Paris shootout, explosions, casualties

Scottie said:
I wouldn't be surprised if they knew something even earlier than that. I wouldn't be surprised if the Russians also knew, and that may have been a big part of the reason they went into Syria when they did. Or maybe not, who knows...

It would be interesting if France and Russia 'team up' to give ISIS in Syria a good spanking. Lots of people would look favourably on that, considering these barbaric and extremely professional attacks. Bibi left his run too late, the idiot (with his attempts to 'share' information). Like that would help.
Ok After "USA/peoples behind made terrorists and Bin Laden Holliwood actor" they crashed his own towers 9/11 to make reason to go on Middle East,after everything they done there,bloodshed,they made ISIL and trought them occupied territory.After 1 year they puted down, trought aircraft, infrastructure for their camps and weapons,and they told for that actions "we bombing terrorists".Putin knew that and send real troop to destroy terrorists made from USA,because he knows if NATO take Syria they could make terroirsts again on KAvkaz mountain.Now people have begun to suspect in NATO lies and moch more to belive what Russia did.To get people back into the illusion "hows really exist terrorists and USA trying to destroy them" people behind who working FOR NATO made their own attack on EU.They saw Russia winning and NATO must make reason like they did in France to go stronger on east again and try back peoples in illusion hows " they are the saviors of the world" like allways they did trought propagande.
From the Guardian :

Belgian prosecutor releases brother of Paris suspect

The Belgian prosecutor has told AFP five of the seven suspects they arrested in Brussels in connection with the Paris attacks have been released, including Mohammed Abdeslam, the brother of suspect suicide bomber Ibrahim Abdeslam.

A spokesman for the prosecutor’s office said Mohammed Abdeslam had been released without charge.

A third brother, Salah, is the subject of a French police wanted order, suspected to have rented the car used by the group who attacked the Bataclan.

The prosecutors office has also told AFP that the major raid currently underway in Brussels is aimed at arresting that third brother - Saleh Abdeslam.

He would not confirm whether the suspect was in the house surrounded by police in the suburb of Molenbeek.

Are these Abdeslam brothers patsies for what happened ?

Brahim Abdeslam (the suicide bomber) was the owner of a bar that was shut down last week for drug trafficking.
Suddenly he thought that perhaps it would be better to go in Paris and blow himself up ? really ?!
Have been looking again at Charlie Hebdo and the supermarket attack. The video of the end game at the supermarket where the guy runs (or rather leaps) out and is taken down in a hall of bullets at point blank range, has always seemed weird to me

Here's the video:

The below image is also from the video near the end, when for a second the camera pans left and you see the "terrorist" on the ground. This is the guy who was just shot multiple times and then apparently dragged a few feet to the left out of the doorway. There's a distinct lack of blood around him or any blood trail from dragging.


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Another hard punch of Putin to ISIS and their masters. He is a very wise man and he is telling the truth.

An hour ago PEPE ESCOBAR, of Asia Times Online, RT, etc. had this to say on his Facebook page:


There were glaring differences between the three teams at the Paris carnage.

The Stade de France team featured absolute patsies trying to enter a football match in a heavily policed stadium wearing a suicide vest. Expendable “martyrs” – “Syrian passport” and all.

The Bataclan team featured calm, relatively proficient shooters, but still martyrs. They knew a hostage situation, in France, could only finish with their “martyrdom”. Less expendable, but still expendable.

The heart of the matter is the drive-by team. Or “teams”. Notice corporate media is absolute mum on them, because the investigation itself seems to be clueless.

The killers at La Belle Équipe arrived on a black Mercedes, according to witnesses. There is NO mention of this Mercedes anywhere. The killers were ultra-pro, muscular, methodical, and WHITE. NO ONE is talking about them.

These are the NON-EXPENDABLES. The high-priced mercenaries. While all the media circus spreads from Grenoble and Toulouse to Brussels and even Raqqa, they have simply vanished without a trace.

Who are they? And who hired them? Certainly not social network jihadi al-Baljiki.

Pepe Escobar"
And that is pretty much my reading on it as i explained it in the Radio Show thread yesterday. These are multi-level events, where the left hand dosen't necessarily know what the right hand is doing. Some are being used, and blow themselves up, martyrs? patsies? junkies out for a quick 'fix'? and other are just flat out Pros, hired assassins doing their job and driving away unscathed!
luc said:
luke wilson said:
Fear of muslims? Like that wasn't already the case... association with muslims and terror? Again, it's the case in most people's mind... refugees are bad? All this just to convince people to hate refugees? Extreme if you ask me... And where did these refugees get this capabilities from? Plus, why would they attack their host country and make things worse for themselves? IS can strike from anywhere at anytime narrative? I suppose... kinda extreme as well if you ask me. It's meant to be a menace out there in the middle east, terrorising and de-stabalizing governments to make them ripe for the picking by the war hawks and corporate interests. The French President is saying this is an act of war? Against who is he going to go to war with? Some shadowy organisation of proxy mercenaries most likely funded by secret agencies? And war with Syria? Assad isn't ISIS. Russia is in Syria, they won't be bombing/attacking Damascus with Russia about, plus it'll be a stretch for them to tie this attacks all the way back to the door step of Assad. The might tie it back to his country, but to his doorstep?

