligence service to discuss an imminent pre-planned terrorist attack in Paris.

Industrial targets were already being probed by suspected terrorists in France, and a bomb which failed to detonate was found in one facility. The explosives employed were those stolen in a little-publicized theft from a French military armory months prior. The French and German federal police and intelligence services strongly believed at that time that terrorists were casing soft targets inside Paris and that it was, “A matter of when, not if.” The only point of contention within the French security services was whether or not the target would be soft (civilian) or hard (military, government, industrial) in nature.


After a military instillation in southeastern France was robbed of close to 200 detonators, 40 grenades and one “pile” of plastic explosives in July, French intelligence authorities were fully aware it was not a simple criminal theft, but something much more sinister.

What is unmistakable at this point is that the French authorities had forewarning of an impending attack on Paris and were completely impotent to avert catastrophe.

“We were expecting something. We knew it was coming,” one western diplomat told BuzzFeed News on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the subject. “The fact that we failed to stop it is definitely a failure. But you can’t imagine the number of attacks we have stopped. This was the nightmare scenario. The targets were all soft targets. How can you protect against people determined to attack a bar or concert?”

With the current global spying apparatus in place, it would seem virtually impossible to coordinate such a large-scale attack, with so many individuals involved, without alerting intelligence authorities. If all the domestic spying taking place is actually meant to keep people safe from terrorism, as governments across the globe claim, then why can’t states stop these types of attacks?

The public is constantly being propagandized by the government to believe that mass surveillance is necessary to thwart terrorist attacks, yet the track record seems to indicate otherwise. If that’s the case, then perhaps we must then consider the possibility that these surveillance programs are not meant to keep us safe, but are simply another means of control.


Just like US 9/11, a gigantic national security failure despite gigantic sums of taxpayer dollars extorted for our "security". And, also like 9/11 & subsequent 'terrorist' attacks, a coinciding drill/exercise all but identical to the actual attack that occurred: a security exercise for dealing with simultaneous terrorist attacks on multiple sites was either on tap or actually in progress. What are the odds?!!!

I can only hope the French people aren't as dumb/clueless as Americans! And as bad as it is that the French flags are being posted to Facebook, whereas Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya/Yemen/Palestinian deaths never merited such a response, please recall the TREMENDOUS outrage over the killing of Cecil the lion!!!! Pathetic!
Just lost apprx 20+ min of composed post - my internet connection inexplicably went out - most interesting timing!

Too much time/work to redo, so will just post the main link/thrust:


Mirrored from Washington's Blog (due to their server being swamped)

Presidents, Prime Ministers, Congressmen, Generals, Spooks, Soldiers and Police ADMIT to False Flag Terror

In the following instances, officials in the government which carried out the attack (or seriously proposed an attack) admit to it, either orally, in writing, or through photographs or videos:

Read more:

This article is really quite damning! It really needs to go viral - maybe it will open eyes that have heretofore been cemented shut!
From Sherrie Questioning All:

Saturday, November 14, 2015
U.S. declaring War on Syria due to Paris Attack, Says All need to join the Fight and get Assad out at same time. Transcript of Speech now embedded

John Kerry is on TV right now on France24 declaring war on Syria and the terrorist inside. Saying everyone needs to join the fight inside Syria and get Assad (he calls dictator) out at same time.

He is saying due to the Paris Attack the U.S. now needs to go to war inside Syria and giving it 6 months to get Assad out.

We now know why the Paris Attack happened. Saying there needs to be a cease fire immediately.
In other words Russia has to stop bombing the terrorist, that is who they are calling for a cease fire.

Saying UN needs to take over Syria right away and monitor all going on.

Says UN is going to accelerate the cease fire.

Seems to me he was threatening Russia at the same time.

War is being declared now. Is this the start of a World War?

This is just a short post to get the information out.

UPDATE: Here is the transcript of what Kerry said and declaring War.

[Read at _ ]

Posted by Sherrie at 11:35 AM

Can anyone confirm this? It's posted on
Jewish family sold Paris ISIS massacre theater on 9/11/15
Published on Nov 14, 2015
Jewish owners recently sold Paris’s Bataclan theater, where IS killed dozens‘We’re devastated because we knew everyone who worked there,’ says former owner Pascal Laloux
French magazine Le Point said early Saturday that the Bataclan, where at least 80 people were massacred by Islamic State gunmen on Friday night, has for years been the target of anti-Zionist groups as the Jewish owners often put on pro-Israel events. The publication quoted a member of the extremist group Army of Islam, who told French security services in 2011 that, “We had planned an attack against the Bataclan because its owners are Jews."
[quote author=Jeep]Saying (John Kerry) UN needs to take over Syria right away and monitor all going on.[/quote]

Rich from someone who systematically denies UN regulations.

