Pavel Durov, creator of Telegram detained in Paris


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Telegram will launch a paid subscription plan for its users this month, founder Pavel Durov said.

Telegram to launch paid Premium subscription in June

10 JUN, 2022
This subscription plan allows anyone to acquire additional features, speed and resources, Telegram founder Pavel Durov specified

MOSCOW, June 10. /TASS/. Telegram will launch the paid Premium subscription in June, making it possible for messenger users to have additional functions, Telegram founder Pavel Durov wrote in his Telegram channel.

"After giving it some thought, we realized that the only way to let our most demanding fans get more while keeping our existing features free is to make those raised limits a paid option. That's why this month we will introduce Telegram Premium, a subscription plan that allows anyone to acquire additional features, speed and resources. It will also allow users to support Telegram and join the club that receives new features first," Durov said.

All the existing functions will remain free, the founder of the messenger said. "Even users who don't subscribe to Telegram Premium will be able to enjoy some of its benefits: for example, they will be able to view extra-large documents, media and stickers sent by Premium users, or tap to add Premium reactions already pinned to a message to react in the same way," Durov noted.

"While our experiments with privacy-focused ads in public one-to-many channels have been more successful than we expected, I believe that Telegram should be funded primarily by its users, not advertisers. This way our users will always remain our main priority," he concluded.
Published on Jun 10, 2022 (4:21)
If you want to avoid exposing your real phone number and you live outside United States then you can buy virtual number that is not tied to any SIM card and use it instead of real phone, but those numbers aren't cheap.

Avoiding having to use phone at all would require a lot of knowledge about android emulation and it is probably against Terms of Service.
If you want to avoid exposing your real phone number and you live outside United States then you can buy virtual number that is not tied to any SIM card and use it instead of real phone, but those numbers aren't cheap.

Avoiding having to use phone at all would require a lot of knowledge about android emulation and it is probably against Terms of Service.
From what I remember, they did some changes to the registration that crippled even the open-source version in a way that the application is unable to send SMS with the registration code if it's not their signed version AND installed from the Google Play Store (in the case of Android). This was because of SMS gateway costs I suppose... On the other hand, it makes sense in the context of bot accounts that are plaguing Twitter. A throwaway SIM is the best option IMO, although from the privacy standpoint, your cell operator CAN correlate the throw-away SIM with the device's IMEI number, and by extension, with other SIM cards that you've used on this particular phone on their network.
Pavel Durov has been arrested in Paris. The investigation intends to establish the nature of Durov's relationship with the Kremlin. Freedom and democracy, just the way we like it.
Durov's decision to fly to France after Azerbaijan, which is in conflict with Paris, is very strange. It is a good gift for the West, now the question remains why he flew to France and who gave him guarantees if in his interviews Durov has constantly stated that he avoids democratic countries...
TF1 claims that Durov will appear in court this Saturday. He will be charged with multiple episodes - all the crimes allegedly committed with Telegram that Durov did not prevent and the investigations about which he refused to cooperate with the security forces in France.
Apparently, Pavel Durov did not realize that Europe is now sinking into totalitarianism, where his stories about freedom of speech and opinion are of no interest to anyone.
Pavel Durov has been arrested in Paris. The investigation intends to establish the nature of Durov's relationship with the Kremlin. Freedom and democracy, just the way we like it.

From telegram post :

Medvedev on Durov's arrest :

Some time ago, quite some time ago, I asked Durov why he didn't want to cooperate with law enforcement on serious crimes. “This is my principled position,” he stated. “Then there will be serious problems in any country,” I told him.

He thought he had the biggest problems in Russia, and left, then also got citizenship/residence permits in other states. He wanted to be a brilliant “man of the world” who lives perfectly well without a homeland. Ubi bene ibi patria!

He miscalculated. For all our common enemies now, he is Russian - and therefore unpredictable and dangerous. Of a different blood. Certainly not Musk or Zuckerberg (by the way, actively cooperating with the FBI). Durov should finally realize that the Fatherland, like the times, cannot be chosen.....
Some abstracts from Durov's bio on wikipedia :

"Durov is a libertarian, teetotaler, and vegetarian. Durov claims to have an ascetic lifestyle, and promotes freedom from personal possessions.

For his twenty-seventh birthday in 2011, he donated a million dollars to the Wikimedia Foundation.

In 2012, he published manifestos detailing his ideas on improving Russia."

"Pavel Dourov likes to present himself as an opponent of Vladimir Putin. He has liberal political and economic ideas. He describes himself as a "laissez-faire" libertarian, but also claims to be inspired by Che Guevara and Steve Jobs."

