I've been meaning to tell you for a while that I really like your avatar changes. They're always fun. The animals that support and love us are so precious in the darkness.
Baby pinguins doing their first belly flopping. Apparently it's only very recently that they were caught on camera.
Emperor Penguin chicks leap off a 50-foot ice cliff to take their first swim!
When the chicks are around five months old, they leave the colony and travel to the sea, normally entering the water from a height of about one to two feet off the sea ice.
Went out bird watching with a friend yesterday. As usual I attempt to find an interesting species and he then tries to secure a photo of it.
We located a marsh tit (Poecile palustris) carrying a food item (green caterpillar) near a nest site (typically a small hole in a tree) and managed to obtain this image -
Marsh tits inhabit deciduous woodland in Europe and parts of east Asia.
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