Photos and videos of our amazing 2D residents


Moncef ARFA

Insolite Tisserands - oiseaux des savanes d'Afrique australe, construire des nids plus grands que n'importe quel oiseau, pesant souvent des tonnes et durent des décennies, et abritant des colonies pouvant atteindre plusieurs centaines d'oiseaux.

Unusual Weavers - birds of the southern African savannahs, build nests larger than any bird, often weighing tons and lasting for decades, and housing colonies of up to several hundred birds.
Let's post this short one here, a clip that could be used in the context of vaccination, regarding accepting a 3rd dose.
Here it's about a dog who understood at the 3rd attempt, and who well show it, it's funny :lol:

I believe this has been posted here before, maybe 9-10 months ago. It is one of the most hilarious clips I have ever seen 💕 and I remember it so well; even tried it out on our dog Tekki (only that she didn't made the same facial expression afterwards).

Priceless !
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