In short, if this is a false flag attack, I have no idea what the end game is.

Maybe a little bit of all that? I'm a little suspicious of many "conspiracy theories" that try to "nail the ultimate motive" of the empire's actions - yes, they are playing some sort of chess game, but let's not forget they are psychopaths! I always remember the example in (I think) Martha Stout's "Sociopaths next door" of this guy who always gave false alarms and *always* got caught, spending time in prison! When asked why he does it, he said that he "likes to make people jump". I mean, he shot himself in the foot all the time, just because he "likes to make people jump" and feels powerful that way! This is the kind of insanity we are dealing with here... And this ties in with what the Cs said once, that starting a war just to make a few bucks "is psychopathy for you". This also ties in I think with the ultimate purpose of "entropy" - simple destruction, wrecking havoc to anything "higher", to any noble spirit, any form of compassion and acts of conscience, like Orwell's eternal boot on people's faces. So yeah, while there may be geopolitical reasons to all this, it's also possible that someone just thought it's a great opportunity to "make some people jump". Then, other psychopaths join the frenzy, using the event to expand the police state or to gain something on the geopolitical chessboard etc. Or, they played a game with those who "love to make people jump" in the first place, making them jump, with the added benefit of furthering their agenda... I don't know, it's really hard to understand this kind of sickness... fwiw.


I was curious where that quote about psychopathy came from so I looked for it and I think that session really fits what we are seeing now:

Session 7 September 2013
Q: (L) Next question? (Andromeda) Is the whole show to cover up the oncoming comets?
A: Partly, though even the higher level players may not be totally aware.
Q: (Atriedes) Why is there this big show with the British House of Lords or Commons or whatever, and
suddenly there are all these speeches in Congress about taking back the power to declare war, and
suddenly Obama changed from just going to war to, "Oh, I'm gonna go talk to Congress!" Why is there
this whole big show about that aspect?
A: Drama to keep the masses off their backs about what really matters.
Q: (Ark) What really matters I think is that once in awhile you have to get rid of the old missiles,
because they're costly. It's much better to get new ones so you have to get rid of the old ones. For the
French and for the US; you have to get rid of them.
A: What really matters to the people is the coming Earth events for which they are entirely unprepared.
Q: (L) I guess what matters to them in the short term is jobs and the economy, all of which is related
to climate change?
A: Yes
Q: (L) So they're not doing anything about climate change - and I don't mean global warming, either. I
mean what's going on here on the planet right now in a big way. They're not doing anything about that,
they're not doing anything to straighten out the vast inequity between the rich and poor...
(Perceval)Are we talking about this Syria business at some level having been decided upon...
A: Yes, of course! Who do you think sent in the people to stir up that mess??!?
Q: (Perceval)Well, there's all sorts of talk about strategic colonial agendas: pipelines and blah blah
A: Have any of their plans worked thus far except to put billions in their pockets?
Q: (Perceval)So it is just a racket!
A: Yes
Q: (Perceval)For making money and distracting people. (L) And distracting the people from kicking
them out of power by keeping the people afraid.
A: Yes yes yes yes yes yes.
Q: (Perceval)See, that's just unthinkable to me, that they'd have a war just to have a war for no other
good reason than to make money.
A: That is psychopathy for you!
Q: (Atriedes) Right before Hillary Clinton went all evil with the Libya thing, I noticed that she suddenly
swelled and became very inflamed looking. And then John Kerry right before this Syria thing, he got a
llot more puffy and now he has this weird lazy eye, his eyes swelled, and his face, and he's starting to
puff out, too. Is that kind of like the sign that they've turned evil when they become mega-inflamed?
A: Evil takes its toll on the body.
Q: (Atriedes) So, cutting out the evil is more important than cutting out the calories. (L) Pretty much!
(Andromeda) So, there's no intent of pushing people to a revolution with some of this revolution hype
and drama...?
A: Sure! It will make billions for some people and others plan to come in and set up shop on the ashes.
But as we just asked: When have their plans for results actually worked as they present them?
Q: (Ark) I think there is another reason. You start the war, and then you let some kinds of these rebels
to have access to nuclear weapons. Can you imagine how much more Homeland Security you will be
able to have then if you let all these "Islamist rebels" get these weapons? Give your enemy advanced
weapons, pretend you are helping them to get rid of Assad, and then later, "Oh, we didn't know they
are terrorists, but now they have access to these weapons! We have to close our borders! We have to
control everything!" (Andromeda) It's creepy, some of these reports of Homeland Security making
these huge orders of hollow point bullets, and building these compounds with fences... It looks like
they're kind of getting ready for some revolution or something. (Perceval)I wondered if those reports
are just...
A: The real war, as you know, is on normal people via proxies.
Q: (Kniall) Are the Russians really trying to stop this?
A: At the moment.
Q: (Perceval)So...
A: Putin is also not so heartless.
Q: (Perceval)What are the chances that if the Americans and French bomb Syria, that Putin and the
Russian military would respond?
A: Very good unless things change.
Q: (Mr. Scott) Except things change every five minutes, so that doesn't mean much. (L) Yeah.
(Perceval)Yeah, it's ongoing. (L) Okay, what are our last few questions? Belibaste? (Belibaste)We had
an assumption that industrial plumes could be attractors for cometary discharges? Is this a valid
A: Yes
Q: (Belibaste)Is it because the plume is electrically charged?
A: Yes
Q: (Belibaste)Is the charge of the plume more negative than the charge of the incoming body?
A: Yes
Q: (Belibaste)Whoa, that's cool. What is the main cause of the eleven year solar cycle?
A: Reverberations due to passes of companion.