"Durov's father Valery Semenovich Durov is a Doctor of Philological Sciences and the author of academic papers. Since 1992, he has been head of the Department of classical philology of the philological faculty of Saint Petersburg State University. In March 2022, Durov wrote that "On my Mom's side, I trace my family line from Kyiv. Her maiden name is Ukrainian (Ivanenko), and to this day we have many relatives living in Ukraine."

He is the younger brother of Nikolai Durov, who joined him in founding Telegram and served as lead developer, programmer, and architect of the project.

Durov is not married. He lives in Dubai.

Durov was naturalized as a French citizen in August 2021 and now has European Union citizenship. In April 2021, he received United Arab Emirates citizenship.

Since 2010 he has fathered over 100 children via sperm donation in 12 nations."
Avoid Telegram.

It has no MetaData Protection.

Only Mobile is encrypted. (Phones have insecure hardware) [1]

Invented their own encryption algorithm. Thus, unaudited with a history of security vulnerabilities. [2]

Most VoIP Numbers are blocked.

Tor is often blocked.

Has a history of handing over data to Law Enforcement when asked. [3]


Forces you to use the Google/Apple Stores. F-Droid version is crippled. Telegram requires Google Push which is closed source, therefore the binaries can’t be compared to the code, and Telegram’s claim to be “open source” is a lie.

[1a]KicksecureMobile Phone Security Mobile Devices Privacy and Security
[2a]madaidans insecuritiesWhonix Dev Messengers | Madaidan's Insecurities
Luke SmithDon’t Use Telegram. Don’t Use Telegram. Don’t Use Telegram. Don’t Use Telegram. Don’t Use Telegram.
[3a]Mental OutlawTelegram Hands Over User Data to German Police
[3b]Mental OutlawTelegram Review
[3c]Android CentralTelegram gives user data to German authorities Telegram reportedly gives user data to German authorities

Session is currently the best option...

Macron is grandstanding on the arrest of Durov

Durov’s notable achievements began with the creation of VKontakte (VK), Russia's largest social network, which he co-founded with his brother Nikolai in 2006. VK quickly became a dominant platform in Russia, similar to Facebook. #Durov’s tenure at VK was marked by disputes with Russian authorities over data privacy and content control. In 2014, facing mounting pressure, he was compelled to sell his stake and leave the company.

In 2013, Durov launched Telegram, a cloud-based messaging app renowned for its emphasis on privacy and security. With over 700 million monthly active users, Telegram has become a significant player in the messaging app market, competing with platforms like WhatsApp. The app has gained prominence in various global conflicts, including the ongoing Ukraine war, where it has been a crucial source of information and, at times, disinformation.

Durov relocated to Dubai in 2017 to escape Russian pressures and continue his work with Telegram. In 2021, he obtained French citizenship, a move that has become a central aspect of his current legal status.

Today, #Durov has been arrested in Paris on August 24, 2024, as he disembarked from his private jet at Le Bourget Airport. The arrest was conducted based on a search warrant related to allegations of money laundering, illegal drug trafficking, and the distribution of content linked to child abuse on Telegram. The arrest has raised significant concerns about his future and the potential repercussions for his company.

Despite these challenges, Durov remains a pivotal figure in the technology sector, known for his commitment to digital privacy and innovation. He is also a father of five and balances his high-profile career with family life. His recent legal troubles highlight the complexities of navigating global business and personal security in the digital age.

On this Independence Day of Ukraine, France sends a message of unwavering support to Ukrainians. For your freedom and your independence, in the name of the European values that we share, our commitment to you will not weaken.

Ah, Emmanuelita, or as I should call you, the Big Cheese of the Republic? Today, on Ukraine's Independence Day, there you stand, with your "unshakable" support, like a croissant that refuses to crumble under the pressure of the butter knife. But let's see, what does this "constant support" really mean?

Does it mean France will send its best chefs to cook borscht in the trenches? Or perhaps you'll ship an endless supply of berets to keep the heads of Ukrainian soldiers warm, making them the chicest army on the battlefield? Ah, and let's not forget, a shipment of French cheeses that, with their aroma, could confuse enemy drones!

And those "shared European values"? I imagine it's liberté, égalité, fraternité... and of course, the ability to queue orderly for bread, a skill that will surely come in handy in times of war.

But seriously, Emmanuelita, your "unshakable support" sounds a bit like a commitment made after one too many bottles of Bordeaux. "Don't worry, Ukraine, we'll always be there... unless there's a Louis Vuitton sale, then, well, you'll have to wait."

And regarding freedom and independence, it's a bit like you're offering an umbrella in a nuclear storm. Thanks for the thought, but maybe, just maybe, what Ukraine needs isn't just your French charm, but something a tad more... explosive?