[quote author=Jeep]In other words Russia has to stop bombing the terrorist, that is who they are calling for a cease fire.[/quote]

Like that is ever going to happen.

If the Paris attack happened because they needed a pretext to get Nato ground troops inside Syria to switch with ISIS calling it a war they made a grave mistake.

European vassals don’t want a war with Russia. I didn't happen in Ukraine so it also won't happen with Syria. What is there not to understand? More threats only show weakness.

- I doubt this is true? But what the hell. They didn’t even Saw Putin’s actions coming in Syria. The more reality turns against them the more extremer their actions will become. They are totally disconnected.
angelburst29 said:
Speaking of predictions ....

The Paris Terrorist Attacks, “9/11 French-Style”, “Le 11 septembre à la française”

None of the early news reports on November 13th, mentioned the fact that a large scale and well organized terrorist attack had been predicted. The title of the media report below is:

“Intelligence services fear a 9/11 French Style”

Yet in a bitter irony the October report stated that these forthcoming attacks were difficult to avoid: ”impossible a dejouer”, suggesting that French intelligence is inept and unable to prevent a forthcoming catastrophe.

What was the role of this media hype by Paris Match?

Media disinformation? Create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation?

France’s president Francois Hollande no doubt was aware of the October warnings. He had been briefed by his intelligence advisers.

Shortly before midnight local time on November 13, president François Hollande announced drastic police state measures against an alleged terrorist network operating nationwide.

It is highly unlikely, however, that Hollande took this decision spontaneously in the evening of November 13, on the spur of the moment in response to the attacks and prior to the holding of a cabinet meeting. The decision to enact a State of Emergency had no doubt been envisaged in advance of the attack in relation to a potential terrorist attack scenario.

As we recall, the last time a State of Emergency was enacted was in May 1961 in response to the Algiers putsch (Putsch d’Alger), a failed coup d’état to overthrow President Charles de Gaulle’s government.

Hollande’s midnight speech had the appearances of having been scripted –i.e with regard to the adoption of a State of Emergency, a far-reaching political decision: (Copy of speech).

France is under attack. we must defend ourselves.

The political discourse is in some regards reminiscent of the 9/11 attacks and the statements of George W. Bush et al.

The media immediately started comparing the November 13 attacks in Paris to 9/11, intimating that France was at war and that the alleged Islamic State attack was from abroad, i.e. the Middle East.

Police State Measures

President Hollande had ordered by decree without debate or consultation with France’s National Assembly the enactment of a State of Emergency throughout France, coupled with the closing of France’s borders allegedly to prevent terrorists from coming in, and from terror suspects from leaving the country.

The measures also included procedures which enable the police to conduct arbitrary arrests and house searches without a warrant within the Paris metropolitan area opening up the development of a potential hate campaign directed against France’s Muslim population.

These drastic police state measures (including the repeal of habeas corpus) ordered by president Hollande were decided upon prior and in the absence of a police report. Initial reports confirmed the involvement of half a dozen terrorists. There was no evidence of a nationwide terror network.

But as we mentioned above, Hollande had no doubt been briefed by French intelligence which had, according to reports, “predicted” the possibility of a 9/11 style attack. (October 2 media reports).

France had been heralded in Paris Match, October 2, 2015 as the Number One Target of the Islamic State, “a terrorist army with unlimited potential…” The threat and diverse forms it can take suggest that our counter-terrorist abilities are no longer effective as they used to be”

President Hollande assumed that jihadists were behind the attacks, but when he made his speech, there was no evidence from police sources to support his statements.

Moreover, with regard to the Bataclan Concert Hall where there were more than one thousand people at a Rock concert, the reports confirmed that there were four kamikaze terrorists, all of them were killed. As in the case of Charlie Hebdo and the Kosher Grocery Store terrorist attacks in January 2015, the terrorists were killed rather than arrested and indicted.

Was there an attempt on the part of the police to capture them alive?

Moreover, the media was held at bay, they were not allowed to report what was happening within the Concert Hall, they were prevented from talking to the witnesses underlying this tragic event.

Meanwhile a curfew was imposed.

President Obama made a declaration early in the evening (ET) largely sustaining the “war on terrorism” narrative: (Copy of speech).

Who is Behind the Terrorists?

What the French media in its coverage of these tragic events fails to mention is that both the US and France, not to mention Britain, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel are covertly supporting various Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist formations in Syria and Iraq including al Nusrah and the Islamic State.