This session sounds so exactly like what we are seeing that I don't know why we forget what was asked and answered. It gives me so much hope that these idiots will start to self-implode as they continue on their merry way. I hate to be pre-mature but I am getting a slight sense of exhilaration. And, one of their biggest blind spots is the cometary/cosmic connections they are creating. :)
Perceval said:
Have been looking again at Charlie Hebdo and the supermarket attack. The video of the end game at the supermarket where the guy runs (or rather leaps) out and is taken down in a hall of bullets at point blank range, has always seemed weird to me

Here's the video:

The below image is also from the video near the end, when for a second the camera pans left and you see the "terrorist" on the ground. This is the guy who was just shot multiple times and then apparently dragged a few feet to the left out of the doorway. There's a distinct lack of blood around him or any blood trail from dragging.

Maybe this observation has been brought up before but some have said, that the store front windows had been painted over i think a coupe weeks before the alleged assault by.....????????? Which obviously would provide a good cover for a controlled and staged event.

But what do i know ?........i put my socks on backwards today......... :oops:

This is the stuff that's out there. Go figure.
Published on Jan 15, 2015


Perceval said:
Have been looking again at Charlie Hebdo and the supermarket attack. The video of the end game at the supermarket where the guy runs (or rather leaps) out and is taken down in a hall of bullets at point blank range, has always seemed weird to me

Here's the video:

The below image is also from the video near the end, when for a second the camera pans left and you see the "terrorist" on the ground. This is the guy who was just shot multiple times and then apparently dragged a few feet to the left out of the doorway. There's a distinct lack of blood around him or any blood trail from dragging.

Certainly looks like a staged fake bullets scene.

It makes me think of what this session talks about:

Session 10 January 2015
Q: (Perceval) Ya know there's a nuclear power plant close to where we live.
(L) Yes, I know.
(Chu) And the Toulouse people are most aligned with this whole Israel thing according to the news
(Perceval) The two brothers in the Charlie Hebdo shooting, the two brothers, were they the shooters?
A: No. [Wood stove bottom door falls open, making a big noise] They were already "on ice."
Q: (Perceval) Does that mean they were already dead?
A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) So, um...
(Chu) And the third guy, too?
(Perceval) So they were already dead. Were they placed in this print house near Paris? Were their
bodies put in that building?
A: This was a multi-act drama.
Q: (L) When they supposedly killed the brothers and took them out, were they displayed?
(Chu) Not at all. Nothing was displayed.
(L) Did anybody see their faces?
(Chu) No.
(Pierre) No.
(Kniall) No.
(L) Do we even know that they were dead when they were supposedly shot and taken out?
(Perceval) No, nobody knows that. You never know that anyway.
(Pierre) The only thing you know about them is their names, and pictures of them.
(Perceval) Lemme ask a question: Was there anybody in that print house playing the part of these
A: Yes
Q: (Perceval) So there were some "actors" there playing the part?
A: Yes
Q: (Perceval) Were they killed?
A: No

Q: (Perceval) They escaped, or they were arrested? Were they arrested? Did anybody arrest them?
(Kniall) They were wearing uniforms so they blended in.
(Pierre) Fake shootings.
(Chu) Were they RAID agents?
(L) What's RAID?
(Chu) The special agents that killed Merah. [RAID = Recherche Assistance Intervention Dissuasion, the
anti-terrorist unit of the French Police]
A: Close.

