Joe said:
You claim that there is no "hard evidence" to conclude that a 757 did not hit the Pentagon, but neither is there "hard evidence" that one did. Equally, there is no "hard evidence" that the WTC towers were not brought down by planes and fire, but neither is there "hard evidence" they were.
What there IS, in BOTH cases, is a LACK of evidence to support the official government line that planes and fire brought down the WTC towers and that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, and it is this LACK of evidence which supports the conspiracy theories that No Boeing hit the Pentagon and plane impacts and fire brought down the WTC towers.
But there is "hard evidence" showing that it is not physically possible for both towers to fall due to "fire damage." Engineers, physicists, and scientists from Universities nationwide have provided enough "hard evidence" to show that the towers could not have possibily collapsed due to the official explanation of fire damage, rather that demolition charges were definitely used to not only bring down the North and South towers; but building 7 as well, a building that a plane did not even hit.
Proponents of the no-Boeing theory have made the following claims about the debris from the crash:
1. There was no aircraft debris.
2. There was insufficient aircraft debris for a jetliner crash.
3. There was an absence of aircraft wreckage that should have survived a jetliner crash, such as pieces of wings and tail.
4. The absence of signs of bodies, seats, and luggage in photographs of the crash site prove that the attack plane wasn't Flight 77.
Claim 1 is disproved by numerous post-attack photographs of the Pentagon.
Claim 2 is based on the unfounded assumptions that the quantities of debris can be established from public evidence.
Claim 3 is invalidated by a review of the debris fields of any number of jetliner crashes.
Claim 4 supposes that bodies, seats, and luggage should have survived in easily recognized forms, and that they would have ended up in places that were photographed. However, the impact holes would have admitted an entire fuselage of 757 into the building, and there is no complete photographic record of the interior wreckage available to the public.
Joe said:
At the Pentagon, there was hard evidence of only ONE engine, i.e. there was a LACK of another engine or damage from it, suggesting that a twin engined 757 did NOT hit.
You can find a professional analysis of the engine found at the Pentagon here:
Joe said:
The claim by certain 9/11 researchers, Mike Ruppert for one, that the "no Boeing at the Pentagon" theory is damaging to, and divides, the 9/11 truth movement does not stand up to scrutiny. Knowing what we know about CoIntelPro, it is very likely that this claim is actually part of an operation by government agents, or those in some way in their employ, to do exactly what they claim the "no boeing at the pentagon" theory is doing - divide the 9/11 truth movement.
So you are saying that Mike Ruppert is possibly part of this "CoIntelPro"? A man almost assasinated by the FBI is all the sudden compromised by the government that tried killing him? Ruppert is not the only one claiming that the "no being at the pentagon" theory is dividing the 9/11 truth movement. I took the time to read the entire analyis that ToeKnee pointed to earlier, in which the authors of the website do an indepth analysis of why Rupert and others have made this claim. Here it is again:
The idea that no 757 crashed at the Pentagon is easily the most controversial and divisive issue among researchers of the 9/11/01 attacks. Effectively promoted since early 2002, this idea has enjoyed an increasing acceptance in the 9/11 Truth Movement, despite its blatant incompatibility with the extensive body of eyewitness evidence that a 757-like twin-engine jetliner flew into the Pentagon and exploded.
Here is a huge collection of eyewitness testimony, all organized and cited for easibility.
Joe said:
As far as we are concerned, anyone who tries to steer 9/11 researchers away from exposure of the Pentagon attack, has either succumbed to the manipulations of Cointelpro, or are part of the Cointelpro operation themselves.
That is quite an assumption to make. It now makes sense why ToeKnee was shut out and shut-down.
Joe said:
Suffice to say that it is the Pentagon attack and the lack of a Boeing 757 at that site, that holds the threat of exposing the Israeli contingent. This is why most of the efforts of the Cointelpro operation is dedicated to preventing investigation of events at the Pentagon. Because it would expose them.
Why is that? How would the Israeli contingent be exposed at the Pentagon...but not at the WTC, or by any indepedent investigation into 9/11 in general? All three events on 9/11 are interconnected, so if 9/11 was exposed somehow, wouldn't you agree that the Israeli contingent would eventually be exposed? So the question is, why do you say that Pentagon attack holds the only real threat of exposing the Israeli contingent?
Henry said:
As I pointed out, the Pentagon Strike has been the only thing produced in the five years that has forced the guilty into responding.
How do you know that the Pentagon Strike video is the only thing produced in the last five years that have forced the guilty into responding? How do you know that it isn't the thousands of professors, students, engineers, physicists, etc., and their websites and lectures that have forced the guilty into responding? I'm very curious.