France is the victim of the Islamic State, but at the same time the US and its allies including France are “State sponsors” of the Islamic state which is an Al Qaeda affiliated entity. (Read more at site.)

Yes,the speech of the French president reminds me of the speech of Bush on 9/11 event in USA.
He said that This attacks are act of war, and France is in war now. Same as Bush said back then.
From the eye witness account (danish-british guy)

To my surprise, we were taken back into the cafe by police. It was pretty horrific. We could see people, who were either wounded or severely wounded or dead. Maybe 10 or a dozen.

That, to me, seems to be a perfect strategy to traumatize as many as possible. oh dear.

It is so disturbing, the analogy to the Mumbai shooting, the sources that warned beforehand, the meeting of those intelligence agencies heads and everything. I'm also so sad that most of the ppl I know do not want to dig deeper, they change their profile pic on fb now and then, that is it.

And now I read this:

Shortly before the massive coordinated terrorist attacks in Paris, which ISIS has claimed responsibility for, Facebook took down the primary Anonymous group responsible for unmasking and reporting thousands of social media accounts used by ISIS to spread propaganda and recruit.


this is all so rotten...
These horrific attacks against the French people are as sinister as it gets and it seems there is nothing the dark forces wont do to achieve their aims though as yet it is not exactly clear what the specific goals will be.

Of course the crimes will encourage the growing Chorus of resentment towards the refugees that are streaming into Europe and the right wing racist groups will come into play in many countries. I have already heard this morning a Dutch far right group led by Geert Wilders is calling on the government to close the borders. Interestingly to me Cameron is pushing this as one of the changes he wants to negotiate with the eu.

Worryingly Hollande is spewing war rhetoric against isil/Isis and with Russia already there fighting them I wonder what he proposes to do. All talk from western powers still points to the fact they aren't willing to work with Assad and Russia so are they willing to risk confrontation with Russia there? I feel this is something the American neocons would love to happen as the Sott article I read this morning highlights that fact.

it looks like that no civilians are safe and attacks like this will continue as the refugees stream into Europe. This look as if it is well planned by the ptb and the disruption caused ensures European countries stay on side with the USA/nato plan to remove Assad though it seems obvious to any normal people the only effective opposition to Isis is the coalition of Russian, Syrian and there allies that are currently destroying the group.

I feel extreme sadness for these attacks and all those people that have been effected by it in France. We will all feel the repercussions of this and I feel the push against Russia and Assad moving us closer to complete destruction is a real possibility.
Is not it strange that France has decided already at 05:11:15, suspend the Schengen Agreement from 11/13/15 to 12/13/15? So start on the day of the terrible attack. Foreigners can not enter with Schengen visas, require a French visa. Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve gave as justification, it is about a precaution because of the terrorist threat on the UN Climate Change Conference, which will take place in Paris. 30,000 policemen, including 4,000 border officials will control the border crossings of the country sharply.
Border controls were therefore not adopted because of the assassination, but were decided already far in advance.
Whenever major terrorist attacks (9/11, Charlie Hebdo and now again in Paris) take place, passports are found. Are IS-terrorists who are trained by the CIA really that stupid? Hardly likely! And a few hours later and was immediately in front of a letter claiming the ISIS. Within a short time after the attacks, and without any evidence reported the press that ISIS is the culprit.
Like the time a couple of Saudis who outwit the entire security apparatus of the United States of America with box cutters, managed ISIS to procure weapons and not available to outsmart the French secret services.
A long article but it does raise a lot of interesting questions concerning the Paris attacks.

There is also a question as to why ‘ISIS’ would bother attacking Paris. The government of France, like that of the UK, the United States and several others, has been pushing consistently for the removal of the Assad government in Syria and has therefore been forwarding the cause of Syrian rebels and jihadists, with any supposed ‘anti-ISIL’ operations likely being the same half-assed pantomime that the United States, Turkey and others have been engaged in. In fact, the previous French government was one of the biggest allies and enablers of Salafist jihadism – ISIL and Al-Qaeda included – as France was the primary driver of the NATO intervention in Libya in 2011, which was a military intervention for the sake of jihadists and aimed at removing the Gaddafi regime and destabilising Libya, Africa and the Middle East. The French-led destruction of Libya wasn’t just about Libya; it was this operation that created the flow of weapons and jihadists to Syria and it was this operation also that created vast, terrorist playgrounds and staging areas in both Libya and Syria.
JEEP said:
Breaking: French and German Intelligence Services Knew Paris Attack Was Coming a Month Ago

I wouldn't be surprised if they knew something even earlier than that. I wouldn't be surprised if the Russians also knew, and that may have been a big part of the reason they went into Syria when they did. Or maybe not, who knows...
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