Any bodies needed are probably prearranged for the event I think. :mad: Kind of looks like a pattern to me. :deadhorse:
The 'Eagles of Death Metal' band at the Bataclan venue in Paris last Friday night had just finished playing 'Save a Prayer', before lead singer Jesse 'The Devil' Hughes (yes, it's how he likes to be known) yelled to the crowd: "Are you ready to be possessed by the spirits of the night?"... The band then launched into their last song, 'Kiss The Devil', before the gunmen opened fire.

I don't mean to in any way suggest that the attendees or the band deserved what happened to them, nor that the gunmen deliberately chose that moment to commence firing, but I do find it symbolic that this kind of 'ritual' preceded the massacre. The West as a geopolitical/imperial entity is profoundly sick and, with it, Western culture.
Niall said:
The 'Eagles of Death Metal' band at the Bataclan venue in Paris last Friday night had just finished playing 'Save a Prayer', before lead singer Jesse 'The Devil' Hughes (yes, it's how he likes to be known) yelled to the crowd: "Are you ready to be possessed by the spirits of the night?"... The band then launched into their last song, 'Kiss The Devil', before the gunmen opened fire.

I don't mean to in any way suggest that the attendees or the band deserved what happened to them, nor that the gunmen deliberately chose that moment to commence firing, but I do find it symbolic that this kind of 'ritual' preceded the massacre. The West as a geopolitical/imperial entity is profoundly sick and, with it, Western culture.

My husband remarked to me the night of the attacks (we were watching RT news when the name of the band was first mentioned) that "Eagles of Death" was also a symbolic name for what was taking place (with the eagle being the symbol of the US and all).
As the saying goes, 'follow the money'

France has invoked emergency powers to sweep aside EU deficit rules and retake control over its economy after the terrorist atrocities in Paris, pledging a massive in increase and security and defence spending whatever the cost.

President Francois Hollande said vital interests of the French nation are at stake and there can be no further justification for narrowly-legalistic deficit rules imposed by Brussels. “The security pact takes precedence over the stability pact. France is at war,” he told the French parliament.

Defence cuts have been cancelled as far out as 2019 as the country prepares to step up its campaign to “eradicate” ISIS, from the Sahel in West Africa, across the Maghreb, to Syria and Iraq.

This was probably part of the advice Hollande received in the aftermath of the attacks. Each of the 132 dead can probably be translated into a large monetary sum that will go directly from the French taxpayer into the coffers of arms manufacturers. That alone is motivation enough for these psychos to go on a shooting spree.
There Facebook page
Rock music on a Monday evening. — at O2 Academy Newcastle.
Eagles Of Death Metal
November 10 2015

Eagles Of Death Metal
November 12 at 3:08pm ·
This view never, ever, ever, ever gets old.
Taken Monday night at Dublin's Olympia Theatre by our very own Julian Dorio.


Follow the associations of former producers and record labels.
I was doing some research of this band's history from wiki connections and there is some stranger bed fellows, from past associations. Sony came up in past dealings way back. Makes me wounder who there handlers were???

Apologies, i don't mean to lead others here to my home work. It's just such large rabbit hole with this whole incident.

Eagles of Death Metal
Early years (1998–2003)
Eagles of Death Metal formed in Palm Desert, California, in 1998 and first appeared on Josh Homme's The Desert Sessions Volumes 3 & 4, released that year. Over the next few years, Homme became distracted from the band due to the success of Queens of the Stone Age. However, in an October 2008 interview, he reaffirmed his commitment to the band saying, "This isn't a side project for me. I'm in two bands. I have musical schizophrenia, and this is one of those personalities. In brief they are amazing."[14]

Le Bataclan attack
Main article: November 2015 Paris attacks
On November 13, 2015, the band was playing a sold-out concert to about 1,500 guests at Le Bataclan theatre in Paris, when the venue was attacked by terrorists, who killed at least 89 concertgoers.[23] According to reports, the attackers shot randomly into the crowd, including those seeking cover by lying on the floor, and then detonated explosive vests when the theatre was stormed by special police units. Three of the perpetrators were killed in the explosions, and another by the police.[24][25] Hughes escaped via the backstage[26] and the rest of the band survived the attack.
However, 36 year-old Nick Alexander, who worked the band's merchandise table during the group's European tour, was among the people killed in the terror attack.[28]
Perceval said:
This was probably part of the advice Hollande received in the aftermath of the attacks. Each of the 132 dead can probably be translated into a large monetary sum that will go directly from the French taxpayer into the coffers of arms manufacturers. That alone is motivation enough for these psychos to go on a shooting spree.

...may very well be, in that "other" timeline - but - could it be, that in "current" one, France is departing from OTAN/eu, like again? Different timelines - different meannings of the same moves, a kind of...
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