So, here's to you, Emmanuelita, the white knight on a steed that's probably more interested in discussing wine than war strategies. Keep sending those tweets, or pardon, X posts, of support. I'm sure each post is like a balm for Ukrainian morale, almost as comforting as a fresh baguette in a trench.
The Durov brothers biographies match what we've seen in Poland during the communist era, namely secret collaborators of the security services. You could see how some people suddenly got better cars than the rest of society, were allowed to travel around the world, and, after transformation, got hired in western banks, the media, or even became prime ministers.
Allegories aside, I'm certain that there's no possibility of raising 1.7 billion USD in funding without being involved in some deeper deals with intelligence services. Telegram's security is weak, as device-to-device encryption is opt-in only and in a 1:1 scheme. Features like searching for users nearby seem like a deliberate way to be exploited by external data collectors. Telegram's marketing is shady in regard to security and privacy, while trying to store as much data as they can on their infrastructure.
I'd be very happy if Durov was like his media image, but try to raise 1 million USD for an app... You'd be eaten alive by private investors if you didn't have good connections.

Session is currently the best option...
Signal is still pretty good in that regard, especially its fork, Molly. Signal Desktop should be avoided at all costs. I do understand that, at some point, Signal was founded by intelligence, but one of the developers of the cryptographic algorithm is also responsible for Wireguard's encryption, which was reviewed many times and is included in the Linux kernel.
Hi all,

There's no specific thread regarding news about the Telegram application, so i selected this one but the topic here is a bit off topic from the title and should be more in the "our orwellian world" or "geopolitics" sections. (ie: as telegram is one key mean of free discussion remaining actually, if one admin think it's better to create a new dedicated thread in the right section of the forum and move this post, please go on)

It's about the arrestation of Parel Durov in Paris.
I received the following on Telegram, from a friend of mine who run a channel with 1900+ subscribers (which is already a good number). He posts a lot of information on (and against) Israel and the jews/mossad since 6 months, before it was more about the covid show and the danger of the vaccines..

Here is an auto-translation of the text he typed, language is rough in some passages, you are warned, and he posted a link to an article of Haaretz, but it requires to be subscribed or give one's email address to read it.
I thought that what he wrote was a good information to relay here, so let's do it.

First the link to the article :

And the post translated to english :
In the world of intelligence and strategic information, people often have several passports, several nationalities, several identities, several projects, several objectives and several faces.
Sometimes, and often right up until the end, you never know who's really working in WHO's interests.
It's a multi-carded, opaque, complex, hard world where, very often, people are motivated sometimes by the idea, sometimes by sex, sometimes by the heart, or more frequently by money, and sometimes by patriotism.

Durov is an Azeri. I think he has the support of the Iranians and the Russians, given that he is 50/50.
The WEF? And why not several worms in the same fruit?

I'm not afraid for him. Even less so for us.
Azeris are very, very solid people. I've known a few of them.
They're a bit like Chechens or Inghush.
They're brave people who can hold their own. You don't make them talk like that.
Name, blood, clan, honour. That's more important than anything else.

The Americans and the French can go and brush themselves off. If Durov created Telegram in the image of a Hydra, the Jews can go fuck themselves.

Do you know why MOSSAD had Durov arrested?

Because hackers (the Iranian NSA) hacked into Jewish servers and downloaded tens of thousands of sensitive data concerning Western politicians and also a lot of other Dimona-related or military information.
It's a huge blow for the Jews and they've gone mad.

That's the only reason they arrested Durov. They want access to all the Telegram exchanges and they want to know where this data has gone, who is exchanging it, who is doing what and with whom.

Telegram is one of the last areas of freedom of communication and the Jews have no control over it.

Look at another example:

Why a knife attack in Germany and in Solingen (the town where knives are made, the equivalent of Thiers in France)?
Who is claiming responsibility?
The Islamic State (MOSSAD).

The Palestinians have been crushed under Israeli bombs and bulldozers for 10 months and not a single Arab has done anything for them.

A data theft where Israel has just been screwed. The Islamic State gets out its claws and activates one of its contractors who arrived in Europe via an Israeli NGO.
In this business, there are no coincidences and everything is meticulously planned to perfection.

These are extraordinary times!
Avoid Telegram.

Indeed. If possible, avoid using any messaging app. Every single one of them is compromised. For years, people recommended Signal. Nope! It's full of holes, as well.

In short, any app that becomes widespread and is used for communicating will be compromised very quickly - otherwise, it wouldn't be "allowed" to be popular.

Durov's arrest is political shenanigans, and doesn't mean that he's 'fighting the good fight' or anything like that. Although compared to other tech moguls I've seen in interviews, he's the most 'interesting' of them all. Definitely an odd duck.

Added: Having said all that, I have Telegram and WhatsApp installed on my PC and phone... I use Telegram mostly for news and WhatsApp for family comms.
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