Photos and videos of our amazing 2D residents

Misty La deux pattes

Les oiseaux obtiennent de la fibre isolante pour les nouveaux nids au printemps, et les cerfs reçoivent un toilettage qui les aide à se débarrasser de leur fourrure d'hiver - tout le monde y gagne.

The birds get insulation for new nests in the spring, and the deer get grooming to help them shed their winter fur - everyone wins.

Las aves obtienen fibra aislante para nuevos nidos en primavera y los ciervos obtienen cuidados que los ayudan a deshacerse de su pelaje de invierno, todos ganan.

« Un jour l'absurdité de la croyance humaine presque universelle dans l'esclavage des autres animaux deviendra évidente. Nous aurons alors découvert nos âmes et deviendrons dignes de partager cette planète avec eux. " Martin Luther King

"One day the absurdity of the almost universal human belief in the slavery of other animals will become obvious.
Then we will have discovered our souls and become worthy of sharing this planet with them."
Martin Luther King
Ce matin encore, il y avait les 5 bébés mais ce soir ils ne sont plus que 4, aucune trace du plus petit, était il souffrant ?...
Hier, j'avais remarqué qu'un des parents lui donnait des coups de bec, cela m'avait inquiété mais qu'y faire...
Désolée pour la mauvaise nouvelle qui m'attriste...

This morning again, there were the 5 babies but this evening there are only 4, no trace of the smallest one, was he unwell?
Yesterday, I had noticed that one of the parents gave him pecks, that had worried me but what to do...
Sorry for the bad news which saddens me...

Il ne reste plus que 3 petits sur 5, j'avais remarqué hier soir qu'il n'était pas en forme... Ce matin, il n'est plus...
Désolée pour la triste nouvelle...

It remains only 3 small ones out of 5, I had noticed yesterday evening that it was not in form... This morning, he is no more...
Sorry for the sad news...
They are everywhere ... they are everywhere! 😱 😍

When in 1934 a German fur farmer released three raccoons into the surroundings they were pretty unknown and exotic there. Other incidents followed and when in 1945 a bomb hit near a raccoon compound east of Berlin hundreds of these rascals got on their way to become a very successful invasive species.

In Germany there are no natural predators waiting for them except for some stray dogs and forest hunters and even newly introduced wolf packs in the large forest areas south of Berlin will not do them much harm because the raccoons are well under way relocating into towns and cities.


House owners beware! They are getting into your chimneys, they are rearranging the tiles on your roof, they are opening windows, they are roughing up your cat...


Be sure to lock up your garbage cans.



Like any other city dweller they are attracted to restaurants especially their leftovers.


There are an estimated 400 raccoon families living in Berlin.


Here is one of the critters right across the Bundestag German parliament.

It may be demonstrating for its rights...
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